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Paeth A.W. (ed.) — Graphics gems (volume 5) |
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Bounding volumes, crectangular, primitives III.295 III.300 III.555
Bounding volumes, csorting II.272
Bounding volumes, csphere III.298 III.299
Bounding volumes, ctorus III.299
Bounding volumes, cylinder III.296 III.297
box I.326
Box filter II.59 II.80 II.51-II.52 III.13 III.15
Box, intersection with ray, fast I.395-I.396
Box, Kuhn's triangulation III.246 III.247 III.252 III.253
Box-sphere intersection testing I.335-I.339
Branching IV.58-IV.61
BRDF V.285
Bresenham algorithm (pixel rendering), exact clipping 317
Bresenham algorithm (pixel rendering), inverse algorithm, pixel to vector 338
Bresenham's algorithm II.01 (see also Line drawing)
Bresenham's algorithm, exact clipping V.317
Bresenham's algorithm, inverse algorithm, pixel to vector V.338
Bresenham's algorithm, line drawing algorithm II.05-II.06 III.5III.5
Bresenham's algorithm, spheres-to-voxels conversion I.327 I.329
Bresenham's circles II.548-II.549
Brightness mapping IV.415
BSP trees see Binary space-partitioning trees
Bump Mapping III.06 IV.433
Bumpy sampling, anti-aliasing filters that minimize II.54-II.56
Butz's algorithm II.25
Cache performance, increasing II.87
Caching II.268
Camera transformation IV.230
Canonical fill algorithm I.279
Cardano's Formula IV.05
Cartesian color cubes I.254-I.255
Cartesian products, color pixels I.254-I.256
Cartesian products, extensions I.256
Cartesian triple, factoring into I.255-I.256
Cartography see Map projections
Catmull - Rom interpolation V.107
Catmull - Rom splines 218
Catmull-Rom splines V.218
Cell ambiguity V.98
Cell occupancy, for different grid sizes I.262
Center of gravity, triangles I.20-I.21
Center of mass, superquadrics III.139
Central projection I.315
Centroid of a polygon IV.3
Chain code V.324 (see also Edge contours)
Chain rule III.84
Change matrix, iteration IV.68-IV.69
Change-of-focus simulation III.38
Channel, frame buffer I.217-I.218
Characteristic matrix 75; see Conic sections
Characteristic matrix, header file III.393-III.395
Chebychev polynomials I.60
Chord-length parameterization I.617 I.621
Chrominance III.50
Cibachrome III.64-III.65
Cibatrans III.64 III.65
CIELAB, CIELUV color spaces V.62
Circle clipping algorithm III.182 III.187 III.587
Circle, 2D IV.-I.5
Circle, anti-aliased generation II.545-II.549
Circle, area of intersection, two circles IV.3-IV.6
Circle, area of intersection, with half-plane I.38-I.39
Circle, area of intersection, with thick line IV.0-IV.2
Circle, bounding III.5-III.6
Circle, Bresenham's algorithm I.327-I.329
Circle, circumscribing a triangle IV.47 IV.143
Circle, containing intersection of two circles III.7-III.8
Circle, drawing, shear algorithm II.92-II.93
Circle, inscribing a triangle IV.145
Circle, integral radius, on integral lattices IV.7-I.60
Circle, intersection with line, 2D IV.16
Circle, intersection with rectangle, fast checking IV.1-IV.3
Circle, tangent line, 2D I.5
Circle, tangent line, perpendicular to line I.8 I.9
Circle, tangent line, to two circles, 2D I.7-I.8
Circle, touching three given circles III.9-II.24
Circle, with radials II.383
Circular arc fillet, joining two lines 193-III.198 III.596
Circular arc, straight-line approximation 435-II.539
Circumcenter, triangles I.20 I.23
circumcircle IV.47 IV.143
Circumference, computing, binary digital image 107 II.111
Circumradius, triangles I.20-I.23
Circumspheres (space packing) V.67 V.270
CLAHE (contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization) IV.476
Class numbers III.5-III.6
Clipping 3D homogeneous, triangle strips II.219-II.231
Clipping, 2D see Two-dimensional clipping
Clipping, complex II.54
Clipping, generic convex polygons I.84-I.86
Clipping, line, -dimensional IV.159
Clipping, line, in 2D and 4D IV.125
Clipping, scanline-object V.242
Clipping, Sutherland - Hodgman V.51
Clipping, vector-viewport V.314
Clipping, view frustum V.127
Closed loops, cubic spline interpolation formulas IV.80-IV.82
Clustered-dot dither II.63
Clustered-dot dither, macros, vector operations III.505
Cohen - Sutherland clipping algorithm V.315
Coherence II.26
Coherence measure II.28 II.30
Collision detection IV.83
Collision testing, viewpoint, moving polyhedra V.380
Collision testing, viewpoint, static polygons V.128
Color cube I.233-I.234 I.254-I.255
Color descriptor table III.54
Color dithering II.72-II.77
Color dithering, conventions II.72
Color dithering, error-propagation dithering II.75-II.77
Color dithering, gamma correction II.72-II.73
Color dithering, ordered dithering II.73-II.75
Color hardcopy, frame buffer III.63-III.65
Color image display IV.415
Color image display quantization IV.422
Color image display, subroutines useful for RBG images IV.534
Color maps (LUTS) I.216-I.218 IV.401 IV.413
Color maps (LUTS), animation, random algorithm III.34-III.37
Color maps (LUTS), basic architecture I.215
Color maps (LUTS), geometrically determined I.233 III.53
Color maps (LUTS), interpolation III.38
Color maps (LUTS), manipulation, 1-to-1 pixel transforms I.270-I.274
Color maps (LUTS), pseudo, PHIGS PLUS III.38-III.50
Color maps (LUTS), visible selections III.77 IV.413
Color pixels, Cartesian products I.254-I.256
color printers III.65
Color quantization see also Octree quantization
Color quantization, algorithm details and analysis 131-III.32
Color quantization, based on variance minimization III.27
Color quantization, Cartesian I.254
Color quantization, color statistic computations III.28-III.31
Color quantization, error III.26-III.28
Color quantization, experimental results III.33
Color quantization, inverse color mapping III.16
Color quantization, octree based I.287
Color quantization, onto fourteen values I.233
Color quantization, onto sixteen values III.53
Color quantization, optimal, statistical computations III.26-III.33
Color quantization, variance minimizing, optimal III.26
Color reduction filter III.20-III.22 III.529
Color reference frame III.58
Color rendering, linear III.343 III.348 III.583
Color solid, four-bit I.235-I.236
Color statistics, computations III.28-III.31
Color television monitor, calibration III.59 III.62
Combinatorics, inclusion-exclusion III.29-III.30
Compact cubes III.24 III.28
Compact isocontours III.23 III.28
Compact isocontours, compact cubes III.24 III.28
Compact isocontours, cube-based contouring III.23 III.24
| Compaction algorithm II.89
Complex clipping II.54
Complex number IV.139
Complexity analysis, RGB triples I.244
Composited regions, boundary generator II.153 III.541
Compositing stage III.37
Compression II.59
compression ratios II.97 III.00
Compression techniques II.89
Compression, image file II.93-III.00
Computational cost, jitter generation I.67-I.68
Concave polygon, scan conversion I.87 I.91
Concave polygon, testing for IV.7
Conducting medium, light reflection II.286
Cone plus cosine II.55-II.56
Cone, bounding volume III.297
Cone, equation for IV.321
Cone, intersection of ray with IV.355
Cone-ellipsoid intersection I.321-I.322
Cone-line intersection V.227
Conformal mapping see Map projections
Conic sections V.72
Conjugate diameters III.169 III.171
Connection algorithm, two - D drawing III.173 III.181 III.580
Connection algorithm, two - D drawing, definitions III.173 III.174
Connection algorithm, two - D drawing, overcrossing correction III.179 III.180
Connection algorithm, two - D drawing, translate and rotate algorithm III.174 III.179
Constants, full precision IV.34
Constraints for interactive rotation IV.177
Continued fractions V.26
Continuity conditions, cubic B zier curves I.615-I.616
Continuous image I.246
Continuous signals II.57
Contour data, defining surfaces from IV.58-IV.61
Contours, defining IV.54
Contours, edge V.338
Contours, surface V.99
Contours, swept IV.62-IV.64
Contrast cursor IV.413
Contrast enhancement IV.401 IV.474
Contrast enhancement transform II.97-II.98 I.202 I.270-I.271 I.274
Contrast, display of high IV.415
Convex decompositions, polygons I.97
Convex polygon IV.7 IV.25 IV.141
Convex polyhedron, collision detection IV.83
Convolution IV.447
Convolution kernel II.50-II.51
Coordinate frames IV.22-IV.32
Coordinate frames, matrix representation IV.24
Coordinate frames, problem solving examples IV.27-IV.32
Coordinate frames, vectors and points IV.22-IV.23 IV.26
Coordinate Rotation Digital Computer see CORDIC
Coordinate, barycentric 211
Coordinate, homogeneous 112 214
Coordinate, transformation 111
Coordinate, unit-cube frame representation 141
Coordinates, barycentric V.211
Coordinates, homogeneous IV.23 V.112 V.214
Coordinates, nonhomogeneous IV.23
Coordinates, transformation V.111
Coordinates, unit-cube frame representation V.141
Coplanar sets, of nearly coplanar polygons III.230 III.512
CORDIC, vector rotation IV.94 IV.97
Corner rounding IV.145
Corner value IV.53-IV.54
Cosine, angles between lines, 2D III.
Cosine, in exponentials II.5
Covariance matrix V.113
Crack prevention IV.292
Crack prevention, space packing lattices III.74
Cramer's rule IV.38 IV.90 IV.142 IV.164
Cross product II.333-II.334
Cross product, -dimensional IV.156 IV.167
Cross product, identity IV.158 IV.397
Cross product, in 2D IV.140
Cross product, in four dimensions and beyond III.84 III.88
Cross product, matrix IV.73
Cross product, sign calculation II.392-II.393
Cross-section, positioning and orienting IV.70
Cube, bounding volume III.295 III.296
Cube, dihedral II.174-III.75
Cube, intersection with triangle III.236 III.239 III.521
Cube-based contouring III.23 III.24
Cubic see also Cubic lattices
Cubic B zier curves IV.79 I.614 II.528-II.529
Cubic B zier curves, continuity conditions I.615-I.616
Cubic B zier curves, forward differencing I.600-I.601 I.603
Cubic B zier curves, geometrically continuous II.528-II.534
Cubic B-spline III.14-III.15
Cubic curve II.513
Cubic curve, planar IV.75-IV.78
Cubic equations, Descartes - Euler - Cardano 8
Cubic equations, Descartes-Euler-Cardano V.8
Cubic equations, Ferrari's V.7
Cubic equations, Neumark's V.9
Cubic lattice, face centered 68 (see also Rhombic dodecahedron)
Cubic lattices V.62
Cubic lattices, body centered V.68
Cubic lattices, face centered V.68 (see also Rhombic dodecahedron)
Cubic marching cubes 98
Cubic roots IV.04-IV.07
Cubic spline interpolation formulas IV.79-IV.84
Cubic spline interpolation formulas, closed loops IV.80-IV.82
Cubic spline interpolation formulas, open curves IV.82-IV.83
Cubic symmetric polyhedra 78 83
Cubic tetrahedral algorithm, delta form-factor calculation III.324-III.328 III.575
Cubic tetrahedron, adaptation of hemi-cube algorithm II.299-II.302
Cubic triangle II.513
Cubic triangle, conversion to rectangular patches III.260 III.261
Cubic, lattice, body centered 68 (see also Truncated octahedron)
Cubic, marching cubes V.98
Cubic, symmetric polyhedra V.78 V.83
Cubic, tricubic interpolation V.107
Cuboctahedron I.237 V.70
Culling, back-face 127
Culling, backface I.346-I.347 IV.44-IV.45 V.127
Culling, view-frustum V.127
Cumulative transformation matrix III.295
Current object area II.28
Cursor IV.413
Curvature vector IV.68
Curve tessellation criteria III.262 III.265
Curves and surfaces II.505 (see also Surfaces)
Curves and surfaces, anti-aliased circle generation II.545-II.549
Curves and surfaces, B zier see B zier curves and surfaces
Curves and surfaces, B-spline IV.252
Curves and surfaces, fitting see Digitized curve fitting
Curves and surfaces, great circle plotting II.540 II.544
Curves and surfaces, interpolation with variable control point approximation II.517-II.519
Curves and surfaces, intersection of cubic IV.261
Curves and surfaces, knot insertion IV.252
Curves and surfaces, Menelaus's theorem II.524-II.527
Curves and surfaces, number of segments II.535-II.536
Curves and surfaces, open, cubic spline interpolation formulas 582-IV.83
Curves and surfaces, Peano II.25-II.26
Curves and surfaces, polynomials, symmetric evaluation 420-II.523
Curves and surfaces, rational IV.256
Curves and surfaces, reparametrization IV.263 IV.441
Curves and surfaces, smoothing IV.241
Curves and surfaces, straight-line approximation of circular arc II.535-II.539
Curves and surfaces, subdivision IV.251
Cyclic sequences, fast generation III.67-III.76 III.558
Cylinder, bounding volume III.296 III.297
Cylinder, equation for IV.321
Cylinder, generalized, reference frames IV.67
Cylinder, intersection of ray with IV.353 IV.356
Cylinder, normal vector IV.359
Cylinder, with changing cross-sections IV.70-IV.71
Cylindrical equal area I.318-I.319
Cylindrical equirectangular map I.310
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