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Knuth D.E. — The art of computer programming (vol. 1 Fundаmental algorithms) |
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Exponential generating function for , 89
Exponential integral 498
Exponents, laws of 22 25 52
Extended binary trees 399—406
Extended Euclidean algorithm 13 14 42
Extendible matrix 307
External nodes 400—405
External path length 400 405
Extreme and mean ratio 80
F rstemann, Wilhelm 490
Fa di Bruno, Francesco 483
Factorial powers 50 52 67 71 109—110
Factorials 46 52 55
Factorials, related to gamma function 49
FADD (floating add) 306
Fail-safe program 270
Fallacious reasoning 18 111 465
Falling powers 50 67 69 624
Family order 350 577
Family order, sequential representation of trees 350
Family trees 310—311 317 406
Farber, David Jack 461
Farey series 161
Farey, John 520
Father, in a tree structure 311
FCMP (floating compare) 507 559
FDIV (floating divide) 306
Ferguson, David Elton 231 334
Fermat theorem 41
Fermat, Pierre de 17 466
Ferranti Mark I computer 18
Feynman, Richard Phillips 26
Fibonacci buddy system 455
Fibonacci generating function 82—83
Fibonacci number system 86 495
Fibonacci numbers , Elements of the Fibonacci sequence 13 18 79—86
Fibonacci numbers, table of 621
Fibonacci sequence 13 18 79—86 621
Fibonacci strings 86
Fibonacci trees 496
Fibonacci, Leonardo, of Pisa 79 80 84
Fibonomial coefficients 85 499
Fich, Faith Ellen 523
Field, partial, of MIX word 126 128 139 207
Field, within a node 233—237
Field, within a node, notations for 235 237 458
FIFO 240 459;
Fifty-percent rule 444—445 447 448
Filters 198
Final vertex of an arc 372
Fine, Nathan Jacob 484
First in, first out 240 351 459 607;
First-fit method of storage allocation 436—438 453—456 616
Fischer, Michael John 353
Fixed element of permutation 164 180—181
Fixed point arithmetic 158
Flag see Sentinel
Flajolet, Philippe Patrick 501 506 543 565
Floating operators of MIX 131 557 559
Floating point arithmetic 131 306
Floor function 39—41
flow charts viii 2—3 15—18 364—365 377
Floyd, Robert W x 17 19 20 422 467 509
FLPL 460—461
Flye Sainte — Marie, Camille 584
FMUL (floating multiply) 306
Ford, Donald Floyd 516
Forecasting 224
Forest, 0 or more trees 309 408;
Forest, correspondence to binary trees 334—335 346
Forest, enumeration 389 594
Forest, index notation for 313 315 317
Formulas, algebraic see Algebraic formulas
FORTRAN language 231 233 296 458 460
Foster, Frederic Gordon 100
Fourier, Jean Baptiste Joseph 27
Fractional part 40
Fraenkel, Aviezri S 251
Fragmentation 439 449 450 456
Fredman, Michael Lawrence 514
Free lattice 347
Free storage see Available space
Free subtrees 365—370
Free subtrees, enumeration of 378—379
Free subtrees, minimum cost 371
Free trees 363—371
Free trees, definition of 363
Free trees, enumeration of 387—388 398 407
Friedman, Daniel Paul 421
Frieze patterns 407—408
Front of queue 241
FSUB (floating subtract) 306
Fuchs, David Raymond 202
Fukuoka, Hirobumi 508
Full-word logical (bitwise) operations 442 455 510 553
Fundamental cycles in a graph 366—370 377
Fundamental path 368
Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic 42
Furch, Robert 121
Future reference in MIXAL 153 156
Future reference in MIXAL, restrictions on 156
Galler, Bernard Aaron 353
Galton, Francis 562 633
Games, solution of 86 272—273
Gamma function 49—52 72 79 116—119
Gamma function , incomplete 117—122
Gao, Zhicheng 565
Garbage collection 257 413—423 438—439 449 455 461 546 551
Garbage collection, efficiency of 420—421
Gardner, Martin 19 80 587
Garwick, Jan Vaumund 248 457
Gaskell, Robert Eugene 86
Gasper, George, Jr 490
Gates, William Henry, III xi
Gau (= Gauss), Johann Friedrich Carl (= Carl Friedrich) 49 58 95
Gelernter, Herbert Leo 460
Generating functions 82—84 87—96 243 386—389 391—392 394—399 539
Generating functions, double 94 396 405 537—539
Generating functions, for discrete probability distributions 99—107 181
Genuys, Frangois 231
Geometric progression, sum of 31 88
Gerberich, Carl Luther 460
Gill, Stanley 229 230 457
Girard, Albert 497
Glaisher, James Whitbread Lee 504
Glassey, Charles Roger 406
Gnedenko, Boris Vladimirovich 105
GO button of MIX 126 139 143 211
Goldbach, Christian 49 472
Goldberg, Joel 528
Golden ratio 13 18 21 80 83 86 619 620
Goldman, Alan Joseph 589
Goldstine, Herman Heine 18 229
Golomb, Solomon Wolf 184
Golumbic, Martin Charles 596
Goncharov, Vasilii Leonidovich 501
Gonnet Haas, Gaston Henry 395
Good, Irving John 374 395 483 584
Gop la 80
Gorn, Saul 460
Gosper, Ralph William, Jr 65
Gould, Henry Wadsworth 58 63 121 485 492
Gourdon, Xavier Richard 525
Gower, John Clifford 459
Gr nbaum, Branko 384 587
Grabner, Peter Johannes 506
Graham, Ronald Lewis 11 631
graphs 363—372 464
Graphs, directed see Directed graphs
Greatest common divisor 2—9 13—14 40 81—82
| Greatest integer function see Floor function
Griswold, Ralph Edward 461
Grounded wire symbol 234
Guy, Richard Kenneth 19 80 273 600
H-trees 563
Haddon, Bruce Kenneth 614
Hadeler, Karl — Peter Fritz 480
Hageman, Louis Alfred 586
Hal yudha 53
Hamel, Georg 480
Hamilton, William Rowan, circuit 374 379
Hamlet, Prince of Denmark 232
Hamming, Richard Wesley 26
Hankel, Hermann 49
Hansen, James Rone 460
Hansen, Wilfred James 421
Haralambous, Yannis 650
Harary, Frank 407
Hardware-oriented algorithms 26 252 611
Hardy, Godfrey Harold 12 406 492 520
Hare and hounds see Military game
Hare, David Edwin George 395
Harmonic numbers 75—79 114
Harmonic numbers , generating function 90
Harmonic numbers , table 621—623
Harmonic series 75 160—161
Haros, C. 520
Hartmanis, Juris 464
Hautus, Matheus Lodewijk Johannes 489
HCF see gcd
Head of list see List head
Heap 435; see Pool
Height of tree or forest 565
Heine, Heinrich Eduard 490
Hellerman, Herbert 459
Hemachandra, ch rya 80
Henkin, L on Albert 17
Henrici, Peter Karl Eugen 88
Herbert, George xiv
Hermite, Charles 49 478
Hesse — Kassel, Louise Wilhelmine Friederike Karoline Auguste Julia von 310 311
Heyting, Arend 406
Hilbert, David, matrix 38
Hiles, John Owen 421
Hill, Robert 518
Hipparchus of Nic a 593
HLT (halt) 136 143
Hoare, Charles Antony Richard 17 230 461 462
Hobbes, Thomas 650
Hobby, John Douglas 650
Holmes, Thomas Sherlock Scott 465
Holt Hopfenberg, Anatol Wolf 460
Honeywell H800 124
Hopcroft, John Edward 560
Hopper, Grace Brewster Murray 229
Hu, TE Chiang 405 596
Huang Bing — Chao 176
Huffman algorithm 402—406
Huffman, David Albert 402 407
Hurwitz binomial theorem 399 488
Hurwitz, Adolf 44
Hwang, Frank Kwangming 66 405 595
Hypergeometric functions 65
Hypergeometric functions, basic 490
I/O, Input or output 215
IBM650 computer, i 124 230 529
IBM701 computer 230
IBM705 computer 230
IBM7070 computer 124
IBM709 computer 124 529
Identity permutation 164 175
Il-register of MIX 125 142
Iliffe, John Kenneth 462
Illiac I computer 230
Imaginary part of complex number 21
IN (input) 137 215—216
In-degree of vertex 372
INC1 (increase rI1) 133 210
INCA (increase rA) 133 210
Incidence matrix 270
Inclusion and exclusion principle 181 184
Incomplete gamma function 117—122
INCX (increase rX) 133 210
Indentation 312
Index register 125 127 158 266
Index register, modification of MIX instructions 127 251—252
Index variable 27
Index, A number that indicates a particular element of an array (often called a “subscript”) 4 299 313 315
Indirect addressing 246 251—252 306
Induction, mathematical 11—21 32 316 475
Induction, mathematical, generalized 20
Inductive closure 475
Infinite series, A sum over infinitely many values 27 29 58 87 96
Infinite trees 317 382
Infinity lemma 382—386
Information structure see Data structure
Ingalls, Daniel Henry Holmes 522
Initial vertex of an arc 372
Inorder for a binary tree 319—323 330—332 346
Input 5 215—228
Input, anticipated 159 216 224
Input, buffering 159 216—228 231
Input, operators of MIX 136—138 215—216
Input-restricted deque 239—243 416
Insertion of a node, into available space list see Liberation
Insertion of a node, into deque 251 297
Insertion of a node, into doubly linked list 281 290 297
Insertion of a node, into doubly linked ring structure 358
Insertion of a node, into linear list 239
Insertion of a node, into linked list 235 255 276 305
Insertion of a node, into quadruply linked binary tree 333
Insertion of a node, into queue 242 244—245 254 260 265 273—274
Insertion of a node, into threaded binary tree 327 332
Insertion of a node, into two-dimensional list 305
Insertion of a node, onto a stack 241 242 244—245 247 254 258 269 273—274 278 458
Instruction, machine language, in MIX 127—144
Instruction, machine language, symbolic form 128 144
INT (interrupt) 228
Integers 21
Integration 90
Integration, by parts 77 112—113
Integration, related to summation 111—116
Interchange operation ( ) 3 182 274
Interchanging the order of summation 29 33 35 43
Interest, compound 23—24
Internal nodes 400—406
Internal path length 400 402 405
Internet iv xvi
Interpreter (interpretive routine) 200—202 230 340
Interrupt 228
Intervals, notation for 21
Invariants 17
Inverse modulo 42
Inverse of a matrix 37 38 73 307
Inverse of a permutation 106 175—178 182
Inversion problem 63 64
Inversions of a permutation 542 557 577
Inverting a linked list 269 279
IOC (input-output control) 137
IPL 230 458—459 460—461 552
Irreflexive relation 261
Isaacs, Irving Martin 601
Isolated vertex 374
Itai, Alon 534
Iverson, convention 32—33 61 103
Iverson, Kenneth Eugene 33 39 459—460
J-register of MIX 125 143 186 189 212—214
J1N (jump if rI1 negative) 135 210
J1NN (jump if rI1 nonnegative) 135 210
J1NP (jump if rI1 nonpositive) 135 210
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