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Knuth D.E. — The art of computer programming (vol. 1 Fundаmental algorithms) |
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Mohammed, John Llewelyn 527
Moments of probability distributions 105
Monitor routine 212; see Trace routine
Monte Carlo method, Experiments with random data 445—447
Moon, John Wesley 407
Mordell, Louis Joel 479
Morris, Francis Lockwood 18 614
Morris, Joseph Martin 567
Morrison, Emily Kramer 229
Morrison, Philip 229
Moschopoulos, Manuel 162
Moser, Leo 66
Mother, in a tree structure 311
Motzkin, Theodor Samuel 85 593
Move 135 142 193 211
MOVE CORRESPONDING 426 430—431 434
MUG, MIX User’s Group 641
Mul (Multiply) 131—132 208
Multilinked structures 232 288—289 357 424—434 458
Multinomial coefficients 65 394
Multinomial theorem 65
Multipass algorithms 198 200 201 202
Multiple entrances to subroutines 189
Multiple exits from subroutines 190 269
Multiple precision arithmetic 202
Multiple precision constants 619 621
Multiple summation 33—36
Multiplication of permutations 165—167 172—173 371
Multiplication of polynomials 277 280 361
Multiplication of sparse matrices 306
Multiplicative function 42—43
Multiway decisions 158
Munro, James Ian 523
Nagorny, Nikolai Makarovich 9
Nahapetian, Armen 579
Napier, John, Laird of Merchiston 23
Nash, Paul 556
National Science Foundation x
Natural correspondence between binary trees and forests 334—335 346
Natural logarithms 23 26
Naur, Peter 17
Needham, Joseph 59
Neely, Michael 452
Negative binomial distribution 107
nested parentheses 312—313 349 597
Nested sets 312 317
Nesting store 240
Neumann, John von (= Margittai Neumann J nos) 18 229 457
Neville, Eric Harold 591
Newell, Allen 230 457—458 460
Newton identities 497
Newton, Isaac 22 57 497
Next-fit method of storage allocation 448 453 617
Nicolau, Alexandru 614
Nicomachus of Gerasa 19
Nielsen, Norman Russell 450
Nil link see Null link
Niven, Ivan Morton 87
Noah ben Lamech p TO) 310
Node 236
Node variable 236
Node, address of 233
Node, Basic component of data structures 233 462—464
Node, diagram of 234
Node, link to 233
Node, notations for fields 235—237 458
Node, size of 257 299 435 453
Noncrossing partitions of a polygon 408
NOP (no operation) 136
Normal distribution 104 122
Normal distribution, approximately 105 106
Notations, index to 623—627
Null link ( ) 234—235
Null link ( ), in binary trees 322 331
Null link ( ), in diagrams 234
Null link ( ), in trees 318
NUM (convert to numeric) 138
Number definitions 21
Number system, binary 24—26
Number system, combinatorial 73 560
Number system, decimal 21 691
Number system, Fibonacci 86 495
Number system, mixed-radix 300
Number system, octal 620
Number system, phi 86
Number theory, elementary 40 45
Nygaard, Kirsten 229 461
Octal values of constants 620
Odlyzko, Andrew Michael 121 565
Oettinger, Anthony Gervin 460
Office of Naval Research x 230
Okada, Satio 582
Oldenburg, Henry 57
Oldham, Jeffrey David xi
Omphaloskepsis 214
One-address computer 127 350
One-way equalities 108
One-way linkage see Circular linkage Straight
Onodera, Rikio 582
Open subroutine 229; see Macro instruction
Operation code field, of MIX instruction 127
Operation code field, of MIXAL line 145 155
Optimal search procedure 402
Order of succession to the throne 336
Ordered trees 308—309 374;
Ordered trees, enumeration of 388—389 398 407
Ordering, lexicographic 20 299 300 306
Ordering, linear 20 262 270
Ordering, linear, of tree structures 333 346
Ordering, partial 261—262 269—270 346 562 575
Ordering, well 20 334
Oresme, Nicole 22
Oriented binary trees 396—397
Oriented cycle in a directed graph 372
Oriented forests 353—355
Oriented path in a directed graph 372
Oriented subtrees, enumerated 378
Oriented trees 308 309 312 372—382
Oriented trees, canonically represented 390—394 397—398 590—591
Oriented trees, converted to ordered trees 347
Oriented trees, defined 373
Oriented trees, enumerated 386—387 389—395 406
Oriented trees, represented in computer 347 353 377
Oriented trees, with root changed 377
ORIG (origin) 146 151 155
Orlin, James Berger 584
Orthogonal lists 298—307
Orthogonal vectors of permutations 184
Otoo, Ekow Joseph 560
Otter, Richard Robert 395 589
OUT (output) 137 225
Out-degree of a vertex 372
Output 5 215—228
Output, buffering 147 216—228 231
Output, operators of MIX 136 138
Output-restricted deque 239—243 269 274
Overflow 245—251 256—258 268-269
Overflow toggle of MIX 126 134 142 208 214 228
O’Beirne, Thomas Hay 518
P lya, George (= Gy rgy) 17 93 395 396 406 407 496
Packed data, Data that has been compressed into a small space, as when two or more elements are placed into the same cell of memory 128 158
Paging 452
Pallo, Jean Marcel 577
Palm tree 581
Paper tape 136 137 231 229
Parallelism 296
Parameters of subroutines 187 189 229
Parent links 347 353—355 359—361 373 377 427—433
Parent, in a threaded tree 566
| Parent, in a tree structure 311 317 334—335
Parentheses 312—313 349 597
Parker, Douglass Stott, Jr 596
Parmelee, Richard Paine 450
Partial field designations in MIX 126—128 139 143 207
Partial fractions 62—63 72 83
Partial ordering 261—262 269—270 346 562 575
Partitions of a set 74 482
Partitions of an integer 12 34 93
Partitions of an integer, generating function 87 94
Pascal triangle 53—54 69 71 73 85 499;
Pascal, Blaise 17 53
Pass, in a program 198—200
Patashnik, Oren 11 631
Path compression 576
Path length of a tree structure 399—406
Path length of a tree structure, average 405
Path, in a graph or directed graph 363
Path, oriented 372
Path, random 380 381
Path, simple 363 369 372 376
Patience (solitaire) 377—378
Patt, Yale Nance 509
Pawlak, Zdzislaw 460
PDP4 computer 124
Peck, John Edward L. 461
Pedigree 310 311
Peirce, Charles Santiago Sanders 593
Penrose, Roger 587
Peripheral device, An I/O component of a computer system 136
Perlis, Alan Jay 322 459—460
Permanent of a square matrix 51
permutations 45—46 51 97 98 164—185 242-243
Permutations, in place 9 165 184—185 523
Permutations, inverse of 106 175—178 182
Permutations, multiplication of 165 167 172—173 371
Permutations, notations for 164
Permutations, orthogonal vectors of 184
PERT network 261—262
Petkov ek, Marko 65
Petolino, Joseph Anthony, Jr 516
Pfaff, Johann Friedrich 486
Pflug, Georg Christian 445
Phi ( ) 81; see Golden ratio number system
Phidias, son of Charmides 81
Philco S2000 computer 124
Phyllotaxis 80
Pi ( ) 21 619—620
Pile 240
Pilot ACE computer 230
Pingala, ch rya 53
pipe 198
Pipeline 528
Pisano, Leonardo 79—80 84
Pivot step 302—305 307
PL/I language 433—434
PL/MIX language 156
Plane trees 308; see Ordered trees
plex 458
Poblete Olivares, Patricio Vicente 523
Poincar , Jules Henri 491
POINTER see Link
Pointer machines 464
Poirot, Hercule xvii
Poisson, Sim on Denis, distribution 106 524
Poisson, tail of 502
Polish notation see Prefix notation Postfix
Polonsky, Ivan Paul 461
Polynomials 55 57 64 67 68 70 108
Polynomials, addition of 275—280 357—359
Polynomials, Bernoulli 44 113 115 503
Polynomials, differences of 64
Polynomials, multiplication of 277 280 361
Polynomials, representation of 275 276 280 356—357
Pool of available nodes 257; see Available space list
Pooled buffers 224 227
Pop up a stack, Delete its top element 241 242 244—245 247 254 259 269 273—274 278 458
Postfix notation 338 352 593
Posting a new item see Insertion
Postorder for a binary tree 319 321 330—332 346
Postorder for a tree 336—340 346 348 460
Postorder with degrees, representation of trees 351 361—362
PostScript 202
Poupard, Yves 598
Power evaluation 509
Power of a number 22
Power series, A sum of the form see Generating function
Power series, convergence of 87 396
Power series, manipulation of 118
Pr fer, Ernst Paul Heinz 407
Pratt, Vaughan Ronald 45 539 592
Prefix notation 338
Preorder for a binary tree 319 321 330—332 346
Preorder for a tree 336 338 346 348 460
Preorder sequential representation of trees 349 362
Preorder sequential representation of trees, with degrees 359 460
Prepostorder 568
Prim, Robert Clay 371
Prime numbers 19 41 45 47—48 51 69—70 84—85
Prime numbers, algorithm to compute 147 149
Prime numbers, factorization into 42
Prinz, Dietrich G. 230
Priority queue 435 556 590
Probability distribution, A specification of probabilities that govern the value of a random variable 98 107
Probability distribution, average (“expected”) value of 98—103
Probability distribution, variance of 98—103
Probability generating functioiT 103
Procedure see Subroutine
Procedure for reading this set of books xii—xiv 9
Prodinger, Helmut 506
Profile of a program, The number of times each instruction is perfomed 145 170 214 296 528
Program, Representation of a computational method in some precise, formalized language 5
Programs, hints for construction of 191—193 296
Progression, arithmetic, sum of 11 31—32 56
Progression, geometric, sum of 31 88
Proof of algorithms 5—6 13—17 321 361 422 434
Proof of termination 16—17 19—21 386
Proper divisor see Divisor
Property A 586
Prosody 53 80
Pseudo-operator, A construction in a programming language that is used to control the translation of that language into machine language 146
Psi function (z) 44 75 493
Purdom, Paul Walton, Jr 448 450
Push down a stack, Insert a new top element 241 242 244—245 247 254 258 269 273—274 278 458
Push down list 240; see Stack
Quadratic Euclidean domains 468
Quadratic reciprocity law 45
Quadruply linked binary tree 333
Quadruply linked trees 357
Quadtrees 564
Qualification of names 424—434
Quasi-parallel processing 296
QUEUE 239—243 264—266 459 577 607
Queue, deletion from the front 242 244—245 254 261 265 273—274
Queue, insertion at the rear 242 244—245 254 260 265 273—274
Queue, linked allocation 259 261 269 273—274 288
Queue, sequential allocation 244 245 251 252 254
Quick, Jonathan Horatio 502
Quotient 40
R nyi, Alfr d 595
Rahman, Mizanur 490
Railway network 240
Ramanan, Prakash Viriyur 538
Ramanujan Iyengar, Srinivasa 12 121 122
Ramshaw, Lyle Harold 487
Ramus, Christian 71
Randell, Brian 202 450
Random path 380—381
Raney, George Neal 392 394 593
Raphael, Bertram 460
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