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Nevanlinna R., Paatero V. — Introduction to Complex Analysis |
Предметный указатель |
-function 171
-function and factorial 279
-function, analytic continuation 280
-function, product representation 285
Abel power series theorem 100
Abel, N. 100
Abelian group 29
Abelian integral 277
Absolute convergence 97 227 251
Absolute value 6
Accessible boundary point 318
Accumulation point 9
Addition theorem for -function 264
Addition theorem for doubly periodic function 264
Addition theorem for exponential function 66
Addition theorem for sine and cosine 79
Algebraic singularity 216
Analytic continuation 213—224
Analytic continuation of -function 280
Analytic continuation, direct 214
Analytic function 1
Analytic function defined by integral 136
Analytic function singularities 149—155
Analytic function, complete 215
Analytic function, uniqueness theorem 139
Angle between two rays 16
Angle between two vectors 2
Angular defect 57
Arbitrary rectifiable curve 120
ARC 108
Arc cos z 87 91
Arc cot z 86
Arc length 50 111
Arc sin z 87
Arc tan z 86
Argument 6 11 74
Argument principle 175—181 314
Asymptotic value 66
Automorphic function 271 336
Axioms for plane Euclidean geometry 2
Axioms for two-dimensional vector space 1
Axioms, field 3
Basis of a group 126
Basis of vector plane 2
Bernoulli numbers 182 293
Bieberbach area theorem 183
Bilinear form 3
Bilinear transformation 37
Binomial equation 23
Binomial series 136
Blaschke product 239
Bolyai 50
Bolzano — Weierstrass theorem 20
Boundary correspondence of domain bounded by analytic curve 318
Boundary correspondence under conformal mapping 315
Boundary elements 318
Boundary point 10 313
Branch points 27 268
Branch points of the surface 163
Branches 25
c-points 33
Caratheodory, Constantin 143 309
Cartesian coordinate system 3
Cauchy consequences 138—146
Cauchy convergence criterion 96 110 157 207
Cauchy derivation for disk 131
Cauchy general form 133—135
Cauchy integral formula 131—135 168
Cauchy product rule 98 105 290
Cauchy theorem 117—127 167
Cauchy theorem, general form 125 208
Cauchy — Riemann conjugate harmonic functions 190
Cauchy — Riemann conjugate harmonic functions, polar form 22
Cauchy — Riemann conjugate harmonic functions, reflection principle 221
Cauchy — Riemann differential equations 12—14 29
Cauchy, Augustin 14
Chain rule 15 157
Circle of Apollonius 39
Circle of convergence 100
Circular arcs 51
Circular domain 45 47 49 145
Circular neighborhood 9 27
Circular triangle 58
Circular triangle, conformal mapping 166 334—335
Closed domain 10
Closed path 108
Closed plane 9
Closed set 9
Closure 10
Cluster point 9 317 338
Commutative group 29
Compact set 9
Complement 9
Complete analytic function 215
Complex conjugate 7 19 54
Complex line integral 108—114
Complex number notation 6
Complex plane 6
Composition of functions 15
Conditional convergence 97
Conformal function 16
Conformal mapping 37 73 305—342
Conformal mapping and Dirichlet problem 324
Conformal mapping and harmonic functions 190
Conformal mapping by analytic functions 15
Conformal mapping by schlicht function 162
Conformal mapping construction of solution 308—315
Conformal mapping of circular domains 45
Conformal mapping of Jordan domain 179 323
Conformal mapping of polygon 327 331
Conformal mapping of rectangle 334
Conformal mapping of triangle 331—334
Conformal mapping of unit disk 47 145 195
Conformal mapping, self-mapping 49
Conjugate groups 124
Conjugates, harmonic 15 190
Connectivity number 126
Continuation see Analytic continuation
Continuity 10
Continuous deformation 123
Continuum 9
Contour lines 51
Convergence criterion 97
Convergence criterion and infinite products 225
Convergence, absolute 97 227
Convergence, circle of 102
Convergence, conditional 97
Convergence, radius of 102
Convergence, uniform 99
Convergent sequence 8
Convergent Series 95
Convex domain 120 216
Cosine 78
Cotangent 82
Covering surface 27
Cross-ratio 37
CYCLE 49 51
Cyclic group 28
Cyclic permutation 185 272
de La Vallee Poussin, C. 300
de Moivre's formula 7 67
Decomposition into partial fractions 33
Decomposition into real and imaginary parts 29
Definite integral 115
Deformation 122 128—130
Derivative 11
Derivative of exponential function 68
Differentiability 11
Differentiable function 11
Differential 11
| Differential equation of 261
Direct analytic continuation 214
Dirichlet problem 204—206 211
Dirichlet problem and conformal mapping 324
Displacement vector 44
Domain 9
Domain, closed 10
Doubly periodic functions 243 334
Doubly periodic functions, addition theorem for 264
Doubly periodic functions, representation of 259 262
Element of an analytic function 214
Elementary deformation 122
Elliptic functions 243 246
Elliptic integral 262—275
Elliptic modular function 338
Elliptic transformation 43 48 51
Entire function 68 78 258 287
Equivalence relation 122
Equivalent 69
Equivalent boundary elements 319
Erdoes, P. 300
Essential singularity 150 216 245
Euler's -function 278—304
Euler's constant 286
Euler's formulas 67 82 223
Euler's integral 278
Euler's product formula 289 295 301
Euler, Leonhard 135
Even functions 262
Exponential function 65—73 92 105
Exponential function, asymptotic values of 66
Exponential function, extension into complex domain 65
Exponential function, periodicity 68
Exponential function, reduction of simply periodic functions to 244
Extended plane 9
Exterior point 10
Fixed points 42
Fresnel integrals 181
Function element 214
Function, analytic see Analytic function
Function, composition of 15
Function, conformal 16
Function, denned 10
Function, harmonic 14 184—191 320
Function, integral 68
Function, inverse 155—162 179 217
Function, monotone 323
Fundamental domain 72
Fundamental group 123
Fundamental period 244
Fundamental theorem of algebra 29 142 177
Fundamental theorem of differential calculus 186
Gauss mean-value theorem 135 140 195 209 236
Gauss, Carl Friedrich 135 300
General power 73
Geodesic 49
Goursat's proof 118 189
Goursat, Edouard 14
Graph see Line-complex
Green's function 324 341
Group of integral values 125
Group, cyclic 28
Group, finite 28
Group, postulates 28
Hadamard's three-circle theorem 211
Hadamard, J. 300
Hardy, G.H. 299
Harmonic conjugates 15 190
Harmonic continuation 219
Harmonic functions 14 184—191 320
Harmonic measure 197 320
Harmonic sequence 41
Harnack's principle 206 240 312
Heine — Borel theorem 21 108
Hermite's method 292
Homeomorphic mapping 145
Homomorphism 124
Homothetic transformation 43
Homotopic 122
Homotopy 122 126 128
Homotopy classes 123
Hyperbolic geometry 48
Hyperbolic length 49
Hyperbolic measure 336
Hyperbolic transformation 43 48 50
Hypercycle 48 51
Image of a domain 160
Indirectly conformal 18
Infinite connectivity 126
Infinite products 225—228 286
Integrability condition 115 187
integral 108
Integral function 68
Integral theorem of Cauchy 131
Integration of a differential form 184
inversion 45
Involutory transformation 43
Isomorphism 124
Iteration method 309
Jensen's formula 236—239
Jordan arc 108 199 322 340
Jordan curve 108 177 200 314 323 340
Jordan domain 324 340
Jordan theorem 178
Kernel 196
Klein, Felix 337
Koebe, Paul 309
Landau, E. 299
Laplace differential equation 14 21
Laplace differential equation, polar form 22
Laplace integrals 171 173
Laurent derivation 146 151 236
Laurent expansion 146
Laurent series 167
Legendre modular function 271 337 342
Legendre modular function, normal form 274
Legendre relations 256
Legendre, A.M. 299
Leibniz 12
Length 2
Limit of a function 10
Limit of a sequence 8 138
Limit point 9
Lindelof theorems 199—204 322 340
Lindelof, Ernst 199
Line integral 108—113
Line integral, computation of 114
Line-complex 92 218
Linear transformation 4 37—45 144
Liouville's theorem 140 152 246 339
Littlewood, J.E. 300
Lobachevsky 50
Logarithm 71
Logarithmic pole 324
Logarithmic pole singularity 216
Loxodromic transformation 44
Majorant series 99 253
Mapping by elliptic integral 274
Mapping by power function 24
Mapping of doubly periodic function 268—272
Mapping, elliptic 43 48 51
Mapping, homeomorphic 145
Mapping, homothetic 43
Mapping, hyperbolic 48 52
Mapping, parabolic 44 48
Maximum principle 141 237 321
Maximum-minimum principles 192—195 199 220 325
Measure, harmonic 197 320
Measure, hyperbolic 336
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