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Harris R. — Crafting the New Conversational Speech Systems
Harris R. — Crafting the New Conversational Speech Systems

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Íàçâàíèå: Crafting the New Conversational Speech Systems

Àâòîð: Harris R.


Soundly anchored in user centered design and natural language studies, this supremely practical book is loaded with examples, how-to advice, and design templates. Drawing widely on decades of research - in HCI, dialogue design, pragmatics, linguistics, lexicography, conversation analysis, computational linguistics, and cognitive and social psychology - Randy Allen Harris outlines the principles of how people use language interactively, and illustrates every aspect of design work

ßçûê: en

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2004

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 624

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 30.12.2007

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5-Ws and an H      259n
802.11, definition of      521
AAC      see “Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC).”
Acceptance, false, definition of      530 (see also “Contribution model.”)
Access, random, definition of      541
Accommodation, lexical      see “Convergence.”
Acoustic repair signals      421
Acoustic repair signals, dialogue and      375—377
Acrolects      318n
Action, collaborative      28
Action, speech as      94—101
Activity, speech and      432—433
Acts, amalgam dialogue      see “Dialogue acts.”
Acts, assertive, definition of      522
Acts, commissive, definition of      524
Acts, communicative      120n
Acts, constitutive      103 104 108—111 121
Acts, constitutive, definition of      108—109 525
Acts, declarative dialogue      109 110—111
Acts, declarative, definition of      526
Acts, dialogue      94 94n 101—107 111n 120n 124
Acts, dialogue management      103 104 121
Acts, dialogue management, definition of      527
Acts, dialogue, definition of      527
Acts, dialogue, flow-regulating      138—143
Acts, dialogue, into speech      444—445
Acts, directive, definition of      528
Acts, expressive dialogue      109 110
Acts, expressive, definition of      530
Acts, flow-regulating      103 104 158
Acts, flow-regulating, definition of      531
Acts, groundskeeping      103 104 158
Acts, illocutionary      94n
Acts, informative      103 104 111—118 121
Acts, informative, definition of      111—112 534
Acts, interrogative, definition of      534
Acts, obligative      103 104 118—120 121
Acts, obligative, definition of      118 538
Acts, speech      94n 120n
Acts, speech, definition of      544
Acts, system-directive, definition of      545
Acts, task management      103 104 121
Acts, task management, definition of      546
Adjacency pairs      129n (see also “Dialogic pairs.”)
ADSI      see “Analog Display Services Interface (ADSI).”
Aesthetic design, heuristic evaluation and      506—507
Aesthetics, agent design and      309 346
Aetalects      318n
Affixes      71
Affordance, definition of      521
Age-based variations      318n
agents      30 221 301—346 301n
Agents, artificial      341n
Agents, cast and      311—345
Agents, definition of      521
Agents, embodied      340n
Agents, intelligent      301n
Agents, personification and      302—308
Agents, primary considerations and      308—310
agents, software      301n
Agrammatism      59
Alarm, false      see “Insertion.”
Aldrich, Thomas Bailey      409
Alias, definition of      522
Allen, James      152
Alphabet, International Phonetic      41
Alphabetic thesaurus      282n
Amalgam      158
Amalgam, dialogue act      see “Dialogue acts.”
Ambiguity      52—58 71
American English, characteristic average frequencies of      313
American English, Standard      see “Standard American English.”
Amex      146
Amtrak speech system      23
Analog Display Services Interface (ADSI), definition of      521
Analysis, conversation      28 38 102n 129n 130n 137n
Analysis, conversation, definition of      523 526
Analysis, discourse, definition of      528
Analysis, qualitative      512
Analysis, quantitative      512
Analysis, structural, of operator assisted call      251
Analysis, task      247n
Analysis, task, sample      249 262 263—264
Analysis, Wizard of Oz and      495—501 512
Anaphor, referential, coherence and      180
Anaphora      71
Anaphora, definition of      522
Antecedents      62n
Anthropomorphic      30
Anthropomorphism      302 345
Anthropomorphism, definition of      522
Aphasia, Broca’s      59
Apple Computer’s Sherlock dictionary      298
Architect, interaction      225—229 240
Aristotle      203 205 219 237 303—304 322 409
Armchair designer      23
Articulatory synthesis, definition of      522
Artificial agents      341n
ARTIMIS      85 85n 99 110 113 119 129 133 139
ASG      see “Audiotel — Guide des Services (AGS).”
Ask Jeeves      319n
ASR      see “Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR).”
assertion      95—96 121
Assertion, definition of      522
Assertive acts, definition of      522
Assertives      104 112—114 121
Assertives, definition of      522
Assistance, computational, Wizard of Oz and      512
Assistance, human, Wizard of Oz and      512
Assistance, progressive      122 421
Assistance, progressive, definition of      540
Association ratio      196n
Association ratio, definition of      522
Associative cohesion      163 172 173—177 180
Associative cohesion, definition of      523
ASU      see “Automatic Speech Understanding (ASU).”
AT&T research labs      503n
ATD      see “Automatic Telephone Dialogues (ATD).”
Attentional state      66n
Attraction, similarity      321n
Attraction, similarity, principle of      328
Attwater, David      243
audio interface      see “Voice interfaces.”
Audio logo, definition of      522
Audio output      206
Audio, link identification and      414n
Audio-monitoring equipment, Wizard of Oz and      484
Audiotel — Guide des Services (AGS)      85n
Auditory GUI, voice interfaces and      211—214
Auditory icon      see “Earcon.”
Auditory User Interface (AUI)      see “Voice interfaces.”
Augmentative and Alternative Communication, (AAC), definition of      521
AUI      see “Auditory User Interface (AUI).”
Aurelius, Marcus      403
Austin, J. L.      94
Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR), definition of      522
Automatic Speech Understanding (ASU), definition of      522
Automatic Telephone Dialogues (ATD)      4
Automatic Telephone Dialogues (ATD), definition of      522
Baber, Chris      217 436
Back channel      148n
Back-and-forth language use      28
Backchannel, definition of      523
Backchanneled feedback      148n
Backchanneled utterance      148n
Background      see “Ground.”
Baesman, Rob      313n
Bailout, definition of      523
Balentine, Bruce      56n 57
Balogh, Jennifer      431
Bank of English corpus      196n
Bank, datafields for deposit in design lexicon for      277 288
Bank, headword      275n
Bannon, Liam J.      235
Barge-in      142n
Barge-in, efinition of      523
Bargein      142n
Basilects      318n
Baum, L. Frank      211 474 477 479 481 482 484 490 495
Beckett, Samuel      366
Bernsen, Niels Ole      12 20 407
Bernsen-Dybkjaer taxonomy      500n
Berra, Yogi      260
beta testing      499n 513
Beta testing, iterative evaluation and      510—512
Betting      119n
Bickmore, Timothy      345
Bidirectional contribution model      436n
Blade Runner      396
Bloomfield, Leonard      41
Blueprint, call flow      466
Bluetooth, definition of      523
Bodker, Susanne      235
Books on tape      213n
Borruso, Sarah      12
Boundary cue words      54n
Boyce, Rick      27
Boyce, Susan      236 442
Bradley, Jeff      27
branding      308n
Branding, agent design and      308 346
Brennan, Susan      127n 283 449
British English, Standard      see “Standard British English.”
Broadening interaction      472
Broadening interaction, dialogue and      458—462
Broca’s aphasia      59
Bruce, Bertram      149
Bunt, Harry      103n 157
Burnard, Lou      274
Bush, George, Sr.      377
Butler, Samuel      198
Byrne, Bill      308
C&C      see “Command-and-control (C&C).”
CA      see “Conversation analysis (CA).”
Cahn, Janet      338n
Calisher, Hortense      268
Call flow blueprint      466
Call flow, definition of      523
Call flow, fully specified, functionally habitable, for schema      463
Call flow, habitable, for takeout/delivery phone service      465
Call flow, linear, for voiced takeout/delivery pizza service      456
Call flow, planning      472
Call flow, planning, dialogue and      453—468
Call flow, plotting      463—468
Call flow, stepwise, for schema      460
Callers, payoffs to      270n
Calvin & Hobbes      447
Cancellation, echo, definition of      529
Candidate, definition of      523
Capabilities      308n
Capabilities, agent design and      309—310
Carnap, Rudolph      218n
Carroll, John M.      262 451
Carroll, Lewis      138 411
Cascade, error      see “Error spiral.”
Cascading errors      see “Error spiral.”
Cassell, Justine      345
Cast, agent design and      311—345 346
Casting      346
Casting, agent design and      343—344
Cata doxas      198n
Catadupe      198n
Changing targets scenario, dialogue and      453
Channel, back      148n
CHARACTER      346
Character, agent design and      322—323
Chomsky, Noam      218n
Chu-Carroll, Jennifer      394
Church, Kenneth W.      269
Cicero, Marcus Tullius      275 366
Circumstances, product-development      492n
Clarity of system state, heuristic evaluation and      506
Clark, Herbert      33 103n 107 143 436n
CLUES      330
Clumps, sound      49
Cluster      158
Cluster, dialogue act      see “Dialogue acts.”
Cocktail party effect, definition of      523
Coding, parametric, definition of      539
Coggle, Paul      318
Cohen, Michael      176 431
Cohen, Philip      8
Coherence      162n 164—172
Coherence relations      169n 180—188 180n
Coherence, discourse      162 162n
Coherence, referential      163 165—168 171 179—180
Coherence, referential, definition of      523
Coherence, relational      163 168—170 168n 171 179—180
Coherence, relational, definition of      523
Coherence, topic management and      160—179
Coherence/cohesion schema      163n
Cohesion      172—179
Cohesion, associative      163 172 173—177 180
Cohesion, associative, definition of      523
Cohesion, connective      163 172 177—179 180
Cohesion, connective, definition of      524
Cohesion, discourse      162 164
Cohesion, speech and      433
Cohesion, topic management and      160—179
cohesiveness      179
Colby, Ken      274
Collaborative action      28
Collaborative crisis      28
Colligate, definition of      524
Colligation      84n 199
Colligation, definition of      524
Colligation, diction and      197—198
Colligation, textual, definition of      524
Collision error      see “Collision.”
Collision, definition of      524
Collocate, definition of      524
Collocation      199
Collocation, definition of      524
Collocation, diction and      196—197
Collocation, principle of      71
Command-and-control (C&C)      396
Command-and-control (C&C), definition of      524
Command-line interfaces      4 5—6 8
Commissive acts, definition of      524
Commissives      103 104 121
Common ground      see “Ground.”
Communicative acts      120n
Communion, phatic      252
Communion, phatic, definition of      539
Competence error      see “Task slippages.”
complexity      262
Complexity, speech and      433
Computational assistance, Wizard of Oz and      512
Computer Speech (CSp)      24
Computer Speech (CSp), definition of      526
Computer, dedicated to capture and logging of data, Wizard of Oz and      484
Computer, dedicated to database, Wizard of Oz and      483
Computer, dedicated to interaction, Wizard of Oz and      483—484
Computer-Telephone Integration (CTI), definition of      526
Concatenated-voice generators      311n
Concatenation      70n
Concatenation synthesis      see “Concatenative synthesis.”
Concatenative synthesis      73
Concatenative synthesis, definition of      524
Concatenative-recorded voice synthesis      311n
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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