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Vasconcelos W. — Integral Closure |
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condition 25
condition 25
condition 25
-ification 323
-ification of a Rees algebra 116
-ification, ideal 183
-ification, Rees algebra 318
-ification, ring 317
a-invariant 218
Abhyankar — Hartshorne lemma 316
Adjoint ideal 92
Algebra of linear type 413 453
Almost complete intersection 295
Almost complete intersection module 420
Almost complete intersection Rees algebra 461
Analytic deviation of a module 420
Analytic deviation of an ideal 52
Analytic independence 24
Analytic spread 45
Analytic spread of a module 160 229 416
Approximation complexes of an ideal 294
Approximation complexes, acyclicity 295
Arithmetic Cohen — Macaulayfication 210 221
Arithmetic degree 75
Arithmetic degree, hyperplane section 77
Arithmetic degree, rules of computation 76
Arithmetic Noether normalization 365
Associated graded module 132
Associated graded ring, filtration 7
Associated primes of filtrations 379
Asymptotic depth of an ideal 52
Auslander dual 153
Auslander — Buchsbaum equality 279
Bass numbers of a module, big deg 152
Bdeg, the optimal Deg 158
Betti numbers of a module, big deg 152
Betti numbers of symmetric algebras 298
Bidual, construction 482
Bidual, test 481
Big reduction number ofan ideal 75 201
Big reduction number, arithmetic degree 77
Big reduction number, Castelnuovo — Mumford regularity 82
Bigrank of a module 73
Blowing-up morphism 4
Blowup algebras 4
Bourbaki ideal 469
Bourbaki sequence 469
Bow tie of a graph 327
Briancon — Skoda bound 90
Briancon — Skoda number 404
Briancon — Skoda number of a ring 91
Briancon — Skoda number of an ideal 91
Buchsbaum module 143
Buchsbaum — Rim coefficients of a module 423
Buchsbaum — Rim multiplicity 422 423
Buchsbaum — Rim polynomial, algebra 475
Buchsbaum — Rim polynomial, module 474
Burch's formula 52
Canonical module of a Rees algebra 237
Canonical module of an algebra 237
Canonical module of an ideal 237
Canonical module of the expected form 255
Canonical module, -ification 317
Canonical module, construction 318
Cascading reductions 116
Castelnuovo — Mumford regularity 130 218
Cayley — Hamilton polynomials 66
Cayley — Hamilton theorem 66
Cayley — Hamilton theorem, arithmetic degree 78
Cech complex 212
Chebyshev's inequality 389
Classical multiplicity 14 130
Classical multiplicity for modules 131
Co-type of an ideal 23
Coefficient ideal of a reduction 91
Cohen — Macaulay Rees algebra 477
Cohomological degree 140
Commuting variety of an algebra 413
Commuting variety, Lie algebra 453
Complete ideal 39
Complete integral closure 377
Complete intersection module 420 428
Complete intersection Rees algebra 457
Completeness test 44
Completeness test, monomial ideal 393
Computation of multiplicities 396
Condition of Serre 232
Conductor of an algebra 320
Conormal module 30
Conormal module, analytic spread 192
Conormal module, Rees algebra 191
Content of a polynomial 61
Content of an ideal 285
Contracted ideal 35
Core of an ideal 82 91
D-sequence 25
Dedekind — Mertens formula 61
Degree function 14 130
Degree of a prime ideal 313
Degrees and localization 152
Depth of a module 276
Derivations 377
Descending condition for integral subextensions 331
Determinant divisor of a module 439
Determinant of a module 71
Determinant of an endomorphism 70—72
Deviation of a module 420
Deviations of an ideal 52
Dimension of symmetric algebras 27
Divisor class group 246
Divisor class group, associated graded ring 254
Divisor in a ring 241
Divisor of a module 438
Divisor of the expected form 255
Divisorial degree of an ideal 331
Divisorial extension of a ring 330
Double Koszul complex 293
Dual basis and Gorenstein ideal 57
Edge ideal 326
Edge subring 326
Element integral over an ideal 33
Embedding degree of an algebra 349
Embedding dimension of an algebra 348
End divisor 239
Equimultiple ideal 51 64
Equimultiple module 420
Exceptional divisor 237
Expected form of the fundamental divisor 269
Explicit prolongation 253
Extended degree, Buchsbaum — Rim multiplicity 437
Extended degree, Castelnuovo — Mumford regularity 148
Extended degree, classical multiplicity 140
Extended prime 28
Fiber cone 45
Filter-regular sequence 229
Finiteness of the integral closure 314
Finiteness of the integral closure, graded algebra 315
Fitting ideal 25
Forster — Swan number 27
Fundamental divisor of the blowup algebra 238
Fundamental divisor of the expected form 261
Fundamental divisor, Veronese subrings 264
Gap in a divisor 257
Gaps in a graded module 257
Generalized multiplicity 136
Generating sequence of a module 257
Generic complete intersection ideal 485
Generic hyperplane section 144
Geometrically linked ideals 289
| h-polynomial of a graded module 100
Hdeg, the homological degree 141
Height unmixed ideal 485
Hilbert coefficients 98 108
Hilbert coefficients of a graded module 100
Hilbert coefficients of a normal ideal 376
Hilbert filtration 64
Hilbert function 97
Hilbert polynomial of a module 100
Hilbert polynomial of an algebra 98
Hilbert polynomial of an ideal 106
Hilbert syzygy theorem 277
Hilbert — Kunz function for modules 428
Hilbert — Poincare series 97
Hironaka lemma 369
Homogeneous ideal 38
Homological degree 141
Hypersurface ring 312
Ideal module 419
Ideal of leading coefficients 314
Ideal of linear type 23
Ideal with sliding depth 291
Idealizer ring 307
Ideals of reduction number one 55
Index of nilpotency 47 121
Index of normalization 51
Inertial analytic spread of an ideal 53
Integral closure and primary components 449
Integral closure filtration 374
Integral closure of a module 416
Integral closure of a module, absolute closure 418
Integral closure of an ideal 33
Integral closure of an ideal, dimension one 47
Integral closure, completeness test for Integral closure, monomial ideals 393
Integral closure, construction for monomial ideals 393
Integral closure, membership test for monomial ideals 392
Integral closure, of an edge subring 327
Integral closure, Rees algebra approach 335
Integrally closed complete intersection 486
Integrally closed ideal 39
Integrally closed module 418
Intertwining module 83
Intertwining Rees algebra 83
Jacobian dual 22
Jacobian ideal of an algebra 320
Jacobian ideal of an ideal 485
Jacobian ideal, conductor 320
Jacobian normality criteria 323
Kahler differentials 466
Koszul complex 273
Koszul homology 271
Koszul homology, algebra 271
Koszul homology, annihilator 286
Koszul homology, canonical module 275
Koszul homology, codimension two ideal 278
Koszul homology, grade sensitivity 274
Koszul homology, module structure 280
Koszul homology, reduction 300
Koszul homology, rigidity 278
Koszul homology, symbolic powers 305
Koszul homology, top homology of reductions 301
Koszul homology, Tor 280
Koszul homology, vanishing 274
Krull — Serre normality criterion 316
Lech formula 129
Licci ideal 290
Linkage 289
Linked ideals 289
Local analytic spread 226
Local duality 214
M-complex 294
m-full closure 43
m-full ideal 42
m-full ideal, monomial ideal 385
m-full module 450
Macaulay Theorem 397
Matlis duality 214
McRae determinant 72
Membership oracle 393
Minimal polynomial of an endomorphism 70
Minimal reduction 45
Minimal reduction of an algebra 6
Minimal reduction of an ideal 45
Module of linear type 30 413
Module with a linear presentation 23
Module with rank one relations 440
Monomial ideal, integral closure 392
Monomial ideal, normalization of the Rees algebra 403
Monomial subrings, normalization 383
Monte Carlo method 389
Multiplicity and a-invariant 48
Multiplicity and Macaulay's theorem 397
Multiplicity and volume of polyhedra 387
Multiplicity function 136
Multiplicity of a graded algebra 98
Noether normalization 310
Noether normalization module 313
Noether normalization, graded algebra 313
Noether normalization, integral closure of ideals 487
Noether normalization, Jacobian ideal 321
Noether normalization, reductions 46
Norm of an element in an extension 71
Norm of an ideal 487
Normal determinantal ideal 40
Normal ideal 39
Normal module 418
Normal Rees algebra 457
Normality of algebras of linear type 453
Normalization in one step 321
Normalization index, equimultiple ideal 401
Normalization index, monomial ideal 403
Normalization of a blowup 44
Normalization of an edge subring 327
Normalization of an ideal 400
Normalization of an ideal, generation index 401
Normalization of an ideal, normalization index 400
Normalization of modules 473
Normally Cohen — Macaulay ideal 52
Normally torsionfree ideal 40
Normally torsionfree, edge ideal 326
Northcott ideal 61
Notion of genericity 140
Number of generators of an ideal, non-primary Cohen — Macaulay ideals 174
Number of generators of an ideal, primary ideals 169
Number of generators of an ideal, role of the socle 170
Number of generators, Cohen — Macaulay ideals 165
Order determinant of a module 439
Orientable module 439
Postulation number 98
Pro-polynomial function 49
Probabilistic approach to multiplicities 387
Prolongation of divisors 243 253
Proper operation 331
Proper sequence 296
Quasi-Gorenstein algebra 347
Quasi-Gorenstein ideal 283
Quasi-unmixed local ring 44
Rank of a module 67 413 439
Rank of the divisor class group 250
Ratliff — Rush closure of an ideal 113
Reduction module 103
Reduction number 32
Reduction number of a filtration 64 380
Reduction number of a module 229 416
Reduction number of an ideal 54
Reduction number, approximation 47
Reduction number, arithmetic degree 78
Reduction number, determinantal ideal 55
Reduction number, Grobner basis 80
Reduction number, initial ideal 48
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