Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Dimension, fractal
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Fisher Y. — Fractal Image Compression. Theory and Application | 26, 50, 91, 106, 107, 111, 115, 293 | Enns R.H., Mc Guire G.C. — Nonlinear physics with mathematica for scientists and engineers | 83, 326, 328, 377 | Goldstein H., Poole C., Safko J. — Classical mechanics | 516, 517 | Efetov K. — Supersymmetry in disorder and chaos | 363—364, 392—393 | Afraimovich V., Ugalde E. — Fractal Dimensions for Poincare Recurrences | 16, 44, 54, 191 | Smith P. — Explaining chaos | 29—31, 118, 175 | Holden A.V. — Chaos | 19, 78, 107, 129, 159, 170, 174, 175, 180, 281, 287, 289, 293 | Kenzel W., Reents G., Clajus M. — Physics by Computer | 102, 123, 164, 171, 174, 175, 182, 189 | Shirer H.N. — Nonlinear Hydrodynamic Modeling: A Mathematical Introduction | 413, 414, 420, 422, 436 | Petrou M., Sevilla P.G. — Image Processing: Dealing with Texture | 104, 105, 108, 128, 129, 131 | Chepyzhov V.V., Vishik M.I. — Attractors for equations of mathematical physics | 52, 173 | Hughes B.D. — Random walks and random enviroments (Vol. 1. Random walks) | 13, 210, 336 | Mullin T. — The nature of chaos | 21 | Cvitanovic P., Artuso R., Dahlqvist P. — Classical and quantum chaos | 339 | Greiner W. — Classical mechanics. Systems of particles and hamiltonian dynamics | 469 | Hassani S. — Mathematical Methods: for Students of Physics and Related Fields | 775—778 | Crisanti A., Paladin G., Vulpiani A. — Products of random matrices in statistical physics | 132, 148 | Badii R., Politi A. — Complexity: Hierarchical structures and scaling in physics | 115 | Jorgensen P.E.T. — Analysis and Probability: Wavelets, Signals, Fractals | 14, 195, 251 |