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Mobley R.K. — Plant Engineering Handbook
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Íàçâàíèå: Plant Engineering Handbook
Àâòîð: Mobley R.K.
Àííîòàöèÿ: Every plant engineer's bookshelf should contain at least one basic engineering reference. And if you're only going to have one, Plant Engineer's Handbook is a good candidate. This volume is a completely revised edition of Plant Engineer's Reference Book, which was published about 10 years ago.
As chief editor of the handbook, Keith Mobley has done a masterful job of assembling the contributions of 40 contributors into 64 chapters that cover the entire plant engineering function from definition to technology to management. In fact, this handbook stands out from most other engineering handbooks by including information on such issues as insurance, finances, and maintenance management in addition to the engineering knowledge plant engineers require. - Plant Engineering Magazine
This book covers the things a plant engineer does-such as selection of a suitable site for a factory and provision of basic facilities - as well as issues such as labrication, corrosion, energy conservation, maintenance and materials handling environment, insurance and finances. The volume provides a comprehensive treatment of the maintenance management funuction. In addition to chapters outlining the operation of plant equipment, there is advice on getting the most out of the equipment and its operators. -llE Solutions
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ed2k: ed2k stats
Èçäàíèå: 1st edition
Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2001
Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 2000
Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 21.05.2008
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Hydraulic actuators, valves and equipment, pipes, preparation 674
Hydraulic actuators, valves and equipment, pipes, steel 674
Hydraulic actuators, valves and equipment, pipes, tube flaring 676
Hydraulic actuators, valves and equipment, pipes, wall thickness and sizing 673—674
Hydraulic actuators, valves and equipment, reservoirs 663—664
Hydraulic fluids 654—663 935—938
Hydraulic fluids, acidity, freedom from 660
Hydraulic fluids, air content problems 936
Hydraulic fluids, care of oils and systems 937—938
Hydraulic fluids, chemical stability 659
Hydraulic fluids, cleanliness 660
Hydraulic fluids, compressibility 660
Hydraulic fluids, contamination control 662
Hydraulic fluids, contamination control, fluid sampling 662—663
Hydraulic fluids, contamination, air 661
Hydraulic fluids, contamination, classification 660—661
Hydraulic fluids, contamination, foreign fluids 661—662
Hydraulic fluids, contamination, inorganic solids 661
Hydraulic fluids, contamination, metallic 661
Hydraulic fluids, contamination, organic 661
Hydraulic fluids, contamination, particulate 661
Hydraulic fluids, contamination, solvents 661
Hydraulic fluids, contamination, water 661
Hydraulic fluids, cooling effects 655
Hydraulic fluids, density 655—656 660
Hydraulic fluids, fire resistance 936—937
Hydraulic fluids, firepoint 660
Hydraulic fluids, flashpoint 660
Hydraulic fluids, foaming tendencies 660
Hydraulic fluids, high water-based fluids 937
Hydraulic fluids, lubricating power 659
Hydraulic fluids, lubricating properties 935—938
Hydraulic fluids, lubrication 654—655
Hydraulic fluids, oxidation stability 936
Hydraulic fluids, pressure effects 936
Hydraulic fluids, properties 655—660
Hydraulic fluids, purpose 654—655
Hydraulic fluids, sealing 655
Hydraulic fluids, specific gravity 655—656
Hydraulic fluids, toxicity 660
Hydraulic fluids, viscosity 656—658
Hydraulic fluids, viscosity, absolute viscosity 656
Hydraulic fluids, viscosity, kinematic viscosity/the stoke 657
Hydraulic fluids, viscosity, measurement of 656
Hydraulic fluids, viscosity, Poise viscosity/the Poise 656
Hydraulic fluids, viscosity, Pour point 658—659
Hydraulic fluids, viscosity, SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) number 657—658
Hydraulic fluids, viscosity, SUS (Saybolt universal seconds) 657
Hydraulic fluids, viscosity, viscosity index (VI) 658—659 936
Hydraulic/hydrostatic fundamentals 639—686
Hydraulic/hydrostatic fundamentals, application types 643—644
Hydraulic/hydrostatic fundamentals, atmospheric pressure 645
Hydraulic/hydrostatic fundamentals, Bernoulli’s principle 650
Hydraulic/hydrostatic fundamentals, fluid power advantages 641
Hydraulic/hydrostatic fundamentals, fluid power vs. electrical systems 641
Hydraulic/hydrostatic fundamentals, fluid power vs. mechanical systems 641
Hydraulic/hydrostatic fundamentals, fluids, hydraulic see “Hydraulic fluids”
Hydraulic/hydrostatic fundamentals, force and inertia 648—649
Hydraulic/hydrostatic fundamentals, force multiplication 651—652
Hydraulic/hydrostatic fundamentals, force over distance 653
Hydraulic/hydrostatic fundamentals, force, pressure and head 649
Hydraulic/hydrostatic fundamentals, frictional problems/minimizing 641—642 650
Hydraulic/hydrostatic fundamentals, hazards 642
Hydraulic/hydrostatic fundamentals, history of hydraulics 643
Hydraulic/hydrostatic fundamentals, hydraulics (liquids in motion) 647—653
Hydraulic/hydrostatic fundamentals, hydrostatics (liquids at rest) 644—647
Hydraulic/hydrostatic fundamentals, inertia and force 648—649
Hydraulic/hydrostatic fundamentals, kinetic energy 649
Hydraulic/hydrostatic fundamentals, Newton’s first law of motion 648
Hydraulic/hydrostatic fundamentals, Pascal’s law 645—646 649—650
Hydraulic/hydrostatic fundamentals, pressure and force 644 651—653
Hydraulic/hydrostatic fundamentals, pressure and shape 647
Hydraulic/hydrostatic fundamentals, pressure, and state of matter 643
Hydraulic/hydrostatic fundamentals, pump basics, displacement rating 653—654
Hydraulic/hydrostatic fundamentals, pump basics, operating pressure 653
Hydraulic/hydrostatic fundamentals, pump basics, performance 653—654
Hydraulic/hydrostatic fundamentals, pump basics, ratings 653
Hydraulic/hydrostatic fundamentals, pump basics, volume efficiency 654 (see also “Pumps/pumping”)
Hydraulic/hydrostatic fundamentals, solids, liquids and gases 643
Hydraulic/hydrostatic fundamentals, static and dynamic factors 649—650
Hydraulic/hydrostatic fundamentals, streamline/laminar flow 648
Hydraulic/hydrostatic fundamentals, transmission of forces 643
Hydraulic/hydrostatic fundamentals, turbulent flow 648
Hydraulic/hydrostatic fundamentals, volume and velocity of flow 647
Hydraulic/hydrostatic fundamentals, volume of flow and speed 647—648
Hydrochloric acid, corrosion of pipes and tanks by 971—972
Hydrogen-induced cracking (HIC) 968
Hypoid bevel gears 635 1031 1035—1036
Hypoid bevel gears, lubrication 927—928
Imbalance of rotors see “Rotor balancing”
Impedance transducers 269
Incorporated Engineers (IEng) 11
Induction motors see “Squirrel-cage induction motors”
Industrial boilers see “Boiler installation and pipework” “Boiler “Boiler
Industrial dryers, steam traps for 374
Industrial effluent disposal see “Effluent discharge/disposal”
Infrared imaging, for thermography 872—873
Infrared thermometers 872
Inspection of plant and equipment 163—172
Inspection of plant and equipment, boiler and pressure plant 165—166 176 177 183
Inspection of plant and equipment, centrifugal pumps 171
Inspection of plant and equipment, competent persons 165
Inspection of plant and equipment, cranes 166—167 171
Inspection of plant and equipment, electrical plant 166 167 171 179 181 182
Inspection of plant and equipment, elevators (lifts) 166 170—171 175
Inspection of plant and equipment, inspection authority role 163—165
Inspection of plant and equipment, insurance on 166—167
Inspection of plant and equipment, laboratory chemical water examination 171—172
Inspection of plant and equipment, mechanical plant 166 167
Inspection of plant and equipment, metallurgical testing 171
Inspection of plant and equipment, non-destructive testing 171
Inspection of plant and equipment, power presses 178
Inspection of plant and equipment, pressure plant/vessels, steam and air 166 170
Inspection of plant and equipment, statutory report forms 174—183
Inspection of plant and equipment, technical services for 170—172 (see also “Engineer surveyors”)
Instrumentation see “Acoustics acoustic “Bridge “Cathode “Centralized “Data “Electricity “Force “Frequency “Multimeters” “Multimeters digital” “Power “Spectrum “Temperature “Voltmeters
Insulation materials, thermal 131—146
Insulation materials, thermal, acoustic properties 140
Insulation materials, thermal, aluminum foil facings 142
Insulation materials, thermal, Approved Document L, controls for space heating and hot water systems 139
Insulation materials, thermal, Approved Document L, heat loss through building fabric 137—138
Insulation materials, thermal, Approved Document L, insulation of hot water systems 139
Insulation materials, thermal, beveled lags 142
Insulation materials, thermal, blowing wool 142
Insulation materials, thermal, BS 5422 139
Insulation materials, thermal, Building Regulations (1990) 137
Insulation materials, thermal, calcium silicate 144—145
Insulation materials, thermal, cellular glass 145
Insulation materials, thermal, ceramic fibers 144
Insulation materials, thermal, chemical resistance 140
Insulation materials, thermal, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) 141
Insulation materials, thermal, density effects 140—141
Insulation materials, thermal, exfoliated vermiculite 145
Insulation materials, thermal, expanded polystyrene 145
Insulation materials, thermal, extruded polystyrene 145—146
Insulation materials, thermal, facings 142
Insulation materials, thermal, fire safety 140
Insulation materials, thermal, glass cloth facings 143
Insulation materials, thermal, glass wool 143—144
Insulation materials, thermal, heat transfer, conduction 133 134
Insulation materials, thermal, heat transfer, convection 133—134
Insulation materials, thermal, heat transfer, radiation 134
Insulation materials, thermal, lamella 142
Insulation materials, thermal, laminate facings 143
Insulation materials, thermal, limiting temperatures 139
Insulation materials, thermal, loose fill 142
Insulation materials, thermal, magnesia 144
Insulation materials, thermal, mat or blanket 142
Insulation materials, thermal, mattress 142
Insulation materials, thermal, mechanical strength 140
Insulation materials, thermal, mineral wool 143
Insulation materials, thermal, molded products 142
Insulation materials, thermal, paper facings 142
Insulation materials, thermal, phenolic foam 146
Insulation materials, thermal, pipe sections 141—142
Insulation materials, thermal, polyisocyanurate foam 146
Insulation materials, thermal, purpose 133
Insulation materials, thermal, PVC facings 142
Insulation materials, thermal, quilt 142
Insulation materials, thermal, rigid polyurethane foam 146
Insulation materials, thermal, robustness 140
Insulation materials, thermal, rock wool 143—144
Insulation materials, thermal, rolls 142
Insulation materials, thermal, slab and board 141
Insulation materials, thermal, sprayed foam 142
Insulation materials, thermal, sprayed insulation 142
Insulation materials, thermal, surface emissivity 140
Insulation materials, thermal, temperature effects 141
Insulation materials, thermal, thermal movement 140
Insulation materials, thermal, tissue facings 142
Insulation materials, thermal, water supply bylaws 139
Insulation materials, thermal, weather resistance 140
Insulation materials, thermal, wire netting facings 143 (see also “Heat loss calculations”)
Insulation of buildings and energy conservation 512—513
Insulation of buildings, building regulations 449—451
Insulation of buildings, heat loss estimates 451
Insulation of buildings, roofs, external 449
Insulation of buildings, roofs, U values for materials 450
Insulation of buildings, roofs, under-drawing 449
Insulation of buildings, roofs, with false ceilings 450
Insulation of buildings, statutory regulations 449
Insulation of buildings, Thermal Insulation (Industrial Buildings) (1957) 449
Insulation of buildings, walls and windows 449—451
Insulation of buildings, walls and windows, U values 450—451
Insulation of buildings, windows/glazing 450—451
Insulation, noise insulation 140 715—716
Insurance, access control 193
Insurance, building fabric 192
Insurance, building fabric, boiler and pressure plant 166
Insurance, building fabric, business interruption 187
Insurance, building fabric, claim procedures 172
Insurance, building fabric, cranes and lifting machinery 166—167
Insurance, building fabric, doors and shutters 192
Insurance, building fabric, electrical plant 167
Insurance, building fabric, fire 187—188
Insurance, building fabric, history 163
Insurance, building fabric, inspection authority role 163—165
Insurance, building fabric, intruder alarms 192—193
Insurance, building fabric, legislation 163
Insurance, building fabric, lifts and hoists 167
Insurance, building fabric, loss adjusters 172
Insurance, building fabric, mechanical plant 167
Insurance, building fabric, plant and equipment 161—183
Insurance, building fabric, reportable accidents 172
Insurance, building fabric, statutory requirements 164
Insurance, building fabric, storage tanks and contents 166
Insurance, security and theft 189—192
Insurance, windows 192 (see also “Engineer surveyors” “Fire “Inspection “Liability “Security”)
Intruder alarms 192
ISO 9000 series of standards 165
Jackshafts and spindles, failure mode analysis 810—811
Just in time (JIT) manufacture 69
Kerosene burners see “Oil burners”
Keys, keyways and keyseats 1074—1077
Keys, keyways and keyseats, key shapes 1075
Keys, keyways and keyseats, keyway depth and width 1075
Keys, keyways and keyseats, manufacturing tolerances 1076
Keys, keyways and keyseats, shaft and hub dimensions 1075
Keys, keyways and keyseats, standard flat keys and keyway 1076
Keys, keyways and keyseats, standard square keys and keyway 1076
Keys, keyways and keyseats, stress calculations, keys 1076—1077
Keys, keyways and keyseats, stress calculations, shafts 1077
Labor relations, and plant location 38
Lagging, corrosion under 975
Lamps see “Electric lamps” “Luminaires”
Land pollution, and plant location 42
Landlord responsibilities, plant engineers 5
Landscaping, on contaminated land 30—32
Landscaping, on uncontaminated land 32—34
Langelier Saturation Index, for cooling tower water 577
Laundry equipment, steam traps for 374
Laws of thermodynamics, and compressors 604—606
Laxton’s Building Price Book 54
Layout planning see “Plant layout planning”
Leak detection by vibration analysis 724
Leases, assigning and sub-letting 52
Leases, basic contents of 51
Leases, covenants 51
Leases, preparation 51
Leases, rents 51—52
Leases, reviews 52
Leather shaft seals 956
Letters of intent, and contracts 93
Liability insurance 193—198
Liability insurance, breach of contract 194
Liability insurance, breach of statutory duty 194
Liability insurance, cover provided 194—195
Liability insurance, employer’s liability 194—198
Liability insurance, legal requirements 194
Liability insurance, negligence 194
Liability insurance, nuisance 194
Liability insurance, pollution 198
Liability insurance, public liability (third party) 194—195 198
Liability insurance, third party liability 194
Liability insurance, tort 193 194
Liability insurance, visitors 198 (see also “Employee safety and employer’s liability” “Insurance”)
Life-cycle costing 854
Lifts and hoists, insurance on 167
Lifts and hoists, statutory report form for 175 (see also “Elevators”)
lighting 111—130
Lighting and energy conservation 513
Lighting theory, color/color temperature 113
Lighting theory, diffusion 113
Lighting theory, efficacy (luminous efficiency) 113
Lighting theory, foot-candle 113
Lighting theory, frequency of light 113
Lighting theory, illuminance 113
Lighting theory, infrared (IR) radiation 113
Lighting theory, inverse square law 113
Lighting theory, lumen 113
Lighting theory, luminance 113
Lighting theory, luminosity 113
Lighting theory, lux 113
Lighting theory, nature of light 113
Lighting theory, reflection 113
Lighting theory, refraction 113
Lighting theory, ultraviolet (UV) radiation 113
Lighting, lighting design 128—130
Lighting, lighting design, lamp/luminaire choice 130
Lighting, lighting design, local 129—130
Lighting, lighting design, localized 129
Lighting, lighting design, uniform/general 128—129
Lighting, security 192 (see also “Electric lamps” “Emergency “Luminaires”)
Lignites 338 339
Line scanners, for thermography 872
Linear measure, SI/non-SI conversion factors 318
Liquefied natural gas (LNG) 300
Liquefied natural gas (LNG), storage 310 (see also “Gas”)
Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) 321—334
Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), applications 331—333
Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), applications, advantages over liquid fuels 331—332
Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), applications, as motor fuel 332—333
Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), composition and properties 323—326
Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), composition and properties, associated/unassociated gases 323
Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), composition and properties, butane 323
Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), composition and properties, butene (butylene) 323
Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), composition and properties, coefficient of expansion 326
Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), composition and properties, commercial butane 323 324—325
Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), composition and properties, commercial propane 323 324—325
Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), composition and properties, flammability limits 326