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Zel'dovich Ya.B., Raizer Yu.P. — Physics of Shock Waves and High-Temperature Hydrodynamic Phenomena (vol. 2)
Zel'dovich Ya.B., Raizer Yu.P. — Physics of Shock Waves and High-Temperature Hydrodynamic Phenomena (vol. 2)

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Íàçâàíèå: Physics of Shock Waves and High-Temperature Hydrodynamic Phenomena (vol. 2)

Àâòîðû: Zel'dovich Ya.B., Raizer Yu.P.


The physical and chemical processes occurring in gases at high temperatures are the focus of this outstanding text by two distinguished physicists. They discuss essential physical influences on the dynamics and thermodynamics of continuous media, combining material from such disciplines as gas dynamics, shock-wave theory, thermodynamics and statistical physics, molecular physics, spectroscopy, radiation theory, astrophysics, solid-state physics, and other fields. Originally published in two volumes

ßçûê: en

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1967

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 478

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 11.10.2005

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Centered compression wave, impossibility of continuous solution for      43
Centered rarefaction wave      37 38 41
Centered rarefaction wave with phase transition      761
Centered rarefaction wave, head      38
Centered rarefaction wave, tail      38
Centered simple wave      37 (see also “Centered rarefaction wave” “Self-similar
Chain reaction mechanism in NO formation      375
Champlain’s theorem      61
Chandrasekhar, S.      283 429
Chapman — Jouguet point      346 760
Chapman, S.      484[19] 865
Characteristic equations      19
Characteristics      15—18
Characteristics, domain of dependence      22
Characteristics, isentropic flow      17 19—25
Characteristics, nonisentropic flow      17
Characteristics, numerical integration      24
Characteristics, region of influence      23
Charge conservation condition      193
Charge exchange      386 416
Chemical equilibrium, effect on thermodynamic properties      189
Chemical potential, degenerate free electron gas      221 222
Chemical reaction rate      189
Chemical reactions      188—192 368—373 564—571
Chernyi, G.G.      97 422
Chigorin, A.N.      515 870
Christian, R.H.      213 426 685 718 722 731[22] 756 779 780 876 877(2)
Clapeyron — Clausius equation      586
CO, vibrational relaxation in shock waves      498
Cohen, A.      239[5] 427
Coherent light      123
Cold compression curve      see “Cold pressure”
Cold energy      see “Potential energy of a solid”
Cold pressure      687 689—705
Cold pressure from shock experiments      730 731
Cold pressure, empirical      731
Cold pressure, law for high pressures      693
Colgate, S.A.      817 819[11] 820[11] 879
Collapse of bubbles      807—812
Collapse of bubbles, compressibility in      810 811
Collapse of bubbles, viscosity in      811 812
Collision method      724—726
color temperature      140 141
Compressed atom      226—228
Compressed atom, electron density distribution      226
Compressibility of solids      687 691 692 697 732 735
Compression shock      491 (see also “Relaxation layer with shock waves”)
Compression wave, attainable states      62
Compression wave, “overshooting” of      44
Compton effect      124 125
Compton scattering      125
Compton wavelength      442 882
Compton, W.D.      239[6] 427
Concentrated impact on the surface of a gas      839—846
Condensation      585—597
Condensation centers      585—588 590 592
Condensation centers, activation energy for formation      592
Condensation centers, critical size      592—595
Condensation centers, number of      592—595
Condensation centers, supercritical      592
Condensation in expanding cloud      591—595
Condensation of iron in laboratory      597
Condensation, process      587 590
Condensation, rate of      590 593—595
Condensation, thermodynamics of      588 589
Conditional equilibrium      see “Metastable equilibrium”
Connor, J.V.      353[9] 435
Conservation of number of atoms, condition      185 190 193
Contact discontinuity      87—91
Contact discontinuity, thickness      90 91
Contact surface as a “Piston” in shock tubes      236 237
Continuous absorption      269—276
Continuous spectra      112 113 248
Cooling wave      628—636 638—651
Cooling wave as endothermic detonation      631
Cooling wave in supernovae      636
Cooling wave, adiabatic cooling, effect of      639 648—651
Cooling wave, contraction toward center      634—636
Cooling wave, energy balance      631 632 640
Cooling wave, stellar photosphere analogy      645
Cooling wave, strong wave      642—648
Cooling wave, structure      638—651
Cooling wave, structure with adiabatic cooling      648—651
Cooling wave, temperature distribution      645—648
Cooling wave, velocity of propagation      632—634
Copper, degeneracy temperature      707
Copper, Hugoniot curve for      707
Copper, physical characteristics      698
Copper, properties behind shock      749 750
Correction factor, bound-free transitions      266
Correlation effect in bremsstrahlung emission      257
Cosmic dust, formation of      595 596
Cosmic rays, origin of      817—820
Coulomb collisions      417
Coulomb energy of a gas      216
Coulomb field, divergence in effective radiation      251
Coulomb interactions      215
Coulomb logarithm      519
Courant, R.      20[14] 423
Cowan, G.R.      353 353[2] 434 476 782 865 877
Cowling, T.G.      484[19] 488 525 865(2)
Crab Nebula      818
Critical point      68
Critical temperature      530 536
Cross section for electron capture      263
Cross section, absorption      113 (see also “Absorption cross section”)
Cross section, bound-free absorption      114
Cross section, Coulomb collision      419
Cross section, emission      252
Cross section, excitation      391 396
Cross section, ionization      388 392—395 510
Cross section, photoionization      265 266
Cross section, photoprocesses      402
Cross section, resonant scattering      114
Cross section, scattering      113 115
Cross section, Thomson      115 443
Cross section, transport scattering      256
Cs, photoionization      267 268
Cu      see “Copper”
Cummings, F.W.      124[10] 424
Cumulation of energy at shock front      795
Daiber, J.W.      416[92] 440
Dalgarno, A.      416 438
Damon, E.K.      338[66] 433
Damping constant      284 445 885
Danilov, A.D.      416 440
Davidson, N.      365[25 26] 368[25 36] 436(3) 502[30] 502 504 866(2)
Davies, D.R.      212 426
Davies, W.E.R.      338[69] 344[69] 347[69] 433
Davis, L.W.      124[9] 424
Dawson, J.M.      348[80] 434
Debye radius      216 524
Debye temperature      699
Debye — Huckel method      216—218
Decibels      9
Decomposition coordinate      369
Deexcitation      382 390
Deformation of a solid      732—741
Degeneracy temperature, electron gas      219 220 701
Degenerate electron gas      220—222 231
Degree of ionization      195
Degrees of freedom      177 349 468
Delta band system of NO      324
Dense gases      217—232
Dense gases, cold      223—229
Dense gases, hot      229—232
Density ratio across a strong shock      51 52
Dershem, E.      605[10] 873
Detailed balancing principle      120
Detonation mechanism      92
Diatomic gas      184
diatomic molecules      178
Diatomic molecules, dissociation      183—188
Diatomic molecules, energy levels      303 ff.
Diatomic molecules, notation for electronic state      306—308
Diatomic molecules, symmetry properties      308
Dibeler, V.H.      364[21] 435
Differential equation, reduction in order      668
Diffraction scattering      125
Diffusion approximation for radiation      151 152 154—156 163 164
Diffusion approximation for radiation in shock waves      532
Diffusion approximation for radiation, boundary conditions      148 149
Diffusion approximation for radiation, effect of optical thickness      147
Diffusion coefficient      90 471 483
Diffusion coefficient for photons      146 151
Diffusion coefficient in recombination model      410—412
Diffusion coefficient, pressure      483
Diffusion coefficient, thermal      483 484
Diffusion equation for photons      146 147
Diffusion in a gravity field      483
Diffusion in a plasma      523
Diffusion in a shock wave      485—489
Diffusion model for recombination      408—412
Diffusion of resonance radiation      581 582 585
Diffusion, binary      482—485
Diffusion, entropy changes with      488
Dilatation      734
Dilatation wave speed      743
Dilatational viscosity coefficient      73 (see also “Second viscosity coefficient”)
Dipole solution, nonlinear heat conduction      674—676
Dirac, P.A.M.      124 424
Discontinuities      see “Arbitrary discontinuities” “Weak
Discontinuities, formation of      32
Discontinuities, propagation velocity of      46
Discontinuity relations      see “Shock wave relations”
Dispersion relation for sound with relaxation      559—564
Dissipative processes in shock front      465 (see also “Diffusion” “Heat “Viscosity”)
Dissociation      183 184
Dissociation energy      186
Dissociation energy, $\mathrm{N_{2}}$, NO, $\mathrm{O_{2}}$      184
Dissociation rates      365—368
Dissociation relaxation      362—368
Dissociation relaxation in shock waves      498—504
Dissociation relaxation in shock waves, in $\mathrm{H_{2}}$      502
Dissociation relaxation in shock waves, in $\mathrm{N_{2}}$      502
Dissociation relaxation in shock waves, in $\mathrm{O_{2}}$      501 502
Dissociation relaxation in shock waves, in air      502—505
Dissociation relaxation time      363
Dissociation spectrum      310
Dissociation, frozen      575
Dissociation, nonequilibrium      184 573—577
Dissociation, rate equation for      500 501
Dissociation, role of vibrational energy in      366
Dissociative equilibrium constant      186
Dissociative recombination      385 386 414—416
Distortion wave speed      743
Ditchburn, R.W.      323[26] 430
Dixon, J.K.      337[35] 431
Doering, W.      346 592
Dolgov, G.G.      636[22] 637[22] 873
Donnell, L.H.      745 878
Dorrance, W.H.      504[75] 869
Doublet splitting, NO      182
Drabkina, S.I.      636[19 20] 637 638[20] 873(2)
Dremin, A.N.      751 876(2)
Dronov, A.P.      276 431
Drummond, W.E.      751 757[32] 876
Dubovik, A.S.      686 875(4)
Duff, R.E.      367[68] 438 502[66] 502 504 751 866 868 876
Dugdale — McDonald formula      730
Dugdale, J.S.      730 876
Duvall, G.E.      723[60] 724[60] 726[60] 878
D’yakov, S.P.      486 487 865
Ecker, G.      200[10] 425
Effective absorption coefficient      129
Effective adiabatic exponent      188 207—210
Effective front thickness      82
Effective radiation      250
Effective ratio of specific heats      see “Effective adiabatic exponent”
Effective temperature      see “Brightness temperature”
Ehler, A.W.      200[10] 425
Einstein coefficient for absorption      290—292
Einstein coefficient for emission      288—292
Einstein coefficients, relation between      120 290
Einstein, A.      555[5] 871
Ek, F.      477[54] 867
Elastic energy      see “Potential energy of a solid”
Elastic pressure      687—690 (see also “Cold pressure”)
Elastic wave      744—746
Elastic wave speed      743
Elastic-plastic medium      744
Elasticity      732—736
Elasticity, relations among moduli      735
Electric field in a shock wave      522—526
Electrical conductivity      515
Electrical conductivity of dielectrics      780 781
Electrical conductivity, ionized air      515
Electrical conductivity, measurement of      245
Electrical conductivity, measurement of behind strong shocks in nonmetals      778—781
Electrical contact method      724 779
Electrical contact probes      245
Electrolytic simulation      780
Electromagnetic frequency scale      see “Radiation spectrum”
Electromagnetic shock tubes      239—243
Electron attachment      386 416
Electron avalanche      340—343 387 401
Electron avalanche in shock waves      505 506 512
Electron avalanche, limited by energy transfer      506—510
Electron beam scattering      244
Electron capture      261—264 394 395
Electron capture, cross section for      263
Electron charge      441 881
Electron concentration from gas luminosity      245
Electron density distribution, compressed atom      226
Electron density distribution, free neutral atom      225
Electron density distribution, slightly compressed atom      226
Electron diffusion in a shock wave      513
Electron gas      220 701 702
Electron gas, equations of motion      509
Electron heat conduction in a shock wave      515—518
Electron heat conduction in plasma      656
Electron heat conduction, preheating layer      518—520
Electron mass      441 881
Electron orbits      261
Electron radius      442 882
Electron scattering from a standing light wave      124
Electron spin      306
Electron temperature      386 417 420
Electron thermal diffusivity coefficient      656
Electron viscosity in a shock wave      516
Electron zone structure, change in behind shock      780 781
Electronic deexcitation      382 (see also “Electronic excitation”)
Electronic energy      304
Electronic energy in condensed media      701—705
Electronic excitation      192—197 382—386
Electronic excitation energy      193
Electronic Griineisen coefficient      703—705
Electronic partition functions      181 182 195 198—201
Electronic partition functions, cutoff of      195 196 198—201
Electronic partition functions, transformed      194 195
Electronic pressure      703—705
Electronic specific heat      702—705
Electronic transitions      111 246
El’yashevich, M.A.      304[41] 431
emission      110 113 114 119
Emission coefficient      110 119 120
Emission cross section      252
Emittance      134
Endothermic reactions      190 368
Ener, C.      353[11] 435
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
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