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Paeth A.W. (ed.) — Graphics gems (volume 5) |
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Gram - Schmidt orthogonalization procedure, modified III.112 III.113 116
Graph labels, nice numbers I.61-I.63
Graph, display of IV.505
graphic design IV.497 IV.505
Graphics libraries V.400
Graphics workstations, motion blur III.374 III.382 III.606
Gray interior points I.244
Gray ramp III.63-III.64
Great circle IV.132
Great circle, arc, code to draw IV.178
Great circle, plotting II.540-II.544
Green's theorem V.40
Grid, for fast point search IV.61
Grid, for faster point-in-polygon testing IV.29
Grid, interpolating in a IV.521
Grid, iso-surface of grid data IV.326
Grid, traversing a 3D IV.366
Gridded sampling, progressive image refinement III.361 III.597
Group theory II.343-II.344
Group theory, of infinitesimal rotations III.56-III.57
Haar test III.125
Half-angle identity, digital computation II.381-II.386
Half-angle relations II.6
Half-open intervals, polygon scan conversion III.362 III.365 III.599
Half-phase filters, frequency response, decimation by two II.62
Half-plane, area of intersection, with circle I.38-I.39
Half-space testing I.240-I.241
Half-tangent II.381-II.386
Halftoning 297 302;
Halftoning matrix II.58
Hardware, scrambling integers in I.222-I.223
Hash tag III.386-III.387
Hashing function, 3D grid I.343-I.345
Hashing, for point search IV.61
Hay box intersection, fast I.395 I.396
Hay polygon intersection I.390-I.394
Haze, simulating I.364-I.365
HDTV II.154-III.55
Heckbert's algorithm III.27
Hemi-cube algorithm II.299 III.324
Hemi-cube algorithm, cubic tetrahedral adaptation II.299-II.302
Hemispherical projection, triangle III.314 III.317 III.569
Hermite interpolation V.212 V.401
Hermite polynomial II.398-II.399
Hexagonal construction I.238
Hexakis octahedron V.82
Hidden-surface removal stage III.37
Hierarchical traverse V.246
Hierarchy traversal II.267-II.272
Hierarchy traversal, bottom-up method II.270-II.271
Hierarchy traversal, caching II.268
Hierarchy traversal, combining top-down and bottom-up approaches II.270-II.271
Hierarchy traversal, top-down list formation II.268-II.269
High coherence II.28 II.30
High dimensional see -dimensional
Highlight see Specular reflection
Hilbert curve II.27-II.28
Hilbert curve, coherence of transversal sequences II.28-II.30
Histogram equalization IV.474
Hobby's polygonal pens III.5-III.7
Hollow objects, box-sphere intersection testing 337-I.338
Homogeneous coordinates IV.23
Homogeneous coordinates, -dimensional IV.154
Homogeneous coordinates, clipping lines using IV.128
Homogeneous coordinates, subroutine library for 2D and 3D IV.534
Homogeneous media, light absorption 278-II.280
Hopf fibration IV.232
Horner's rule II.520-11 421
Hot colors III.57 III.52-III.53
Hot pixels, repairing III.55-III.56
Hot pixels, test III.55-III.57
Householder matrix III.118
HSL Saturation IV.49
HSL-to - RGB transform, fast IV.48 IV.49
HSV Saturation IV.48
Hue Saturation Value I.239 I.240
Hybrid predictor II.97-III.00
Hypercones III.17
Hyperface III.89-III.91
Hyperlattice III.89 III.90
Hyperplane, parametric formula IV.162
Hyperspace see -dimensional
Hypertexture procedural volume model IV.401
Hypervoxel III.89
Hypotenuse, fast approximation IV.27 IV.31
Hypotenuse, fast approximation, derivation IV.27 IV.29
Hypotenuse, fast approximation, error analysis IV.29 IV.31
Hypotenuse, triangles IV.7-IV.9
Icosahedron, dihedrals III.75 III.77
Identity, matrix IV.73
IEEE fast square root III.58 III.546
IEEE floating point IV.125
Illumination, Phong model IV.385 IV.388
Image file compression II.93-III.00
Image file compression, hybrid predictor II.97 III.00
Image file compression, prediction-correction coding II.93 II.94
Image file compression, prediction-correction coding, adaptive II.94-II.95
Image processing II.59 III.3
Image processing, adaptive run-length encoding II.89-II.91
Image processing, bitmap scaling operation optimization III.19 III.525
Image processing, color dithering II.72 II.77
Image processing, color reduction filter III.20-III.22 III.529
Image processing, compact isocontours III.23-III.28
Image processing, compositing black-and-white bitmaps III.34-III.35
Image processing, fast anamorphic image scaling II.78 II.79
Image processing, fast bitmap stretching III.5III.7 III.511
Image processing, fast boundary generator, composited regions III.39-III.53 III.541
Image processing, filtered image rescaling III.8 III.16 III.514
Image processing, image file compression II.93 III.00
Image processing, image smoothing and sharpening by discrete convolution II.50 II.56
Image processing, isovalue contours from pixmap III.29-III.33 III.532
Image processing, ninety-degree bitmap rotator II.84-II.85
Image processing, noise thresholding in edge images III.05 III.06
Image processing, optimal filter for reconstruction III.01-III.04
Image processing, pixels II.80-II.83
Image processing, run-length encoded image data rotation II.86-II.88
Image processing, two 1/two - D depth-of-field simulation for computer animation III.36 III.38
Image reconstruction, optimal filter III.01 III.04
Image refinement, progressive, gridded sampling III.361 III.597
Image rescaling, filtered III.8 III.16 III.514
Image scaling, fast anamorphic II.78-II.79
Image sharpening, by discrete convolution II.56
Image smoothing, by discrete convolution II.56
Image, display, high fidelity IV.415
Image, enhancement IV.474
Image, filter, bilinear/trilinear reconstruction IV.445 IV.521
Image, filter, color reduction, code III.529
Image, filter, convolution IV.447
Image, filter, embossing IV.433
Image, filter, first derivative III.05
Image, filter, nonuniform quadratic spline II.101-III.02
Image, quantization IV.422
Image, resampling IV.440 IV.449 IV.527
Image, thinning IV.465
Image, warping IV.440
Implicit surface see Surfaces implicit
Importance sampling III.309
In center, triangles I.20 I.21
In radius, triangles I.20 I.21
incircle IV.145
Inclusion isotony III.64
Inclusion testing see Polygon point
Inclusion-exclusion, combinatorics II.129-III.30
Inertia tensor, superquadric III.140 III.145 III.153
Inertia tensor, world coordinates III.145
Infinitesimal rotations, group theory III.56 III.57
Inhomogeneous media, light absorption 280-II.281
integer arithmetic IV.123 IV.449 IV.526
Integer square root algorithm II.387 II.388
Integers II.371 II.372
| Integers, counting through bits under mask II.372-II.373
Integers, scrambling I.222 I.223
Integers, tallying on bits II.373 II.376
Intensity II.233 II.278-II.279
Intensity, interpolation between adjacent pixels II.545
Interactive camera control IV.230
Interactive cursor display IV.413
Interactive image warp control IV.440
Interactive orientation control IV.175
Interlace artifacts, reduction III.378 III.379
Interlacing III.376
InterPhong shading II.232 II.241
InterPhong shading, analysis of formula II.238 II.240
InterPhong shading, applications II.241
Interpolation II.58
Interpolation coefficients, closed loops IV.81
Interpolation coefficients, open curves IV.83
Interpolation, B zier curves V.213
Interpolation, B-spline, divided differences V.213 V.217
Interpolation, bilinear interpolation in 2D array IV.445 475 IV.521
Interpolation, by factor of two, Lanczos2 sine function II.58 II.59
Interpolation, formulas, cubic spline IV.79-IV.84
Interpolation, Gaussian 1/ filter II.54 II.56
Interpolation, Gaussian 1/two filter II.52 II.54 II.56
Interpolation, Gaussian filter II.50 II.53
Interpolation, Hermite V.212 V.401
Interpolation, linear III.122
Interpolation, linear, fast IV.526
Interpolation, linear, versus splined III.122
Interpolation, logarithmic space III.121
Interpolation, of 1D data IV.241
Interpolation, of image see Image filter
Interpolation, quaternion, with extra spins III.96-III.97 461
Interpolation, RGBZ V.398
Interpolation, slerp V.62
Interpolation, tent filter II.59 II.50
Interpolation, tricubic V.107
Interpolation, trilinear interpolation in 3D array IV.328 521
Interpolation, using B zier curves III.133-III.136 III.568
Intersection, box and polyhedron IV.78
Intersection, cone-line V.227
Intersection, cubic curves IV.261
Intersection, line see Line intersections
Intersection, moving polyhedra-viewpoint V.80
Intersection, of two circles, circle containing III.7-III.8
Intersection, plane-to-plane III.233 III.236 III.519
Intersection, polygon-cube V.375
Intersection, quadrangle surface-line V.232
Intersection, ray with cone IV.355
Intersection, ray with cylinder IV.353 IV.356
Intersection, ray with hyperplane IV.165
Intersection, ray with implicit surface IV.113
Intersection, ray with polygon IV.26
Intersection, ray with quadric surface III.275 III.283 III.547
Intersection, ray with voxel grid IV.366
Intersection, rectangle and polygon IV.77
Intersection, scanline coherent shape algebra II.37
Intersection, scanline-object V.242
Intersection, swept sphere-line V.258
Intersection, triangle-cube III.236 III.239 III.521
Intersection, two polyhedra IV.83
Intersection, two-dimensional, exact computation III.188 III.192 III.591
Interval arithmetic III.61 III.66 III.554
Interval sampling II.394 II.395
Inverse color map III.16
Inverse color map, adjusting blue scanlines 122-III.23
Inverse color map, aliasing III.23 III.24
Inverse color map, computation II.116-III.25
Inverse color map, convexity advantage III.19 III.24
Inverse color map, domain in blue-green plane 120-III.22
Inverse color map, incremental distance calculation III.17 III.19
Inverse color map, ordering II.124-III.25
Inverse of a matrix see Matrix inverse
IRE unites III.52
Irradiance III.319 III.320
Iso-surface IV.324
Isotropic transformations, normal vector IV.42
Isovalue contours, from pixmap III.29 III.33 III.532
Iteration, rotation tools IV.68
Jacobian matrix III.84 III.155 III.158
Jarvis, Judice, and Nanke filter II.68
Jell - O IV.375
Jitter function, use in ray tracing I.72 I.74
Jitter function, using look-up tables I.65-I.67
Jitter, generation I.64 I.74
Jitter, generation, computational cost I.67-I.68
Jitter, generation, error analysis I.72
Jitter, generation, sampling properties evaluation I.69-I.72
Jittered sampling IV.370
Knot insertion IV.252
Knot insertion, into B-splines II.525-II.527
Kochanek-Bartels formulation II.517 II.519
Kronecker delta function IV.158 IV.167
Kuhn's triangulation, box III.246-III.247 III.252 III.253
Label placement on maps IV.497
Lagrange polynomials V.210
Lambert's law of absorption II.279
Lambertian radiosity model II.385
Lanczos-windowed sine functions II.56-II.58
Lanczos2 sine function, decimation II.60 II.61
Lanczos2 sine function, frequency response II.64-II.65
Lanczos2 sine function, interpolation by factor of two II.58-II.59
Lanczosthree filter III.14 III.16
Lattice, integral, integral radius circle on IV.7-I.60
Law of Cosines II.3
Law of Sines II.3
Law of tangents II.3
layout IV.497 IV.505
ldexp II.82-II.83
Least-squares approximations, B zier curves and surfaces II.506-II.511
Least-squares fit, linear V.92
Length-preserving matrix group II.344-II.345
Level set IV.52
Lie algebra V.59
Light absorption, homogeneous media II.278-II.280
Light absorption, inhomogeneous media II.280-II.281
Light absorption, translucent media II.277-II.282
Light reflection II.282
Light sensing device III.61-III.62
lighting III.226 (see also Illumination computations)
line drawing I.98
Line drawing, anti-aliasing lines II.05 II.06
Line drawing, digital I.99-II.00
Line drawing, fat lines on raster grid III.5-II.20
Line drawing, filling in bevel joints II.07-III.3
Line drawing, for 3D voxel traversal IV.366
Line drawing, for fast linear interpolation IV.526
Line drawing, symmetric double step line algorithm II.01-II.04
Line drawing, two-dimensional clipping II.21-II.28
Line equation III.190
Line parameterization V.92
Line structures, 2D I.3-I.5
Line, area of intersection, thick, with circle IV.0-IV.2
Line, clipping see Clipping line
Line, distance to point II.0 III.0-III.3
Line, intersection see also Scanline coherent shape algebra
Line, intersection 3D I.304
Line, intersection, 2D IV.141
Line, intersection, Apollonius's 10th problem II.19-II.24
Line, intersection, bounding circle III.5-III.6
Line, intersection, calculation, polygons II.28
Line, intersection, circle containing intersection of two circles 17-III.8
Line, intersection, distance from point to line II.10-III.3
Line, intersection, of line segments II.7-II.9 III.199 III.202 500
Line, intersection, Peano curve generation algorithm 25-II.26
Line, intersection, point of, 2D II.1
Line, intersection, segments II.7-II.9
Line, intersection, space-filling curve II.27-II.28
Line, intersection, traversal II.26 II.27
Line, intersection, with circle IV.-I.6
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