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Knuth D.E. — The art of computer programming (vol. 1 Fundаmental algorithms) |
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Terminal node of a tree 308 318 352 397 597
Terminology viii 45 240 311 362 435
Ternary trees 334 401
Tetrad tiling 383 385
Tetrahedral arrays 300—301 306
Theory of algorithms 7 9
Theory of automata 230 240 463—464
Thiele, Thorvald Nicolai 103
Thorelli, Lars — Erik 603 613
Thornton, Charles 322 459—460
Thread an unthreaded tree 333
Thread links 422
Threaded binary trees 322 331—332 460
Threaded binary trees, compared to unthreaded 326
Threaded binary trees, insertion into 327 332
Threaded binary trees, list head in 324 334
Threaded trees 335—336 459
Three-address code 337 459
Tiling the plane 383
Time taken by a program see Execution time
Todd, John 475
Tonge, Frederic McLanahan, Jr 460
Top of stack 241—242
Top-down process 309 361
Topological sorting 261 271 346 376 397
Torelli, Gabriele 71 488
Toroidal tiling 384
Total ordering 270; see Linear ordering
Totient function 42 184
Trace routine 192 212—214 230 296
Traffic signals 161—162
Transitive relation 108 261 353;
Transposing a rectangular matrix 182
Transposing blocks of data 184—185
Transpositions, Permutations that interchange two elements 3 182 274 371
Traversal of binary trees 319 459—460
Traversal of binary trees, inorder 320 323
Traversal of binary trees, postorder 331—332
Traversal of binary trees, preorder 331—332
Traversal of trees 336 459—460
Traversal of trees, prepostorder 568
Tree function 395
Tree mappings 390
Trees 232 308—423
Trees, -ary 334 397 401—402 405 593
Trees, binary see Binary trees
Trees, comparison of different types 308—309 374
Trees, complete 401—402 405 563
Trees, construction of 340—341 343 428—429
Trees, copying of 329—330 333 347
Trees, definition of 308 317 363 373
Trees, deletion from 358
Trees, Dewey notation for 313 317 382—383 460
Trees, diagrams of 309—315 337 346 349 460
Trees, disjoint see Forest
Trees, embedding of 348 386
Trees, enumeration of 386—399 408
Trees, equivalent 346
Trees, erasing of 333
Trees, free see Free trees
Trees, history 406 407 459—460
Trees, infinite 317 382
Trees, insertion into 327 332
Trees, labeled, enumeration of 389 407
Trees, linear ordering of 346
Trees, linked allocation for 334 352—357
Trees, mathematical theory of 362—408
Trees, ordered 308 374 388—389;
Trees, oriented see Oriented trees
Trees, quadruply linked 357
Trees, representation of 348—357 359—362 459-460
Trees, right-threaded 338 380
Trees, sequential allocation for 348—352 359—362 433
Trees, similar 346
Trees, ternary 334 401
Trees, threaded 335 336 459
Trees, traversal of 336 459—460
Trees, triply linked 353 359—360 427—433
Trees, unordered see Oriented trees
Trees, unrooted 363; see Free trees
Triangular matrix 300 305
Triangulations of polygons 407 598—601
Tricomi, Francesco Giacomo Filippo 121 122
Tridiagonal matrix 307
Trigonometric functions 44 229 471
Trilling, Laurent 461
Triple order for a binary tree 567—568
Triply linked tree 353 359—360 427—433
Trit 139
Tritter, Alan Levi 576
Tucker, Alan Curtiss 405
Turing Machines 8 230 464
Turing, Alan Mathison 18 193 229 459
Tutte, William Thomas 583
Twain, Mark (= Clemens, Samuel Langhorne) 54
Twigg, David William 523
Two stacks 246 251 253—254
Two-line notation for permutations 164 182
Two-way linkage 280—281 411
Typewriter 136 137 231
Uhler, Horace Scudder 480
Ullman, Jeffrey David 560
Underflow 245 247 259 268—269 274
Uniform distribution, A probability distribution in which every value is equally likely 102 253 446
Unimodular matrices 601
Uninitialized arrays 307
Union-find algorithm 354 360
UNIVAC 1107 computer 124
UNIVAC I computer 151 229 231 480
UNIVAC III computer 124
| UNIVAC SS80 computer 124
UNIX operating system 198
Unrooted trees 363; see Free trees
Unusual correspondence between permutations 178—179
Updates to memory, synchronous 298
Uspensky, Vladimir Andreevich 464
van Aardenne — Ehrenfest, Tatyana 375 379
Van Ceulen, Ludolph 596
van der Waerden, Bartel Leendert 385—386 587
van Leeuwen, Jan 596
van Wijngaarden, Adriaan 461
Vandermonde matrix 37—38 475
Vandermonde, Alexandre Th ophile 59 70
Vardi, Ilan 504
Variable, A quantity that may possess different values as a program is being executed 3—4 235
Variable, link or pointer 235
Variable, node 236
Variable-size nodes 435—456
Variance of a probability distribution 98
Variance of a probability distribution, deduced from the generating function 100—103
Vauvenargues, Luc de Clapiers, Marquis de xiv
Vectors see Linear lists
Velthuis, Frans Jozef 650
Vertex in a graph 363 372
Vertex in a graph, isolated 374
Victorius of Aquitania 518
Virtual machine 201
Visiting a node 320
VLSI chips 563
von Ettingshausen, Andreas 54
von Neumann, John (= Margittai Neumann J nos) 18 229 457
von Segner, Johann Andreas 407 536
von Staudt, Karl Georg Christian 406
W-value in MIXAL 154—155
Wadler, Philip Lee 605
Waerden, Bartel Leendert van der 385—386 587
Wait list see Agenda
Waite, William McCastline 418 422 614
Wall, Hubert Stanley 481
Wallis product for 52 116
Wallis, John 22 52
Wallis’s product for 52 116
Wang, Hao 383—384
Waring, Edward 78 472
Warren, Don W. 359
Watanabe, Masatoshi 650
Watson lemma 123
Watson, Dan Caldwell 251
Watson, George Neville 507
Watson, Henry William 383
Weakest precondition 17
Weber, Helmut 461
Webster, Noah, dictionary 1 216
Wedderburn, Joseph Henry Maclagan 589
Wegbreit, Eliot Ben 614
Wegner, Peter 306
Weierstrass, Karl Theodor Wilhelm 382
Weighted path length 402—405
Weiland, Richard Joel 608
Weizenbaum, Joseph 414 459 461
Well-ordering 20 334
Wheeler, David John 229 230 457
Whinihan, Michael James 86
Whirlwind I computer 230
Whitworth, William Allen 182
Wijngaarden, Adriaan van 461
Wilde, Oscar Fingal O’Flahertie Wills 422
Wiles, Andrew John 466
Wilf, Herbert Saul 65 66 93 484
Wilkes, Maurice Vincent 229 230 457
Wilson, John, theorem 51
Wilson, Paul Robinson 452
Windley, Peter F. 523
Windsor, House of 310
Winkler, Phyllis Astrid Benson xi
Wirth, Niklaus Emil 461
Wise, David Stephen 251 421 434 605
Wiseman, Neil Ernest 421
Wolman, Eric 453
Wolontis, Vidar Michael 230
Woods, M. L. 230
Woodward, Philip Mayne 460
Word, An addressable unit of computer memory 125—127
Wordsworth, William 139
Worst-fit method of storage allocation 608
Wrench, John William, Jr 480 621
Wright, Edward Maitland 492 520
Wright, Jesse Bowdle 359
Writing large programs 191—193
Writing, Doing output 215
Wyman, Max 66
Wythoff (= Wijthoff), Willem Abraham 80
X-1 computer 231
X-register of MIX 125
XDS-920 computer 124
xor (exclusive or) 455
Yao, Andrew Chi — Chih 543
Yngve, Victor Huse 461
Yo-yo list 240
Yoder, Michael Franz 479
Young, David Monaghan, Jr 586
Zabell, Sandy Lew 491
Zave, Derek Alan 91 614
Zeilberger, Doron 65
Zemanek (= Zem nek), Heinz 1
Zeta function 44 76
Zhang, Linbo 650
Zimmerman, Seth 407
Zorn, Max, lemma 547
Zuse, Konrad 457
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