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Paeth A.W. (ed.) — Graphics gems (volume 5) |
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Spherical arc, polygon IV.132
Spherical coordinate transformation I.317-I.318
Spherical distribution, uniform III.126-III.127
Spherical excess IV.132
Spherical luminaire, importance sampling III.310 III.311
Spherical polygons V.42
Spherical projection V.43
SPHIGS package V.398
Spinors III.57
Splined interpolation III.122
Splines IV.85-IV.86 (see also B-spline; Curves and surfaces)
SPRT V.356; see Sequential probability test ratio
Square root algorithm II.387 II.388
Square root, fixed point V.22
Square root, floating point, inverse V.16
Square root, high speed, low-precision IV.24 IV.26
Square root, IEEE III.58 III.546
Staircase patterns V.338
State, code generation II.35
Statistics, visualizing 3D data IV.193
Stereographic map I.316 II.385
Stipple IV.487
Stirling's numbers IV.97
Stochastic sampling IV.370
Stochastic supersampling V.248
Storage-free swapping IV.36-IV.37
Stretcher-algorithm III.6
Stretching, bitmap III.5III.7 III.511
Strum sequences IV.16 IV.22
Strum sequences, characteristics IV.20
Strum sequences, counting sign changes IV.19 IV.20
Strum sequences, driving algorithm IV.18-IV.19
Strum sequences, example IV.17-IV.18
Strum sequences, method of bisection IV.20-IV.21
Strum sequences, pseudo-division of polynomials IV.19
Strum's Theorem IV.16-IV.17
Stucki filter II.69
SU(2) spinors III.57
Subdividing motion, transformations III.123
Subdivision angle see Ellipsoid generation
Subdivision arcs, circular 168
Subdivision chord, nonuniform 171
Subdivision curve 174
Subdivision space (Voronoi) 268
Subdivision Surface 104
Subdivision, angle see Ellipsoid generation
Subdivision, arcs, circular V.168
Subdivision, B zier, parametric see de Casteljau algorithm
Subdivision, chord, nonuniform V.171
Subdivision, curve V.174
Subdivision, parametric curve IV.251 IV.263
Subdivision, parametric surface IV.287
Subdivision, simplices III.244-III.249 III.534
Subdivision, space (Voronoi) V.268
Subdivision, surface V.104
Subdivision, triangulation IV.47
Subgroup algorithm III.129 III.131
Subpixel coordinates I.77-I.78
Subtabulation I.601
Sum tables, multidimensional see
Superquadrics, rigid physically based III.137 III.159 III.572
Superquadrics, rigid physically based, "inside-outside" function III.147 III.148
Superquadrics, rigid physically based, center of mass III.139
Superquadrics, rigid physically based, derivation of volume, mass, and inertia tensor III.152 III.159
Superquadrics, rigid physically based, equations of rigid-body motion 149 III.150
Superquadrics, rigid physically based, inertia tensor III.140 III.145
Superquadrics, rigid physically based, normal vectors III.148
Superquadrics, rigid physically based, parametric surface functions III.146 III.147
Superquadrics, rigid physically based, quantities III.138 III.145
Superquadrics, rigid physically based, volume, density, and mass III.139 III.140
Surface description by - D cubic cells V.98
Surface description by quadrangle mesh V.235
Surface description by triangular mesh V.232
Surface description by voxel V.273
Surface normal, 3D models IV.62-IV.66
Surface normal, quadric surface III.282 III.283
Surface normal, torus, determination II.256
Surface shading II.234
Surface-normal transformations IV.39 IV.47
Surface-normal transformations, affine modeling transformations IV.39 IV.42
Surface-normal transformations, backface culling IV.44-IV.45
Surface-normal transformations, composition IV.43
Surface-normal transformations, isotropic transformations IV.42
Surface-normal transformations, orthogonal transformations IV.42 IV.43
Surface-normal transformations, shading IV.45-IV.47
Surface-normal transformations, transformations of metric properties IV.43-IV.44
Surfaces see also Curves and surfaces
Surfaces, cell ambiguity V.98
Surfaces, contours V.99
Surfaces, defining, from contour data IV.58-IV.61
Surfaces, defining, from sampled data IV.52 IV.57
Surfaces, defining, from sampled data, assumptions IV.52-IV.53
Surfaces, defining, from sampled data, methods IV.53 IV.57
Surfaces, implicit, blob IV.324
Surfaces, implicit, cone IV.321 IV.355
Surfaces, implicit, cylinder IV.321 IV.353 IV.356
Surfaces, implicit, ellipsoid IV.113
Surfaces, implicit, hyperplane IV.154
Surfaces, implicit, polygonization IV.324
Surfaces, parametric, B zier IV.278 IV.290
Surfaces, parametric, B-spline IV.286
Surfaces, parametric, bilinear Coons patch IV.438
Surfaces, parametric, biquadratic rectangular IV.278
Surfaces, parametric, ellipsoid IV.114
Surfaces, parametric, hyperplane IV.162
Surfaces, parametric, NURB (nonuniform rational B-spline) 286
Surfaces, parametric, polygonization IV.287
Surfaces, parametric, quartic triangular IV.278
Surfaces, parametric, rational IV.286
Surfaces, parametric, reparametrization IV.278
Surfaces, parametric, subdivision IV.287
Surfaces, polyhedron see Polyhedron
Surfaces, quadric V.3
Surfaces, S-patch V.219
Surfaces, subdivision V.104
Surfaces, tensor-product V.219
Surfaces, tessellated V.232
Sutherland - Hodgman algorithm II.220 II.231
Sutherland - Hodgman clipping V.51
Sutherland-Hodgman polygon clipper III.219 III.222
SVD IV.209 V.115;
Swapping see Element exchanging
Swept contours IV.62-IV.64
Swept spheres V.258
Symmetric double step line algorithm II.01 II.02
Symmetric double step line algorithm, double speed Bresenham's II.01-II.02
Symmetric double step line algorithm, line drawing II.01
Symmetric double step line algorithm, using symmetry II.02 II.04
Symmetric evaluation, polynomials II.520-II.523
Synthetic actor II.241
Targa file format V.398
Television color encoding III.57 III.58
Television color encoding, chrominance III.50
Television color encoding, color reference frame III.58
Television color encoding, component systems III.54
Television color encoding, HDTV III.54-III.55
Television color encoding, hot-pixel test III.55 III.57
Television color encoding, IRE unites III.52
Television color encoding, luminance-color difference space III.57
Television color encoding, NTSC encoding basics III.58-III.52
Television color encoding, PAL encoding III.53-III.54
Television color encoding, unencodable RGB values III.57
Temporal refinement, progressive, recording animation in binary order I.265-I.269
Tensor product II.333-II.334 III.85
Tensor product surfaces 219
Tensor product, matrix IV.73
Tensor product, surfaces V.219
Tensor, modern view IV.33-IV.35
Tent filter II.59-II.50 II.51-II.52
Tessellated surfaces V.232
| Tessellation see Polygonization
Tetrahedron, dihedrals III.74-III.75
Text, placement on maps IV.497
Texture cell I.366 I.367
Texture cell, types I.371-I.372
Texture map indices, interpretation I.366-I.376
Texture map indices, interpretation, algorithm I.373-I.375
Texture map indices, interpretation, decision tree I.369-I.371
Texture map indices, interpretation, replicating cells to create larger texture I.369
Texture map indices, interpretation, rigid transformation of square cell I.374-I.375
Texture map indices, interpretation, texture space as two-torus I.367 I.368
Texture map indices, interpretation, types of cells I.371-I.372
Texture mapping III.227
Texture, bump mapping IV.433
Texture, environment mapping IV.435
Texture, synthesis IV.401
Texture-space images, polygons I.366-I.367
Textured cylinder I.366 I.367
Theiessen tessellation III.17 IV.47 V.269;
Theorem, divergence V.40
Theorem, Green's V.40
Theorem, Menelaus V.213
Thinning, image IV.465
Thomas precession III.60
Three-dimensional geometry I.297-I.300 III.69 213
Three-dimensional geometry 3D grid hashing function I.343-I.345
Three-dimensional geometry 3D polygon partitioning, III.219-III.222 III.502
Three-dimensional geometry, B zier triangle conversion to rectangular patches III.256 III.261 III.536
Three-dimensional geometry, backface culling I.346-I.347
Three-dimensional geometry, boxes I.326
Three-dimensional geometry, curve tessellation criteria III.262 III.265
Three-dimensional geometry, fast -dimensional extent, H I.240-III.243 III.527
Three-dimensional geometry, grouping nearly coplanar polygons into coplanar sets III.225 III.230 III.512
Three-dimensional geometry, homogeneous clipping, triangle strips 219-II.231
Three-dimensional geometry, InterPhong shading II.232-II.241
Three-dimensional geometry, intersection of three planes I.305
Three-dimensional geometry, intersection of two lines I.304
Three-dimensional geometry, mapping I.306
Three-dimensional geometry, moving on a sphere III.72-III.73
Three-dimensional geometry, Newell's method III.231-III.232 III.517
Three-dimensional geometry, planar polygon, area III.70
Three-dimensional geometry, plane-to-plane intersection, H I.233-III.236 519
Three-dimensional geometry, polyhedra, exact dihedral metrics III.74-III.78
Three-dimensional geometry, polyhedra, volume III.70-III.71
Three-dimensional geometry, quadtree/octree-to-boundary conversion 202-II.218
Three-dimensional geometry, signed distance from point to plane 223-III.224 III.511
Three-dimensional geometry, simploids III.250-III.255
Three-dimensional geometry, spheres I.326
Three-dimensional geometry, spheres-to-voxels conversion I.327-I.334
Three-dimensional geometry, subdividing simplices III.244-III.249 III.534
Three-dimensional geometry, triangle-cube intersection III.236-III.239 III.521
Three-dimensional geometry, triangles III.215-III.218
Three-dimensional geometry, view correlation III.81 III.90
Three-dimensional geometry, viewing geometry III.79-III.80
Three-dimensional geometry, winged-edge model maintenance III.91-II.201
Three-dimensional grid, defining surfaces from sampled data IV.52-IV.57
Three-dimensional homogeneous clipping, triangle strips II.219-II.231
Three-dimensional homogeneous clipping, triangle strips, against non-normalized clipping volume II.224-II.225
Three-dimensional homogeneous clipping, triangle strips, algorithm study II.220-II.223
Three-dimensional homogeneous clipping, triangle strips, data study II.219-II.220
Three-dimensional homogeneous clipping, triangle strips, implementation II.225 II.229
Three-dimensional homogeneous clipping, triangle strips, memory considerations II.223-II.224
Three-dimensional models, surface normals IV.62-IV.66
Three-dimensional polygons, partitioning 219 III.222 III.502
Three-dimensional vector C, library III.399
Threshold dithering II.58-II.63
Threshold matrices 297
Thresholding matrix II.57 V.297
Tick marks I.61-I.63
Tilings, periodic, plane on raster grid II.29-II.39
Topology, polygon data IV.61
Topology, rotation space IV.230
Toroids, superquadric, "inside-outside" function III.148
Toroids, superquadric, inertia tensor III.141
Toroids, superquadric, normal vectors III.148
Toroids, superquadric, parametric surface functions III.147
Toroids, superquadric, shells III.157 III.159
Toroids, superquadric, volume III.140
Torus, bounding volume III.299
Torus, determining surface normal II.256
Torus, efficient bounding II.254-II.255
Trackball, virtual IV.62 IV.63
Transformation III.95
Transformation identities IV.85-IV.93
Transformation identities, anisotropic scaling following rotation IV.90
Transformation identities, commuting, rotation and anisotropic scaling IV.90
Transformation identities, commuting, rotation and isotropic scaling IV.88
Transformation identities, commuting, skewing and isotropic scaling IV.89
Transformation identities, exchanging order, of skews IV.91
Transformation identities, exchanging order, of translation and rotation, rules IV.87
Transformation identities, matrix representations of primitive transformations IV.92 IV.93
Transformation identities, reversing order, skewing and anisotropic scaling IV.89
Transformation identities, reversing order, translation and scaling IV.87
Transformation identities, reversing order, translation and skewing IV.88
Transformation identities, rotation expressed as combination of skews and scales IV.89
Transformation identities, rotation expressed as three skews IV.89
Transformation identities, skew expressed as two rotations and a scale IV.91
Transformation inverses IV.68
Transformation matrix IV.72-IV.75
Transformation matrix, data recovery II.324-II.331
Transformation matrix, data recovery, mirror image II.327
Transformation matrix, data recovery, projection II.329 II.331
Transformation matrix, data recovery, rotation II.326
Transformation matrix, data recovery, scaling II.327 II.328
Transformation matrix, data recovery, shear II.328-II.329
Transformation matrix, data recovery, translation II.326
Transformation matrix, DDA coefficient conversion between-step sizes I.602
Transformation matrix, mirror image IV.73
Transformation matrix, notation IV.72 IV.85 IV.86
Transformation matrix, observations IV.72
Transformation matrix, post-concatenation IV.76-IV.81
Transformation matrix, post-concatenation, computational cost comparison IV.79-IV.81
Transformation matrix, post-concatenation, direct IV.78-IV.79
Transformation matrix, post-concatenation, implementation IV.76-IV.77
Transformation matrix, primitive transformations IV.92-IV.93
Transformation matrix, projection IV.74
Transformation matrix, rotation IV.73
Transformation matrix, scaling IV.73-IV.74
Transformation matrix, translation IV.72
Transformation, 3D, coding see Quaternions
Transformation, angle-preserving IV.199
Transformation, as exponentials II.332-II.337
Transformation, axis-aligned bounding boxes IV.48-IV.50
Transformation, decomposing linear and affine III.108 III.116
Transformation, fast random rotation matrices III.117 III.120
Transformation, for visualization IV.193
Transformation, interpolation, using B zier curves III.136 III.568
Transformation, keyframing III.121 III.123
Transformation, length-preserving IV.199
Transformation, matrix see Matrix
Transformation, projective, decomposing III.98 III.107
Transformation, quaternion interpolation with extra spins 96 III.97 III.561
Transformation, relative motion III.122
Transformation, rigid physically based superquadrics 137-III.159 III.572
Transformation, subdividing motion III.123
Transformation, subroutines IV.534 IV.558
Transformation, uniform random rotations III.124 III.132 III.565
Transforming axes IV.56-IV.59
Transition table I.93-I.95
Translate and rotate algorithm III.174 III.179
Translation, transformation matrices IV.73
Translation, transformation matrices, data recovery from II.326
Translucent media, light absorption II.277-II.282
Translucent objects, ray tracing, shadow attenuation II.283-II.289
Transmission coefficient II.278
Transparent objects, ray tracing, shadow attenuation I.397-I.399 II.283-II.289
Transpose of the inverse IV.41
Trapezoidal decomposition, from polygon V.394
Trapezoidal icositetrahedron V.83
Trapezoidal test V.236
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