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» Список нерубрицированных книг

Содержимое каталога
12671. Rieci T. F. Seherer C. A Stochastic Model for the Dynamics of a Classical Spin1992
12672. Riedel M. Skript zur Versicherungsmathematik I und IIn/a
12673. Rigamonti A. Carretta P. Structure of Matter : An Introductory Course with Problems and Solutions2007
12674. Rigby B. Rock the Vote Mobilizing Generation 2.0: A Practical Guide to Using Web2.0 Technologies to Recruit, Organize and Engage Youth2008
12675. Rigden D. From Protein Structure To Function With Bioinformatics (1 edition)2009
12676. Riggs T. Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television: A Biographical Guide Featruing Performers, Directors, Writers, Producers, Designers, Managers, Choreographers, Technicians, Composers, Executives, Volume 442002
12677. Riggs Th. Contemporary Theatre, Film and Television: A Biographical Guide Featuring Performers, Directors, Writers, Producers, Designers, Managers, Choreographers, Technicians, Composers, Executives, Volume 842008
12678. Righetti P. Laboratory Techniques in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology: Isoelectric Focusing - Therory, Methodology and Applications1983
12679. Rihoux B. Ragin C. Configurational Comparative Methods: Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) and Related Techniques (Applied Social Research Methods)2009
12680. Riley D. Engineering and Social Justice2008
12681. Rinaldo B. Schinazi On the Spread of Drug-Resistant Diseases1999
12682. Rino Rappuoli Cesare Montecucco Guidebook to Protein Toxins and Their Use in Cell Biology1997
12683. Rinpoche Y.M. A Alegria de Viver2007
12684. Rios M. Basta Sentir2020
12685. Rischpater R. Palm Enterprise Applications : A Wiley Tech Brief2001
12686. Risco С.R. Francisco. De hijo de inmigrantes a papa2015
12687. Rislakki J. The Case for Latvia. Disinformation Campaigns Against a Small Nation: Fourteen Hard Questions and Straight Answers about a Baltic Country. (On the Boundary ... Freedom, & Moral Imagination in the Baltics)2008
12688. Rita Casadei Francesco Vitucci Il Giappone oltre la maschera2011
12689. Rita Casadio Gene Myers Algorithms in Bioinformatics: 5th International Workshop, WABI 2005, Mallorca, Spain, October 3-6, 2005, Proceedings (1 edition)2005
12690. Ritter H. Sagerer G. Dillmann R. Human Centered Robot Systems: Cognition, Interaction, Technology (Cognitive Systems Monographs)2009
12691. Rivard F. Harb G. A. Meret P. Transverse Information Systems: New Solutions for IS and Business Performance (1 edition)2009
12692. Rivas M. Kinematical Theory of Spinning Particles: Classical and Quantum Mechanical Formalism of Elementary Particles (Fundamental Theories of Physics, 116)2002
12693. Rivera S.M. Diversi K. DASH Diet for Renal Health (2022 edition)n/a
12694. Rivers R. J. Path Integral Methods in Quantum Field Theory1988
12695. Rivka Gilat Leslie Banks-Sills Advances in Mathematical Modeling and Experimental Methods for Materials and Structures (1st Edition.)2010
12696. Rixu L. Transformation of China’s Modern Banking System from the Late Qing Era to the 1930s Vol.12015
12697. Rjasanow S. Steinbach O. The Fast Solution of Boundary Integral Equations2007
12698. Roach G. An Introduction to Echo Analysis: Scattering Theory and Wave Propagation (1st edition)2008
12699. Roach G. The Fast Solution of Boundary Integral Equations (1 edition)2007
12700. Roach G.F. Wave Scattering by Time-Dependent Perturbations: An Introduction (Princeton Series in Applied Mathematics)2007
12701. Rob Fitzpatrick O Teste da Mãe: Como conversar com clientes e descobrir se sua ideia é boa, mesmo com todos mentindo para você2019
12703. Rob Roy Chris Lawson A arte da guerra segundo os Seals da marinha norte-americana2016
12704. Rob Tripp Biotechnology and Agricultural Development Transgenic Cotton, Rural Institutions and Resource-poor Farmers (1 edition)2009
12705. Robbins A. Linux Programming by Example: The Fundamentals (Prentice Hall Open Source Software Development Series) (1 edition)2004
12706. Roberson E. D. Alzheimer's Disease and Frontotemporal Dementia: Methods and Protocols (1st Edition.)2010
12707. Robert W. Boyd Svetlana G. Lukishova Y.R. Shen Self-focusing: Past and Present: Fundamentals and Prospects (Topics in Applied Physics) (1 edition)2008
12708. ROBERT (BOB) ROBEY YULIANA (YULIE) ZAMORA Parallel and High Performance Computing2021
12709. Robert A. Divine THE SPUTNIK CHALLENGE1993
12710. Robert A. Geake From Slaves TO Soldiers2016
12711. Robert A. Meyers Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology Seriesn/a
12712. Robert A. Nash Alfred H. Wachter Pharmaceutical Inhalation Aerosol Technology (2 edition)2003
12713. Robert A. Schwartz John Aidan Byrne Antoinette Colaninno Technology and Regulation: How Are They Driving Our Markets? (Zicklin School of Business Financial Markets Series) (1 edition)2009
12714. Robert Alicki Karl Lendi Quantum Coherence Correlation and Decoherence in Semiconductor Nanostructures (1 edition)2003
12715. Robert Archambeau Poetry and Uselessness From Coleridge to Ashbery2021
12716. Robert B. Ash Basic Abstract Algebra: For Graduate Students and Advanced Undergraduates2006
12717. Robert B. Brandom Tales of the Mighty Dead: Historical Essays in the Metaphysics of Intentionality2002
12718. Robert Beauwens Martin Berzins Applied Numerical Mathematics 61 (January 2011)2011
12719. Robert Britton MIPS assembly language programming2003
12720. Robert Bruce Lindsay Introduction To Physical Statistics (1st edition)1941
12721. Robert Burke Hazardous Materials Chemistry for Emergency Responders, Second Edition (2 edition)2002
12722. Robert C. Allen Global Economic History: A Very Short Introductionn/a
12723. Robert C. Dalang Carl Mueller David Nualart A minicourse on stochastic partial differential equations (1 edition)2008
12724. Robert C. King William D. Stansfield Pamela K. Mulligan Biological and Biotechnological Control of Insect Pests (1 edition)1999
12725. Robert D. Cook Finite Element Modeling for Stress Analysis1995
12726. Robert Darnton Censores em ação: Como os Estados influenciaram a literatura2011
12727. Robert E. Collin Antennas and Radiowave Propagation (Mcgraw Hill Series in Electrical and Computer Engineering)1985
12728. Robert E. Mercer Eric Neufeld Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 12th Biennial Conference of the Canadian Society for Computational Studies of Intelligence, AI'98, Vancouver, BC, ... (1 edition)1998
12729. Robert E. Norton The Crucible of German Democracy2021
12730. Robert Eeke Hans Haucke Noise-Induced Intermittency in the Quasiperiodic Regime of Rayleigh-B6nard Convection1988
12731. Robert Elsner Brett Gooden Diving and Asphyxia: A Comparative Study of Animals and Man (Monographs of the Physiological Society) (1 edition)2009
12732. Robert F. Gould Ozone Reactions with Organic Compounds1974
12733. Robert Frick Die Geschichte des Reich-Oottes-Qedankens in der alten Kirche bis zu Origenes und Augustin1928
12734. Robert G. McKinnell Prevention of Cancer (The Biology of Cancer) (1 edition)2008
12735. Robert G. Stone Collisionless Shocks in the heliosphere, A Tutorial Review1985
12736. Robert Gardner Bartle A Modern Theory of Integration2001
12737. Robert Gentleman Vincent Carey Wolfgang Huber Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Solutions Using R and Bioconductor (1 edition)2005
12738. Robert Gilmore Lie Groups, Physics, and Geometry: An Introduction for Physicists, Engineers and Chemists (1 edition)2008
12739. Robert H. Stewart Introduction to Physical Oceanography2008
12740. Robert H.Jr. Halstead Takayasu Ito Parallel Symbolic Computing: Languages, Systems, and Applications (1 edition)1993

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