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Higham D.J., Higham N.J. — MATLAB guide |
Предметный указатель |
! (system command) 32
" 70 217
95 116 295
commands, in text strings 94 95t
% (comment) 10 24 76
% (comment), (logical and) 65
% (comment), (logical and), (logical and, for scalars, with short-circuiting) 65 66
' (conjugate transpose) 56
' (string delimiter) 7
(:) 52
(The) MathWorks, Inc., contact details 357
, (comma) 4 5 23 47
. (array exponentiation) 55
.' (transpose) 56
.* (array multiplication) 54 78
... (continuation) 28
./ (array right division) 54
.\ (array left division) 54
/ (right division) 54
2D plotting functions 101t 351t
3D plotting functions 109t
3x+1 problem 10
: (colon) 46t 50—53 350t
; (semicolon) 1 2 4 5 23 47
< 63
<= 63
== (logical equal) 63
> 63
>= 63
>> (prompt) 1 23 24
@ (function handle) 143 356
Aborting a computation 28
abs 40t
acos 40t
acosd 40t
acosh 40t
acot 40t
acotd 40t
acoth 40t
acsc 40t
acscd 40t
acsch 40t
addpath 82
Adjacency matrix 314
airy 40t
Algebraic equations see "Linear equations" "Nonlinear
ALL 65 67 350t
AND 66
angle 40t
Animation 252—254
Annotation 97
anonymous function 144—146 167 169 314
ANS 2 4 23 349t
ANY 65 67 309 350t
Area 101t 114
Area graph 114
arguments, default values for 149
arguments, variable number of 150—151
ARPACK 138 356
Array Editor 30 31f
Array operations, elementary 55t
Array operations, elementwise 3 54 78
Array, character 265—268
Array, empty 305—306
Array, empty, testing for 65t
Array, generation 4—7 45—51
Array, logical 68—69
Array, multidimensional 268—270
Array, preallocating 299—300
Array, subscripts start at 1 51 227
ASCII file, loading from 30
ASCII file, saving to 30
ASEC 40t
asecd 40t
asech 40t
ASIN 40t
asind 40t
asinh 40t
atan 40t
atan2 40t
atand 40t
atanh 40t
Attribute, sparse 229
Axes object 245 246 251
Axes, superimposing 256
Axis 16 91 351t
axis, options 911
Balancing 134
bar 101t 111 351t
Bar graph 11 111—112
bar3 109t 112
bar3h 109t 112
barh 101t 111
bench 32t
bessel 40t
Beta 40t
Bezier curve 97
bicg 137 138t
Bifurcation diagram 301
Binomial coefficient see "nchoosek"
Black — Scholes delta surface 335—336
Black — Scholes PDE 208
blkdiag 47 58t
Boundary value problem, two-point 195
box 248
Brachistochrone 313
break 71
Breakpoint 225
Brownian path 299
BVP solver 195—202
BVP solver, dealing with an unknown parameter 200—201
BVP solver, example files 202
BVP solver, input and output arguments 197—198
bvp4c 195—202 299 353t
bvpget 202
bvpinit 197 202
bvpset 197 202 299
bvpval 202
Calculus functions, symbolic 284t
Cardioid 119
cart2pol 40t
cart2sph 40t
CASE 72 350t
case sensitivity 1 24 26 30 356
cat 269 270t 274
Catalan constant 295
Cayley — Hamilton theorem 160
CD 32
Ceil 40t
cell 270 273 300 352t
Cell array 90 113 150 268 270—274
Cell array, converting to and from 274
Cell array, displaying contents 272—273
Cell array, indexing 272
Cell array, preallocating 273 300
Cell array, replacing comma-separated list 273
cgs 138t
char 267 352t
char (function) 266
Characteristic polynomial 132 160 289
Children 251
chol 129 232
Cholesky factorization 123 128 232
Cholinc 137
| cholupdate 129
Circle, drawing with rectangle 256
clabel 102—103
class see "Data type"
clc 28 352t
clear 8 30 83 225 272 352t
Clearing, Command Window see "clc"
Clearing, figure window see "clf"
Clearing, workspace see "clear"
ClF 91 225 351t
CLOSE 7 91 225 351t
coeffs 289
colamd 233
Collatz iteration 10
Colon notation 5—6 50—53
colorbar 104
colormap 104
colperm 233
comet 101t 253
comet3 109t 253
Comma to separate matrix elements 5 47
Comma to separate statements 4 23
command history 28
Command line, editing 28 29t
Command Window 1 23
Command Window, clearing 28
Command/function duality 84—85 116 175
Comment block 81—82
Comment line 10 24 76
compan 48t
COMPLEX 11 29 64 280
Complex arithmetic 29 34—35
Complex numbers, entering 29 64
Complex numbers, functions for manipulating 40t
Complex variable, visualizing function of a 108
Computer 37
cond 122 127 351t
condeig 133
condest 122—123 127 232
Condition number (of eigenvalue) 133
Condition number (of matrix) 122
Condition number (of matrix), estimation 122
CONJ 29 40t
Conjugate transpose 56
contentsrpt 243
Continuation line 28
Continuation method 198
Continued fraction 7
contour 102 109t 351t
contour3 109t
contourf 11 109t
conv 160—161
copyfile 32
cos 40t
cosd 40t
cosh 40t
cot 40t
cotd 40t
coth 40t
cov 156
cplxroot 108
cross 56
Cross product 56
Csc 40t
csch 40t
csed 40t
ctranspose 56
Ctrl-C 28
cumprod 60t
cumsum 60t 172 299
Curvature 261
Cuthill — McKee ordering 233
Data analysis functions, basic 60t 350t
Data fitting, interpolation see "Interpolation"
Data fitting, least squares polynomial 161
Data type, cell 270
Data type, determining 265
Data type, Double 37 40—42
Data type, function handle 143
Data type, fundamental types 265
Data type, int* 42—43
Data type, logical 63
Data type, single 40—42
Data type, struct 270
Data type, uint* 42—43
DataAspectRatio 256
dblquad 174
DBUP 224
DDE solver 202—205
dde23 xxiii 202—205
ddeset 203
Debugger 225
Debugging 224—227
decic 193
deconv 160—161 290
Delay differential equations (DDEs) 202—205
DELETE 32 250
demo 32t 352t
depdir 239
depfun 238
deprpt 239
DET 127 290t
Determinant 127
deval 182 198
diag 58t 58—59 290t 350t
Diagonal matrix 58—59
Diagonal matrix, testing for 312
Diagonals of matrix 58—59
Diagonals of matrix, assigning to 309—311
Diagonals of sparse matrix 230—231
diary 31 215 251 352t
diff 60t 61 281—282 284t
Differential equations, numerical solution 11 175—211
Differential equations, symbolic solution 282—284
Differential-algebraic equations (DAEs) 191—193
DIGITS 292—295
Dimension of array/matrix 34 45 269
dir 10 32 352t
Direction field see "Vector field"
DISP 31 216 352t
Division 54—55
Division, left 54
Division, right 54
doc 26 352t
docsearch 26
Dot 2 56
Dot product 2 56
double 352t
double (function) 266 281
Double data type 37 40—42
Double integral 174
drawnow 254
DSOLVE 282—284
echo 216
edit 10 81 351t
Editor/Debugger 10 81 82f 156 225 237
EIG 5 132—136 233 288 290t 311—312 351t
Eigenvalue 132
Eigenvalue problem, generalized 134
Eigenvalue problem, generalized, Hermitian definite 135
Eigenvalue problem, numerical solution, direct 132—136
Eigenvalue problem, numerical solution, iterative 138—139
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