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Mobley R.K. — Plant Engineering Handbook
Mobley R.K. — Plant Engineering Handbook

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Íàçâàíèå: Plant Engineering Handbook

Àâòîð: Mobley R.K.


Every plant engineer's bookshelf should contain at least one basic engineering reference. And if you're only going to have one, Plant Engineer's Handbook is a good candidate. This volume is a completely revised edition of Plant Engineer's Reference Book, which was published about 10 years ago.

As chief editor of the handbook, Keith Mobley has done a masterful job of assembling the contributions of 40 contributors into 64 chapters that cover the entire plant engineering function from definition to technology to management. In fact, this handbook stands out from most other engineering handbooks by including information on such issues as insurance, finances, and maintenance management in addition to the engineering knowledge plant engineers require. - Plant Engineering Magazine

This book covers the things a plant engineer does-such as selection of a suitable site for a factory and provision of basic facilities - as well as issues such as labrication, corrosion, energy conservation, maintenance and materials handling environment, insurance and finances. The volume provides a comprehensive treatment of the maintenance management funuction. In addition to chapters outlining the operation of plant equipment, there is advice on getting the most out of the equipment and its operators. -llE Solutions

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Èçäàíèå: 1st edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2001

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 2000

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 21.05.2008

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Finance, yield      1106
Fire detection and suppression, auto-sprinkler installations      188
Fire detection and suppression, automatic fire alarms      188
Fire detection and suppression, building design for      54
Fire detection and suppression, electrical equipment      189
Fire detection and suppression, elevator control considerations      62
Fire detection and suppression, extinguishers, dry powder      188
Fire detection and suppression, extinguishers, gas      188
Fire detection and suppression, extinguishers, installation and maintenance      188
Fire detection and suppression, extinguishers, water      188
Fire detection and suppression, firefighting elevators      62—63
Fire detection and suppression, flammable gases      189
Fire detection and suppression, flammable liquids      189
Fire detection and suppression, insurance considerations      54
Fire detection and suppression, regulations for      53—54
Fire detection and suppression, smoke clearance/ventilation      58 477—478
Fire detection and suppression, structure protection      54
Fire detection and suppression, systems for      54
Fire detection and suppression, trade hazards      188—189 (see also “Gas safety” “Insurance fire”)
Fire safety, and insulation materials      140
Fire valves, in oil pipework      281
Firewater, and corrosion      971
First-aid facilities in buildings      61
Flammable gases, insurance for      189
Flammable liquids, insurance for      189
Flash point, lubricating oils and greases      919
Flash steam      see “Steam flash
Flexible intermediate drives      see “Chain drives” “V-belts”
Floors/flooring      101—109
Floors/flooring, concrete joint fillers      103
Floors/flooring, concrete substrate requirements      103—104
Floors/flooring, cost comparisons      108—109
Floors/flooring, floor paints, chlorinated rubber paints      105
Floors/flooring, floor paints, epoxy resin high build      105
Floors/flooring, floor paints, multi-coat treatments      105
Floors/flooring, floor paints, polyurethane      105
Floors/flooring, heavy duty, bitumen emulsion-modified cementitious floors      106
Floors/flooring, heavy duty, epoxy resin mortar      107—108
Floors/flooring, heavy duty, granolithic toppings      106
Floors/flooring, heavy duty, industrial tiles      108
Floors/flooring, heavy duty, mastic asphalt      106
Floors/flooring, heavy duty, polyester resin mortars      108
Floors/flooring, heavy duty, polymer-modified cementitious floor toppings      106—107
Floors/flooring, heavy duty, reactive acrylic resins      108
Floors/flooring, markings for      156
Floors/flooring, requirement considerations      103
Floors/flooring, seals      156
Floors/flooring, self-leveling materials, acrylic resin      106
Floors/flooring, self-leveling materials, epoxy      105—106 156
Floors/flooring, self-leveling materials, polyester resin      106
Floors/flooring, thin applied hardener/sealers, epoxy resin dispersions      105 156
Floors/flooring, thin applied hardener/sealers, low-viscosity resin based finishes      104
Floors/flooring, thin applied hardener/sealers, non-reactive and semi-reactive resin      104
Floors/flooring, thin applied hardener/sealers, polymer dispersions      104—105
Floors/flooring, thin applied hardener/sealers, reactive resin solutions      105
Floors/flooring, thin applied hardener/sealers, silico fluoride surface hardeners      104
Floors/flooring, thin applied hardener/sealers, sodium silicate surface hardeners      104
Floors/flooring, trowelled coatings      156 (see also “Coatings selection factors” “Concrete “Concrete
Flues      see “Chimneys and flues”
Flues for Commercial and Industrial Gas Fired Boilers and Air Heaters (IM/11)      295
Fluid-film lubrication      918
Fluidized-bed firing      426—428
Fluids, hydraulic      see “Hydraulic fluids”
Fluids, pressurized      see “Hydraulic/hydrostatic fundamentals”
Foam thermal insulation      146
Force transducers      269—270
Force transducers, impedance transducers      269
Force transducers, photo-sensors      269—270
Force transducers, piezoelectric crystals      269
Force transducers, strain gauges      269
Fouling factor, for cooling tower water      577
Foundations, buildings      65—66
Foundations, centrifugal pump installations      567
Fourier transform analyzer      270
Frequency and voltage, of electricity bulk supply      236
Frequency domain analysis      744—745
Frequency domain analysis, vibration data      727 760 761
Frequency measurement      263—264
Frequency weighting of sound      710—711
Fretting corrosion      969
Friction, and lubrication      917
Frictional wear, and engine lubricants      921
Fuel oil      see “Oil”
Fuel oil heating, steam traps for      374
Full fluid-film lubrication      918
Fumes, definition      819 (see also “Dust and fume control”)
Furnaces and air pollution      816—817
Furnaces, carbon sources corrosion      973
Furnaces, energy conservation      512
Furnaces, mobile, and air pollution      817
Furnaces, molten salts corrosion      973
Furnaces, nitrogen compound corrosion      973
Furnaces, oxygen problems in reformer tubes      973
Furnaces, sulfur compound corrosion      973 (see also “Boiler types” “Chimneys “Coal “Corrosion” “Gas “Oil
Gantt charts      896 897
Gas analysis and composition      see “Gas specification and analysis” “Liquefied
Gas as fuel and the clean air acts      292
Gas as fuel, advantages      287
Gas as fuel, applications      288
Gas as fuel, availability      287
Gas as fuel, burners, forced draft burners      288
Gas as fuel, burners, forced draft burners, laminar flames      288
Gas as fuel, burners, forced draft burners, natural draft      288
Gas as fuel, burners, forced draft burners, package burners      288
Gas as fuel, burners, forced draft burners, premix type      288
Gas as fuel, burners, forced draft burners, turndown ratio      288
Gas as fuel, combustion products, cleanliness of      289
Gas as fuel, combustion products, water vapor in      289
Gas as fuel, EC Directive on emissions from large combustion plants      292—293
Gas as fuel, heat transfer      288—289
Gas as fuel, heat transfer properties of products of combustion      392
Gas as fuel, low-pressure supplies      289
Gas as fuel, pressure boosters and compressors      289
Gas as fuel, UK legislation      293 (see also “Liquefied natural gas (LNG)” “Liquefied
Gas burners, aerated (atmospheric/premix)      419 421 422
Gas burners, air and exhaust gas sealing dampers      423—424
Gas burners, air/fuel management control      423
Gas burners, airbox/fan arrangement      422—423
Gas burners, atomizer characteristics      421—422
Gas burners, burner management systems      423
Gas burners, dual- and triple-fuel firing      428
Gas burners, dual-fuel burners      422
Gas burners, electronic air/flow control      423
Gas burners, multi-fuel operation      428
Gas burners, non-aerated (diffusion flame/post-aerated)      419 420 422
Gas burners, nozzle-mix types      420—421 422
Gas burners, oxygen trim      423
Gas burners, register/combustion head      422 (see also “Boiler types” “Chimneys “Furnaces”)
Gas combustion monitoring and control      301—303
Gas combustion monitoring and control, appliance standards      306
Gas combustion monitoring and control, automatic burner sequence      305
Gas combustion monitoring and control, automatic burner standards      305—306
Gas combustion monitoring and control, automatic/semi-automatic standards      306
Gas combustion monitoring and control, burner sequence and codes of practice      305—306
Gas combustion monitoring and control, carbon monoxide trim systems      303
Gas combustion monitoring and control, control air/gas ratio without trim systems, balanced pressure-control systems      303
Gas combustion monitoring and control, control air/gas ratio without trim systems, electronic ratio controller      303
Gas combustion monitoring and control, control air/gas ratio without trim systems, linked butterfly valves      303
Gas combustion monitoring and control, control air/gas ratio without trim systems, linked characterized valves      303
Gas combustion monitoring and control, control air/gas ratio without trim systems, linked square port valves      303
Gas combustion monitoring and control, flue gas analysis      301
Gas combustion monitoring and control, instrumentation      302
Gas combustion monitoring and control, oxygen trim systems      303
Gas combustion monitoring and control, wet and dry analysis      301—302
Gas compressors/compressor systems      see “Compressed air systems” “Compressor
Gas contracts, firm supplies      287
Gas contracts, interruptible supplies      287
Gas distribution networks      312
Gas distribution networks, operating pressures      312
Gas distribution networks, pipework design      312
Gas efficiency and energy conservation, air/gas ratio      289—290
Gas efficiency and energy conservation, condensing boilers      292
Gas efficiency and energy conservation, equipment maintenance      290
Gas efficiency and energy conservation, gas/gas heat exchangers      292
Gas efficiency and energy conservation, gas/liquid economizer      292
Gas efficiency and energy conservation, good housekeeping practice      290
Gas efficiency and energy conservation, heat exchangers      291—292
Gas efficiency and energy conservation, heat insulation      290
Gas efficiency and energy conservation, heat pipes in incoming air stream      292
Gas efficiency and energy conservation, heat pumps      292
Gas efficiency and energy conservation, heat recovery      290—292
Gas efficiency and energy conservation, liquid/liquid heat exchangers      292
Gas efficiency and energy conservation, load recuperation      290—291
Gas efficiency and energy conservation, regenerators/regenerative burners      291
Gas efficiency and energy conservation, rotary heat exchangers      292
Gas efficiency and energy conservation, run-around coils      292
Gas efficiency and energy conservation, waste-heat boilers      292 (see also “Economizers”)
Gas emergency procedures, emergency control valves      312—313
Gas emergency procedures, instruction and training      313
Gas emergency procedures, normal shutdown procedures      313
Gas equipment maintenance and manufacturer’s instructions      308
Gas equipment maintenance and reliability      308
Gas equipment maintenance and safety      308
Gas equipment maintenance and thermal efficiency      308
Gas equipment maintenance, need for      307
Gas equipment maintenance, staff training      308
Gas equipment testing and commissioning, commissioning, activation period      310
Gas equipment testing and commissioning, commissioning, completion period      310
Gas equipment testing and commissioning, commissioning, inspection period      310
Gas equipment testing and commissioning, commissioning, operation period      310
Gas equipment testing and commissioning, in-situ testing      310
Gas equipment testing and commissioning, purging procedures      309—310
Gas equipment testing and commissioning, purging procedures, air purging      310
Gas equipment testing and commissioning, purging procedures, direct purge      310
Gas equipment testing and commissioning, purging procedures, fuel gas to fuel gas purging      310
Gas equipment testing and commissioning, purging procedures, inert purging      310
Gas equipment testing and commissioning, purging procedures, purge volumes      309
Gas equipment testing and commissioning, purging procedures, purging methods      309
Gas equipment testing and commissioning, purging procedures, slug purging      310
Gas equipment testing and commissioning, soundness testing      309
Gas equipment testing and commissioning, soundness testing, existing installations      309
Gas equipment testing and commissioning, soundness testing, new installations and extensions      309
Gas equipment testing and commissioning, soundness testing, permitted leak rates      309
Gas flow charts, discharge through orifices      318
Gas flow charts, fittings and exit allowances      317
Gas flow charts, pipe discharge tables      316 317
Gas flow charts, pipework sizing      316—318
Gas flow charts, pressure loss theory      315—316
Gas flue/chimney requirements      see “Chimneys and flues gas
Gas heating of buildings      see “Heating of buildings”
Gas heating process control, building management systems      305
Gas heating process control, compensating controllers      304
Gas heating process control, optimum start controllers      305
Gas heating process control, space heating in buildings      304—305
Gas heating process control, three-port mixing valves      305
Gas heating process control, types of, derivative mode control      304
Gas heating process control, types of, high/low control      304
Gas heating process control, types of, integral mode control      304
Gas heating process control, types of, proportional only control      304
Gas heating process control, types of, proportional plus integral plus derivative action control      304
Gas heating process control, zone control valves      304
Gas meters/metering      287—288
Gas meters/metering, correction for temperature and pressure      287
Gas meters/metering, diaphragm meters      287
Gas meters/metering, rotary positive displacement meters      287
Gas meters/metering, turbine meters      287
Gas oil burners      see “Oil burners”
Gas pipework, commissioning      315
Gas pipework, corrosion protection and identification      314
Gas pipework, design criteria      313
Gas pipework, ducted pipes      314
Gas pipework, flexible connections, bellows      314
Gas pipework, flexible connections, flexible tubes      315
Gas pipework, flexible connections, quick-release couplings      315
Gas pipework, flexible connections, semi-rigid and flange adapters      314
Gas pipework, flexible connections, swivel joints      314
Gas pipework, jointing, capillary joints      313
Gas pipework, jointing, compression joints      313
Gas pipework, jointing, fusion welding      313
Gas pipework, jointing, screwed and welded jointing for steel pipework      313—314
Gas pipework, jointing, spigot and socket      313
Gas pipework, materials, copper      313
Gas pipework, materials, ductile iron      313
Gas pipework, materials, polyethylene      313
Gas pipework, materials, steel      313
Gas pipework, pipe supports      314
Gas pipework, purge points      315
Gas pipework, siphons and condensate traps      315 (see also “Gas flow charts”)
Gas pressure control, constant pressure governors      298—299
Gas pressure control, legal requirements      299
Gas pressure control, low pressure governors      298
Gas pressure control, non-return valves      299—300
Gas pressure control, pressure-regulating installations      298—299
Gas pressure control, pressure-relief valves      299
Gas pressure control, slam-shut valves      299
Gas safety, application hazards      298
Gas safety, fire and explosion hazards, explosion reliefs      307
Gas safety, fire and explosion hazards, fire valves      307
Gas safety, fire and explosion hazards, flame arrestors and explosion reliefs      307
Gas safety, fire and explosion hazards, flame speed      306—307
Gas safety, fire and explosion hazards, flame traps      306—307
Gas safety, fire and explosion hazards, flammability limits      306
Gas safety, Gas (declaration of calorific value) regulations (1972)      297
Gas safety, Gas (meters) regulations (1983)      297
Gas safety, Gas Act (1986)      297
Gas safety, gas hazardous properties      297
Gas safety, Gas quality regulations (1983)      297
Gas safety, Gas safety (installation and use) regulations (1984)      297
Gas safety, Gas safety (rights of entry) regulations (1983)      297
Gas safety, Gas safety regulations (1972)      297
Gas safety, handling hazards      298
Gas safety, Health and Safety at Work Act (1974)      297
Gas safety, health hazard data      298
Gas safety, maintenance for safety      298 308
Gas safety, safety hazard data      298
Gas safety, safety procedures      298 (see also “Gas emergency procedures”)
Gas safety, the building regulations (1985)      297
Gas specification and analysis, calorific value (CV)      300
Gas specification and analysis, fuels and combustion products table      302
Gas specification and analysis, Gas (Declaration of Calorific Value) Regulations (1972)      300
Gas specification and analysis, Imperial standard conditions      301
Gas specification and analysis, liquefied natural gas (LNG)      300
Gas specification and analysis, metric standard reference conditions      300
Gas specification and analysis, natural gas analysis table      301
Gas specification and analysis, normal temperature and pressure      301
Gas specification and analysis, US gas industry ‘standard cubic foot’      301
Gas specification and analysis, Wobbe number      300
Gas storage and interruptible contracts      312
Gas storage, high-pressure holders      310
Gas storage, line packing      312
Gas storage, liquefied natural gas (LNG)      310
Gas storage, low-pressure holders      310
Gas storage, Morecambe Bay      312
Gas storage, Rough storage      312
Gas storage, salt cavities      310 312
Gas turbine lubricants      950
Gas turbine powered electricity generation, applications      202 215—216
Gas turbine powered electricity generation, Brayton cycle      202—203
Gas turbine powered electricity generation, control and instrumentation      224—225
Gas turbine powered electricity generation, efficiency      203 223
Gas turbine powered electricity generation, fuels      204
Gas turbine powered electricity generation, maintenance      225
Gas turbine powered electricity generation, open cycle operation      202—203
Gas turbine powered electricity generation, part load effects      204
Gas turbine powered electricity generation, plant and installation      222—226
Gas turbine powered electricity generation, pollution control      225—226
Gas turbine powered electricity generation, start-up requirements      222
Gas turbine powered electricity generation, turbines in combined cycle      205—207 223—224
Gas turbine powered electricity generation, turbines in combined cycle, dual pressure cycle      206—207
Gas turbine powered electricity generation, turbines in combined cycle, fully fired cycle      205—206
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