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Higham D.J., Higham N.J. — MATLAB guide |
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Eigenvalue problem, polynomial 136
Eigenvalue problem, quadratic 136
Eigenvalue problem, standard 132
Eigenvalue problem, symbolic solution 288—289
Eigenvalue, generalized 134
Eigenvector 132
Eigenvector, generalized 134
eigs 138—139 233
eigtool xx
Elementary functions 40t
Elementary matrix functions 46t
ellipj 40t
ellipke 40t
Elliptic integral 281
Empty array 305—306
Empty array, testing for 65t
Empty matrix 53 61 99 305 see
Empty matrix as subscript 305—306
Encapsulated PostScript 116
end (flow control) 70—72
end (subscript) 51 350
Epicycloid 92—93
EPS 37 41 349t
Equations, algebraic see "Linear equations" "Non-linear
Equations, differential see "Differential equations"
EraseMode 254
erf 40t 335
Error xxiii 183 222 350t
Error messages, understanding 221—222
errorbar 101t
Errors 221—222
eval 267
Event location 184
exit 1 24 352t
EXP 40t
expint 40t
EXPM 139 290t
expm1 40 40t
Exponential, of matrix 139
exponentiation 55—56
exportfig 117
eye 6 41 45 46t 349t
ezcontour 102
EZPLOT 101t 143 351t
ezpolar 101t
Factor 40t 282
Factorial 299
Fast Fourier Transform 169—170
fcnchk 144
FFT 169 353t
fft2 170
fftn 170
FFTW 170
Fibonacci sequence 222l
Fibonacci sequence, random 8
FIG-file 117
figure 91
Figure object 245
Figure window 87
Figure window, clearing 91
Figure window, closing 91
Figure window, creating new 91
Figure, saving and printing 116—117
fill 96—97 101t 197
fill3 109t
find 67—69 230 350t
findAll 251 256
findobj 245 251 256
findstr 267
fix 40t
fliplr 58t
flipud 58t
Floating point arithmetic 37
Floating point arithmetic, IEEE standard 37
Floating point arithmetic, range 37
Floating point arithmetic, subnormal number 38
Floating point arithmetic, unit roundoff 37
flops (obsolete) 355
Flow Control 69—72
fminbnd 156 168 353t
fminsearch 168 314
FontAngle 90 95
fontSize 95 254 256
FontSize, default 90
FontWeight 250
fopen 218
for 7 70—71 350t
For loops, avoiding by vectorizing 297—299
FORMAT 3 25 26t 39 251 352t
Fourier transform, discrete 169—170
fplot 98—99 101t 351t
fprintf 216—218 352t
Fractal landscape 105
Frank matrix 133 286—289
fread 219
Fresnel integrals 172 295
fscanf 219
full 229
Function 75—85 143—157
Function arguments, copying of 301
Function arguments, defaults 149
Function arguments, multiple input and output 33—34 77—81
Function of a matrix 57 139—141
Function, anonymous 144—146 167 169 314
Function, definition line 76
Function, determining M-files it calls 238—239
Function, documenting 76—77
Function, evaluating with feval 144
Function, existence of, testing 83
Function, H1 line 76—77 82
Function, handle 143 147 159 356
Function, nested 151—152 179 180 198 314 322
Function, passing as argument 143—144 147
Function, private 152—153
Function, recursive 16 105 153—154 330—331
Function, subfunction 147
Function/command duality 84—85
funm 140—141
fwrite 219
fzero 165 166 168 201 314 353t
gallery 48 48t 49t 153 233 286 349t
Gamma 40t
Gaussian elimination see "LU factorization"
gca 250
GCD 40t
GCF 250
Generalized eigenvalue problem 134
Generalized real Schur decomposition 136
Generalized Schur decomposition 136
Generalized Schur decomposition, reordering 136
Generalized singular value decomposition 131
genvarname 238
GEO 250
get 246 250—252
getframe 252 254
ginput 215
Givens rotation 298
global 75 156
Global variables 156
Glossary 359—360
gmres 138 138t
Graphical User Interface tools 251
Graphics 87—118
Graphics, 2D 87—99
Graphics, 2D, summary of functions 101t 351t
| graphics, 3D 101—108
Graphics, 3D, summary of functions 109t
Graphics, animation 252—254
Graphics, Handle Graphics see "Handle Graphics"
Graphics, labelling 90 101
Graphics, legends 93—94
Graphics, NaN in function arguments 108
Graphics, optimizing for presentations 252
Graphics, optimizing for printed output 116—117 252
Graphics, Plot Editor 87
Graphics, Property Editor 250
Graphics, saving and printing 116—117
Graphics, specialized 111—114
grid 11 92 351t
griddata 163—164
Griddata3 164
Griddatan 164
GSVD 131 156
gtext 94
GUI (Graphical User Interface) tools 251
H1 line 76—77 82
hadamard 48t 156
Handle Graphics 245—261
Handle Graphics, hierarchical object structure 246f 251
Handle Graphics, property values, factory-defined 251—252
Handle to function see "Function handle"
Handle to graphics object 245
HandleVisibility 256
hankel 48 48t
help 1 25 77 352t
Help browser 26 28f
help for subfunctions 147
HelpBrowser 26
helpwin 26
Hermitian matrix 121
hess 134 136
Hessenberg factorization 134 136
Hessenberg matrix 123
hidden 103
hilb 48 48t
Hilbert matrix 48
hist 7 101t 112—113 256 351t
histogram 7 112—113
hold 90 351t
HorizontalAlignment 261
Horner's method 159
Humps 172 173
i ( ) 29 226 349
Identity matrix 45
Identity matrix, sparse 230
IEEE arithmetic 37—39
if 11 69—70 350t
ifft 169
ifft2 170
ifftn 170
IMAG 29 40t
Image 118 254
Imaginary unit (i or j) 5 29
Import wizard 31
Indexing see "Subscripting"
inf 38 349t
inf, exploiting 306
Info 321
inline 146—147
Inline object 146—147 265
Inline object, vectorizing 146
inmem 239
Inner product 2 56
Input 11 215 352t
Input from file 218—219
Input from the keyboard 215
Input via mouse clicks 215
int 280—282 284t
int* data type 42—43
Int16 42
int2str 116 217 266 267
Int32 42
Int64 42
int8 42
Integration, double 174
Integration, numerical see "Quadrature"
Integration, symbolic 280—281
interp2 163
interp3 164
interpl 162—163 353t
interpn 164
Interpolation, 1D (interp1) 162
Interpolation, 2D (interp2, griddata) 163
Interpolation, multidimensional 164
Interpolation, polynomial 161
Interpolation, spline 161
intmax 43
intmin 43
INV 25 126 287 290t
Inverse matrix 126
Inverse matrix, symbolic computation 287—288
invhilb 48 48t
ipermute 270t
ISA 265
ischar 65t 267
isEmpty 65t 149 350t
isequal 64 65t 350t
isequalwithequalnans 65t
isfinite 65t 67
isfloat 65t
isinf 64 65t
isinteger 65t
iskeyword 83
islogical 65t
ismember 309
isnan 62 64 65t
isnumeric 65t
isprime 40t
isreal 64 65t
isscalar 65t
issorted 65t
issparse 232
isvector 65t
Iterative eigenvalue problem solvers 138—139
Iterative linear equation solvers 125t 138t 136—138
j ( ) 29 226 349
Jacobian 284t
Keyboard 224
Keypresses for command line editing 291
Koch curves 153—154
Koch snowflake 153—154
kron 56
Kronecker product 56
L-Systems 33033t
LAPACK 121 122 355
lasterr 222
lastwarn 223
latex interpreter 95
LCM 40t
Least squares data fitting, by polynomial 161
Least squares solution to overdetermined system 125
legend 93—94 351t
legendre 40t
Length 45 350t
LIMIT 284t
Line 256
Line object 246 254
Linear algebra functions, symbolic 290t
Linear equations 123—126 see "Underdetermined
Linear equations, numerical solution, direct 123—126
Linear equations, numerical solution, iterative 136—138
Linear equations, symbolic solution 288
linestyle 247
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