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Harris R. — Crafting the New Conversational Speech Systems
Harris R. — Crafting the New Conversational Speech Systems

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Íàçâàíèå: Crafting the New Conversational Speech Systems

Àâòîð: Harris R.


Soundly anchored in user centered design and natural language studies, this supremely practical book is loaded with examples, how-to advice, and design templates. Drawing widely on decades of research - in HCI, dialogue design, pragmatics, linguistics, lexicography, conversation analysis, computational linguistics, and cognitive and social psychology - Randy Allen Harris outlines the principles of how people use language interactively, and illustrates every aspect of design work

ßçûê: en

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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 30.12.2007

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Sonorance, definition of      543
Sony Ericsson      491n—492n
Sound      45—49
Sound and feel, definition of      543
Sound and meaning      28 37 41—73
Sound and meaning, grammaticality and      44
Sound and meaning, prosody and      66—67
Sound and meaning, semantics and      62—66
Sound and meaning, speech synthesis and      68—70
Sound and meaning, syntax and      58—62
Sound and meaning, words and      49—58
Sound clumps      49
Soundness, definition of      543
Soundscape designer      232—233 240
Soundscape, definition of      544
Source, slippages and      388—394
Spatial interactions      220
Speaker Verification (SV)      545
Speaker-dependent recognition, definition of      544
Speaker-independent recognition, definition of      544
Specification, interactive      472
Specifying design      472
Specifying design, dialogue and      468—471
Speech      16—18 28 35—39
Speech acts      94n 120n
Speech acts, definition of      544
Speech Application Language Tags (SALT), definition of      542
Speech as action      94—101
Speech communications: Human and machine      24
Speech interface, universal, definition of      547
Speech output      206
Speech Recognition (SR)      279n 544
Speech Recognition Interface (SRI)      see “Voice interfaces.”
Speech recognizer, Wizard of Oz and      483
Speech Synthesis (SS)      68—70 73 544
Speech Synthesis (SS), definition of      544
Speech synthesizer, Wizard of Oz and      483
Speech systems, conceptual diagram of      42
Speech systems, habitable, definition of      266
Speech To Text (STT)      544
Speech UNderstanding and DIALogue (SUNDIAL)      545
Speech User Interface (SUI)      see “Voice interfaces.”
Speech, computer, definition of      526
Speech, definition of      547
Speech, dialogue acts into      444—445
Speech, part of, definition of      540
Speech, recorded      313n
Speech, synthesized      313n
Speech, versus text      431—436
Speech, versus writing      431—436
Speech-enabled      see “Voice.”
SpeechActs      15 62n 147 301n
SpeechActs, definition of      544
Speed, reading      213n
Spiral look-alikes, hazardous      238n
Spiral model for voice interface, development      238 239
Spiral, error      see “Error spiral.”
Spiraling errors      see “Error spiral.”
Split, definition of      544
Spoke Too Soon (STS)      see “Spoke-too-soon errors.”
Spoke Way Too Soon (SWTS)      545
Spoke-too-soon errors      420
Spoke-too-soon errors, dialogue and      353 370—371
Spoke-too-soon slippage, definition of      544
Spoken Dialogue System (SDS)      see “Voice interfaces.”
Spoken Language Dialogue System (SLDS)      12 (see also “Voice interfaces.”)
Spoken Language Interface (SLI)      see “Voice interfaces.”
Spoken Language System (SLS)      4 (see also “Voice interfaces.”)
Spoken Language Understanding (SLU), definition of      543
SR      see “Speech Recognition (SR).”
SRI      see “Speech Recognition Interface (SRI).”
SS      see “Speech Synthesis (SS).”
Stability, voice interfaces and      212
Standard American English, lexical differences between Standard British English and      320
Standard American English, syntactic differences between Standard British English dialects and      320
Standard British English, lexical differences between Standard American English and      320
Standard British English, syntactic differences between Standard American English dialects and      320
Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), definition of      543
Standards, heuristic evaluation and      506
Star Trek      306n
Stark, Thom      214
Stasis theory      259n
State machine      see “Finite state machine.”
State, attentional      66n
Static design specification      469
Stealth training      420
Stealth training, dialogue and      360—361
Stepwise call flow for schema      460
Stevens, Wallace      472
Stimpson, Catharine R.      239
Stop, definition of      544
Storyboarding techniques      508n
Strategy, conceptual category, definition of      525
Strategy, density, definition of      527
Strategy, suitcase      see “Suitcase strategy.”
Stress, word usage distinguished by      67
Structural analysis of operator assisted call      251
Structure, exchange      130n
Structure, intentional      66n
Structure, linguistic      66n
Structure, utterance, Wizard of Oz and      493
Structured questions, data gathering and      262
STS      see “Spoke Too Soon (STS).”
STT      see “Speech To Text (STT).”
Stucker, Hal      325
Studies, field      513
Studies, field, iterative evaluation and      510—512
Studies, natural dialogue      265n 300
Studies, natural dialogue, definition of      537
Studies, predesign      265n (see also “Natural dialogue studies.”)
Subject-matter expert      237 240
Sublanguage      26 87n 192 218n
Sublanguage, definition of      544
Substitution error, definition of      545
Substitutions, dialogue and      349—350
Subtask      see “Task.”
SUI      see “Speech User Interface (SUI).”
Suitcase      420
Suitcase strategy, definition of      545
Suitcase strategy, dialogue and      362
Sun Microsystems      14
Sundial      see “Speech UNderstanding and DIALogue (SUNDIAL).”
Support team      481—482
Suprasegmental phonology      66 (see also “Prosody.”)
SV      see “Speaker Verification (SV).”
SWTS      see “Spoke Way Too Soon (SWTS).”
Syllables, definition of      545
Synecdoche      284n
Synonyms      56n 282n
Synonyms, definition of      545
Synonyms, discourse model and      283—285
Synonyms, reserve      420
Synonyms, reserve, definition of      542
Synonyms, reserve, dialogue and      361—362
Synonymy      52—58 71
Synonymy, definition of      545
Syntactic      28
Syntactic differences between Standard American and Standard British English dialects      320
Syntactic habitability      297
Syntactic habitability, definition of      545
Syntactic Structures      218n
Syntax      58—62 59n 71
Syntax, definition of      545
Synthesis, articulatory, definition of      522
Synthesis, concatenation      see “Concatenative synthesis.”
Synthesis, formant, definition of      531
Synthesis, rule-based, definition of      542
Synthesis, speech      68—70 73 544
Synthesis, speech, definition of      544
Synthesis, voice, concatenative-recorded      311n
Synthesis, wave-form      73
Synthesis, wave-form, definition of      549
Synthesized speech      313n
Synthesized voices      311n
Synthesizer, speech, Wizard of Oz and      483
Synthetic agents      346
Synthetic human voices, agent design and      311—314
System actions      262
System directives      104
System utterance, definition of      545
System vocabulary, definition of      545 (see also “Vocabulary.”)
System-directed      see “Initiative.”
System-directive acts, definition of      545
Systematic model, simplest, definition of      543
T-tests      196n
Table-topping techniques      508n
Tabular data      422
Tabular data, voicing      409—411
Tagging of corpus      274—275
talk      33—199
Talk ahead, definition of      546
Talk overlap      142n
Talk-in-interaction      28
Talk-over      see “Turn overlap.”
Talking to machines      20—23
Talkthrough, pluralistic      507—510 508n 513
Tape, books on      213n
Tapered openings, dialogue and      447
Tapering      122 421
Tapering, definition of      546
Tapering, slippages and      399—406
Task      246 262
Task analysis      245—250 247n
Task analysis, sample      249 262 263—264
Task completion      250n
Task criticality      421
Task environment      262
Task identification      250n
Task initiative      see “Initiative.”
Task management      107—120
Task management acts      103 104 121
Task slippages, definition of      546
Task slippages, dialogue and      354—355
Task, criticality of      262
Task, definition of      546
Task, usability, open-ended, for testing travel system      489
Task, users and      see “Users and tasks.”
Task, Wizard of Oz and      486—490
Task-centered questions, data gathering and      262
Task-driven spoken, dialogues      297
Task-management acts, definition of      546
Task-management dialogic pairs      131
Taxonomy, Bernsen- Dybkjaer      500n
Team      29 223—225
Team, interaction architect and      225—229
Team, interactive-dialogue writers and      230—233
Team, organization of      224—225
Team, process and      220—221 223—240
Team, quality assurance prime and      233—234
Team, research prime and      236—237
Team, usability prime and      235—236
Techne      203 204n 219
Technology expert      236—237 240
Technology, Human Language, definition of      533
Telematics, definition of      546
Telephone Dialogues, Automatic      4
telephony      142n
Teminographers      229n
Templates, utterance      439 441
Temporal voice interfaces      220
Tenor of register      121
Tenor, definition of      546
Terminology      262
TES      see “Train Enquiry Service (TES).”
Testing, beta      499n 513
Testing, beta, iterative evaluation and      510—512
testing, usability      513
Testing, usability, ethics and      491n
Testing, usability, iterative evaluation and      502—504
Testing, Wizard of Oz and      490—495 512
Text spans      169n
Text, italics in      488n
Text, To Speech (TTS)      544
Text, To Speech (TTS), definition of      547
Text, versus speech      431—436
Textual colligation, definition of      524
Thesaurus, alphabetic      282n
Thesaurus, versus dictionary      281—282
Think-aloud methodology      492n
Thomas, Peter      23—24
Thompson, Hunter S.      429
Time-out scenario, dialogue and      452
Timeout, definition of      546
Timeout, dialogue and      353—354
timeouts      420
Timeouts, dialogue and      367—370
Timespace, speech and      432
Timing, Wizard of Oz and      479
Tin Man      336
Token, lexical, definition of      546
Token, word      see “Lexical token.”
Too-soon      353n
Tools, Wizard of Oz and      482—484
TOOT      22—23
Topic      28 38 159—188
Topic, coherence and      160—179
Topic, coherence relations and      180—188
Topic, cohesion and      160—179
Topic, management of      160—179
Touch-tone interface      see “Keypad interfaces.”
Touchtone Teller Star One Credit Union      10
Touchtone User Interface (TUI)      10 (see also “Keypad interfaces.”)
Train Enquiry Service (TES)      176
Training, definition of      547
Training, stealth      420
Training, stealth, dialogue and      360—361
Transcription, sample      516
Transfer, information      103n
Transient voice interfaces      220
translation issues      422
Translations, lexical      415—417
Transparent, definition of      547
Traum, David      103n
Travel-arrangements dialogue,human–human      290 291 294
Trench, Richard C.      285 288
TTS      see “Text To Speech (TTS).”
TUI      see “Touchtone User Interface (TUI).”
Turn      137—143 158
Turn distribution, definition of      547
Turn overlap      142n
Turn overlap, definition of      547
Turn overlap, user-on-system      142n
Turn, definition of      547
Turn, designing, scripting and      436—449
Type, lexical      see “Lexical token.”
Type, word      see “Lexical token.”
UCD      see “User-Centered Design (UCD).”
Under verification      see “Verification.”
Understanding, Natural Language, definition of      537
Universal speech interface (USI), definition of      547
UNIX      8
Unknown errors      420
Unrealistic expectations      306n
Usability      482n
Usability engineering, discount      478
Usability inspection, iterative evaluation and      504—510
Usability inspection, methods      513
Usability prime      235—236 240 478n
Usability research      485n
Usability tasks, open-ended, for testing travel system      489
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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