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Поиск книг, содержащих: Anisotropic media
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Collin R.E. — Foundations for Microwave Engineerings | 26—28 | Hamilton W.R. — The collected mathematical papers. Volume 1: geometrical optics | See Media | Zienkiewicz O.C., Taylor L.R. — The finite element method (vol. 1, The basis) | 144 | Crank J. — The Mathematics of Diffusion | 5—8 | Sokolnikoff I.S. — Mathematical Theory of Elasticity | 61, 212, 217, 274, 276 | Verdeyen J.T. — Laser electronics | 16—19 | Stratton J.A. — Electromagnetic Theory | 11, 73, 341 | Vanderlugt A. — Optical signal processing | 14 | Sokolnikoff I.S. — Tensor Analysis: Theory and Applications to Geometry and Mechanics of Continua | 315, 318 | Sokolnikoff I.S. — Mathematical Theory of Elasticity | 61, 212, 217, 274, 276 | Stratton J.A. — Electromagnetic Theory | 11, 73, 341 | Carman P.C. — Flow of gases through porous media | 5, 54 | Achmanov S.A., Nikitin S.Yu. — Physical Optics | 353, 403 | Wolfgang K. H. Panofsky, Phillips Panofsky, Melba Panofsky — Classical Electricity and Magnetism | 30, 99 | Akhmanov S.A., Nikitin S.Yu. — Physical Optics | 353, 403 |