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Burgisser P., Clausen M., Shokrollahi M.A. — Algebraic complexity theory |
Предметный указатель |
-chain 23
-Complete 546
-Complete 574
-hard 575
-Complete 547
-Complete 571
-Complete 569
see "Exponent of matrix multiplication"
-closed algebra 164
-theorem 420
1-slice tensor 355 535
2-slice tensor 505—511 516—518 523 528 535
3-Cpr problem sequence 448
3-slice tensor 512—516 518 533
4-slice tensor 535
Adapted basis 337
Addition chain 3
Additive complexity 108 131 135 235 241 296
Additive complexity and connected components 299
Additive complexity and scalar extension 299
Additive complexity, lower bound for 296
Additivity conjecture 360 374 414 480
Affine variety see "Variety"
Algebra 356
Algebra basic 487
Algebra local 472
Algebra of high rank 483
Algebra of minimal rank 474
Algebraic closure in a field extension 175
Algebraic curves with many rational points 498
Algebraic curves, interpolation on 497
Algebraic function field of one variable (AF1) 199 497
Algebraic, decision tree 279
Alphabet 543
Approximating roots 286
Approximative algorithms 420
Approximative complexity 421
Arithmetic circuit 103
Arithmetic expression 549
Arithmetic network 124
Arrangement 79 99
Associated elements 61
Associative algebra, lower bound for 463—469
Asymptotic degeneration 422
Asymptotic rank 389 406 418 422
Asymptotic spectrum 420 422
Asymptotic sum inequality 380 389 416 418 420 421
Asymptotic sum inequality, generalization of 407 409 419
Autarky 112 124
Autarky, inverse result 164
Automorphism group of a field extension 216
Baire’s theorem 293
Berlekamp algorithm 62
Berlekamp — Massey algorithm 92 99
Betti numbers, lower bound by 283 284
Bezout’s inequality 181 266
Bezout’s inequality general 201
Bezout’s Theorem 179
Bilinear algorithm see "Bilinear computation"
Bilinear complexity 13 354
Bilinear computation 354
Bilinear form 354
Bilinear map 354 381
Bilinear map, bilinear complexity of 354
Bilinear map, bilinear computation for a 354
Bilinear map, concise 363
Bilinear map, concise version of 363
Bilinear map, format of a 354
Bilinear map, left-kernel of 363
Bilinear map, quotient of 464
Bilinear map, rank of see "Bilinear complexity"
Bilinear map, restriction of 361
Bilinear map, right-kernel of 363
Bilinear map, trilinear form associated to 366
Bilinear maps, direct sum of 359
Bilinear maps, equivalence of 368
Bilinear maps, isomorphic 355
Bilinear maps, tensor product of 359
Binary method 3
Boolean function 544
Boolean matrix 445
Boolean quadratic form 374
Border rank 14 379 384 388 415 416 421 522 see
Border rank of 3-slice tensors 512—516
Border rank of a Lie algebra 518
Border rank of matrix multiplication 380 385 414 416 419 514
Border rank, lower bound for 386 416 512—516
Border rank, maximal 522
Branching complexity 17—18
Branching complexity multiplicative 118 272
BSS-model 124
Cantor — Zassenhaus algorithm 62
cell 79
Center of a group algebra 337 347
Central primitive idempotent 337
Character irreducible 336
Character of a representation 336
Characteristic polynomial 435
Characteristic polynomial, -computation of 569
CharPol problem sequence 435
Chebyshev polynomials 288 300
Chebyshev's -function 243
Chebyshev’s inequality 88
Chief series 339
Chinese remainder map, domain of 204
Chinese remainder map, lower bound for 189
Chinese remainder theorem 61 75 98
Circulant matrix 311
Clifford’s theorem 339
Code linear 489—491
Code, beyond the Gilbert — Varshamov bound 501
Code, geometric Goppa 498
Code, Gilbert — Varshamov bound 500
Code, Griesmer bound 490
Code, minimum distance of 490
Code, MRRW bound (bound of four) 491 502
Code, parity check matrix of 499
Code, Plotkin bound 491 499
Code, Singleton bound 499
Code, sphere packing bound 490
Coding of polynomials 140
Coding of rational functions 140
Coefficient field 130 135
Coincidence 65 66
Collection 117 124
Column-rank 158
Commutative algebras of minimal rank 476
Commutative algebras, structure theorem for 476
Commutative algorithm 373
Complex division 15
Complexity class 208 211 212 242
Complexity class, closed 211 217
Complexity linear 307
Complexity linear, c-restricted 312
Complexity of a problem 426
Complexity of collection 117
Complexity with preconditioning 126 131
Complexity, multiplicative 108 110
Complexity, nonscalar 108 110
Complexity, topological 286
Complexity, total 108
Component of a tensor 392
Composition of polynomials 155
Composition of power series 47 51
Computation map of a tree 117
Computation sequence 109
Computation sequence, c-restricted 312
Computation sequence, linear 307
Computation tree 115 124
Concise, bilinear map 363
| Concise, Lie algebra 372
Concise, module 372
Concise, quadratic map 457
Concise, tensor 363
Configuration 525 531
Configuration of full dimension in format 535
Configuration, fills a format 526
Connected components 265
Connected components and additive complexity 299
Connected components, upper bound on number of 265—272 278
Constructible subset 123
Content of a polynomial 171
Continued fraction 17 63 141
Continued fraction, conversion of 91 260
Controlled Euclidean descent 68
Convex hull 275
Convex hull, algorithm for 279
Convolution 327
Cook’s hypothesis 549
Cook’s hypothesis, analogue over 264
Coordinate tensor 365
Coordinate tensor, rank of 365
Coordinate tensor, slices of 365
Cost function 108
Counting problem 574
Counting Turing machine 574
Curve selection 537
Cut in a digraph 322
Cutting hyperplane 80
Cyclic convolution 33
Decision complexity 279
Decision complexity, linear 283
Decision problem 117 543
Decision tree 121
Decision tree, algebraic 279
Decision tree, linear 94
Dedekind domain 223
Degeneration 379 384—389 392 415
Degeneration, combinatorial 392 394 397 398
Degeneration, topological 536
Degree bound 7 185
Degree bound for computation trees 246 247
Degree bound relative 185
Degree of a homogeneous ideal 179
Degree of a locally closed set 179
Degree of a representation 328
Degree of a set of rational functions 172
Degree of linearization 148
Degree of transcendency see "Transcendence degree bound"
Degree pattern 63
Del problem sequence 430
Depth of a K-DAG 318
Depth of a polynomial 562
Depth of a straight-line program 562
Depth vs. complexity 565
Depth vs. formula size 563
Derivative inequality 165 299
Descartes’ rule 287
Determinant family 20 546
DFT (matrix) 8 32 307
DFT (matrix) for a finite group 327
Diagonal 392 394 397 398
Dimension bound 110 124
Dimension of a representation 328
Dimension of a variety 178
Dimension of configuration in format 526 531
Direct block sum 507 518
Direct sum conjecture see "Additivity conjecture"
Discrete Fourier Transform see "DFT"
Discriminant 63 203 205
Distinct-degree factorization 62 91
Division algebra 456 458 470—473
Division algebra central 472
Division algebra of minimal rank 472
Division of polynomials with remainder 47
Division of power series 46
Domain 86
Domain of definition of a problem 425
Dyad 357
Ech problem sequence 432
Echelon form 431
Element distinctness 274
Elementary symmetric polynomials 39 173 187 190 285
entropy 38 54 188 401
Epsilon-approximation 97
Epsilon-net 87 96
Equidimensional variety 178
Equidimensional variety, degree of 201
Equivalence of bilinear maps 368
Equivalent representations 329
Equivoluminous subsets property 418
Euclidean algorithm 17 61 248
Euclidean algorithm, analysis of 63
Euclidean algorithm, optimality of 252
Euclidean algorithm, typical degree pattern 139
Euclidean remainder scheme 62
Euclidean representation 63 248 249
Euclidean representation over 261 263
Euclidean representation over finite fields 261
Euclidean representation, lower bound for 251 259
Euler brackets 151 158 249
Euler characteristic, lower bound by 284
Euler totient function 210
Evaluation of polynomials 133 136 147 157 158
Evaluation of rational functions 133 154
Example by Bini et al. 378 410 482
Example by Schoenhage 380 416
Exponent of a sequence of problems 426
Exponent of matrix multiplication 375 376 420 423
Exponent of matrix multiplication, invariance of 383
Exponent of matrix multiplication, upper bounds for 420
Expression, depth 562
Expression, size 549
Extended direct sum conjecture 373 374
Extended Euclidean representation 71
Extended Valiant hypothesis 20 543 562 569
Extension Lemma 465
Extreme point 275
Face 79 80
Facet 80 280
Factorization of polynomials 99
Factors, hard to compute 219 239
Family of generic determinants 546
Family of generic permanents 548
Family of substitutions 146 158
Family, p-computable 545
Family, p-definable 546
Family, qp-expressible 562
Fast Fourier Transform see "FFT"
FFT 9 32
FFT Bluestein 346
FFT Cooley — Tukey 346
FFT for general groups 335
FFT for supersolvable groups 340
FFT for symmetric groups 344
FFT Rader 346
Finite fields, complexity of functions over 195—198 204
Finite fields, upper bound for the rank of 497
Flow in a digraph 322
Formal derivative 48
Formal power series 44
FORMAT 521 531
Format good 516 524 535 536
Format of a bilinear map 354
Format of a tensor 358
Format perfect 524 528 535
Formula 549
Formula depth see "Expression depth"
Frobenius companion block 506
Frobenius form (of matrices) 435
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