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Knuth D.E. — The art of computer programming (vol. 1 Fundаmental algorithms) |
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J1NZ (jump if rI1 nonzero) 135 210
J1P (jump if rI1 positive) 135 210
J1Z (jump if rI1 zero) 135 210
Jacob, Simon 81
Jacquard, Joseph Marie 229
JAN (jump if rA negative) 135 210
JANN (jump if rA nonnegative) 135 210
JANP (jump if rA nonpositive) 135 210
JANZ (jump if rA nonzero) 135 210
JAP (jump if rA positive) 135 210
Jarden, Dov 85 494
JAZ (jump if rA zero) 135 210
JBUS (jump if busy) 137 157 212 216
JE (jump if equal) 135 209
Jeffrey, David John 395
Jenkins, D. P. 460
JG (jump if greater) 135 209
JGE (jump if greater or equal) 135 209
JL (jump if less) 135 209
JLE (jump if less or equal) 135 209
JMP (jump) 134 187 209 288
JNE (jump if not equal) 135 209
JNOV (jump if no overflow) 134 142 209
Jodeit, Jane Griffin 462
Johnson, Lyle Robert 459—460
Johnstone, Mark Stuart 452
jokes 54 200
Jones, Clifford Bryn 18
Jones, Mary Whitmore 378
Jonkers, Henricus (= Hans) Bernardus Maria 614
Jordan, Marie Ennemond Camille 388 406
Josephus, Flavius, problem 162 184
JOV (jump if overflow) 134 142 209
Joyal, Andr 395
JRED (jump if ready) 137 222—223
JSJ (jump saving rJ) 134 189 210 531
Jump operators of MIX 134—135 209
Jump trace 214 296 528
JXN (jump if rX negative) 135 210
JXNN (jump if rX nonnegative) 135 210
JXNP (jump if rX nonpositive) 135 210
JXNZ (jump if rX nonzero) 135 210
JXP (jump if rX positive) 135 210
JXZ (jump if rX zero) 135 210
K nig, D nes 382 406 588
Kahn, Arthur B. 268
Kahrimanian, Harry George 459
Kallick, Bruce 404
Kaplansky, Irving 184
Karamata, Jovan 66
Karp, Richard Manning 406
Katz, Leo 590
Kaucky, Josef 63
Keller, Helen Adams 123
Kepler, Johann 80 81
Kilmer, Alfred Joyce 232
King, James Cornelius 20
Kirchhoff law of conservation of flow 97 170—171 278 364—370 380
Kirchhoff, Gustav Robert 406 583
Kirkman, Thomas Penyngton 408
Kirschenhofer, Peter 506
Klarner, David Anthony 86
Kleitman, Daniel J (Isaiah Solomon) 547 596
Knopp, Konrad Hermann Theodor 48 498
Knotted lists 459
Knowlton, Kenneth Charles 462
Knuth, Donald Ervin ii iv xi 11 33 66 120 193 201 202 296 297 395 457 461 471 484 499 504 523 525 565 579 580 584 592 596 631 650
Knuth, Nancy Jill Carter x xx
Kolmogorov, Andrei Nikolaevich 104 105 464
Koster, Cornelis (= Kees) Hermanus Antonius 461
Kozelka, Robert Marvin 544
Kramp, Christian 49
Krattenthaler, Christian 39
Kreweras, Germain 598
Krogdahl, Stein 616
Kronecker, Leopold, delta notation 33 61 624
Kruskal Joseph Bernard 386 588
Kummer, Ernst Eduard 70
Kung, Hsiang Tsung 563
L ger, mile 80
L vy, Paul 105
Labeled trees, enumeration of 389 407
Labelle, Gilbert 395
Lagrange (= de la Grange), Joseph Louis, Comte, inversion formula 392 594
Lam , Gabriel 407
Lamport, Leslie B. 605
Language machine viii—x 124
Language, A set of strings of symbols, usually accompanied by conventions that assign a “meaning” to each string in the set 5 241 460—461
Lapko, Olga Georgievna 650
Laplace (= de la Place), Pierre Simon, Marquis de 87
Laplace transform 94
Laplacian of graph 582
Large programs, writing 191—193
Larus, James Richard 369
last in, first out 240 452 459;
Last in, first out, almost 446 449 455
latency 228 457
Lattice, defined on forests 577 598
Lattice, free 347
Lawson, Harold Wilbur, Jr 433 461
LCHILD 352—353 359—360
LD1 (load rI1) 129 208
LD1N (load rI1 negative) 129 208
LDA (load rA) 129 208
LDAN (load rA negative) 129 208
LDX (load rX) 129 208
LDXN (load rX negative) 129 208
Leaf of tree 308; see Terminal node
Least-recently-used replacement 452
Leeuwen, Jan van 596
Left subtree in binary tree 312 318
Left-to-right maximum or minimum 97—101 104—106 179
Legendre (= Le Gendre), Adrien Marie 49 51
Legendre symbol 45
Lehmer, Derrick Henry 465
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, Freiherr von 2 51
Leighton, Frank Thomson 450—451
Leiner, Alan Lewine 231
Leonardo of Pisa 79—80 84
Leroux, Pierre 395
Letter frequencies in English 159
Level of node in a tree 308 316 317
Level order 351 564 577
Level order, sequential representation 351 359
LeVeque, William Judson 466
Levy, Silvio Vieira Ferreira xi
Lexicographic order 20 299 300 306
Liberation of reserved storage 256 259 291 413—414 420—421 438-442 444 452—456
LIFO 240 459;
Lilius, Aloysius 159
Lindstrom, Gary Edward 567—568
Line printer 136—137
Lineal chart 310 311
Linear extensions see Topological sorting
Linear lists 232 238 307
Linear ordering 20 262 270
Linear ordering, embedding a partial ordering into 262; see Topological sorting
Linear ordering, of binary trees 333
Linear ordering, of trees 346
Linear probing 451
Linear recurrences 83 88
Link 233—237
Link diagram 234
Link field, purpose 432—433 462
Link manipulation, avoiding errors in 260—261
Link null 234—235
Link variable 234
Linked allocation of tables 234 254—256
Linked allocation of tables, arrays 301—307
Linked allocation of tables, contrasted to sequential 254 256 296 433
| Linked allocation of tables, history 457—461
Linked allocation of tables, linear lists 234—237 264—266 269
Linked allocation of tables, tree structures 334 352—357
Linked memory philosophy 255 435
Linking automaton 463 464
Linsky, Vladislav Sergeevich 471
Lisp 233 460—461
LISP-2 garbage collector 613
List (capital — List) structures 315 316 408—423 460—462
List (capital — List) structures, copying 423
List (capital — List) structures, diagrams of 315—317 408—409
List (capital — List) structures, distinguished from lists 233 411
List (capital — List) structures, equivalence between 423
List (capital — List) structures, notations for 315—317 408—409
List (capital — List) structures, representation of 409—412 421
List (capital — List) structures, sequential allocation 421
List head, in circular lists 275 302—303
List head, in doubly linked lists 280—281 288—289 441 443
List head, in Lists 410 414 417
List head, in threaded binary tree 324 334
List head, in threaded trees 337
List processing systems 233 412 460 462
List, circular 273—280 302 355 411 459
List, doubly linked 280—281 288—291 297—298 357 411 441 443 452 459
List, linear 232 238—307
List, of available space see Available space list
Listing, Johann Benedict 406
Literal constants in MIXAL 150 156
literate programming 193
Littlewood, John Edensor 406
LLINK, Link to the left 280—281 288—291
LLINK, Link to the left, in binary trees 318 322 327 333 459
LLINK, Link to the left, in Lists 411
LLINK, Link to the left, in trees 338 348 359 380
Lloyd, Stuart Phinney 183 184
Loading operators of MIX 129 139 208
Loading routine 144 271—272
LOC 235—236
Local symbols of MIXAL 150—151 157
Locally defined function in tree 351 361
Location counter in MIXAL 155
Location field of MIXAL line 145 152
Logan, Benjamin Franklin (= Tex), Jr 74
Logarithms 22—26
Logarithms, binary 23 26
Logarithms, common 23 26
Logarithms, natural 23 26
Logarithms, power series 91
Loop in a directed graph, Arc from a vertex to itself 372
Loopstra, Bram Jan 231
Louise Wilhelmine Friederike Karoline Auguste Julia von Hesse-Kassel 310 311
Lov sz, L szl 491
Lovelace, Augusta Ada Byron King, Countess of 1
LTAG 322 333 349—350 352 359 380
Lucas numbers 495
Lucas, Fran ois douard Anatole 69 80 81 85 273 494
Luhn, Hans Peter 457
Lunch counter problem 456
Luo, Jianjin 407
Lynch, William Charles 585
Machine language, A language that directly governs a computer’s actions, as it is interpreted by the computer’s circuitry viii-x 124
Machine language, symbolic 144; see Assembly language
MacMahon, Percy Alexander 490 589
Madnick, Stuart Elliot 461
Magic square 162
Magnetic tape 136—137 463
Mailloux, Barry James 461
malloc see Dynamic storage allocation
Mallows, Colin Lingwood 536
Margolin, Barry Herbert 450
Mark bits 413—414
Mark I calculator (Harvard) 229
Mark I computer (Ferranti) 18
Marking algorithms, Algorithms that “mark” all of the nodes accessible from some given node 271 272 415—423
Markov chain, Path taken by a Markov process, Markov process 253 380—382
Markov, Andrei Andreevich, the elder 495
Markov, Andrei Andreevich, the younger 8
Markowitz, Harry Max 461
Markowsky, George 80 404
Martin, Alain Jean 605
Martin, Johannes Jakob 614
Mathematical induction 11—21 32 316 475
Mathematical induction, generalized 20
Matiyasevich, Yuri Vladimirovich 86
Matrix (Bush), Irving Joshua 35 36
Matrix tree theorem 378—379 586
Matrix, Cauchy 37—38 475
Matrix, characteristic polynomial of 499
Matrix, combinatorial 37 38 589
Matrix, determinant of 37—39 81 378—379 382
Matrix, extendible 307
Matrix, Hilbert 38
Matrix, incidence 270
Matrix, inverse of 37—38 73 307
Matrix, multiplication 306
Matrix, permanent of 51
Matrix, representation of 158—159 298—307
Matrix, singular 307
Matrix, sparse 302—306
Matrix, transpose of 182
Matrix, triangular 300 305
Matrix, tridiagonal 307
Matrix, Two-dimensional array 298—299 315
Matrix, unimodular 601
Matrix, Vandermonde 37—38 475
Mauchly, John William 230
Maurolico, Francesco 17
Maximum norm 106
Maximum, algorithm to find 96—101 145 186
McCall’s v
McCann, Anthony Paul 614
McCarthy, John 460—461
McEliece, Robert James 477
McIlroy, Malcolm Douglas 576 581
Mealy, George 462
Mean value see Expected value
Meek, H. V. 230
Meggitt, John Edward 471
Melville, Robert Christian 540
Memory hierarchy 199 421 435 463
Memory map 435—436
Memory, cell of 127
Memory, Part of a computer system used to store data 126
Memory, Types of 238
Merner, Jack Newton Forsythe 229
Merrett, Timothy Howard 560
Merrington, Maxine 66
METAFONT xi 611 650
MetaPost xi 650
Military game 273 550
Miller, Kenneth William 123
Ming, An — T’u 407
Minimum path length 399—406
Minimum spanning tree 371
Minimum wire length 371
Minsky, Marvin Lee 423
Mirsky, Leon 587
Mitchell, William Charles 525
MIX computer viii-x 124—144
MIX computer, assembly language for 144—157
MIX computer, extensions to 143 228 251—252 455
MIX computer, instructions, summary 140—141
MIX computer, simulator of 203—212
MIXAL, MIX Assembly Language 144—157 235—236
Mixed-radix number system 300
Mixture of probability distributions 106
MMIX computer 124 187 215 325
Mock, Owen Russell 231
MOD 39 40
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