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Поиск книг, содержащих: Elliptic modular function
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Nevanlinna R., Paatero V. — Introduction to Complex Analysis | 338 | Kodaira K. — Complex manifolds and deformation of complex structures | 69 | Baker A. — Transcendental number theory | 48, 55 | Ahlfors L.V. — Complex analysis | 270 | Thomas A.D. — Zeta-functions | 112 | Ablowitz M.J., Fokas A.S. — Complex Variables: Introduction and Applications | 382, 396 | Stillwell J. — Yearning for the Impossible: The Surprising Truths of Mathematics | 195 | Ueno K., Kato G. — Algebraic Geometry 3: Further Study of Schemes (Translations of Mathematical Monographs Vol. 218) | 168 | Andrews G.E. — The Theory of Partitions | see Modular function | Cohn P.M. — Algebraic numbers and algebraic functions | 164 | Stewart I., Tall D. — Algebraic Number Theory and Fermat's Last Theorem | 235, 254, 256 | Seppala M. — Geometry of Riemann surfaces and Teichmuller spaces | 181 | Wakimoto M. — Infinite-Dimensional Lie Algebras | 243 | Thron W. — Introduction to the theory of functions of a complex variable | 213 | Cohn P.M. — Algebraic Numbers and Algebraic Functions | 164 | Thomas A.D. — Zeta functions, introduction to algebraic geometry | 112 | Nehari Z. — Conformal mapping | 318—332 | Minoru Wakimoto — Infinite-Dimensional Lie Algebras | 243 | Dickson L.E. — History of the theory of numbers. Volume 3: quadratic and higher forms | 32, 36, 125—128, 130—131, 140—141, 148, 150, 197 |