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Paeth A.W. (ed.) — Graphics gems (volume 5) |
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PHIGS PLUS, implementation III.51-III.52
PHIGS PLUS, pseudo color, interpolation III.50-III.51
PHIGS PLUS, pseudo color, mapping III.38-III.50
Phong illumination (specular formula) IV.385 IV.388
Phong shading (normal vector interpolation) 60 IV.404
Phosphors, chromaticity III.51
Phosphors, chromaticity, coordinates III.61
Phosphors, spectral emission curve III.60-III.61
Photo-inversion transform II.96 II.98 I.270-I.271
Physically based methods, for graph layout IV.506
Pipeline accelerator III.383-III.389
Pixel II.80-II.83
Pixel coordinates I.246-I.248
Pixel coordinates, along unit axis I.250
Pixel coordinates, continuous I.246
Pixel coordinates, converting I.247-I.248
Pixel coordinates, discrete I.246
Pixel encoding see also Color quantization
Pixel encoding, floating point, common exponent II.80
Pixel encoding, hyperbolic IV.422
Pixel encoding, logarithmic ( -255 law) I.251-I.253
Pixel encoding, non-linear luminance scaling IV.415
Pixel encoding, NTSC broadcasting III.57
Pixel value, dynamic range IV.415 IV.422
Pixel, angular width III.289
Pixel, band, anti-aliasing II.545-II.546
Pixel, components III.09-III.10
Pixel, destination, contributors to III.12
Pixel, gamma-corrected byte storage II.80
Pixel, locations II.33-II.34
Pixel, nonlinear mappings I.251-I.253
Pixel, remapping II.78
Pixel, replication II.79
Pixel, selection mechanism III.77 III.79
Pixel, sub-sampling II.79
Pixel, triangular, anti-aliasing III.369 III.373
Pixel, unportable bits II.81
Pixmap, generating iso-value contours from 29-III.33 III.532
Planar cubic curves IV.75-IV.78
Planar polygon, area III.70
Planar rotations III.124 III.126
Planar subdivision IV.47
Plane equation of polygon, Newell's method 231 III.232 III.517
Plane, arbitrary, partitioning 3D convex polygon with III.222 III.502
Plane, comparing two III.229 III.230
Plane, crystallographic groups II.29-II.33
Plane, embedding, intersection with ray I.390-I.391
Plane, frame buffer I.217-I.218
Plane, intersection of three I.305
Plane, periodic tilings on raster grid II.29-II.39
Plane, periodic tilings on raster grid, wallpaper groups II.29-II.33
Plane, signed distance to point III.223-III.224 III.511
Plane-to-plane intersection, II I.233 III.236 III.519
Point 3D IV.22-IV.23 IV.26
Point distributions (uniform), interval (progressive) II.394-II.395
Point distributions (uniform), sphere I.320 III.117 III.126
Point distributions (uniform), triangle I.24
Point in polygon testing IV.16 IV.24
Point, distance to line II.0 III.0-III.3
Point, distance to line, vertical IV.7-IV.8
Point, generating random, triangles I.24-I.28
Point, generation equation III.79
Point, mutual visibility I.30-I.31
Point, signed distance to plane III.223-III.224 III.511
Point-on-line test IV.9-IV.0
Point-triangle intersection II.259-II.261
Polar decomposition of matrix IV.207
Polygon see also Polyhedron
Polygon partitioning, by half-space membership V.122
Polygon partitioning, concave V.50
Polygon partitioning, general 2D in 3D V.386
Polygon partitioning, triangulation V.394
Polygon scan conversion I.76-I.83 IV.404
Polygon scan conversion, algorithm I.77 I.82
Polygon scan conversion, arbitrary polygons I.92 I.97
Polygon scan conversion, background I.76 I.77
Polygon scan conversion, concave I.87 I.91
Polygon scan conversion, fast I.92-I.97
Polygon scan conversion, fast, -transition table I.93 I.95
Polygon scan conversion, fast, extrema and memory requirements I.95-I.96
Polygon scan conversion, fast, active edge lists I.92 I.93
Polygon scan conversion, fast, convex decompositions I.97
Polygon scan conversion, fast, intersecting polygons I.96
Polygon scan conversion, fast, traffic between registers and memory I.92
Polygon scan conversion, generic, and clipping I.84-I.86
Polygon scan conversion, half-open intervals III.362 III.365 III.599
Polygon scan conversion, implementation notes I.82 I.83
Polygon scan conversion, reducing code redundancy I.84
Polygon scan conversion, vertices during scan conversion I.78-I.79
Polygon stretching II.27 II.28
Polygon, area II.5-II.6 IV.3 IV.141
Polygon, area, spherical IV.132
Polygon, bounding volume III.296
Polygon, centroid IV.3
Polygon, convexity testing IV.7 IV.25 IV.141
Polygon, from twisting reference frames IV.67-IV.68
Polygon, intersection, calculation II.28
Polygon, intersection, fast scan conversion I.96
Polygon, intersection, with ray I.390-I.394
Polygon, nearly coplanar, grouping into coplanar sets III.230 III.512
Polygon, plane equation, Newell's method III.231 III.232 III.517
Polygon, point in polygon testing IV.16 IV.24
Polygon, random point I.24-I.28
Polygon, shading IV.404
Polygon, Sutherland - Hodgman clipper III.219 III.222
Polygon, texture-space images I.366-I.367
Polygon, three - D, partitioning III.219 III.222 III.502
Polygon, triangulation IV.47
Polygon, user-provided display routines, radiosity II.295-II.298
Polygonal pens III.54 117
Polygonization, implicit surface IV.324
Polygonization, parametric surface IV.287
Polygonization, planar region IV.47
Polyhedra figures, cube (hexahedron) V.67
Polyhedra figures, elongated dodecahedron V.67
Polyhedra figures, hexagonal prism V.67
Polyhedra figures, hexakis octahedron 83
Polyhedra figures, octahedron V.83
Polyhedra figures, rhombic dodecahedron V.67-V.68 V.83
Polyhedra figures, trapezoidal icositetrahedron V.83
Polyhedra figures, truncated octahedron V.68
Polyhedron see also Polygon
Polyhedron 3D IV.65-IV.66
Polyhedron, collision detection IV.78 IV.83
Polyhedron, convex, ray intersection II.247 II.250
Polyhedron, exact dihedral metrics III.74 III.78
Polyhedron, inferring topology IV.61
Polyhedron, normal vector IV.60
Polyhedron, regular III.74-III.75
Polyhedron, volume III.70 III.71
polylines V.212
Polylines, circular arc II.535-II.537
Polynomial equations, bracketing real roots see Strum sequences
Polynomials, Horner's rule II.520 II.521
Polynomials, symmetric evaluation II.520-II.523
Polytope IV.84 IV.149
Polytope, semiregular V.67 V.78 V.83
Polytopes, semiregular 67 78 83
pool III.59
Popularity algorithm I.288
Post-concatenation, transformation matrices IV.76-IV.81
PostScript language IV.145 IV.380
Power relations II.5
Prediction-correction coding II.93-II.94 (see also Image file compression)
Primitives, rectangular bounding volumes III.300 III.555
print III.64-III.65
Product relations II.6
programming techniques see Numerical and programming techniques
Progressing refinement, radiosity V.290
| Progressive image refinement, gridded sampling III.361 III.597
Projection, -dimensional IV.152
Projection, Albers equal-area conic map I.321 I.325
Projection, azimuthal I.314 I.317
Projection, data recovery from transformation matrix II.329-II.331
Projection, equations, view correlation III.82 III.83
Projection, general I.318
Projection, hemispherical, triangle III.314 III.317 III.569
Projection, Mercator I.311 I.313
Projection, onto vector in 2D IV.142
Projection, properties, digital cartography I.307 I.308
Projection, Sanson - Flamsteed sinusoidal I.312 I.314
Projection, transformation matrices IV.75
Projective transformations, decomposing III.98-III.107
Projective transformations, decomposing, first decomposition algorithm III.99 III.100
Projective transformations, decomposing, fourth decomposition algorithm III.104-III.106
Projective transformations, decomposing, second decomposition algorithm III.100 III.102
Projective transformations, decomposing, third decomposition algorithm III.102 III.104
Proximity testing I.237 I.239
Pseudo color, interpolation, PHIGS PLUS III.50-III.51
Pseudo color,mapping, PHIGS PLUS II.138-III.50
Pseudo-perspective II.340-II.341
Pyramid geometry, rendering with iterated parameters II.186-III.87
Pythagorean relation IV.7
Pythagorean Theorem IV.99
Pythagorean triangles, prime IV.8
Quad-edge data structure IV.48
Quadratic spline, nonuniform III.01 III.02
Quadratic surface, equation III.275 III.279
Quadratic triangles, conversion to rectangular patches III.256-III.259 III.536
Quadric surface V.3 (see also Surfaces implicit)
Quadric surface, intersection with ray III.275 III.283 III.547
Quadric surface, surface normal III.282 III.283
Quadric surfaces 3
Quadtree/octree-to-boundary conversion II.202-II.218
Quadtree/octree-to-boundary conversion, II.206 II.208-II.209
Quadtree/octree-to-boundary conversion, conversion II.214 II.218
Quadtree/octree-to-boundary conversion, II.214-II.215
Quadtree/octree-to-boundary conversion, procedure II.205-II.206
Quadtree/octree-to-boundary conversion, II.211-II.213
Quadtree/octree-to-boundary conversion, II.206-II.208 II.210
Quadtree/octree-to-boundary conversion, parallel connected stripes representation 203-II.204
Quadtree/octree-to-boundary conversion, PCS-to-boundary conversion II.205
Quadtree/octree-to-boundary conversion, quadtree-to-boundary conversion II.211 II.213
Quadtrees II.31
Quadtrees, bit interleaving IV.43-IV.47
Quantization see also Color quantization
Quantization transform II.96-II.97 II.99 I.270 I.272
Quantization, comparison of techniques I.293
Quantization, logarithmic IV.420 IV.422
Quarter ellipse algorithm III.164 III.165
Quartic equations V.4
Quartic equations, Descartes - Euler - Cardano 8
Quartic equations, Descartes-Euler - Cardano V.8
Quartic equations, Ferrari's V.7
Quartic equations, Neumark's V.9
Quartic roots IV.06-IV.07
Quaternions IV.98-IV.15 II.351-II.354 IV.151 175 IV.209 IV.222 IV.232
Quaternions, algorithmetic implementation IV.09-IV.15
Quaternions, as rotation groups V.62 V.84
Quaternions, definition IV.99-IV.00
Quaternions, geometric construction interpolation of orientation II.377-II.380
Quaternions, interpolation with extra spins III.96-III.97 461
Quaternions, movements from one orthonormal base to another IV.08
Quaternions, properties IV.01-IV.02
Quaternions, rotations III.57
Quaternions, rotations, in 3D space IV.03-IV.06
Quaternions, set of unit, properties IV.02-IV.03
Quotient space decomposition V.61
Radiosity II.293-II.294 III.227 III.269 III.270
Radiosity, accurate form-factor computation 329 III.333 III.577
Radiosity, adaptive meshing, shadow boundary detection II.311-II.315
Radiosity, advantage II.295
Radiosity, by ray tracing II.306-II.310
Radiosity, extensions II.308-II.309
Radiosity, fast vertex update II.303-II.305
Radiosity, form factors II.295
Radiosity, hemi-cube algorithm, cubic tetrahedral adaptation II.299-II.302
Radiosity, linear approximation, vertex-to-vertex form factors III.318 III.323
Radiosity, progressive II.296-II.297
Radiosity, progressive, implementation II.297-II.298
Radiosity, progressive, refinement II.306-II.307
Radiosity, ray-traced form factors II.312 II.313
Radiosity, sending power with rays II.307-II.308
Radiosity, user-provided polygon display routines II.295-II.298
Random see also Jitter
Random color map animation algorithm 134-III.37
Random distributions see also Point distributions
Random distributions, general equations III.80
Random distributions, interval (progressive) II.394-II.395
Random distributions, jitter sampling I.64 IV.370
Random distributions, pseudo-random (PRN) sequences I.222-I.225
Random distributions, rotation matrices II.355
Random distributions, rotation matrices, corrigendum III.117
Random noise function II.396-II.501
Random rotation matrices II.355-II.356 117 III.120 III.563
Random rotations, uniform III.124 III.132 III.565
Random rotations, uniform, from Gaussians III.129
Random, integers, generation IV.38-IV.39
Random, points in triangles I.24-I.28
Random-number generator III.36
Raster grid, periodic tilings of plane see Plane periodic
Raster grid, rendering fat lines III.5-II.20
Raster image, 90-degree rotation II.86
Raster representation III.11
Raster rotation, fast algorithm II.79 II.95
Raster rotation, fast algorithm, advanced anti-aliasing II.94-II.95
Raster rotation, fast algorithm, arbitrary rotation II.86-II.87
Raster rotation, fast algorithm, circle drawing II.92-II.93
Raster rotation, fast algorithm, comparisons II.90-II.91
Raster rotation, fast algorithm, font rendering II.93
Raster rotation, fast algorithm, further work II.95
Raster rotation, fast algorithm, generalized BitBlt II.93-II.94
Raster rotation, fast algorithm, history II.91-II.92
Raster rotation, fast algorithm, implementation II.87-II.90
Raster rotation, fast algorithm, parallelogram approximation II.83-II.84
Raster rotation, fast algorithm, rational rotation II.84-II.86
Raster rotation, fast algorithm, rotation through shearing II.81-II.83
Raster rotation, fast algorithm, statement of problem II.80
Raster shearing II.79 II.83 II.84
rasterizing see Scan conversion
Rational curves V.214
Rational numbers V.25
Rational rotation II.84-II.86
Ray equation III.80
Ray rejection test I.385-I.386 III.281 III.282
Ray tagging, voxel-based ray tracing II.264-II.266
Ray tracing II.245-II.246 III.269
Ray tracing, algorithm I.64
Ray tracing, avoiding incorrect shadow intersections 275-II.276
Ray tracing, body color model II.277-II.282
Ray tracing, code IV.420 IV.534
Ray tracing, distribution, direct lighting III.307 III.313 562
Ray tracing, eliminating ray-object intersection calculations III.287
Ray tracing, hemispherical projection of triangle 314 III.317 III.569
Ray tracing, hierarchy traversal II.267-II.272
Ray tracing, intersection testing see Intersection
Ray tracing, intersection, ray and sphere I.388-I.389
Ray tracing, intersection, ray with quadric surface III.275 III.283 III.547
Ray tracing, jitter function use I.72 I.74
Ray tracing, linear-time simple bounding volume 301 III.306
Ray tracing, minimal IV.375
Ray tracing, panoramic virtual screen III.288 III.294 III.551
Ray tracing, radiosity by II.306-II.310
Ray tracing, ray rejection test I.385 I.386
Ray tracing, ray-convex polyhedron intersection II.247-II.250
Ray tracing, ray-object intersection I.387
Ray tracing, ray-polygon intersection I.390-I.394
Ray tracing, recursive shadow voxel cache II.273 II.274
Ray tracing, sampling IV.370
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