Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Matrix, exponential
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Henrici P. — Applied and Computational Complex Analysis. I: Power Series, Integration, Conformal Mapping, Location of Zeros. | 122 | Apostol T.M. — Calculus (vol 2) | 197 | Miranker W.L. — Numerical Methods for Stiff Equations and Singular Perturbation Problems | 44 | Golub G.H., van Loan C.F. — Matrix Computations | 572ff | Lutkepohl H. — Handbook of Matrices | 244 | Meyer C.D. — Matrix analysis and applied linear algebra | 441, 525, 529 | Lee J.M. — Introduction to Smooth Manifolds | 383 | Le Bruyn L. — Noncommutative geometry | 307 | Arvo J. — Graphics gems (vol. 2) | 332—333 | Greenberg M.D. — Advanced engineering mathematics | 586 | Strang G. — Linear Algebra and Its Applications | 276, 459 | Paeth A.W. (ed.) — Graphics gems (volume 5) | II.332, II.333 | Carl D. Meyer — Matrix Analysis and Applied Linear Algebra Book and Solutions Manual | 441, 525, 529 | Bjoerck A., Dahlquist G. — Numerical mathematics and scientific computation | 206 | Harman T.L., Dabney J.B., Richert N.J. — Advanced Engineering Mathematicas with MATLAB | 186 | Antsaklis P.S., Michel A.N. — Linear Systems | 57, 149, 150 | Graham A. — Kronecker products and matrix calculus: with applications | 29, 31, 42, 108 | Cvitanovic P., Artuso R., Dahlqvist P. — Classical and quantum chaos | 76 | Bates Douglas M., Watts Donald G. — Nonlinear Regression Analysis and Its Applications (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics) | 172, 173 | Apostol T.M. — Calculus (Volume 2): Multi-Variable Calculus and Linear Algebra with Applications | 197 | Horn R.A. — Matrix Analysis | 300 | Higham D.J., Higham N.J. — MATLAB guide | 139 |