Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Distribution, Bernoulli
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Shorack G.R. — Probability for statisticians | 179 | Lindsey J.K. — Applying generalized linear models | 5, 211, 222, 227 | von Collani E., Drager K. — Binomial Distribution Handbook for Scientists and Engineers | 19 | Honerkamp J. — Statistical Physics | 10 | Koblitz N. — p-adic numbers, p-adic analysis, and zeta-functions | 34—35 | Shiryaev A.N. — Probability | 155 | Borovkov A.A. — Mathematical statistics | 50 | Kuo W., Zuo M.J. — Optimal Reliability Modeling: Principles and Applications | 21 | Baglivo J.A. — Mathematica Laboratories for Mathematical Statistics: Emphasizing Simulation and Computer Intensive Methods | 18 | Grimmett G., Stirzaker D. — Probability and Random Processes | 29, 60 | Kreyszig E. — Advanced engineering mathematics | 1020 | Efron B., Tibshirani R. — An introduction to bootstrap | 29 | Rao M.M., Swift R.J. — Probability Theory With Applications | 236, 481 | Petrov V.V. — Limit theorems of probability theory | 3, 150 | Gelman A., Carlin J.B., Stern H.S. — Bayesian data analysis | 583 | Grimmett G., Welsh D. — Probability: An Introduction | 24 | Hristev R.M. — The artificial neural network book | 136 | Beckenbach E.F. (ed.) — Applied Combinatorial Mathematics | 87 | Ash R. — Basic probability theory | 256, 264, 266, 269, 272 | Hogg R.V., Craig A.T. — Introduction to Mathematical Statistics | 116 | Koblitz N. — P-adic Numbers, p-adic Analysis, and Zeta-Functions, 2nd ed. (Graduate Texts in Mathematics) | 34—35 | Honerkamp J. — Statistical physics: an advanced approach with applications | 10 |