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Higham D.J., Higham N.J. — MATLAB guide |
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QR factorization of sparse matrix 233
QR factorization, column pivoting 125 129
qrdelete 130
qrinsert 130
quad 299
quad, quadl 154 156 171—174 356
quad, quadl, error tolerance 172
quad8 (obsolete) 356
Quadl 299 353t
Quadratic eigenproblem 136
Quadrature 171—174
Quadrature, adaptive 172
Quadrature, double integral 174
quit 1 24 352t
quiver 101t 177
quorem 290
Quote mark, representing within string 70 217
qz 136
QZ algorithm 135 136
rand 6 24 46 46t 268 349t
randn 6 46 46t 268 335 349t
Random number generators, 'seed' argument (obsolete) 355
Random number generators, period 46
Random number generators, state 6 46
randperm 308
Rank 131 290t
rat 40t
Rats 40t
rcond 122 123 127
Reaction-diffusion equations 210—211
REAL 29 40t 226
Real Schur decomposition 134
Real Schur decomposition, generalized 136
realmax 37 41
realmin 38 41
rectangle 256—261
Recursive function 16 105 153—154 330—331
Relational operators 63—69
rem 40t
repmat 46t 47 271 300 308 350t
RESHAPE 57 58t 350t
RETURN 79 225
Riemann surface 108 110f
Robertson ODE problem 184
Roessler ODE system 179—182
Root object 245
Root object, assignable properties 251
Roots 160 353t
rosser 48t
rot90 58t
Rotation 95
round 40t
Rounding error 25
RREF 131 290t
Run 83
Runge — Kutta method 175
SAVE 30 352t
SaveAs 117
Scalar expansion 53 56 301 322
Scatter 101t
scatter3 109t
schur 134
Schur decomposition 134
Schur decomposition, generalized 136
Schur decomposition, generalized real 136
Schur decomposition, real 134
Schur decomposition, reordering 134
Script file 10 24 75—76
Search path 82
sec 40t
sech 40t
Seed 40t
Semicolon to denote end of row 2 4 5 47
Semicolon to suppress output 1 4 23
semilogx 90 101t
semilogy 8 90 101t 351t
Set 246—248 251—252 254
Set operations 309
Shading 104
Short-circuiting of logical expressions 66
Sierpinski gasket 16—19
SIGN 40t
SIMPLIFY 278 289
Simpson's rule 172
sin 40t
sind 40t 311
Single 41
Single data type 40—42
Singular value decomposition (SVD) 130t 131
Singular value decomposition (SVD), generalized 131
sinh 40t
SIZE 34 45 269 350t
Small-world networks 314—318
Solve 277—279
sort 60t 60—61 291 306 350t
sparse (function) 229—230 318 352
SPARSE attribute 229
Sparse matrix 136—139 229—235
Sparse matrix, reordering 232—233
Sparse matrix, storage required 230
Sparse matrix, visualizing 232
spdiags 191 230—231
Special functions 40t
Special matrix functions 48t
speye 230
sph2cart 40t
Spiral 310
SPLINE 161 353t
Spline interpolation 161
spones 230
spparms 233
sprand 231
sprandn 231
sprintf 217 266 352t
spy 232 351t
sqrt 57
sqrtm 57 139
Square root of a matrix 139
stairs 101t 320
startup 83
std 60t 350t
stem3 109t
Stiff ordinary differential equation 184—195
Storage allocation, automatic 33
strcat 267
strcmp 267
strcmpi 267
String 265—268
String, notation in 94 95t
String, comparison 267
String, concatenation 267
String, conversion 266
String, representation 265
struct 270 271 300 352t
Structure 270—274 279
Structure, accessing fields 271
Structure, bvpset, for BVP solver options 197
Structure, odeset, for ODE solver options 179
Structure, optimset, for nonlinear equation solver options 166
Structure, preallocating 271—272 300
sub2ind 310
subfunction 147
| SubMatrix 6 51
Subnormal number 38
subplot 97—99 351t
subplot, irregular grid 99
SUBS 278 292
Subscripting 50—53
Subscripting, end 51
Subscripting, single subscript for matrix 68 309—311
Subscripting, subscripts start at 1 51 227
SUM 60 60t 60—61 350t
surf 104 105 109t 351t
surfc 104 108 109t
SVD 130 290t 351t
svds 139 233
switch 72 156 331 350t
SYM 277 279—280 286—287
symamd 233
Symbolic Math Toolbox 277—295
Symbolic object 277
Symmetry, enforcing 311—312
symrcm 233
SYMS 277 279—280
System command (!) 32
tab completion 1 28 248
tan 40t
tand 40t
tanh 40t
Taylor 284 284t
Taylor series 284
taylortool 284
Test matrix, functions 48t 49t
Test matrix, properties 51t
texlabel 95
text 94 351t
textscan 219
The MathWorks, Inc., contact details 357
tic 139 298 352t
Tick marks 254 322
TickLength 254
Timing a computation 139
Title 11 90 351t
TOC 139 298 352t
toeplitz 48 48t 316 317 339
Tolerance, mixed absolute/relative 171
Tony's trick 308 322
Toolbox, creating 241—243
Toolboxes, Optimization Toolbox 165n 169
Toolboxes, Symbolic Math Toolbox 277—295
Trapezium rule 174
trapz 174
Triangular matrix 123
Triangular matrix, testing for 312
Triangular parts 59
Triangularity, enforcing 311—312
Trigonometric functions 40t
TRIL 58t 59 290t 350t
triplequad 174
TRIU 58t 59 290t 350t
Turtle graphics 330—331
TYPE 83 351t
uiimport 31
uint* data type 42—43
UInt16 42
UInt32 42
UInt64 42
uint8 42
Underdetermined system 126
Underdetermined system, basic solution 126
Underdetermined system, minimal 2-norm solution 126
Uniformly distributed random numbers 6 46
unique 322
Unit roundoff 37
Unitary matrix 121
unmkpp 162
Vander 48t
var 60t 156
VARARGIN 150—151 156 157 273
VARARGOUT 150—151 157 273
variable names 30
Variable names, choosing 83 156 238
Variable precision arithmetic 292—295
Vector field 177 178
Vector generation 5
Vector generation, linearly spaced see "Linspace"
Vector generation, logarithmically spaced see "log-space"
Vector product 56
Vector, logical 68—69
Vector, norm 121
Vectorize 146
Vectorizing, empty subscript produced 305—306
Vectorizing, inline object, string expression 146
Vectorizing, M-files 297—299
ver 321
Version 32t
VerticalAlignment 261
view 105 345
visdiff 238
VPA 292—295
waitbar 11 251
WARNING xxiii 123 223—224
waterfall 104 109t 345
Wathen matrix 137 233
what 82 352t
whatsnew 321
which 83 226 351t
while 11 71 350t
who 7 30 352t
whos 7 30 42 230 352t
WHY 85 156
Wilkinson 48t
Workspace 30
Workspace browser 30 31f
Workspace, listing variables 7 30
Workspace, loading variables 30
Workspace, removing variables 8 30
Workspace, saving variables 30
Workspace, testing for existence of variable 83
XData 252 254
xlabel 11 90 351t
xlim 91 91t 351t
XOR 65 66
XScale 247 326
XTick 254
XTickLabel 250
YData 252 254
YDir 256
ylabel 11 90 351t
ylim 91 91t 351t
YTickLabel 256
ZData 252
zeros 6 41 45 46t 268 349t
zlabel 101
Zoom 91
[. .] (matrix building) 5 46—47
[] (empty matrix) 53 61 99 305
\ 351t
\ (left division) 4 54 123 232 288
| (logical or) 65
|| (logical or, for scalars, with short-circuiting) 65 66
~(logical not) 65
~= (logical not equal) 63
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