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Поиск книг, содержащих: Hilbert function
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Graham R.L., Grotschel M., Lovasz L. — Handbook of combinatorics (vol. 1) | 896, 898, 902, 2058, 2065 | Olver P.J. — Equivalence, Invariants and Symmetry | 167 | Harris J., Morrison I — Moduli of curves | 17 | Matsumura H. — Commutative ring theory | 92, 95, 101 | Schenck H. — Computational algebraic geometry | 22 | Miller E., Sturmfels B. — Combinatorial Commutative Algebra | See also Hilbert series | Eisenbud D. — Commutative algebra with a view toward algebraic geometry | 42, 43, 53, 148, 223, 245, 318, 470 | Becker T., Weispfenning V. — Groebner bases and commutative algebra | 442 | Graham R.L., Grotschel M., Lovasz L. — Handbook of combinatorics (vol. 2) | 896, 898, 902, 2058, 2065 | Eisenbud D. — Computations in Algebraic Geometry with Macaulay 2 | 116 | Bryant R.L., Chern S.S., Gardner R.B. — Exterior differential systems | 341 | Vasconcelos W. — Integral Closure | 97 | Atiyah M.F., Macdonald I.G. — Introduction to commutative algebra | 118 | von zur Gathen J., Gerhard J. — Modern computer algebra | 560, 591 | Iarrobino A., Kanev V. — Power Sums, Gorenstein Algebras, and Determinantal Loci | 9 | Göttsche L. — Hilbert Schemes Of Zero-Dimensional Subschemes Of Smooth Varieties | 9 | Cox D.A., Little J., O'Shea D. — Using Algebraic Geometry | viii, ix, 175, 208, 266ff, 282, 285-288, 375, 381, 382, 404, 455, 457, 467 | Villareal R.H. — Monomial algebras | 14, 97 | Villarreal R.H. — Monomial Algebras | 14, 97 | Hartshorne R. — Algebraic Geometry | 51 | Cox D., Little J., O'Shea D. — Ideals, varieties, and algorithms | 452, 452, 459 | Abhyankar S.S. — Lectures on Algebra Volume 1 | 393—399, 625 | Springer T. — Invariant theory (Lecture notes in mathematics ; 585) | 38 | Burgisser P., Clausen M., Shokrollahi M.A. — Algebraic complexity theory | 178 | Neusel M.D. — Invariant Theory of Finite Groups | 14 | Geddes K.O., Czapor S.R., Labahn G. — Algorithms for computer algebra | 462 |