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Knuth D.E. — The art of computer programming (vol. 1 Fundаmental algorithms) |
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Rational number 21 25 161
Raz, Yoav 534
RCA601 computer 124
Reactive process 5
Read, Ronald Cedric 565
Reading, Doing input 215
Real number 21
Real part of complex number 21
Real-time garbage collection 423
Reallocation of memory 247—251 452 457
Rear of queue 241
Recently used bit 452
Recipe 6
Reciprocity formulas 44—45
Recomp II computer 124
Record, A set of contiguous data see also Node
Records, blocking of 218 225
rectangular arrays 298—307
Recurrence relation, A rule that defines each element of a sequence in terms of the preceding elements 87—89
Recursive definition 308 312 315 318 319 335 346 357
Recursive Lists 316
Recursive use of subroutines 191
Reeves, Colin Morrison 445
Reference 233; see Link
Reference counters 413—414 421 461
Reflection principle 536 593 598
Reflective laws 55 489
Reflexive relation 261 353
Registers, of MIX 125
Registers, saving and restoring contents of 188 198 213 228
Regular directed graph 379
Reingold, Edward Martin 23 518
Relation, antisymmetric 261
Relation, asymmetric 261
Relation, equivalence 353—355 487
Relation, irreflexive 261
Relation, reflexive 261 353
Relation, symmetric 353
Relation, transitive 108 261 353;
Relative error 116
Relatively prime integers 40
Releasing a buffer 219—223 226—227
Remainder 40
Remove from a structure see Deletion
Replacement operation ( ) 3
Replicative function 43 44
Representation (inside a computer), methods for choosing 238 424—433
Representation (inside a computer), of algebraic formulas 337 459
Representation (inside a computer), of binary trees 318 322 327 333—334
Representation (inside a computer), of deques 251 280 297
Representation (inside a computer), of forests 334
Representation (inside a computer), of Lists 409—412 421
Representation (inside a computer), of oriented trees 347 353 377
Representation (inside a computer), of polynomials 275 276 280 356—357
Representation (inside a computer), of queues 244—245 251—254 259-261 273—274 288
Representation (inside a computer), of stacks 244—254 258 269—270 273—274 332 417
Representation (inside a computer), of trees 348—357 359—362 459-460
Reprogramming 203
Reservation of free storage 256—258 291 436—438 443 452-456
Reversing a list 269 279
Reversion storage 240
Ribenboim, Paolo 466
Rice, Stephan Oswald 565
Richmond, Lawrence Bruce 565
Riemann, Georg Friedrich Bernhard, zeta function (s) 76
Right subtree of a binary tree 312 318
Right-threaded binary trees 327 332—334
Right-threaded trees 338 380
Right-to-left maximum or minimum 97—101 104—106 179
Ring structure 355—357
Riordan, John 397 494 595
RISC, reduced instruction set computer 124
Rising factorial powers 50 71 624
Ritchie, Dennis MacAlistair 461
RLINK, Link to the right 280—281 288—291
RLINK, Link to the right, in binary trees 318 322 327 333 459
RLINK, Link to the right, in Lists 409 411
RLINK, Link to the right, in trees 338 348—353 359 380
Robinson, Raphael Mitchel 587
Robson, John Michael 448 452 456 567 604 616
Rodrigues, Benjamin Olinde 407
Roes, Piet Bernard Marie 100
Rogers, Leonard James 490
Rokicki, Tomas Gerhard 202
ROLL 240
Root of a directed graph 372
Root of a number 22 25
Root of a tree 110 308 309 317
Root of a tree, change of 377
Rooting a free tree 373
Roots of unity 89
Rosenberg, Arnold Leonard 560
Rosenstiehl, Pierre 243
Ross, Douglas Taylor 450 458 462
Rotating memory devices 228 457
Rothe, Heinrich August 63
Rounding 41 83 160 183
Rousseau, Cecil Clyde 507
Roving pointer 607
Row major order 159 182 299
RTAG 322 332—334 338 349—351 359 380
Running time see Execution time
Russell, David Lewis 613
Russell, Lawford John 202
Saddle point 159
Salton, Gerard Anton 351 459
Sammet, Jean Elaine 462 574
Satterthwaite, Edwin Hallowell, Jr 230
Saving and restoring registers 188 198 213 228
Sch ffer, Alejandro Alberto 514
Schatzoff, Martin 450
Scherk, Heinrich Ferdinand 490
Schlatter, Charles Fordemwalt 459
Schlatter, William Joseph 459
Schleswig — Holstein — Sonderburg — Gl cksberg, Christian von see Christian IX
Scholten, Carel Steven 231 605
Schoor, Amir 559
Schorr, Herbert 418 422
Schr der, Friedrich Wilhelm Karl Ernst 592
Schreiber, Peter 81
Schreier, Otto 385
Schwartz, Eugene Sidney 404
Schwarz, Karl Hermann Amandus, inequality 36
Schwenk, Allen John 495
Schweppe, Earl Justin 459
SCOPE link 350 362 434
Segner, Johann Andreas von 407 536
Seki, Takakazu 112 115
Self-modifying code 187 193
Selfridge, John Lewis 78
Semaphores 231
Semi-invariants of a probability distribution 103—106
Sentinel, A special value placed in a table, designed to be easily recognizable by the accompanying program 217—218 276 567
Sequential (consecutive) allocation of tables 244
Sequential (consecutive) allocation of tables, arrays 158—159 299—301 305-307
Sequential (consecutive) allocation of tables, contrasted to linked 254—256 296 433
Sequential (consecutive) allocation of tables, history 457
Sequential (consecutive) allocation of tables, linear lists 244—254 264—266 325
Sequential (consecutive) allocation of tables, tree structures 348—352 359—362 433
Series-parallel networks 589
Sets, partition of 74 482
Sha, Jichang 547
Shakespeare (= Shakspere), William 232 466
Shaw, John Clifford 230 457—458
shelf 240
Shephard, Geoffrey Colin 384 587
Shepp, Lawrence Alan 183 184
Shift operators of MIX 135 211
| Shor, Peter Williston 514
Shore, John Edward 445 450
Shylock 466
Sibling link 427—433
Sibling, in a tree structure 311
Sideways addition 131
Sign function (sign ) 475
Similar binary trees 327—329
Similar forests 346
Simon, Herbert Alexander 230 457—458
Simonovits, Mikl s 505
Simple oriented path 372 376
Simple path 363 369
SIMSCRIPT language 461
SIMULA I language 229
Simulated time 283 288
Simulation, continuous 282 298
Simulation, discrete 203 282—298
Simulation, Imitiation of some process 445
Simulation, of one computer on another 9 202—203
Simulation, of one computer on itself 212—214
Singh, Parmanand 80
Singleton cycle of a permutation 164 171 180—181
Singular matrix 307
Singularity of a function 396
Sister, in a tree structure 311
SLA (shift left rA) 135 530
SLAX (shift left rAX) 135 530
SLC (shift left rAX circularly) 135 530
SLIP 460—461
Sloane, Neil James Alexander 595
Smallest in, first out 556
Snobol 461
Son, in a tree structure 311
Soria, Mich le 501
Spanning subtrees 365—370
Spanning subtrees, minimum cost 371
Sparse array trick 307
Sparse matrices 302 306
Sparse-update memory 298
Speedcoding 230
Spie , J rgen 91
Spine of a binary tree 568
SRA (shift right rA) 135 530
SRAX (shift right rAX) 135 530
SRC (shift right rAX circularly) 135 530
ST1 (store rI1) 130 209
STA (store rA) 130 209
STACK 239—243 320—321 323 325—326 351 415—416 422 428—429 458-459
Stack permutations 242—243 331
Stack, deletion (“popping”) 241 242 244—245 247 254 259 269 273—274 278 458
Stack, insertion (“pushing”) 241 242 244—245 247 254 258 269 273—274 278 458
Stack, linked allocation 258 269 270 273—274 332 417
Stack, pointer to 244 258
Stack, sequential allocation 244 254 325
Standard deviation of a probability distribution, The square root of the variance, an indication of how much a random quantity tends to deviate from its expected value 98
Stanford University ii x 296 554
Stanley, Richard Peter 407 593 598
Staudt, Karl Georg Christian von 406
Steady state 381 382
Stearns, Richard Edwin 464
Steele, Guy Lewis, Jr 605
Steffens, Elisabeth Francisca Maria 605
Steffensen, Johan Frederik 503
Stevenson, Francis Robert 579
Stickelberger, Ludwig 51
Stigler, Stephen Mack 448 450
Stirling approximation 51 115—116
Stirling numbers 66—69 71—74 78 100 506 582
Stirling numbers, asymptotic behavior 66
Stirling numbers, combinatorial interpretations 66 74 179
Stirling numbers, duality law 68
Stirling numbers, generating functions 91
Stirling numbers, modulo p 492
Stirling numbers, table 66
STIRLING, JAMES 47—49 67 69 73 87 115 181
STJ (store rJ) 130 187 209
Stolarsky, Kenneth Barry 495
Storage allocation, Choosing memory cells in which to store data see Available space list Dynamic Linked Sequential
Storage mapping function, The function whose value is the location of an array node, given the indices of that node 299—301 305—307
Storing operators of MIX 130 209
Straight linkage 254 258—259 411
String, A finite sequence of zero or more symbols from a given alphabet 8 86 185 274 495;
String, binary 598—599
String, concatenation of 274
String, manipulation of 461 462
Strong, Hovey Raymond, Jr 560
Strongly connected directed graph 372 377
Structure, how to represent 238 424—433 462
Struik, Dirk Jan 57 481 497
Stuart, Alan 100
STX (store rX) 130 209
STZ (store zero) 130 209
Sub (Subtract) 131—132 208
Subadditive law 616
Subi, Carlos Samuel 527
subroutines 158 186—197 202 206—207 211 269 279—280 290—291 343
Subroutines, allocation of 271 272
Subroutines, history 229—230
Subroutines, linkage of 186 229
Subscript 3—4; see Index
Substitution operation ( ) 3
subtrees 308
Subtrees, average size of 405
Subtrees, free, enumeration of 378—379
Summation 27—39
Summation, by parts 44 76—78
Summation, Euler’s formula 111—116 120 123
Summation, interchange of order 29 33 35 43
Summation, multiple 33—36
Summation, of arithmetic progression 11 31—32 56
Summation, of binomial coefficients 56 74 76—78 85 96
Summation, of geometric progression 31 88
Summation, of powers 115
Summation, related to integration 111—116
Sun SPARCstation 650
Supremum, Least upper bound 37
Suri, Subhash 514
Sutherland, Ivan Edward 459
Swainson, William 330
Swapping buffers 147 159 217 218 225
Swift, Charles James 231
Swift, Jonathan 628
Switching table 158 205 206 209 210 530
Sylvester, James Joseph 407 473 583 586
Symbol table algorithms 175 426
Symbolic machine language see Assembly language
Symmetric functions 92—94 497
Symmetric functions, elementary 38 94 497
Symmetric order for a binary tree 319—323 330—332 346
Symmetric relation 353
Synchronous discrete simulation 282 298
System360 computers 124 189
Szekeres, George 595
Szpilrajn, Edward 268
Table-driven program see Interpreter Switching
Tables of numerical quantities 54 66 619—621
Tables, arrangement of, inside a computer see Representation
Tag field in tree node 322; see LTAG RTAG
Tail inequalities 104 106—107
Tamaki, Jeanne Keiko 596
Tamari lattice 577 598
Tamari, Dov 577
Tape, magnetic 136—137 463
Tape, paper 136—137 231 229
Tarjan, Robert Endre 243 581
Taylor, Brook, formula with remainder 117
Temme, Nicolaas Maria 66 121
Temporary storage, Part of memory used to hold a value for a comparatively short time while other values occupy the registers 191
Termial function 48 51
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