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Faith C. — Rings and Things and a Fine Array of Twentieth Century Associative Algebra |
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Hoelder 153 see
Hoffman, Abbie 321
Hoffman, Banesh 279
Hofstadter, Douglas 281
Holmes, Oliver Wendell 298
Homomorphism 1.2
Homomorphism opposite scalars 3.11As
Hope, Bob 264
Hopkins 17 33
Hopkins — Levitzki theorem 2.1f 2.2s
Hopkins, Charles 304
Horrocks 67
Houston 167
Howard, Michael 272
Hrbacek 10
Hua identity 2.15As
Huckaba theorem 9.22 9.24(2)
Huckaba — Keller theorem 6.42
Huckaba, J. 163—164 168 236
Huckaba, James ("Jim") xxix
Hudry 95
Hughes, Robert 31 In
Huisgen-Zimmermann 77 189 193
Humphrey, Hubert 269
Hungerford 166
Huppert 71
Hutson, H. Leroy ("Roy") 258 319
Huynh 92 150 189
Huynh theorem 1.26
Huynh — Dung — Smith theorem 14.32B
Huynh — Jain — Lopez-Permouth theorem 12.4E 12.8B
Huynh — Rizvi — Yousif theorem 12.40
Huynh — Smith theorem 7.22—7.26
Ideal, (co)irreducible 2.25s
Ideal, closed see "Complement"
Ideal, comaximal 5.1A'
Ideal, commutative 5.1A'
Ideal, dense right 9.27s §12
Ideal, essential right 3.2Ds
Ideal, invertible 9.29s
Ideal, irreducible right 2.25s 8.5As
Ideal, locally nilpotent 2.34B
Ideal, nil 2.34s
Ideal, nilpotent 2.37s
Ideal, primary 2.25
Ideal, prime 2.22s
Ideal, primitive 2.6ss
Ideal, principal cyclic 3.30f
Ideal, principal indecomposable module (= prindec) 3.30f
Ideal, quasiregular 3.33Cf
Ideal, radical of an 2.25s
Ideal, regular 4.4 9.28s
Ideal, relatively prime 5.1A'
Ideal, semiprime 2.37s
Ideal, semiregular 9.28s
Ideal, singular 4.2s
Ideal, T-nilpotent 3.31
Ideal, torsion 1.26A
Ideal, vanishing 3.31
Ideal, VNR 4.4
Idempotent modulo 3.54f
Idempotent, basic 3.52
Idempotent, central 1.3
Idempotent, lifting 3.54f
Idempotent, orthogonal 1.2 3.52 4.6B
IF (injectives are flat) ring 6.8s
Ikeda 55
Ikeda theorem 3.5Bs
Ikeda — Nakayama theorem 3.5Bs
Indecomposable module 1.2 8.As
Index of nilpotency 1.2s
Inductive set 2.17A
Ingraham 99 245
Injective cogenerator ring 3.3' 3.40 4.20 4.23A
Injective hull 3.2C
Injective module 3.2s
Injective, countably 4.2Bs
Injective, finitely 6.16f
Injective-cogenerator ring 3.3'(4) 3.5' 4.20ff
Integral group ring 3.75—3.76 11.11f 11.12s
Integrally closed ring 9.11s
Internal direct sum 1.1
Intersection, irredundant 2.27
Invariant basis number 1.1 3.63
Invariant subring 2.16Ds
Invariant, transvectionally 2.16J
Involution 2.43s 12.4s
Irreducible geometry 12.4s 12.4As
Irreducible ideal 2.25s
Irreducible lattice 12.42 12.4f
Irreducible module 2.18As 16.9A
Irreducible submodule 3.14C 16.9A
Irreducible, meet 8.5As
Irving, Washington 295
Isaacs 130 227
Jaccobson, Ulla 257
Jackson 176—177
Jacobinski 219
Jacobson 13 18—19 26—27 41 46—49 57 68 70 74—75 84 87 99 156 179—180 183 186 221 224—226 232 242 243
Jacobson conjecture 2.40s 3.34f 2.40s 12.0D
Jacobson problem 3.40s 11.10f
Jacobson radical 2.6s
Jacobson ring 3.36s
Jacobson theorem 2.6—2.8 3.8 4.6B 4.15A §12
Jacobson, Florrie 286
Jacobson, Nathan ("Jake") 262—263 283 285—286 297 300 302
Jain — Lopez-Permouth theorem 13.34A
Jain — Lopez-Permouth — Saleh example 6.36
Jain, S.K. 292 see "Huynh"
Jain, Saroj 292
Jain, Saroj theorem 6.2B
James, Ian M. 287
Jans 71 160 218
Jans theorem 7.49
Jansen 193
Janusz 177
Janusz theorem 11.11ff
Jarrell, Randall 321
Jategaonkar 71 178 181 213 227
Jategaonkar theorem 3.34f 14.33
Jategaonker, Arun 299
Jech 10
Jech, T. 319n
Jensen 91 122 134—137 154
Jensen, Christian U. 315n
Jerison, Meyer ("Jerry") 260
Jespers 87—88
Johns 198
Johns ring 13.36s
Johns theorem 13.37B.2
Johns, Baxter 287
Johnsen, K. 256
Johnson 57 93 132 179—180 232
Johnson — Utumi maximal quotient ring §12 §13
Johnson — Wong Theorem 3.8 3.8s §12
Johnson, Don 306
Johnson, Joseph ("Joe") 303
Johnson, Lyndon Baines ("LBJ") 269
Johnson, R.E. 284
Johnson, Samuel 269
Jonah theorem 3.32f
Jonah, David 259
Jonah, Harold S.F. 259
Jondrup 90—91
Jondrup theorem 7.A' 7.3s 12.9
Jones 137
Jordan algebra 2.42s
Jordan simple 2.42s
Jordan — Hoelder series 2.17c
| Jordan — Hoelder theorem 2.17Fs
Juvenal 324
Kafka, Franz 295
Kahler, Erich 317
Kahlon 157—158
Kamal 102 189
Kaplansky 4—5 26 30 34 36—37 48 64 71—72 74 86—87 89 94 105—107 110—111 122 125 206—207 227 229 244 249 252
Kaplansky conjecture 4.11s
Kaplansky question 9.14s
Kaplansky theorem 2.9 3.1 3.43ff 4.1D 4.6D 4.10 5.7 12.4' 14.15.2 14.16 15.19
Kaplansky — Levitzki 15.4
Kaplansky — Levy example 5.4F
Kaplansky, Irving ("Kap") 281 286n 291 312—313
Kargapolov 88
Karma (Indian Goddess) 294 305
Kasch 24 68 160 177 181
Kasch quotient ring 9.9
Kasch ring 4.22A 16.42
Kasch theorem 13.27
Kasch — Kupisch — Kneser theorem 8.8ff 11.11ff
Kasch, Friedrich ("Fritz") 263—264 277—278
Kato 55
Kato theorem 4.22C 4.23 13.13 13.14A
Kaufman, Walter 297 317
Kegel 76
Kelarev 76
Keller see "Huckaba"
Kelly, LeRoy M. 261
Kelsh, Pat 280
Kemperman, Johann ("Joop") 258 260
Kemperman, Vilna 260
Kennen, George F. 271—272
Kent, Conrad 3111n
Kerr 165
Kerr ring 9.2s
Kerr theorem 9.2
Kielpinski — Warfield theorem 6.46
Kim 94
King James 324
Kinsburg, Joy Marks 289
Kist, Joseph ("Joe") 306
Kitamura 24 130 183 251
Kitamura theorem 17.12s
Klein 132
Klein theorem 3.50
Kneser 160 177 see
Kobayashi 104
Kobayashi theorem 4.2B' 12.3A
Koehler theorem 3.9A 12.4C'f
Koethe 74 76 85—87 110 161
Koethe conjecture 3.50As
Koethe radical 3.50s
Koethe theorem 3.37 5.1A 5.2A
Koethe — Levitzki theorem 3.68
Koethe, Gottfried 263 282
KOH 77
Koh theorem 3.51s
Kohls, Karl 260
Koifman 139
Koifman, L.A. 297
Kolchin 66 87
Kolchin theorem 3.72
Kolchin, Ellis 283 287
Kosinski, Antoni 258 286 298—299
Kosinski, Renate 299
Kosler 60
Krause 71 141 215—216
Krause definition 14.24
Krause — Michler theorem 14.31C
Krull viii 24 37—38 72 85 125 227
Krull dimension 14.26 14.28s
Krull intersection theorem 3.34
Krull Principal Ideal Theorem 2.22 2.23
Krull ring 9.21s
Krull theorem 9.11 9.19(1)
Krull — Schmidt theorem 8.As
Kuhn, Thomas 281
Kulikov theorem 1.15B
Kupisch 160 177
Kupisch, see "Kasch"
Kurata theorem 3.8C
Kurosch 74
Kurosch (also Kuros), A.G. 273
Kurosh problem 3.43f
Kurshan 198
Kurshan theorem 5.20A
Kuyk 35
l.c. see "Linear compact"
l.t. see "Linear"
Lafon 109
Lam 164 174 233—234 240 242
Lam remarks 16.11Bs 16.42f
Lam survey §10 p.174
Lambek 86 95 129 169 180—181 184 227 238
Lambek theorem 12.1s
Lambek — Bourbaki theorem 4.B
Lambek, Hanna 292
Lambek, Joachim ("Jim") 291—292 299 316n
Lang 23
Lang, Serge 320
Lanski 48
Lanski theorem 3.42
Larsen 164
Larsen theorem 6.3A
Lasker 39
Lasker — Noether Theorem 2.27
Lattice distributive 12.4s
Lattice, complemented 12.4s
Lattice, modular 12.4s
Lattice, orthocomplemented 12.4s
Lattice, self-dual 12.4s
Lawrence 179 190
Lawrence theorem 3.5E 4.16B 11.7A
Lawrence — Handelman theorem 12.13
Lawrence — Wood theorem 11.7B
Lawrence, D.H. 306
Lax, Peter 300
Lazard 68
Lazard theorem 4.A 12.9
Leary 95
Lee 48
Lee, Tsung Dao 278—279
Lemonnier 197 211
Lemonnier theorem 14.29A
Lenagan 74
Lenagan theorem 7.9A 14.29D
Lenagan — Gordon — Robson theorem 14.30
Lenagan — Robson theorem 14.30
Length of a module 2.17Fs
Lenin 271 296
Lenstra 35
Lenstra theorem 2.21Bf
Lenzing 7 122 134—137 154 201
Lenzing theorem 1.24 3.78
Lenzing, H. 315n
Lepowsky, James ("Jim") 302n
Leptin 197
Leray, Jean 267
Lesieur 62 77 179 227
Lesieur, L. 284
Lesser, Wendy 320
Levitzki 17 33 45 74 86—87
Levitzki theorem 2.34D—2.34E 2.38A 3.37 3.41 3.68—3.69 12.E
Levitzki — Fitting theorem 3.38 3.69
Levitzki — Herstein — Small theorem 3.41
Levitzki, Jakob 304
Levy 118 123 159
Levy theorem 7.3B 8.8f 13.39—13.40 13.45
Levy — Smith theorem 5.3F
Lewis theorem 6.3A
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