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Nickerson R. — Cognition and Chance The Psychology of Probabilistic Reasoning
Nickerson R. — Cognition and Chance The Psychology of Probabilistic Reasoning

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Íàçâàíèå: Cognition and Chance The Psychology of Probabilistic Reasoning

Àâòîð: Nickerson R.


Everyone reasons probabilistically more or less constantly, figures Nickerson (experimental psychology, Tufts U.), and he is interested in how well they do so. He explores its origins, its status, its use in various contexts, what recent research has revealed about it, and other facets. His history, not of gambling but of the serious study of it, begins with the seminal correspondence between Pascal and Fermat in 1654. He assumes no specialized knowledge, but the ability to learn and follow sometimes complicated notation.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ïñèõîëîãèÿ/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2004

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 536

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 27.05.2008

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Outcomes, most likely      187—197
Outcomes, representation of      386—387
Outrage factors, risk and      310
Overconfidence      315—316 317—321 417 437
Overconfidence bias      324
Overconfidence, artifactual contributions to      326—328
Overconfidence, bases for      322—325
Overconfidence, reducing      321—322
Overestimation      288—289 290—291
Overestimation of conjunctions      342
Owen, P.W.      283 444
Owens, D.      84 86 473
p values      426—427
Paese, P.W.      317 321 322 473 482
Page, K.M.      224 472
Pagels, H.R.      106 473
Pais, A.      15 473
Palmer, T.C., Jr.      287 473 479
Papers of the Imperial Academy of Sciences in Petersburg      12
Parade Magazine      156
Paradoxes      181—215
Paradoxes of confirmation      213—214
Paradoxes of expectation      212—213
Paradoxes of lawfulness of chance      28
Paradoxes, Bertrand's      199—205
Paradoxes, inquisitive prisoner      181—182
Paradoxes, intransitivity      205—208
Paradoxes, of preference      212
Paradoxes, Simpson's      78 208—212
Paradoxes, St. Petersburg      182—199 364 430
Paradoxes, St. Petersburg, expected values      187—197
Paradoxes, St. Petersburg, most likely outcomes      187—197
Paradoxes, St. Petersburg, value and utility      198—199
Parameters      245—246
Parameters of dispersion      245
Parducci, A.      388 473
Pareto, V.      238 474
Parley, J.M.      309 411 448 449
Parsimony      76
Particle physics, probability and      16
Partitioning of space, testing for randomness and      62—67
Pascal's wager      272
Pascal-Fermat correspondence      4—10
Pascalian probability theory      421—422
Pauker, S.      387 469
Paulos, J.A.      46 47 58 85 87 187 207 232 279 284 307 317 338 394 398 419 474
Payne, S.L.      388 474
Peake, P.K.      340 377 445 470
Pearson, E.S.      268 471
Pearson, K.      236 474
Pedhazur, E.J.      250 474
Peele, E.      297 482
Peirce, C.S.      18 19 136 151 474
Penney, W.      146 474
Pennington, N.      412 413 415 459 474
Penrod, S.D.      413 459
Percentage pumping      276—277
Perception of frequency      285—287
Perception of randomness      71—72
Perception risk      See Risk perception
Perloff, L.S.      308 474
Permutations, vs. combinations      10
Persistence      412
Personal involvement, coincidences and      86—87
Personal involvement, decision making and      396—397
Personal involvement, probabilistic judgment and      428
Personality traits, correlation and      339—341
Peters, T.      355 474
Peterson, C.R.      113 283 284 285 301 321 334 336 337 347 359 388 399 400 412 427 441 442 444 448 449 459 474 482
Peterson, D.R.      340 474
Peterson, M.A.      286 462
Petty, R.E.      428 474
Pfleeger, S.L.      288 474
Pharoaon      13
Phelps, E.      334 464
Phillips, L.D.      113 118 317 318 328 399 414 415 431 450 466 474 475 487
Philosophy of science      160
Physical fortune      198
Physical magnitudes, judging      328
Physical possibility, vs. metaphysical      22
Physical probability      24 30 31 34 45
Physical sciences, probability and      15—16
Physical sciences, statistics and      235—236
Physical symmetry      22 38
Physics, coincidences with mathematics      96—100
Physics, determinism in      28
Physics, probability and      16
Physics, quantum mechanics      16 28 35 38—39 236
Physics, social      238
Physics, statistics and      235—236
Piaget, J.      335 336 461
Piattelli-Palmarini, M.      379 414 416 475
Pincus, S.      55 475
Pitz, G.E      284 317 329 330 388 417 475
Planetary orbits, regular polyhedra and      94—96
Planning fallacy      290
Platonic solids, planetary orbits and      94—96
Platt, J.      225 310 475
Plausibility      22—23
Player's dilemma      156
Pleit-Kuiper, A.      395 485
Pliner, P.      198 454
Plott, C.      366 390 457
Plus-plus cell      334—336
Poincare, H.      20 46 475
Poisson distribution      238 251—252
Poisson, S-D.      32 238 475
Polanyi, M.      139 475
Policy analysis/decisions, accuracy of estimates and      292
Policy analysis/decisions, risk assessment and      305 313—314
Political arithmetic      233—236
Politser, P.E.      138 475
Politzer, G.      346 475
Polkinghorne, J.      91 99 103 475
Polkinghorne, J.C.      103 259 475
Pollard, P.      250 285 301 404 426 451 475
Pollatsek, A.      59 426 476
polling      206—207
Polling framing effects      388
Polling opinion      247
Polyhedra, planetary orbits and regular      94—96
Popper, K.R.      380 476
Population-size intuitions      302—303 331
Porter, T.      2 21 25 26 34 45 234 235 239 243 247 265 266 269 270 280 281 375 409 413 420 421 430 455
Porter, T.M.      26 27 28 234 239 241 242 243 244 476
Posavac, S.S.      297 454
Possible      388
Posterior probabilities      117 350
Posterior probabilities, base rates and      402—403
Posterior probabilities, Bayes's rule and      138 140
Posterior probabilities, conservatism in estimating      400
Poulton, E.C.      328 476
Poundstone, W.      212 215 218 225 226 357 476
PPMs (probabilistic mental models)      381—383
Prasnikar, V.      223 477
Pratt, J.W.      198 476
Preconceived norm method      421
Predicted randomness, vs. discovered      66—70
Prediction      292—303
Prediction vs. attribution      411
Prediction, gambler's fallacy      292—293
Prediction, lotteries      298—299
Prediction, population-size intuitions      302—303
Prediction, preferences and      296—298
Prediction, probability matching analogues      293—296
Prediction, sample-size intuitions      299—302
Preference reversal      366
Preference(s), paradoxes of      212
Preference(s), prediction and      296—298 330
Premise conversion error      352
Press, E      309 476
Price, D.J. de S.      238 476
Primacy effects      284 412—413 434
Principle of equivalence      92—93
Principle of insufficient reason      139 186
Principle of invariance      365—366
Principle of maximum entropy      139
Prior probabilities      350
Prior probabilities in Bayesian reasoning      401—405
Prior probabilities, base rates and      122—136 409
Prior probabilities, cab-color problem and      122—132
Prior probabilities, coincidences and      86
Prior probabilities, disease diagnosis and      132—134
Prior probabilities, finding      119—120
Prior probabilities, relevance and      134—136
Prior probabilities, sensitivity to      120—122
Prisoner's dilemm as evidence of irrationality      418—419
Prisoner's Dilemma      215—221
Prisoner's dilemma, bases of erroneous probabilistic thinking      425—429
Prisoner's dilemma, conservatism in      399—401
Prisoner's dilemma, effect of education on      431—433
Prisoner's dilemma, quality of      414—430
Prisoner's dilemma, rationality and      418—424
Prisoner's dilemma, Reformation/Counter-Reformation and      2—3
Prisoner's dilemma, related problem      221—222
Prisoner's dilemma, uncertainty regarding task perception      424—425
Prisoner's dilemma, use of intuition in      429—430 438
Probabilistic judgment/reasoning      ix—x 19 23—24 414—430
Probabilistic mental models (PPMs)      381—383
Probabilistic reasoning problems, aces and kings problem      160—170
Probabilistic reasoning problems, average family-average child puzzle      150—151
Probabilistic reasoning problems, coin toss      143—147 149 179—180
Probabilistic reasoning problems, die toss      180
Probabilistic reasoning problems, king's folly      147—149
Probabilistic reasoning problems, Martingale      151—153
Probabilistic reasoning problems, secretary selection problem      154—155
Probabilistic reasoning problems, sibling gender problem      155—157
Probabilistic reasoning problems, sisters and brothers problem      176—179
Probabilistic reasoning problems, three card problem      157—160
Probabilistic reasoning problems, two aces and a jack problem      170—176
Probability as explanatory concept      258
Probability as state of mind      20 23
Probability calculus      436
Probability matching analogues      293—296
Probability vs. degree of confidence      22
Probability, aleatory      31 32
Probability, Baconian      422—423
Probability, Bayesian      25
Probability, conditional      See Conditional probabilities
Probability, connotations of      22—25
Probability, defining      17—30
Probability, determinism and      25—28
Probability, development of, de Moivre and      11—12
Probability, development of, deterrents to      2
Probability, development of, early theorists      10—14
Probability, development of, games of chance and      1—4
Probability, development of, Montmort and      11
Probability, development of, Pascal — Fermat correspondence and      4—10
Probability, development of, statistics and      21
Probability, education in      431—433 435
Probability, epistemological      31
Probability, frequentist view of      32—33 119—120
Probability, gambling sense of      22—23
Probability, inductive      31 35
Probability, intuition and      24 199
Probability, judgmental      34—35
Probability, judgments of      23—24 34—35
Probability, limit theorem of      12 13
Probability, logical      24
Probability, mathematical      22 29—30
Probability, objective      31
Probability, Pascalian      421—422
Probability, physical      24
Probability, plausibility and      22—23
Probability, posterior      See Posterior probabilities
Probability, practical applications      14—17
Probability, prior      See Prior probabilities
Probability, randomness and      80
Probability, rules and      29
Probability, statistical      22
Probability, subjective      24 31 119 387—388
Probability, uncertain knowledge and      37—39
Probability-matching experiments      363
Problem of points      9—10
Problem statements, ambiguity in      425
Procedure invariance      365—366
Processes, random      59—60
Production, of randomness      71—72
Products, random      59—60
Propensity      22
Propensity, semantics      25
Proper scoring rules      391—394
Prospect theory      311 370
Psychological experiments, design of      81
Psychology, hybrid inference and      270
Psychology, signal detection theory and experimental      272—273
Psychology, statistical hypothesis testing and      235
Psychology, statistical inference and      265 266 281—282
Public goods, social dilemmas and      225—228
Public health statistics      237—238
Public opinion, framing effects and      388
Pyramids, coincidence and      93—94
quantum mechanics      16 28 35 38—39 236
Question wording      346
Question wording, framing effects      388
Quetelet, L.A.J.      237 239 476
Radicalism      320.See also Overconfidence
Radioactive decay      15—16 79
Raffling      13
Ragsdale, E.E.      377 448
Raiffa, H.      139 317 357 359 440 463 467 476
Raju, N.S.      250 470
Random mass phenomena      236—237
Random sampling, base rates and      407
Randomness      54—81
Randomness vs. irregularity      41
Randomness, defining      55—59
Randomness, event independence and      72—81
Randomness, perceiving structure in      427
Randomness, perception of      71—72 424—425
Randomness, processes      59—60
Randomness, production of      71—72
Randomness, products      59—60
Randomness, quantitative theories of      2
Randomness, testing for      59 60—70
Randomness, testing for, as contingent property      61—66
Randomness, testing for, predicted vs. discovered randomness      66—70
Rapoport, A      291 486
Rapoport, Am.      217 218 395 399 476
Rasmusen, E.      218 459
Rathje, W.L.      277 476
Rational choice models      360—361
Rational dilemma      228—230
Rationality      199
Rationality of decision making behavior      363—364 367—368
Rationality, bounded      382
Rationality, social dilemmas and      227
Rationality, statistical rule and      419—424
Rationality, subjective expected utility and      214
Rationality, theory of bounded      369
Rationality, use of heuristics and      379
Rationality, use of superficial strategies and      428—429
Raye, C.L.      286 462
Reality, meaning of mathematical description of      99—100
Reason, principle of insufficient      139
Reasonableness      199
Reasoning, circle of      39
Reasoning, passive approach to      427—428
Reasoning, probabilistic      See Probabilistic judgment/reasoning
Recency effects      284
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
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