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Carman P.C. — Flow of gases through porous media
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Название: Flow of gases through porous media
Автор: Carman P.C.
Аннотация: The question of the permeability of porous media to gases, as also to liquids, has always attracted a considerable amount of attention. Interest in such studies has been motivated bv their manv fields of application: soil physics, petroleum technology, surface measurement, gas separations, etc. These are referred lo in the text, and Chapters IV and VI, respectively, deal with surface measurement and with separation of gas mixtures in some detail. A full account of work on gas permeabilities would be rather long: but the object of the writer has been rather to present an integrated and, as far as possible, quantitative account of the flow processes involved when gases flow into or through porous media. It has only become possible in relatively recent years to develop such a viewpoint, and the bulk of the references cited lies, in fact, within the last fifteen years.
Рубрика: Физика /
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Год издания: 1956
Количество страниц: 187
Добавлена в каталог: 12.04.2013
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Absorption 104
Activated surface diffusion 116 119 121
Adams, J. T. 101 103
Addison, W. E. 138
Adhikari, G. 105 136
Adsorbed molecules, state of 123
Adsorption 104
Adsorption chromatography 145
Adsorption coefficient 108
Adsorption isotherm 108 148
Adsorption separations 141 143
Adzumi, H. 62 68 69 79 80
Agarwal, O. P. 169
Aggregation 37
Air permeability 86
Aird, J. 80
Alundum 7
Anderson, S. L. 29 33 101 103
Anisotropic media 5 54
Annuli 12 66
Archie, G. E. 49 60
Armstrong, W. P. 60
Arnell, J. C. 70 73 75 80 86 93 96 97 98 102
Aronofsky, J. S. 31 76 80
Array of spheres or cylinders 26
Arthur, J. R. 21 32 37 59
Atterberg, A. 59
Axelson, J. 103
Babbitt, J. D. 122 129 137
Baerg, A. 169
Bakhmeteff, B. A. 32 168
Ballou, E. V. 124 137
Barker, R. H. 151 153
Barnes, J. C. 103
Barrer, R. M. 70 74 77 80 102 116 117 120 127 131 132 133 134 136 137 138 150 152 153
Barrett, E. P. 60
Barrie, J. A. 77 80 116 117 120 127 136 137
Bartell, F. E. 45 60
Basford, P. R. 137
Bauer, W. C. 32 169
Baum, L. A. 32
Beckey, H. D. 140 153
Beckwith, J. B. 102
Beebe, R. A. 102 124 137
Belchetz, L. 152 153
Benedict, M. 153
BET method 82 96 100
Bienes, H. 124 137
Blaine, R. L. 90 93 99 102
Blair, P. M. 61
Blake, F. E. 9 10 32 156 168
Blankenstein, E. 80
Bloecher, W. 102
Boas, A. 153
Bosanquet, C. H. 80
Bosworth, R. C. 134 138
Botset, H. G. 14 32 55 57 61
Bowman, J. R. 153
Bradford, B. W. 153
Breston, J. N. 6 31
Brinkman, H. C. 23 25 26 28 31 33 167
Brook, D. W. 138
Broughton, G. 168
Brown, C. D. 168
Brown, C. L. 168
Brown, H. M. 103
Brown, J. C. 23 24 33 73 80
Brownell, L. E. 32 159 168
Brownscombe, E. R. 61
Brownyard, T. L. 103
Brubaker, D. W. 138 153
Bruce, G. H. 31
Bruce, W. A. 43 60
Brunauer, S. 82
Burdine, N. T. 44 59 60 61
Burke, S. P. 32 168
Burmester, A. 9 32
Busang, P. F. 8 31 59
Cabrera, N. 136
Calhoun, J. C. 80
Calkins, E. W. S. 103
Campbell, J. R. 169
Campbell, W. B. 14 15 18 24 32 102
Capillary condensation 44 114 125
Capillary pressure 39 125
Capillary pressure measurement 42
Capillary rise 40
Carlsmith, L. E. 168
Carman, P. C. 11 31 32 38 39 59 60 64 70 73 76 80 87 94 96 98 101 102 104 107 112 113 115 117 121 136 137 168
Carson, F. 160 168
Cassie, A. B. D. 30 33 100 103
Cathala, J. 168
Caudle, B. H. 61
Cement 99
Chalkley, D. E. 146 153
Chalkley, H. W. 51 60
Chang, T. L. 106 136
Channel flow 25 27 167
Chapman, S. 63 80
Charcoal 7
Chemisorption 104 133
Childs, E. C. 51 57 60
Cichelli, M. T. 153
Cines, M. 78 80
Claessen, S. 148 149 153
Clancy, V. J. 105 136
Clapeyrondausius equation 114
Clark, H. 124 137
Clausing, P. 66 80 105 136
Coke 7
Collins, R. E. 76 80
Collis — George, N. 51 57 60
Consolidated media 7 34 49 50 76 83
Cornell, D. 31 47 49
Cornfield, J. 60
Corrin, M. L. 124 137
Coulson, J. M. 14 16 18 32
Cowling, T. G. 80
Craven, C. J. 92 102
Crawford, P. B. 76 80
Cremer, E. 146 153
Criddle, D. 123 137
Critical fluidizing velocity 163 166
Cropper, F. R. 153
Crowell, A. D. 124 137
Cunningham, G. E. 168
cylinders 26
Dacey, J. R. 133 136 138
Dakshinamurti, C. 46 60
Damkohler, G. 105 112 136
Darapsky 9 31
Darcy unit 1
Darcy, H. P. G. 1 31
Darcy’s law 1 4
Davies, C. N. 22 23 33
Davies, S. J. 32
Davis, J. W. 32 59 87 102
Day, J. R. 80
De Boer, J. H. 124 137
Degree of saturation 41 128
Denbigh, K. G. 142 153
Density, apparent 20 21
Derjaguin, B. 71 72 75 80
Diffusion coefficient, formal 5
Diffusion in solids 129 142
Diffusional flow 78 106 110
Diffusional separation 143
Displacement development 148
Dodd, C. G. 32 59 87 91 95 102
Dombrowski, H. S. 32 159 168
Donat, J. 14 32
Dow, W. M. 169
Drake, R. L. 44 60
Drechsler, M. 138
Dubrow, B. 86 102
Duffield 22 23
Dupuit, A. J. 8 10 12 13 31
Duwez, P. 155 168
Dykstra, H. 59 61
Ebel, R. A. 60
Elting, J. P. 103
Elution development 147
Emersleben, O. 6 26 28 31
Emmett, P. H. 78 80 82
Epstein, N. 26 31 33
Equation of continuity 4
Ergun, S. 21 32 37 59 155 157 168
Everett, D. H. 137
Fatt, I. 59 61
Feodoroff, N. V. 32 168
Ferguson, J. B. 138
Ferrandon, J. 5 31
Fibres 14 18 19 22 29 39 71 91 100
Fick’s law 5 108
Fineman, M. 59
Fisher, H. M. 168
Flat-sided shapes 16
Flood, E. A. 105 129 136 138
Fluidized beds 7 24 154 161
Foote, P. D. 8 31 59
Ford, N. 32 168
Fourie, J. T. 115 116 118 137
Fowler, J. L. 14 19 20 21 22 32 45 60
Fraser, L. C. 9 32
Free particle flow 25 167
Frenkel, J. 120 137
Friction factors 156 158 159
Fridlyand, R. 80
Frontal development 145
Gage, F. W. 93 102
Garside, J. E. 169
Gas chromatography 144
Gas fluidization 162
Gates, J. I. 57 61
Geffen, T. M. 61
Gilliland, E. R. 32 169
Girifalco, L. A. 72 75 80
Gishler, P. E. 169
Glueckauf, E. 151 153
Godel, A. 169
Goglia, M. J. 160 168
Gohr, E. J. 168
Gooden, E. L. 90 102
Gournay, L. S. 60
Graham, J. S. 103
Granular sorbents 143
Graton, L. C. 9 31
Green, L. 156 168
Gregg, S. J. 137
Gregory, A. R. 16 17 32 47 49 60
Griffiths, J. 153
Grimes, M. A. 103
Groth, W. E. 140 153
Groves, D. M. 70 74 80
Grummer, M. 32 168 169
Hackett, F. E. 59
HafFord, J. A. 61
Halenda, P. P. 60
Han, S. T. 168
Happel, J. 26 31 33
Hargreaves, F. 103
Harkins, W. D. 124 137
Harvey, D. 146 153
Hassler, G. L. 61
Haul, R. A. W. 107 111 116 117 131 136 137 141 142 153
Heatherington, C. P. 31
Henneberry, G. O. 97 102
Henry’s law 112 116 132 136
Herdan, G. 102
Hertel, K. L. 14 15 19 20 21 22 32 33 45 60 61 91 93 100 101 102 103
Hertz, G. 139 152
Hesse, G. 144 153
Hey wood, A. 153
Hiby, J. W. 64 67 68 71 80
Hill, T. L. 124 136
Hindered settling 161
Hirst, A. A. 168
Hodgins, J. W. 136
Holmes, W. R. 80
Honig, J. H. 102
Hoogschagen, J. 60
Hooper, M. S. 32
Howard — Smith, G. 153
Hughes, R. V 6 31
Huntingdon, R. L. 31
Hydraulic radius 9 11 34 65 156
Ibbitson, D. 138
Inertial resistance 154 160
Ingmanson, W. L. 168
Isothermal flow 2 4
Isotope separation 141 151
Jakob, M. 169
James, A. T. 146 147 153
James, D. H. 147 148 149 150 153
Jayles, P. 168
Jenkins, R. 31
Jenks, J. L. 61
Johansen, R. T. 38 59 102
Johnson, F. B. 168
Johnson, J. F. 101 103
Johnson, W. E. 6 31
Jolley, L. J. 169
Jopling, D. W. 98 103
Jost, W. 138
Joyner, L. G. 60
Jura, G. 123 137
Kallenbach, R. 78 80 106 107 110 136
Kamack, H. J. 93 102
Kammermeyer, K. 138 153
Kanagy, R. 135 138
Katz, D. L. 31 47 49
Kaye, W. I. 148 153
Keith, P. C. 153
Kelvin equation 44
Kemball, C. 137
Kennard, E. H. 153
Kerver, J. K. 61
Kiang, C. J. 60
Kieselguhr 18 39
Kite, R. P. 169
Kitt, G. P. 151 153
Klassen, J. 169
Klein, R. 138
Klinkenberg, L. J. 46 49 60 69 80
Knudsen flow 3 62 66 71 74 104 139
Knudsen, M. 3 63 64 80
Kozeny, J. 11 12 13 32 34
Kraus, G. 72 74 75 80 93 102
Kraybill, R. R. 168
Krutter, H. 80
Kruyer, S. 137
Krylova, V. 80
Krypton adsorption 82
Kundt, A. 62 79
Kwauk, M. 169
Kwong, J. W. S. 101 103
La Vier, H. W. S. 168
Laminar flow 1
Lea, F. M. 70 73 80 88 90 99 101 102
Leadbeater, C. J. 103