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Paeth A.W. (ed.) — Graphics gems (volume 5) |
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Ray tracing, shadow attenuation II.283 II.289
Ray tracing, transparent objects, shadow attenuation I.397-I.399
Ray tracing, voxel-based II.264-II.266
Ray tracing, with BSP tree III.271 III.274 III.538
Ray, definition II.248
Ray, intersection with elliptical torus II.251-II.256
Ray, intersection with object, eliminating calculations III.287
Ray, intersection with quadric surface III.275-III.283 III.547
Ray, intersection with sphere I.388-I.389
Ray-convex polyhedron intersection II.247 II.250
Ray-object intersection I.387
Ray-object intersection, tags II.264-II.266
Ray-plane intersection II.258 II.259
Ray-polyhedron test II.247 II.250
Ray-triangle intersection I.393
Ray-triangle intersection, binary recursive subdivision II.257-II.263
Ray-triangle intersection, binary recursive subdivision, , computation II.261-II.262
Ray-triangle intersection, binary recursive subdivision, constraints II.257
Ray-triangle intersection, binary recursive subdivision, point-triangle intersection II.259-II.261
Ray-triangle intersection, binary recursive subdivision, ray-plane intersection II.258-II.259
Rayleigh probability density function III.06
Rayshade III.86 II.188-III.90
Real roots, bracketing see Strum sequences
Reconstruction of continuous function from discrete samples IV.521
Rectangle, intersection with circle, fast checking IV.1-IV.3
Rectangular B zier patches, conversion of B zier triangles III.256 III.261 III.536
Rectangular bounding volumes, primitives III.300 III.555
Recursion property, Bernstein polynomials I.614
Recursive shadow voxel cache II.273-II.274
Reference frames, calculation along space curve IV.67-IV.71
Reference frames, rotation minimizing frames IV.69
Reference frames, twisting, polygons from IV.67-IV.68
Reference geoid I.309
Reflectance IV.385 IV.388
Reflection, wavelength-dependent II.286-II.287
Refraction, Snell's law I.353-I.354
Refraction, wavelength-dependent II.286 II.287
Regions IV.60
Relative motion, transformations III.122
Relaxation IV.498 IV.506
removeEdge III.98
Rendering III.337 (see also Illumination; Ray tracing; Shading)
Rendering software, B zier curves V.206
Rendering software, Bresenham algorithm, exact clipping V.317
Rendering software, BSP tree based V.131
Rendering software, Z-buffer based V.398
Rendering, anti-aliasing, edge and bit-mask calculations for 349 III.354 III.586
Rendering, anti-aliasing, triangular pixels III.369 III.373
Rendering, darklights III.366-III.368
Rendering, fast linear color III.343-III.348 III.583
Rendering, motion blur on graphics workstations III.382 III.606
Rendering, pipeline accelerator III.383 III.389
Rendering, polygon scan conversion, using half-open intervals III.362-III.365 III.599
Rendering, shader cache III.383 III.389
Rendering, shadow depth map III.338 III.342 III.582
Rending equation III.307
Representative color III.16
Representative tree III.228
Resampling see also Anti-aliasing
Resampling, curve IV.441
Resampling, image IV.440 IV.449
Rescaling, filtered image III.8 III.16 III.514
Residency masks 284- 287
RGB triples, mapping II.143-III.56
RGB triples, mapping, onto four bits I.233 I.245
RGB triples, mapping, onto four bits, algorithm design I.241-I.242
RGB triples, mapping, onto four bits, Cartesian quantization versus polyhedra I.244-I.245
RGB triples, mapping, onto four bits, complexity analysis I.244
RGB triples, mapping, onto four bits, cuboctahedron I.237
RGB triples, mapping, onto four bits, dual solids I.236 I.237
RGB triples, mapping, onto four bits, eight-point color cube I.233-I.234
RGB triples, mapping, onto four bits, four-bit color solid I.235 I.236
RGB triples, mapping, onto four bits, gray interior points I.244
RGB triples, mapping, onto four bits, half-space testing I.240-I.241
RGB triples, mapping, onto four bits, hexagonal construction I.238
RGB triples, mapping, onto four bits, nolid I.238
RGB triples, mapping, onto four bits, proximity testing I.237-I.239
RGB triples, mapping, onto four bits, related methods I.239-I.240
RGB triples, mapping, onto four bits, rhombic dodecahedron I.236
RGB triples, mapping, onto four bits, three versus four bits I.243-I.244
RGB values, gamma-corrected III.57
RGB values, unencodable III.57
RGB, transform from HSL IV.48 IV.49
RGBZ interpolation V.398
Rhombic dodecahedron I.236
Rhombic dodecahedron (bcc packing) 68
Rhombic dodecahedron, bcc packing V.68
Rigid-body motion, equations, superquadric III.149-III.150
Ritter's simple bounding sphere technique III.305-III.306
RMS error III.04
Roberts's method II.96
Rolling ball III.51 III.60 III.552 V.55
Rolling-ball algorithm, extensions III.56 III.60
Rolling-ball algorithm, four Euclidean dimensions III.58 III.59
Rolling-ball algorithm, group theory of infinitesimal rotations III.56 III.57
Rolling-ball algorithm, implementation III.54 III.56
Rolling-ball algorithm, Lorentz transformations III.59-III.60
Rolling-ball algorithm, quaternion rotations III.57
Rolling-ball algorithm, using III.53 III.54
Root finding IV.03
Root finding, B zier curve-based see B zier curve-based root-finder
Root finding, cubic IV.04-IV.07
Root finding, for polygonization IV.326
Root finding, quartic IV.06-IV.07
Root finding, ray tracing see Intersection
Root finding, subroutines IV.558
Root-finding algorithm IV.12-IV.13
Rotation groups V.59
Rotation matrix II.80 (see also Random rotation matrices)
Rotation matrix methods IV.55
Rotation matrix methods, fast matrix multiplication IV.60-IV.61
Rotation matrix methods, matrix inversion IV.70-IV.71
Rotation matrix methods, matrix orthogonalization IV.64
Rotation matrix methods, rotation tools IV.65-IV.69
Rotation matrix methods, transforming axes IV.56 IV.59
Rotation matrix methods, virtual trackball IV.62 IV.63
Rotation matrix, homogeneous II.352
Rotation matrix, random II.355-II.356
Rotation minimizing frames IV.69
Rotation tools IV.65-IV.69
Rotation tools, converting between matrix and axis-amount representations IV.66-IV.67
Rotation tools, iteration IV.68
Rotation tools, nesting IV.67-IV.68
Rotation tools, transformation inverses IV.68
Rotation, -dimensional IV.151
Rotation, 3D space IV.03 IV.06
Rotation, about general line, orthonormal bases IV.20-IV.21
Rotation, bit patterns for encoding angles IV.42
Rotation, data recovery from transformation matrix II.326
Rotation, Euler angle IV.222
Rotation, fast 2D 3D IV.40-IV.41
Rotation, geometrical representation IV.03-IV.04
Rotation, interactive 3D IV.175
Rotation, quaternion see Quaternions
Rotation, raster see Raster rotation
Rotation, run-length encoded image data II.86-II.88
Rotation, transformation matrices IV.74
Rotation, twist control IV.230
rounded corners IV.145
Run-length encoding, adaptive II.89 II.91
S-patch surfaces V.219
Sagitta V.169
Sampled data, defining surfaces from IV.52-IV.57
Sampled signals II.57
Sampling theorem II.57
Sampling, Optimal patterns 359
Sampling, Solid-angle based 287
Sampling, stochastic IV.370
Sampling, Stochastic supersampling 248
Sampling, stochastic, supersampling V.248
| Sanson-Flamsteed sinusoidal projection I.312-I.314
Satellite III.24
Sawtooth transform function I.203 I.207 I.209
Scaling, bitmap, optimization III.17 III.19 III.525
Scaling, data recovery from transformation matrix II.327-II.328
Scaling, transformation matrices IV.74-IV.75
Scan conversion I.75 (see also Polygon scan conversion)
Scan conversion, lines in 3D IV.366
Scanline coherent shape algebra II.31-II.55
Scanline coherent shape algebra, algorithm II.34-II.37
Scanline coherent shape algebra, applications II.51-II.54
Scanline coherent shape algebra, background II.31-II.32
Scanline coherent shape algebra, data structures II.32-II.34
Scanline coherent shape algebra, difference II.39 II.50
Scanline coherent shape algebra, improvements II.54 II.55
Scanline coherent shape algebra, intersection II.37
Scanline coherent shape algebra, union II.38-II.39
Scanline coherent shape algebra, utility functions II.50 II.51
Scanline depth gradient, -buffered triangle 361-I.363
Scanline-object rejection V.242
scatterplot IV.193 IV.497
Seed fill algorithm I.275 I.277
Segment data structures II.33 II.34
Seidel's algorithm V.394
Selective precipitation (halftoning) V.302
Sequential probability test ratio V.356
Serpentine raster pattern II.67 II.69
Shader cache III.383 III.389
Shader cache, effectiveness III.388
Shader cache, implementation III.385-III.388
Shader cache, logical arrangement III.384
Shader cache, results III.388-III.389
Shader cache, shading cache III.385
Shading rays, caching II.268
Shading techniques, incremental and empirical 233-II.236
Shading tension II.238
Shading, fast dot products I.348 I.360
Shading, fence IV.404
Shading, from z-buffer IV.433
Shading, Gouraud IV.60 IV.404 IV.526
Shading, Phong IV.60 IV.404
Shadow algorithm II.284-II.285
Shadow attenuation II.283-II.289
Shadow attenuation, naive scheme II.283-II.284
Shadow attenuation, wavelength-dependent reflection and refraction II.286-II.287
Shadow boundaries detection, adaptive meshing in radiosity II.311-II.315
Shadow boundaries subdivision criteria II.313-II.315
Shadow boundaries visibility index II.313
Shadow cache II.273
Shadow depth map 338 III.342
Shadow depth map, boundary case III.340 III.341
Shadow depth map, code III.582
Shadow depth map, Moir pattern problem III.339-III.340
Shadow depth map, optimization III.341
Shadow generation, approximations II.283
Shadow object caching II.268
Shadow voxel cache II.273-II.274
shadows I.278
Shadows, attenuation for ray tracing transparent objects 397-I.399
Shadows, filling I.280-I.281
Shadows, intersections, avoiding incorrect II.275-II.276
Shaft culling III.333
Shape construction IV.51
Shape representations, stored as linked lists II.32
Shape vectorization V.323
Shape, algebra opcodes II.36
Shape, decomposition II.32
Shape, parameters II.531 II.533
Shared chord IV.4
Sharpening filter II.53-II.55
Shear II.339-II.340 III.110 III.111 III.113
Shear matrices II.81
Shear, data recovery from transformation matrix 328-II.329
Shear, geometry II.339
Shearing algorithm II.88
Shearing raster rotation through II.81-II.83
Shearing scan-line II.87-II.90
Short loops, unrolling III.355 III.357 III.594
Shuffle generator I.66
Signed distance, point to plane III.223 III.224 III.511
Simplex object V.99
Simplex, -dimensional IV.149
Simplex, dividing boxes into III.252 III.253
Simplex, polygonization with tetrahedra IV.326
Simplex, splitting into simploid III.253 III.255
Simplex, subdividing III.244-III.249
Simplex, subdividing, applications III.248-III.249
Simplex, subdividing, code III.534
Simplex, subdividing, recursively III.244-III.246
Simplex, subdividing, symmetrically III.246 III.248
Simploids III.250 III.255
Simploids, dividing boxes into simplices III.252 III.253
Simploids, splitting simplices into III.253 III.255
Simulated annealing IV.498
Sine function II.56-II.57
Sine function, Lanczos-windowed II.56-II.58
Sine function, Lanczos2, decimation by II.60 II.61
Sine function, Lanczos2, interpolation by factor of two II.58 II.59
Sine, in exponentials II.5
Singular value decomposition IV.209 V.115
Sinusoids, digital generation III.167 III.169
Skeleton, image IV.465
Slerp interpolation V.62
Small sparse matrix, classification II.357 II.361
smooth shading see Shading
Smoothing II.53-II.54
Smoothing algorithm, monochrome enlargements II.66-II.70
Smoothing, engineering IV.377
Smoothing, graphics libraries V.400
Smoothing, of data IV.241
Smoothing, scrambling integers in I.223
Snell's law, refraction I.353-I.354
Snub disphenoid III.78
Snub figures III.77-III.78
Sobel and Prewitt operators III.05
Software see also Rendering software
software packages see Rendering software and Graphics libraries
Solid modeling III.226
Solids, box-sphere intersection testing I.335-I.337
Solids, quasi-regular III.74 III.75
Space curve, reference frame calculation 567-IV.71
Space packing lattices, crack prevention 174
Space subdivision, Voronoi V.268
Space-filling curves II.3-II.5II.27-II.28
span I.278
Span conversion, unrolling short loops 355-III.357 III.594
Span, data structure II.33
Span, processing II.34-II.35
Sparse matrix, classification II.357-II.361
Sparse matrix, classification, zero structures II.357-II.358
Sparse matrix, multiplying a vector II.360-II.361
Spatial classification, - D semiregular cubic solids V.78
Spatial classification, - D Voronoi cells V.270
Spatial classification, parallelohedral decomposition (space packing) V.67
Spatial data structure see Bounding box; Grid; Octree
Spatial rotations III.128
Special effects, contrast enhancement II.97 II.98 I.201 I.202 I.271 I.274
Special effects, dissolve see Digital dissolve effect
Special effects, photo-inversion II.96 II.98 I.270 I.271
Spectral decomposition of matrix IV.209
Spectral radiance III.307
Specular reflection II.234 IV.385 IV.388 IV.404
Sphere I.326
Sphere, bounding volume III.298-III.299
Sphere, box-sphere intersection testing I.335 I.339
Sphere, intersection with ray I.388 I.389
Sphere, moving on III.72-III.73
Spheres-to-voxels conversion I.327-I.334
Spherical arc IV.132
Spherical arc, code to draw IV.178
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