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Petrou M., Sevilla P.G. — Image Processing: Dealing with Texture |
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A Trous algorithm 516
Admissibility condition 444
Aggregate parameters 31 38—44 49—51
Albedo 3 4
Aliasing 595 597
Ambiguity function 590 591
Area fraction 31
Associative process 64 68
Associativity 68
Autobinomial Markov random field 168 217
Autocorrelation function 161
Autocorrelation function as texture descriptor 246 250
Autocorrelation function, parametric features from 253
Autocovariance function 246 250
Autonormal Markov random field 180 219
Basis images, Laws 564—567
Basis images, Walsh 550 551 553—556 556—558 559—562
Basis, complete 465—472 542
Basis, incomplete 465 483
Basis, orthonormal 465—472 483
Battacharyya distance 535 536
Bayes theorem 212
Bayesian estimation 185
Bessel function 592
Bessel function, approximation of 592
binary number 83 575
Binomial distribution 168 182
Binomial distribution, Gaussian approximation of 174
Bit-slicing 81 83
Blanket method 100 102
Boolean model 12 40
Boolean model, 1D 44 52
Boolean model, 2D 22 23 29—31 37 38 40 41 43 44
Border pixel 31
Boundary pixel 32 34 40
Boundary, inner 32 69
Boundary, outer 69
Boustrophedon scanning 48 51 53
Box-counting method 100 102 108 109 118 119 131
Brownian motion 117 119 121 123—126
Centre of gravity 302 342 447 448
Circle, area of 33
Circle, continuous 32 33
Circle, digital 30 32—34 40—42 277-280
Circle, perimeter of 33
CLIQUE 196 197
Clique potential 198 211 218 219
Closing 54 56 57 58 60
Cluster 525
Co-occurrence matrix 275 277 281
Co-occurrence matrix of higher order 294
Co-occurrence matrix, features from 282
Coding 174 175
Coiflet wavelet 501
Commission error 536 538
Commutative operation 60 68
Commutativity 68
Complement of a binary image 68
Complement of a grey image 92 96 97
Complement of an object 68
Concentration factor 382 385 401
Confusion matrix 536 537
Connectivity 31—33 40—42 70
Consensus set 152
Continuous circle 32 33
Continuous wavelet transform 441 455 474
Continuous wavelet transform, inverse 442 456 472
contrast 282 581
Convex grain 32 35 39
Convolution 391—392
Cooling parameter 220
Cooling schedule 220
Correlation 282
Critical sampling 595
Critical temperature 196 238—245
Cross-dispersion 327 342
Daubechies wavelet 501
Delta function 305 593
Delta function, Fourier transform of 305
Delta functions, Fourier transform of train of 594
Delta functions, train of 593
Deterministic annealing 527 528
DFT 133
Difference of Gaussians filter 477
Digital circle 30 33 34 40—42 277—280
Digital square 42
Dilation, binary 5 55 58 61—66 68 90
Dilation, grey 91—95
Dimension, fractal 104 105 108 128 129 131
Dimension, Hurst 117 125 128 129
Dimension, topological 118 128
Discrete Fourier Transform 133
Discrete Fourier transform of a Gaussian 135—137
Discrete wavelet transform 474
Discrete wavelet transform, fast 489
Discrete wavelet transform, fast, inverse 494—499
dispersion 343
Distance histogram 523
distribution 24
DoG filter 477
Doppler shift 591
Dual operation 63 69
Duality 69
Dyadic wavelet 460 483 484
Eigenfunction 426
Eigenvalue problem 386 406 425
Eigenvector 386 426
Energy 282 302 342 362 368 371 375 446 452
Energy, local 346 347 363—367
entropy 282 529
Ergodicity 211
Erosion, binary 54 56 59 62 64 65 68 90
Erosion, grey 91—95
Error function 25
Error function, approximation of 26
Error, commission and omission 536 538
Error, over- and under-detection 536 538
Euler’s method of Lagrange multipliers 383
Event 38
Fast inverse wavelet transform 494—499
Fast Wavelet Transform 489
Feature map 359 432
Feature reduction 521 539 546
Feature selection 521
Feature space 523
Feature, good or bad 524
Filter, DoG (difference of Gaussians) 477
Filter, normalisation of 410 414 415 418 501
Filter, separable 423 427 428
Fourier transform 132
Fourier transform of a Gaussian 135
Fourier transform, magnitude of 262 268
Fourier transform, phase of 262 268—271 573 583 590
Fourier transform, scaling property of 436
Fourier transform, shifting property of 436
Fourier transform, texture features from 260
Fractal 104 105
Fractal dimension 104 105 116 165
Fractal dimension as texture descriptor 164
Fractal dimension from pairs of pixels 128—130
Fractal dimension from the autocorrelation, function 161—164
Fractal dimension from the box-counting, method 108 109 131
Fractal dimension from the power spectrum 127 128 146—151
Fractal surface 106 110—116
Fractal, autocorrelation of 152—154
Fractal, Fourier transform of 127
Fractal, non-deterministic 117
Fractal, power spectrum of 127
Fractal, self-affine 105 124
Fractal, self-similar 105
| Fractional Brownian motion 117 119 121 123—126
Gabor function 325 329 336 341 345 454 518—520
Gabor function, choice of bands for feature, construction 362 375
Gabor function, choice of parameters for 357—360
Gaussian distribution 24 28
Gaussian Markov random field 180 219
Gaussian probability density function 24 28
Gaussian pyramid 477
Gaussian signal 303 455 585 587
Gaussian window 139—142 311—314 325 337 339 357
Geophysical data 129
Germ 23
Germ process 31
Gibbs distribution 196 198
Gibbs sampler 227
grain 23 37 40 41
Grain segment 45
Grain, convex 32 35 39
Grain, primary 45
Granulometry for a binary image 66 67
Granulometry for a grey image 99
Greedy algorithm for texture creation 226
Greedy algorithm for texture creation with histogram preservation 220
Haar function 461
Haar wavelet 461 464 482 501
Hammersley — Clifford theorem 211 215
Hilbert curve 45 46
Hilbert scanning 45 48 49
histogram 84 85 522
Histogram of distances 523
Hit-or-miss algorithm 33 34 73—79
Hit-or-miss transform 33 34 73—79
Homogeneity 282
Hurst dimension 117 125 128 129
Ideal feature 319 320
Image basis 550 551 553—561 564—567
Image binarisation by bit-slicing 81 83 85 87 88
Image binarisation by thresholding 81 83 84 87
Image histogram 84 85 234 275
Individual parameters 31 37 38—44 49—51
Inner boundary 69
Interior boundary 32 69
Inverse wavelet transform, continuous 442 456 472
Inverse wavelet transform, discrete 494—499
Inverse Wigner distribution 584 586 588
Isoperimetric problem 383
K-means clustering algorithm 527
Kaiser window 591 592 600
Kullback — Leibler divergence 577
Lacunarity 164 165—167
Lagrange multipliers 383
Language 80
Laplacian pyramid 477
Laws’ masks or filters 539—541 564—567
LBP 573 574 579
Least square error estimation 182
Least square error fitting 162 257—259
Leibniz’s Rule 298
Likelihood 184
Linear process 477
Local binary pattern 573 574 579
Log-likelihood 184
Look-up table 24 27
Lower positive tangent 33
LSE 182
Macro-texture 283 575
Magnetic resonance image 4
Manual segmentation 536
Marker 13 15
Marking probability, ^ 5 49
Markov neighbourhood 169 170 173 180 196 197
Markov parameter estimation with LSE 182 189—193
Markov parameter estimation with MLE 182 185—188
Markov parameters 169 171 211 216
Markov random field 165 168 185 201—204
Markov random field, auto-binomial 168 217
Markov random field, auto-normal 180 219
Markov random field, Gaussian 180 219
Markov random field, self-consistent 196
Markov texture features 185
Markovian property 168
Mathematical morphology 12 53 54 68
Mathematical morphology, binary 54
Mathematical morphology, grey scale 90
Maximum entropy clustering 529
Maximum likelihood 182
Maximum Likelihood Estimation 182 185—187
Maximum overlap algorithm 507—511 516 517
Mean free energy 237
Metric 576
Metropolis sampler 227
Mexican hat 450 77
Micro-texture 283
Minkowski subtraction 68
MLE 182
Modulation 518
Mother wavelet 439 442 452
MRF 168
Multiresolution analysis 485 539
Multiresolution analysis, matrices for 514—516
Multiresolution representation 476
Noise suppression 498 499
Normalised filter 410 414 415 418
Normalised histogram 275
Nyquist frequency 592 594 595
Nyquist interval 595
Object, binary, complement of 68
Object, binary, definition of 68
Object, binary, dilation of 68
Object, binary, erosion of 68
Object, binary, reflection of 68
Object, binary, translation of 68
Object, inner boundary of 69
Object, outer boundary of 69
Object, skeleton of 71
Octave 356
Omission error 536 538
one-to-one relationship 23 80
Opening 54 56 57 59 67
Operation, associative 68
Operation, commutative 60 68
Operation, dual 63 69
Optical image 3
Orthogonal functions 335 411
Orthogonal matrix 492
Orthonormal basis 465—472 483
Outer boundary 69
Over-detection error 536 538
Packet wavelet analysis 487 491 504
Parseval’s theorem 301 302 346 384 444
Partition function 198
Pattern recognition 521
Pattern spectrum of a binary image 66 67
Pattern spectrum of a grey image 99 102—104
PCA 521 546 600
Phase spectrum 265
Phase unwrapping 270—274
Placement rules 13 14 15 17 19
Point process 23 29 30 40 45
Poisson probability density function 28 38
Poisson process 28—31 37 38 40 44
Polar coordinates 353—355
Pore segment 45
Power spectrum 132 138—141 146 154—156 262—264
Power spectrum, artifacts of 132 144—146
Power spectrum, fractal approximation of 157—160
Power spectrum, visualisation of 132
Primary grain 45
Primitive pattern 13 53
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