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Harris R. — Crafting the New Conversational Speech Systems
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Íàçâàíèå: Crafting the New Conversational Speech Systems
Àâòîð: Harris R.
Àííîòàöèÿ: Soundly anchored in user centered design and natural language studies, this supremely practical book is loaded with examples, how-to advice, and design templates. Drawing widely on decades of research - in HCI, dialogue design, pragmatics, linguistics, lexicography, conversation analysis, computational linguistics, and cognitive and social psychology - Randy Allen Harris outlines the principles of how people use language interactively, and illustrates every aspect of design work
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ed2k: ed2k stats
Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2004
Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 624
Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 30.12.2007
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Experience level of user 421
Experience, contrary to 198n
Expert users 405
Expert, subject-matter 237 240
Expert, technology 236—237 240
Explicit feedback 384 (see also “Feedback.”)
Explicit prompt see “Prompt.”
Explicit prompting, dialogue and 357
Expressive acts, definition of 530
Expressive dialogue acts 109 110
Expressives 104 121
Extensible Markup Language (XML), definition of 550
Extraction, content 55n
Failure, recognition see “Recognition error.”
False acceptance, definition of 530
False alarm see “Insertion.”
False mapping see “Substitutions; Substitution error.”
False recognition see “False acceptance.”
False rejection 350-351 (see also “Rejection.”)
Farley, Mike 230
Feedback 158 421
Feedback, backchanneled 148n
Feedback, definition of 530
Feedback, explicit 384
Feedback, groundskeeping and 145—149
Feedback, implicit 384
Feedback, inferential 384 (see also “Feedback.”)
Feedback, lack of 384—385
Feedback, levels of, dialogue and 383—388
Feedback, open 384
Feel, sound and, definition of 543
Felicity conditions, definition of 530
Female 316n 317n
Female agents 346
Field of register 121
Field studies 513
Field studies, iterative evaluation and 510—512
Field, definition of 530
Filtering through the phone, definition of 530
Filters, input, Wizard of Oz and 483
Finer mesh prompts scenario, dialogue and 453
Finite state machine, definition of 531
First time openings, dialogue and 447
Firth, J. R. 33 84n 196 280
Fishman, Pamela 372 379
Fixed initiative 153 158
Flattened-menu interaction for schema 462
Flexibility, heuristic evaluation and 506
Floor, definition of 531
Flow rate, information, voice interfaces and 213—214
Flow, call see “Call flow.”
Flow, dialogue see “Dialogue flow.”
Flow, information 219
Flow, sense of, Wizard of Oz and 494
Flow-regulating acts 103 104 158
Flow-regulating acts, definition of 531
Flow-regulating dialogue acts 138—143
Ford 233
Formant 48n
Formant models 68n
Formant structure 48n
Formant synthesis, definition of 531
Formant, definition of 531
Forster, E. M. 179
Fraser, Norman M. 302
Frequency of task 262
Fricatives, definition of 531
Fully specified functionally habitable call flow for schema 463
Function words, definition of 531
Functional habitability 297 (see also “Habitability.”)
Functions, interaction architect and 227
Functions, interactive-dialogue writers and 231—232
Functions, lexicographer and 229
Functions, quality assurance prime and 234
Functions, soundscape designer and 233
Functions, usability prime and 235—236
Furnas, George W. 296 361 419
Fusion, definition of 531
Gain, definition of 531
Gardner-Bonneau, Daryle 24 127
Gathering data 250—261
Geisel, Theodor S. 76
Gender, agent design and 315—318 316n 317n 318n
Genderlects 318n
Genealects 318n
General Magic 319n 331—336 334n
genres 318n
Genres, emergent 21
George, Paul 27
Giangola, James P. 431
Gibberish 159
Gilbert, Nigel 302
Given information 85—87
goals 262
Goals, definition of 531
Goals, habitability 266
Goat 142n
Goldwyn, Samuel 52
Gomez, Louis M. 296 361 419
Gong, Li 341
Goodwill, agent design and 326—330
Gould, John 242
Gound 262
Grammar 26 41 43 59
Grammar, definition of 531
Grammatical 28
Grammatical constructs, commonly used, determining 287—291
Grammaticality 44
Graph, contribution see “Contribution model.”
Graphemes 47
Graphemes, definition of 531
Graphic interfaces 4 7—8
Graphic interfaces, definition of 531—532
Graphical User Interface (GUI) auditory, double-pronunciation entry for 280 (see also “Graphic interfaces.”)
Graphical User Interface (GUI) auditory, voice interfaces and 211—214 (see also “Graphic interfaces.”)
Greco-Roman stasis theory 259n
Greeting, definition of 532
Grice, Paul 78 79n 164
Gricean maxims, definition of 532
Gricean/Conversational groupings 500n
Grice’s maxims 88—89
Ground, common see “Ground.”
Ground, conversational see “Ground.”
Ground, definition of 532
Grounding criteria 421
Grounding criteria, definition of 532
Grounding criteria, dialogue and 381—383
Grounding, definition of 532
Groundskeeping 143—157
Groundskeeping acts 103 104 158
Groundskeeping acts, definition of 532
GUI see “Graphical User Interface (GUI).”
H LT see “Human Language Technology (HLT).”
Habitability goals 266
Habitability, 220 517—519
Habitability, conceptual see “Habitability.”
Habitability, definition of 532
Habitability, functional 297 (see also “Habitability.”)
Habitability, lexical 297 (see also “Habitability.”)
Habitability, syntactic 297
Habitability, syntactic, definition of 545
Habitability, voice interfaces and 217—219
Habitable see “Habitability.”
Habitable call flow for takeout/delivery phone service 465
Habitable speech system, definition of 266
Hafner, Katie 16
HAL-9000 301n
Halliday, M. 87 172 177
Hanks, Patrick 269
Harris, Zellig 218n
Harvesting script 273n
Harvesting, web 273n
Hasan, Ruqaiya 172 177
Hayes, Philip J. 241 347
Hazardous spiral-lookalikes 238n
HCI see “Human Computer Interaction (HCI).”
Headword 275n
Headword bank 275n
Headword, definition of 532
Hearing words, rate of 213n
Hemingway, Ernest 230
Hempelmann, Christian 424
Heteronyms, definition of 533
Heuristic evaluation 505—507 513
HeyAnita 48
Hidden Markov Model (HMM), definition of 533
Hierarchical interactions 220
Hipp, D. Richard 137
HMIHY 301n
HMM see “Hidden Markov Model (HMM).”
Hobbes, Thomas 45
Hockett, Charles F. 36
Hoey, Michael 197
Holonyms 284n
Holonyms, definition of 533
Homonymous, definition of 533
Homonyms, definition of 533
Homonymy 52—58 71
Homophonous see “Homonymous.”
Hone, Kate 217 436
Horton, Andrew 311
Hotel-booking dialogues 296
HTML see “HyperText Mark-up Language (HTML).”
Hulstijn, Joris 159
Human assistance, Wizard of Oz and 512
Human Computer Interaction (HCI), definition of 532
Human Language Technology (HLT), definition of 533
Human–human travel-arrangements dialogue 290 291 294
Hurston, Zora Neale 236
Hyperarticulate, definition of 533
Hyperarticulation 376
Hyperarticulation, definition of 533
Hypernyms 284n (see also “Metonyms.”)
HyperText Mark-up Language (HTML), definition of 533
Hyponyms 284n (see also “Metonyms.”)
I-b-i-z-a 376n
IBIZA! 376n
IBM Speech Systems, Icon, auditory see “Earcon.”
ICT see “Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).”
Idiom principle see “Textual colligation.”
Idiom, definition of 533
Illocutionary acts 94n
Illustrator Adobe 27
Images 346
Immediacy, speech and 432
Imperatives 95 96 121
Imperatives, definition of 533
Implicit feedback 384
Implicit prompt see “Prompt.”
Implicit prompting, dialogue and 358
In voice interface design 110—111 112—120
Incremental prompt, definition of 533
Individual users 403—406
Inferential feedback 384 (see also “Feedback.”)
Inferential prompt see “Prompt.”
Inferential prompting, dialogue and 358
Infirm results, definition of 534
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), definition of 533
Information criticality 421
Information display, voice, interfaces and 212—213
Information flow 219
Information flow rate, voice, interfaces and 213—214
Information gathering 250n
Information transfer 103n
Information, given 85—87
Information, mutual, definition of 537
Information, new 85—87
Informative acts 103 104 111—118 121
Informative acts, definition of 111—112 534
Initiative 130n 158 262
Initiative management 421
Initiative manager, definition of 534
Initiative, definition of 534
Initiative, dialogue see “Initiative.”
Initiative, fixed 153
Initiative, groundskeeping and 152—157
Initiative, managing 394—398
Initiative, mixed 153 155—157
Initiative, slippages and 388—394
Initiative, task see “Initiative.”
Initiative, variable, definition of 547
Initiative-response unit 130n
Input filters, Wizard of Oz and 483
Input, voice interfaces and 212
Insertion sequence 130n
Insertion sequence, definition of 534
Insertion, definition of 534
Insertion, dialogue and 349
Inspection, usability, iterative evaluation and 504—510
Intelligent agents 301n
Intentional structure 66n
Interaction architect 225—229 240
Interaction design, voice see “Voice interaction design.”
Interaction model, Wizard of Oz and 484
Interaction patterns, effective, discourse model and 291—296
Interaction slippages 501
Interaction slippages, definition of 534
Interaction slippages, dialogue and 351—354
Interactions, broadening 472
Interactions, broadening, dialogue and 458—462
Interactions, command-and-control 396
Interactions, computer dedicated to Wizard of Oz and 483—484
Interactions, customized 422
Interactions, flattened-menu, for schema 462
Interactions, hierarchical 220
Interactions, moded, definition of 537
Interactions, modeless, definition of 537
Interactions, spatial 220
Interactions, user-initiative 396
Interactions, voice-driven 396
Interactive design, specification 471
Interactive patterns 298
Interactive patterns, Wizard of Oz and 494
Interactive specification 472
Interactive Voice Response (IVR), definition of 535
Interactive-dialogue writers 230—233 240
Interface design, in voice 110—111 112—120
Interface lexicon 240
Interface personification, case against 305—308
Interface research, voice-only 340n
Interfaces 3—16 25
Interfaces, audio see “Voice interfaces.”
interfaces, command-line 4 5—6 8
Interfaces, graphic 4 7—8
Interfaces, graphic, definition of 531—532
Interfaces, graphical user see “Graphic interfaces.”
Interfaces, keypad 4—5 10—12
Interfaces, keypad, definition of 535
Interfaces, man-machine, definition of 536
Interfaces, multimodal 8—10
Interfaces, natural language, definition of 537
Interfaces, secondary-task 17
Interfaces, speech user see “Voice interfaces.”
Interfaces, touch-tone see “Keypad interfaces.”
Interfaces, touch-tone user see “Keypad interfaces.”
Interfaces, universal speech, definition of 547
interfaces, user 4
Interfaces, voice 3 4 12—16 29
Interfaces, voice user see “Voice interfaces.”
Interfaces, voice, definition of 548—549