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Thomas A.D. — Zeta functions, introduction to algebraic geometry
Thomas A.D. — Zeta functions, introduction to algebraic geometry

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Название: Zeta functions, introduction to algebraic geometry

Автор: Thomas A.D.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1977

Количество страниц: 230

Добавлена в каталог: 22.11.2009

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
$A^{*,*}$      169
$A_{K}$      62
$B^{*,*}$      171
$C_{o}|t|$      91
$e_{T|S}$      38
$f_{T|S}$      38
$H_{r}$      1
$J_{k}$      63
$P_{a}$, $P_{na}$, $P_{0}$, $P_{\infty}$      51
$Q_{p}$      41
$RS_{0}$      94
$Z_{p}$      41
$Z_{V}(t)$      143
$\ell$-adic cohomology      195
$\square$      177
$\vartriangle$      168
$\zeta(z,K)$      8 60
$\zeta(z,K/F)$      13 60
A*      166
A-field      18
Ab(X)      147
Abelian integral      178
Adele      62
Aff(X,F)      132
Affine      131
Affine K-variety      120
Affine K/k-variety      120
Affine piece      82 132
Algebraic function field      17
Algebraic manifold      146
Algebraically equivalent      139
Analytic ramification index      95
Archimidean      20
Artin — Whaples formula      44
B*      168
Base change      185
Base space      130
Birational map      81
Birationally equivalent      80 137
Blowing-up      86
Branch      89
C*(V)      139
Canonical sheaf      164
Castelnuovo's formula      175
Cauchy filter      35
Cauchy sequence      20
Cauchy's theorem      97
Cech nerve      148
Chow ring      140
Chow's theorem      146
Class number      8 57
Codimension      121
Coefficient group      192
Cohomology group      147 191
complete      20
Complex multiplication      114
Complex torus      107
Component      121 192
Conjugate module      151
Conjugate varieties      135
Conjugation      116
Connected      192
Continuous functor      138
Cor(V)      174
Correspondence      174
Cotangent space      130
Covering      190
Covering space      104
CYCLE      139
de Rham's theorem      166
Dedekind domain      7 13 54 78
Deg      48
Degree (of a spot)      48
Degree (of an ideal)      61
Derivation      160
Derivative, exterior      163 164
Differential      163—165
Dilation      86
DIMENSION      121
Dirichlet series      1 8
Dirichlet's unit theorem      6 55
Discrete spot      20
Discriminant      9 47
Div(x)      82
Division algebra      116
Divisor      58 102 139
Divisor class group      58 103
Divisor function      4
Dominating      137
Elliptic curve      107 116 195
Elliptic modular function      112
Espace etale      128
Etale      146
extends      26
Fibre      185
Field of constants      17
Fine      147
Finite type      182
Flabby      147
Fr(X)      56
Frac(B)      56
Fractional ideal      56
Fractional Laurent series      87
Frobenius map      79
Function field      17
Functional equation      3 9 14 15 61 143 153
Fundamental class      150
Fundamental group      105
Fundamental set of units      6 56
Genus      15 48 101
Geometric point      183
Global field      18 43 52
Grassmanian      154
Harmonic form      168 171
Hensel's lemma      37
Hermitian metric      170
Hilbert's basis theorem      85
Hilbert's Nullstellensatz      120 179
Hilbert's weak Nullstellensatz      124
Hodge's theorem      168 171
Homotopy type, Cech      193
Homotopy type, etale      193
Homotopy type, singular      196
Homotopy type, Verdier      193
HSS      148
Hurwitz's theorem      4
Hypercovering      193
ICG(B)      57
Ideal class group      7 13 56
Idele      63
Imaginary square root      12 29
Index theorem      101
Injective      147
Integers      32
Integral closure      6 11 17 34 79
Integral scheme      182
Intersection number      125 145
Irreducible      74 120
Irreducible components      121
Isogeny      117
J(X)      103 142 190
Jacobian      103 142 177
Jacobian matrix      82 85 145
k-topology      120 135
K/k-prevariety      131
K/k-variety      120 134
Kaehler manifold      172
Kaehler metric      172
k|X|      87
la(A)      131
Laplace operator      168
Laplace — Beltrami operator      171
Lattice      107
Laurent series      11 36
Lefschetz formula      151 195
Lies over      75 83
Lifting      183 187
Linearly equivalent      166
Liouville's theorem      96
Local homomorphism      32
Local parameter      94
Locally affine      131
Locally connected      192
Locally free      57 159
Luroth's theorem      17
m(X)      96
Meromorphic function      94
MOD      49
Model      18 85
Modular function      49
Modular group      112
Moebius function      4
Moebius transformation      108
Moving Lemma      140
N(I)      8
Nakayama's lemma      77
Noetherian scheme      182
Noetherian space      120
Non-archimidean      20
Norm      8 114
normal      126 134 182
Normal scheme      182
Normalised valuations      43
Numerically equivalent      141 156
ord      21 53
P(F)      43
p-adic integers      41
p-adic numbers      41
p-adic spot      22
p-adic valuation      22
Parametrisation      89 99
Periodic functions      108
Perron's Formula      2
Pic(B)      157
Place      89
Plane curve      74
Poincare duality      149 194
Poincare lemma      166 170
Point      183
Poisson summation formula      68
Pole      94
Pontrjagin duality      64
Pr(X)      103
Prescheme      181
PreSh(X)      158
Presheaf      127 191
Prevariety      131 186
Prime element      34
Principal divisor      58 102 142
Principal parts      163
Pro-HSS      148
Pro-object      148
Projective curve      82 85
Projective formula      141 149
Projective line      24 182
Projective space      81 182
Projective variety      137
Proper      197
Puisceux's theorem      88
Quadratic number field      10 11 47
Quasi-projective      137
R-Mod      158
R-Top      130
Ramification index      38 95 100
Ramified function      95
Rat(K/k)      137
Rational equivalence      140
Rational function      74 83 121 134
Rational map      137
Real square root      12 29
Reduced scheme      182
Reduction      32 143 154 164 187
Regular function      121 123 135
Regulator      9 56
Relative degree      38
Residue field      32 122 130
Restricted product      63
Riemann classification theorem      108
Riemann hypothesis      4 16 115 144 173
Riemann surface      94
Riemann — Enriques theorem      196
Riemann — Hurwitz Theorem      108
Riemann — Roch theorem      175
Riemannian manifold      167
Riemannian metric      167
Ring of integers      31
Ringed space      130
RS      94
Sch(V)      183
Scheme      181
Separated      133 184
Sh(V)      158
Sheaf      127 191
Sheaf of sections      127
SIMPLE      77 82 125 134
singular      77 82 94 125 134
Site      190
Smooth      77 82
SMR      36
Spec      179
Specialisation      82 124
Spectrum      123
Spot      21 43 44
Stoke's theorem      168
Strong approximation theorem      53
Strong topology      145
Structure sheaf      130
Symmetric product      103
System of multiplicative representatives      36
Tangent      125
Tangent sheaf      161
Tangent space      125 130 162
Tate module      178
topology      190
Topos      191
Transcendence degree      17
Trivial sheaf      127
Ultrametric      20
Umkehr homomorphism      149
Uniformity      88
Unique factorisation      1 7 54
Universal coefficient theorem      149
Universal domain      124
Unramified      38
Unramified function      95
V(G)      74 82
V(J)      119
Valence      95
Valuation      20
Valuation ring      31
Value group      20
Vector field      163
Weak approximation theorem      45
Weierstrass elliptic function      108
Weil Conjectures      117 143 197
Z(z,K)      61
Z(z,K/F)      13 61
Zariski topology      120 135 179
Zeta function      3 8 60 79
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