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Higham D.J., Higham N.J. — MATLAB guide
Higham D.J., Higham N.J. — MATLAB guide

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Название: MATLAB guide

Авторы: Higham D.J., Higham N.J.


‘MATLAB Guide is an excellent reference book for MATLAB programming. This new version of MATLAB Guide contains material on important changes introduced in MATLAB 7, including single precision arithmetic and anonymous and nested functions. The new edition also contains many more examples; readers will have the advantage of learning MATLAB by essentially looking over the shoulder of two experts. This is a book that all users, new and experienced, will find valuable.’ James Nagy, Associate Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science, Emory University

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 2 edition

Год издания: 2005

Количество страниц: 382

Добавлена в каталог: 23.03.2011

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Linewidth      89
LineWidth, default      90
LINPACK      355
linsolve      xxiii 123—124 125t
linspace      11 46t 53 349t
Load      30 49 352t
LOG      40t
LOG10      40t
log1p      40 40t
log2      40t
Logarithm, of matrix      139
LOGICAL      68—69
Logical array      68—69
LOGICAL data type      63
logical operators      65—69
Logistic differential equation      282
loglog      89 101t
logm      139
logspace      46t
lookfor      26 82 351t
Loop structures      see "for" "while"
Lorenz      11 253
Lorenz equations      11
ls      10 32
lsqnonneg      125
lsqr      138t
lu      128 232 351t
LU factorization, partial pivoting      123 128 232
LU factorization, threshold pivoting      232
luinc      137
m-file      75—85 143—157 237—241
M-file, commenting out a block      81—82
M-file, determining M-files it calls      238—239
M-file, editing      81—82
M-file, function      75—85 143—157 see
M-file, names      81 83
M-file, optimizing      297—301
M-file, script      10 24 75—76
M-file, search path      82
M-file, style      237—238
M-file, vectorizing      297—299
magic      48 48t
Mandelbrot set      11
Maple      277
Maple, accessing from MATLAB      295
Marker      247
MarkerEdgeColor      89
MarkerFaceColor      89 90
MarkerSize      89 247
MarkerSize, default      90
MAT-file      30 118
MATLAB desktop      2f
MATLAB, changes in      355—356
matlabrc      83
Matrix operations, elementary      55t
Matrix operations, elementwise      3 54 78
Matrix, adjacency      314
Matrix, block diagonal      47
Matrix, block form      47
Matrix, condition number      122
Matrix, conjugate transpose      56
Matrix, deleting a row or column      53
Matrix, diagonal      58—59
Matrix, exponential      139
Matrix, Frank      133 286—289
Matrix, function of      57 139—141
Matrix, generation      4—7 45—49
Matrix, hermitian      121
Matrix, hermitian positive definite      123
Matrix, Hessenberg      123
Matrix, identity      45
Matrix, identity, shifting by multiple of      310
Matrix, identity, sparse      230
Matrix, inverse      126
Matrix, logarithm      139
Matrix, manipulation functions      58t 350t
Matrix, norm      121—122
Matrix, orthogonal      121
Matrix, preserving triangular and symmetric structure      311—312
Matrix, rank 1, forming      308—309
Matrix, reshaping      57
Matrix, square root      139
Matrix, submatrix      6 51
Matrix, subscripting as vector      309—311
Matrix, symmetric      121
Matrix, transpose      56
Matrix, triangular      59 123
Matrix, unitary      121
Matrix, Wathen      137
MAX      34 60t 60—61 299 350t
max, symbolic      342
Mean      60t 350t
Median      60t
Membrane      104 239
mesh      103 105 109t 351t
meshc      103 109t
meshgrid      11 46t 102 164 308 336
meshz      107 109t
Method of lines      190
mex      297
MEX interface      40 297
mfun      295
mfunlist      295
mhelp      291 295
MIN      60t 60—61 350t
min, symbolic      342
Minimization of nonlinear function      168—169
Minimum degree ordering      233
Minres      138t
mkdir      32
mkpp      162
mlint      238 239
mlintrpt      238
MOD      40t
more      83
movie      252
movies      252—253
multidimensional arrays      268—270
Multidimensional arrays, functions for manipulating      270t
Multiplication      54—55
namelengthmax      30
Nan (not a number)      38 60 349t
NaN (Not a Number) for representing missing data      62
NaN (Not a Number) in graphics function arguments      108
NaN (Not a Number), removing      62
NaN (Not a Number), testing for      64
nargchk      342
nargin      80 149 351t
nargout      80 150 351t
nchoosek      40t
NDGRID      270t
NDIMS      269 270t
Nelder — Mead simplex algorithm      169
Nested function      151—152 179 180 198 314 322
nextpow2      40t
nnz      230 309 322n
Nonlinear equations, numerical solution      164—168
Nonlinear equations, symbolic solution      277—279
Nonlinear minimization      168—169
nonzeros      230
Norm      33—34 121—122 306 351t
Norm, evaluating dual      306
Norm, matrix      121—122
Norm, vector      33—34 121
Normally distributed random numbers      6 46 256
normest      122
NOT      66
nthroot      40t
NULL      131 290t
NUM2CELL      274
num2str      217 266 352t
Number theoretic functions      40t
NUMDEN      290
nzmax      230
ODE solvers      190t
ODE solvers, error control      179
ODE solvers, error tolerances      179
ODE solvers, evaluating solution at intermediate values      182
ODE solvers, event location      184
ODE solvers, example files      193
ODE solvers, input and output arguments      175 178
ODE solvers, Jacobian, specifying      190—191
ODE solvers, mass matrix, specifying      191—193
ODE solvers, obtaining solutions at specific times      176
ODE solvers, option setting with odeset      179
ODE solvers, output as structure, sol      180
ODE solvers, symbolic      282—284
ODE solvers, tolerance proportionality      179
ode113      190t
Ode15s      187 190t 191 193 208
ode23      190t
ode23s      190t
ode23t      190t 191
Ode23tb      190t
ode45      11 157 175—182 190t 353t
ode45, behavior on stiff problems      187—189
odeexamples      193
odefile      356
odeget      193
odel5i      xxiii 190t 193
odephas2      195
odeset      179 184 189 190 193 208 299
ones      6 41 45 46t 268 349t
open      117
openvar      30
Operator precedence      66 671
Operator precedence, arithmetic      39 40t
Operator precedence, change to and and or      356
operators, logical      65—69
operators, relational      63—69
Optimization Toolbox      165 n 169
Optimizing M-files      297—301
optimset      166 168
OR      66
ordeig      134
Ordinary differential equations (odes)      11 175—202
Ordinary differential equations (ODEs), boundary value problem      195
Ordinary differential equations (ODEs), higher order      177
Ordinary differential equations (ODEs), initial value problem      175
Ordinary differential equations (ODEs), pursuit problem      183—184
Ordinary differential equations (ODEs), Robertson problem      184
Ordinary differential equations (ODEs), Roessler system      179—182
Ordinary differential equations (ODEs), simple pendulum equation      177
Ordinary differential equations (ODEs), stiff      184—195
ordqz      136
ordschur      134
orth      131
otherwise      72
Outer product      3
Output to file      218—219
Output to screen      216—218
Overdetermined system      125
Overdetermined system, basic solution      125
Overdetermined system, minimal 2-norm solution      125
Overloading      288
Parent      251
Partial Differential Equation Toolbox      211
Partial differential equations (PDEs)      190 205—211
Pascal      48t
Path      82
Path (MATLAB search path)      82—83
Path browser      82
pathtool      82
pause      215
Pchip      xxiii 162
PDE solver      205—211
pdepe      205—211
pdeval      208
Peaks      108
peg      138t 137—138 157
Performance profile      320—326
perms      40t
permutations      306—308
PERMUTE      270t
Phase plane plot      178
Phase, of complex number      see "angle"
PI      29 349t
pie      101t 113
Pie charts      113—114
pie3      109t 113
pinv      125—128
Pitfalls      226—227
plot      7 87—89 101t 351t
Plot Editor      87
Plot, options      881
plot3      101 109t
plotedit      87
Plotting functions, 2D      101t 351t
Plotting functions, 3D      109t
plotyy      101t 256
Point      89
pol2cart      40t
polar      101t
POLY      132 160 289 290t
POLY2SYM      289 290
polyder      160
polyeig      136
polyfit      161 353t
Polynomial division      160
Polynomial evaluation      159—160
Polynomial evaluation of derivative      160
Polynomial multiplication      160
Polynomial representation      159
Polynomial, eigenvalue problem      136
Polynomial, root finding      160
polyval      160
polyvalm      160
POSITION      248 261
Positive definite matrix      123
Positive definite matrix, testing for      129
PostScript      116
pow2      40t
Power method      122
ppval      162
Preallocating arrays      299—300
Precedence of arithmetic operators      39 40t
precedence of operators      66 671
Precedence of operators, change to and and or      356
PRECISION      25 37
Preconditioning      137
PRETTY      280
PRIMES      40t 53
print      116—117 351t
Printing a figure      116—117
Printing to file      218—219
Printing to screen      216—218
Private function      152—153
prod      60t 299 350t
Profile      239—241
profiling      239—241
Property Editor      250
Pseudo-inverse matrix      127
Psi      40t
Pursuit problem      183—184
pwd      10 32
Pythagorean sum      341—344
qmr      137 138t
qr      129 233 351t
QR algorithm      134
QR factorization      129—130
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