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Ashcroft N.W., Mermin N.D. — Solid State Physics |
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p-n junction, potential drop across, nonequilibrium 598
p-n junction, potential drop across, nonequilibrium, graph 599
p-n junction, recombination current 599
p-n junction, recombination current, related to generation current 600
p-n junction, rectification by 597—600 605—611
p-n junction, reverse bias 605
p-n junction, saturation current 600 605
P-type semiconductor 577 see
Packing fraction 83
Pade approximants 712n
Pairing see "Bardeen Cooper Schrieffer "Cooper
Paramagnetism 653—659 see "Hund's "Susceptibility"
Paramagnetism in doped semiconductors 666
Paramagnetism, compared with diamagnetism in metals 668
Paramagnetism, compared with Larmor diamagnetism 668
Paramagnetism, Curie's law 655—659
Paramagnetism, Pauli 661—664
Paramagnetism, Pauli, effect of electron-electron interactions on 669—670
Paramagnetism, Pauli, effect of electron-phonon interactions on 663n
Paramagnetism, Pauli, susceptibilities, table of 664
Paramagnetism, Pauli, thermal corrections to 669
Paramagnetism, Van Vleck 653
Pauli exclusion principle 32 332n
Pauli exclusion principle and classical electron dynamics 51
Pauli exclusion principle and Cooper pairs 755
Pauli exclusion principle and electron scattering rate 314
Pauli exclusion principle and electron-electron scattering 346—348
Pauli exclusion principle and free electron ground state 35
Pauli exclusion principle and impenetrability of ions 379
Pauli exclusion principle and inertness of filled bands 222n
Pauli exclusion principle and magnetic interactions 674—675
Pauli exclusion principle, irrelevance of for impurity scattering 322
Pauli paramagnetism see "Paramagnetism"
Pauli spin matrices, algebraic properties 667
Peltier coefficient 258
Peltier effect 258
Peltier effect, lack of in superconductors 256 730 751n
Penetration depth 739 see "Superconductivity"
Periodic boundary condition see "Boundary conditions"
Periodic functions, Green's theorem for 111
Periodic functions, plane-wave expansions of 762—764
Periodic potential 132—133 192—193 330—331 see Hartree "Bloch's
Perovskite structure 557
Persistent currents 727 728—730 see
Persistent currents, decay of 751n
Persistent currents, theory of 750—751
Perturbation theory, "k • p" 765—766
Perturbation theory, and electron levels in magnetic field 647
Perturbation theory, and nearly free electron approximation 153n 156n
Phase shift 148
Phase space 221
Phase transitions, order of 556 see "Critical
Phonon drag 527—528
Phonons see also "Anharmonic terms" "Crystal "Debye "Electron-phonon "Harmonic "Lattice "Polarization" "Umklapp
Phonons and band gap in semiconductors 566
Phonons and density of vacancies 618 638
Phonons and dielectric constant of metals 515—518
Phonons and electrical resistivity 523—528
Phonons and electron effective mass 519—521 530
Phonons and interband transitions 294
Phonons and linewidths of color centers 625
Phonons and optical properties of semiconductors 567—568
Phonons and Pauli susceptibility 663n
Phonons and specific heats 453—464
Phonons and superconductivity 739—740
Phonons and thermal conductivity 495—505
Phonons and thermal expansion 490—492 495
Phonons and thermopower 258
Phonons as quantized normal modes 453
Phonons in ionic crystals 534 547—549
Phonons in metals 512—531
Phonons, acoustic 435 437 442
Phonons, annihilation and creation operators (Bravais lattice) 781
Phonons, annihilation and creation operators (Bravais lattice), lattice with a basis 782—783
Phonons, collisions among 499
Phonons, compared with classical gas 500n 503n 506—507
Phonons, compared with photons 453 466—467
Phonons, creation, destruction, and scattering of 497—499
Phonons, crystal momentum 472 784—789
Phonons, Debye model of spectrum 457—461 465—466
Phonons, density of levels 464—466
Phonons, Einstein model of spectrum 462—463 466
Phonons, energies compared with X-ray 480
Phonons, interactions with electrons 519—528
Phonons, ionic displacements and momenta in terms of annihilation and creation operators (Bravais lattice) 781
Phonons, ionic displacements and momenta in terms of annihilation and creation operators (Bravais lattice), lattice with a basis 782—783
Phonons, Kohn anomalies 515
Phonons, lifetimes 477
Phonons, mean number in thermal equilibrium 454
Phonons, measurement of spectrum by light scattering 481—486
Phonons, measurement of spectrum by neutron scattering 470—480 793—794
Phonons, measurement of spectrum by X-ray scattering 794—795
Phonons, normal processes 501—502
Phonons, occupation numbers 471n
Phonons, optical 435 437 442
Phonons, polarization 440—442 449 781 783
Phonons, polarization, and neutron scattering 478n
Phonons, processes, 0-phonon 473 793
Phonons, processes, 1-phonon 473—474 793—794
Phonons, processes, 2-phonon 474—476
Phonons, processes, n-phonon 796
Phonons, quantum mechanics of 780—783
Phonons, second sound 506—508
Phonons, summary of major physical effects 417—420
Phonons, thermal energy density 454
Phonons, umklapp processes 501—505
Phonons, van Hove singularities 465—468
Phonons, wave packets 496
Photoconductivity 563
Photoelectric effect, and independent electron approximation 345n
Photoelectric effect, and measurement of work function 362
Photoelectric effect, and surfaces of solids 354
Photons, compared with phonons 453 466—467
Photons, energy-momentum relation 470—471
Photons, energy-momentum relation, compared with neutrons 471
Piezoelectricity 555n
Planck radiation law 467
Plane waves 34
Plane waves, lattice sum of 767—768
Plane waves, sum over first Brillouin zone 767
Plasma frequency 18
Plasma frequency and optical properties of metals 18—19 293
Plasma frequency, ionic 512
Plasma frequency, numerical formulas for 758
Plasma oscillation (plasmon) 19
Plasma oscillation (plasmon), observation of 20
Plasma oscillation (plasmon), surface 27
Plastic deformation 630
Pockets of electrons and/or holes 166
Point defects 616 see
Point groups see "Crystallographic point groups"
Poisson distribution 25—26
Polar crystals 555n
Polar semiconductors 565
Polariton 551
Polarizability 542—552 see
Polarizability and dielectric constant (Clausius — Mossotti relation) 542
Polarizability of alkali metal ions 544
Polarizability of covalent crystals 552 553
Polarizability of halogen ions 544
Polarizability of hydrogen atom 558
Polarizability of noble gas atoms 544
Polarizability, atomic 542—544
Polarizability, bond 552
Polarizability, displacement 543 544—545
Polarizability, shell model of 546 549
Polarization density 535
Polarization of lattice vibrations 439
Polarization of lattice vibrations and lattice symmetries 449
Polarization of lattice vibrations and neutron scattering 478n 794
| Polarization of lattice vibrations in lattice with a basis 442
Polarization of lattice vibrations, completeness relations 781—783
Polarization of lattice vibrations, longitudinal vs. transverse 441—442
Polarization of lattice vibrations, longitudinal vs. transverse, "strictly," 442
Polarons 626
Polycrystalline state 64n
Polycrystalline state in X-ray diffraction 103
Polyvalent metals 298—309
Polyvalent metals, band structure, of rare earth metals 308—309
Polyvalent metals, band structure, of simple metals 298—305
Polyvalent metals, band structure, of transition metals 305—308
Powder method 102—104
Powder method, Ewald construction for 104
Primitive (unit) cell 71—72
Primitive (unit) cell, volume of 71
Primitive (unit) cell, volume of, in reciprocal lattice 89 93
Primitive vectors 65
Primitive vectors, algorithm for construction of 83
Prose, page of unrelieved 627
Pseudopotential methods 208—210
Pseudopotential methods, relation to nearly free electron method 208—210
Pseudopotential methods, relation to orthogonalized plane-wave method 208
Pyroelectric crystals 538n 554—555
Pyroelectric crystals, symmetries of 555
Quadrupole interactions in crystals of low symmetry 355n
Quantization of orbits 271—272
Quantum effects in noble gas solids see "Zero point energy"
Quantum of flux 734n 749
Quantum solids 417n 422n
Quasichemical potential 613
Quasiparticles (quasielectrons) 348—350
Quenching of orbital angular momentum 657
R-center 624
Radius, covalent 387n
Radius, ionic see "Ionic radii"
Raman scattering 419 481—486
Raman scattering anti-Stokes and Stokes components 481
Raman scattering, classical view of 482—486
Range of atomic wave functions 177
Rare earth ions, effective magneton numbers 657
Rare earth ions, metals, and indirect exchange 685n
Rare earth ions, metals, band structure 308—309
Rare gas see "Noble gas"
Rayleigh — Jeans catastrophe 466
Reciprocal lattice 86—94 see "Brillouin "Lattice
Reciprocal lattice and lattices with bases 86n
Reciprocal lattice and Miller indices 91—92
Reciprocal lattice of body-centered cubic Bravais lattice 88
Reciprocal lattice of face-centered cubic Bravais lattice 88
Reciprocal lattice of rhombohedral (trigonal) Bravais lattice 94
Reciprocal lattice of simple cubic Bravais lattice 88
Reciprocal lattice of simple hexagonal Bravais lattice 88 94
Reciprocal lattice, construction of basis vectors 86
Reciprocal lattice, proof that it is a Bravais lattice 86
Reciprocal lattice, reciprocal of 87
Reciprocal lattice, rods (surface) 365
Reciprocal lattice, volume of primitive cell 89 93
Recombination current 599 see
Recombination current, relation to generation current 600
Recombination time 603
Rectification by p-tt junction 597—600 605—611
Reduced zone scheme 142 159—160
Reflection coefficient (barrier penetration) 147
Reflection in a plane 112n 121
Reflection, Bragg 100
Reflection, order of 97
Reflection, specular 96n
Reflectivity and complex dielectric constant 778
Reflectivity and real dielectric constant 551
Relaxation time 6
Relaxation time and collision probability 317
Relaxation time and Poisson distribution 25—26
Relaxation time and Poisson distribution, generalized 247—248
Relaxation time for electron-electron scattering 347—348
Relaxation time for electron-phonon scattering 525
Relaxation time for isotropic, elastic, electron-impurity scattering 326
Relaxation time for phonons 499—501
Relaxation time for phonons, normal and umklapp 507
Relaxation time, energy dependent 53 249
Relaxation time, expressed in terms of resistivity 9
Relaxation time, expressed in terms of resistivity, table 10
Relaxation time, position dependent 249n
Relaxation time, position dependent, in semiconductors, collision 602
Relaxation time, position dependent, in semiconductors, recombination 603
Relaxation-time approximation 6 244—246 see "Collisions" "Scattering"
Relaxation-time approximation and conservation laws 327
Relaxation-time approximation and local charge conservation 260
Relaxation-time approximation and Matthiessen's rule 323—324
Relaxation-time approximation and Wiedemann — Franz law 322—323
Relaxation-time approximation critique of 314—328
Relaxation-time approximation to general nonequilibrium electronic distribution function 246—250
Relaxation-time approximation, compared with more general formulation 318
Relaxation-time approximation, validity of for isotropic, elastic impurity scattering 324—326
Renormalization group 699n
Repeated zone scheme 142 160
Residual ray (Reststrahl) 551
Residual resistivity 687
Resistance minimum 687—689
Resistance, electrical 6—7 see
resistivity see also "Conductivity"
Resistivity, DC electrical 7—8
Resistivity, table 8
Resistivity, tensor 7n
Resistivity, tensor, in magnetic field 240
Reststrahl (residual ray) 551
Rhombohedral (trigonal) Bravais lattice 119
Rhombohedral (trigonal) Bravais lattice, examples among the elements 127
Rhombohedral (trigonal) Bravais lattice, reciprocal of 94
Rhombohedral (trigonal) Bravais lattice, relation to cubic Bravais lattices 119n 128
Richardson — Dushman equation 363—364
Righi — Leduc effect 258n
Rigid ion approximation 545
Rigid ion approximation, failure of 546 549
Rods 365
Rotating crystal method 102
Rotating crystal method, Ewald construction for 103
Rotation axis 120—121
Rotation axis, allowed angles in Bravais lattice 121 129
Rotation-inversion axis 121
Rotation-reflection axis 121
Rotations and elastic energy 444
Ruderman — Kittel oscillations 343
Russel-Saunders coupling 650
Rydberg (Ry) 37
Rydberg (Ry), accurate numerical value 757
s-band 181
s-band, tight-binding in face-centered cubic lattice 181—184
s-d mixing 181
s-like nearly free electron Bloch function 159
Saturation current, in p-n junction 600 605
Saturation current, in thermionic emission 363
Saturation magnetization, in ferromagnet 705
Saturation magnetization, in paramagnet 655
sc see "Simple cubic Bravais lattice"
Scattering see also "Anharmonic terms" "Brillouin "Collisions" "Neutron "Raman "Relaxation "Relaxation-time "X-ray
Scattering and persistent currents 750—751
Scattering by magnetic impurities 687—688
Scattering length 790
Scattering, elastic isotropic impurity 320—322
Scattering, electron-electron 5—6 346—348
Scattering, electron-phonon 523—528
Scattering, forward (small angle) and temperature dependence of resistivity 526
Scattering, inelastic and failure of Wiedemann — Franz law 322—323
Scattering, phonon-phonon 497—499
Scattering, sources of electronic 315—316
Schoenflies nomenclature for crystallographic point groups 121—123
Schoenflies nomenclature for crystallographic point groups, tables 121—122
Schottky defect 616 see
screening 337—345 515—519
Screening and electron gas ferromagnetism 684
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