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Paeth A.W. (ed.) — Graphics gems (volume 5)
Paeth A.W. (ed.) — Graphics gems (volume 5)

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Название: Graphics gems (volume 5)

Автор: Paeth A.W. (ed.)

Язык: en

Рубрика: Computer science/Вычислительная геометрия/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1995

Количество страниц: 440

Добавлена в каталог: 20.11.2005

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Предметный указатель
Cylindrical luminaire      V.285
Cylindrical maps      I.310-I.311
Darklights      III.366-III.368
Data smoothing      IV.241
Data structure      see also Grid
Data structure, octree      IV.74
Data structure, scanline coherent shape algebra      II.32-II.34
Data value      I.30
Databases, direct charting      I.309-I.310
DDA      see Line drawing
DDA algorithm      IV.95
de Boor - Fix formulas      160 166
de Boor algorithm      V.217
de Boor-Fix formulas      V.160 V.166
de Casteljau algorithm      V.199 V.217
de Casteljau Evaluation Algorithm      IV.87-IV.89 604-I.605
Decimation      II.58 (see also Resampling)
Decimation, by two, frequency response, half-phase filters      II.62-II.63
Decimation, by two, frequency response, Lanczos2 sine functions      II.64 II.65
Decimation, by two, frequency response, zero-phase filters      II.62
Decimation, Gaussian 1/$\sqrt{2}$ filter, frequency response      II.64
Decimation, Gaussian 1/two filter, frequency response      II.63
Decimation, Lanczos2 sine functions, frequency response      II.64-II.65
Decimation, Lanczos2 sine functions, frequency response, by factor of four      II.61
Decimation, Lanczos2 sine functions, frequency response, by factor of three      II.60
Decimation, Lanczos2 sine functions, frequency response, by factor of two      II.58 II.59
Decision tree      III.176 III.174
Decomposition into parallelohedra (space packing)      V.67
Decomposition quotient space      V.61
Decomposition, quotient space      61
Decomposition, Seidel's algorithm (trapezoids, triangles)      V.394
Decomposition, singular value      V.115
Delaunay triangulation      270
Delauney triangulation      IV.47 V.270
Delta form factor      II.313
Delta form factor, calculation, cubic tetrahedral algorithm      III.324 III.328 III.575
DeMoivre's theorem      II.5
Density, superquadrics      III.139 III.140
Depth buffer      I.218
Depth cuing      I.365
Depth of field      III.36
Descartes - Euler - Cardano algorithm      V.8
Descartes' law of signs      V.154
Destination pixel, contributors to      III.12
Determinant      IV.154 IV.167
Diagram layout      IV.497 IV.505
Diameters, conjugate      III.169 III.171
Dielectric materials, fresnel formulas      II.287-II.289
Difference equation      IV.245
Difference, scanline coherent shape algebra      39-II.50
Differentiation algorithm, B$\acute{e}$zier curves      589-IV.90
Diffuse reflection      II.233
Digital cartography      see Map projections
Digital computation, half-angle identity      381-II.386
Digital dissolve effect      I.221-I.232
Digital dissolve effect, case study      I.229-I.231
Digital dissolve effect, faster mapping      I.227-I.228
Digital dissolve effect, first attempt      I.223 I.224
Digital dissolve effect, further research      I.231-I.232
Digital dissolve effect, optimizations      I.230-I.231
Digital dissolve effect, randomly traversing 2D array      I.221-I.222
Digital dissolve effect, scrambling integers      I.222-I.223
Digital filtering      see Discrete convolution
Digital generation, sinusoids      167-169
Digital halftoning      II.57 II.71 IV.489 V.297 V.302
Digital halftoning, clustered-dot dither      II.63
Digital halftoning, contrast adjustment during      II.63-II.64
Digital halftoning, error diffusion dithering      II.65-II.71
Digital halftoning, horizontal lines      II.60-II.61
Digital halftoning, magic-square dither      II.60-II.62
Digital halftoning, ordered dither matrix      II.58-II.60
Digital halftoning, threshold dithering      II.58-II.63
Digital halftoning, to multiple output levels      II.64-II.65
Digital images, color hardcopy      III.63 III.65
Digital line drawing      I.99 II.00
Digitized curve fitting, automatic, algorithm      I.612-I.626
Digitized curve fitting, automatic, algorithm, chord-length parameterization      I.617 I.621
Digitized curve fitting, automatic, algorithm, implementation notes      I.624-I.625
Digitized curve fitting, automatic, algorithm, Newton - Raphson iteration      I.621-I.623
Digitized curve fitting, automatic, algorithm, scalar curves      I.616
Digits, conversion with bits      IV.35
Direct lighting, distribution ray tracing      307-III.313 III.562
Direction ratios      IV.56-IV.57
Directional light      V.290
Dirichlet cell      V.62 V.270
Discrete convolution, image smoothing and sharpening      II.50-II.56
Discrete image      I.246
Discrete laplacian filter      II.53-II.54
Discrete signals      II.57
Discriminator      II.01
Display, high fidelity      IV.415
Dissolve algorithm      I.225-I.227
Distance 3D, fast approximation      IV.32-IV.33
Distance approximations      IV.23 V.78
Distance between two polyhedra      IV.83
Distance measures, approximate vector length      IV.29
Distance measures, equations of unit distance      IV.28
Distance measures, fast approximation to 3D Euclidian distance      IV.32-IV.33
Distance measures, fast approximation to hypotenuse      IV.27
Distance measures, full-precision constants      IV.34
Distance measures, high speed, low precision square root      IV.24-IV.26
Distance to a hyperplane      IV.161
Distance to a line      IV.143
Distance to an ellipsoid      IV.113
Distance variable      II.05
Distance, $n$-dimensional      IV.120
Distribution check      III.131 III.132
Distribution ray tracing, direct lighting      307-III.313 III.562
Dither      IV.489
Dithering      see Ordered dithering
Dithering matrix      II.77
Divergence theorem      V.40
dodecahedron      III.76
Dodecahedron, dihedrals      III.75 III.77
Dodecahedron, transformation of sphere      II.241
Dot products, $n$-dimensional      IV.158
Dot products, for shading      I.348-I.360
Dot products, for shading, direct algorithm      I.351-I.352 I.359
Dot products, for shading, directing vectors      I.348
Dot products, for shading, new algorithm      I.351-I.352 I.359-I.360
Dot products, for shading, reflection of light      I.349-I.352
Dot products, for shading, refraction      I.353-I.354
Dot products, for shading, Snell's law      I.353-I.354
Dot products, in 2D      IV.140
Double speed Bresenham's      II.01-II.02
Double-angle relations      II.7
Double-framed order      I.265-I.266
Dual solids      I.236-I.237
Duff's formulation      II.518
Duratrans      III.64-III.65
Dymaxion gnomonic projection      I.316
Dynamic range of image      IV.415 IV.422
Dynamic simulation, mass and spring mode]      506
Earth, ellipsoidal approximation      I.309 IV.135
Edge calculations, anti-aliasing      III.345 III.354 III.586
Edge contours      V.338
Edge detectors      III.05
Edge images, noise thresholding      III.05-III.06
Edge preservation      IV.61
Edge structure      II.86-II.87
Edge-sharpening convolutions      II.55
Edge-sharpening convolutions, applied before halftoning      II.70-II.71
Eigenvalues      II.324-II.325 (see also Matrix eigenvalues)
Element exchanging      see also Cyclic sequences
Element exchanging, of three or more values      III.67
Element exchanging, subtraction-based      II.72
Element exchanging, XOR-based      II.71 IV.36
Ellipse intersections equations      V.75
Ellipse intersections figure      V.6
Ellipse intersections, equations      75
Ellipse intersections, figure      6
Ellipsoid      IV.113
Ellipsoid generation      V.179
Ellipsoid, box-sphere intersection testing, generalizing      I.338-I.339
Ellipsoid, equation      III.276
Ellipsoid, intersection with cone      I.321-I.322
Ellipsoid, superquadric "inside-outside" function      III.148
Ellipsoid, superquadric inertia tensor      III.140 III.144
Ellipsoid, superquadric normal vectors      III.148
Ellipsoid, superquadric parametric surface functions      III.147
Ellipsoid, superquadric shells      III.154 III.157
Ellipsoid, superquadric volume      III.140
Elliptical arc, parametric      see Parametric elliptical arc algorithm
Elliptical cone, equation      III.277
Elliptical cylinder, equation      III.276
Elliptical hyperboloid, equation      III.277
Elliptical paraboloid, equation      III.277
Elliptical torus, cross section      II.251 II.252
Elliptical torus, equation      II.251-II.252
Elliptical torus, intersection with ray      II.251-II.256
Embedding plane, intersection with ray      I.390-I.391
embossing      IV.433
Encoded image data, rotation      II.86-II.88
Encoding, adaptive run-length      II.89-II.91
Energy balance criterion      III.320
Enlargement, monochrome images, smoothing      II.66-II.70
Error diffusion dithering      II.65-II.71
Error diffusion dithering, blue noise added      II.70
Error diffusion dithering, edge-enhanced      II.70-II.71
Error diffusion dithering, introduction of random noise      II.69
Error diffusion dithering, serpentine raster pattern      II.67 II.69
Error-propagation dithering      II.75 II.77
Euclidean dimensions, four      III.58-III.59
Euclidean distance      see Distance
Euclidean geometry, $n$ - D, $n$ - D rotation      V.55 V.405
Euclidean geometry, $n$ - D, $n$ - D solids      V.79
Euclidean geometry, $n$ - D, graphics libraries, extended      V.400
Euclidean norm      IV.23 V.78;
Euler angle      IV.222 (see also Quotient space decomposition)
Euler angles      see Quotient space decomposition
Evolute      IV.116
Exact computation of 2-D intersections      III.188 III.192 III.591
Exact computation of 2-D intersections, Apollonius problem solution      III.203-III.209
Excircle      IV.47 IV.143
exponentiation      IV.385 IV.403
Face centered cubic lattice (fcc)      V.68 (see also Rhombic dodecahedron)
Face dihedrals      III.74-III.75
Face-connected line segment generation, $n$-dimensional space      III.89-III.91
Faceted shading      II.234 II.236
Factorial polynomials      IV.95-IV.96
Fast anamorphic image scaling      II.78-II.79
Fast fill algorithm, precalculating addresses      I.285-I.286
Fast Fourier transform algorithms      II.368-II.370
Fast lines, rendering on raster grid      III.5-II.20
Fast lines, rendering on raster grid, Hobby's polygonal pens      III.5-III.7
Fast lines, rendering on raster grid, software implementation      III.7-II.20
Fast memory allocator      III.59 III.50
Fat curve, generation      II.53
Fat lines, rendering on raster grid      III.5-II.20
Fence shading      IV.404
Fermat primes      II.8
Ferrari's algorithm      7
Feuerbach circle      III.215 III.218 IV.144
Fiber bundle      IV.230
Fill algorithms      I.278-I.284
Fill algorithms, canonical      I.279
Fill algorithms, optimal      I.281-I.282
Fill algorithms, processing shadows      I.280-I.281
Fillet      IV.145
Filter      see Image filter
Filter post-processing stage      III.37
Filter windows      II.94 II.95
Filtered image rescaling      III.8 III.16 III.514
Filtered image rescaling, magnification      III.9
Filtered image rescaling, minification      III.9-III.11
Finite difference      IV.241
First decomposition algorithm      III.99 III.100
First derivative filters      III.05
First fundamental matrix      IV.43-IV.44
Fixed-point trigonometry, CORDIC      IV.94-IV.97
Flipped bit count      II.368
Floating point arithmetic      IV.125 IV.422
Floating point pixel format      II.81-II.82
Floyd - Steinberg error propagation      II.75-II.76
Floyd - Steinberg filter      II.68
Fluorescent lights      see Cylindrical luminaire
Fog, simulating      I.364 I.365
Font rendering, three-pass algorithm      II.93
Form factor, accurate computation      III.329 III.333 III.577
Form factor, vertex-to-vertex      III.318 III.323
Forms, differences with vectors      IV.33-IV.35
Forms, triangular interpolants      IV.35 IV.38
Forward differencing      IV.94-I.603 IV.251
Forward differencing, $Del$ operator      IV.94-IV.95 IV.98
Forward differencing, B$\acute{e}$zier cubics implementation      I.603
Forward differencing, DDA algorithm      IV.95
Forward differencing, factorial polynomials      IV.95 IV.96
Forward differencing, locally circular assumption      IV.99 I.600
Forward differencing, Newton's formula      IV.96 IV.98
Forward differencing, step size determination      IV.99-I.601
Forward differencing, subdividing      I.601-I.603
Fourier transform      II.368-II.370
Frame buffer      I.215 I.216 III.15
Frame buffer, associated color map      I.217
Frame buffer, color hardcopy      III.63-III.65
Frame buffer, color quantization statistical computations      III.26-III.33
Frame buffer, fill algorithms      I.278-I.284
Frame buffer, inverse color map, computation      III.16-III.25
Frame buffer, mapping RGB triples      III.53-III.56
Frame buffer, PHIGS PLUS      III.38-III.52
Frame buffer, plane      I.217-I.218
Frame buffer, random color map animation algorithm      III.34-III.37
Frame buffer, setting monitor white point      III.59 III.62
Frame buffer, television color encoding      III.57-III.58
Free-form surface      see Surfaces parametric
Frenet frame      IV.67 IV.68
Fresnel formulas, approximations for applying      II.287 II.289
Fresnel formulas, dielectric materials      II.287 II.289
Fresnel formulas, wavelength-dependent reflection and refraction      II.286-II.287
Fresnel reflectance curve      II.284 II.289
Fresnel transmission curve      II.284 II.288 II.289
frexp      II.82
Full-precision constants      IV.34
Gain function      IV.401
Gamma correction      IV.401 IV.423
Gamma correction function      II.99 I.203-I.206 I.273
Gamma correction, color dithering      II.72 II.73
Gamma function, computation      III.151 III.152
Gauss - Jordan elimination      II.349
Gaussian 1/$\sqrt{2}$ filter frequency response      II.64
Gaussian 1/$\sqrt{2}$ filter, frequency response      II.64
Gaussian 1/$\sqrt{2}$ filter, interpolation      II.54-II.56
Gaussian filter      II.54-II.55 II.50-II.53
Gaussian one /two filter, frequency response      II.63
Gaussian one /two filter, interpolation      II.52-II.54 II.56
Gaussian random numbers      III.36
Gaussian weighted filter      II.51-II.53
Gaussians, uniform rotations from      III.129
General direction ratios      IV.57
Genus, computing, binary digital image      107-III.11
Geodesics      I.315 II.540
Geometric constructions, interpolation of orientation with quaternions      II.377-II.380
Geometric continuity      I.615-I.616 II.530-II.531
Geometry, $n$-dimensional      IV.83 IV.149
Geometry, 2D      IV.138
Girard's formula      44; see Spherical triangle area
Gnomonic projection      I.315
Gouraud renderer      III.345-III.347
Gouraud shading      I.84 II.235-II.236 IV.60 404 IV.526
Gram - Schmidt orthogonalization procedure      III.108 III.109
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