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Ashcroft N.W., Mermin N.D. — Solid State Physics
Ashcroft N.W., Mermin N.D. — Solid State Physics

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Название: Solid State Physics

Авторы: Ashcroft N.W., Mermin N.D.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

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Год издания: 1976

Количество страниц: 826

Добавлена в каталог: 13.01.2007

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Предметный указатель
$a_{0}$      see "Bohr radius"
$F_{A}$-center      626
$k_{B}$ (Boltzmann's constant)      23
$k_{B}$ (Boltzmann's constant), accurate numerical value      757
$k_{F}$      35 see
$N_{a}$      581
$n_{c}$      572
$n_{d}$      581
$n_{i}$      575
$p_{a}$      581
$P_{c}$      573
$P_{r}$      572
$r_{s}$      4
$r_{s}$, numerical formula for      757
$r_{s}$, table      5
$V_{K}$-center      625
Abrupt junction      591
Acceptor impurities      577 see "p-n "Semiconductors"
Acoustic modes      435
Acoustic modes and polyatomic bases      442 see "Phonons"
Acoustic modes, vs. optical modes      437
Adiabatic approximation      425—426
Adiabatic approximation in metals      513
Adiabatic approximation, analytic justification of      529n
Adiabatic demagnetization      659—661 669
Alkali earths      298
Alkali halides      380—385
Alkali halides, band structure      382
Alkali halides, bulk moduli, table of      408
Alkali halides, charge distribution      381
Alkali halides, cohesive energy      402—407
Alkali halides, cohesive energy, table of      406
Alkali halides, color centers      622—626 640
Alkali halides, conductivity      621
Alkali halides, Debye temperatures, table of      459
Alkali halides, defects      620
Alkali halides, diamagnetic susceptibilities, table of      649
Alkali halides, dielectric constants, table of      553
Alkali halides, Grueneisen parameters, table of      494
Alkali halides, ionic radii      382—385
Alkali halides, lattice constants, table of      80 81
Alkali halides, nearest-neighbor distances, table of      408
Alkali halides, optical modes      547—552
Alkali halides, optical phonon frequencies, table of      553
Alkali halides, polarizabilities, table of      544
Alkali metals, $r_{s}$, table of      5
Alkali metals, atomic configurations      284
Alkali metals, band structure and Fermi surface      284—288
Alkali metals, bulk moduli, table of      39
Alkali metals, cohesion      410—412 413—414
Alkali metals, conduction electron densities, table of      5
Alkali metals, density and size of ion      413—414
Alkali metals, free electron parameters, table of      38
Alkali metals, Hall coefficients      15 288
Alkali metals, ionization potentials      391
Alkali metals, lattice constants, table of      70
Alkali metals, optical properties      18 293—296
Alkali metals, Pauli paramagnetism      664
Alkali metals, resistivities, table of      8
Alkali metals, specific heats, table of      48
Alkali metals, thermal conductivities, table of      21
Alkali metals, transparency in ultraviolet      18
Alloys      309—310
Alloys, dilute magnetic      685—687
Amorphous solids      62
Amorphous solids, anomalous thermal properties      504n
Amorphous solids, X-ray diffraction      96n
Anderson model      687
Angular momentum, notational convention      647n
Anharmonic terms      422 487—509
Anharmonic terms and crystal momentum conservation      498—499
Anharmonic terms and elastic constants      489
Anharmonic terms and Grueneisen parameter      508 509
Anharmonic terms and n-phonon processes      796
Anharmonic terms and one-phonon widths      476—478
Anharmonic terms and reststrahl resonance      552
Anharmonic terms and scattering of phonons      497—499
Anharmonic terms and second sound      506—508
Anharmonic terms and soft modes      556
Anharmonic terms and specific heat at high temperature      428—429 455
Anharmonic terms and thermal conductivity      495—505
Anharmonic terms and thermal expansion      490—492 495
Anharmonic terms and thermodynamic properties      490—492
Anharmonic terms and umklapp processes      501—505
Anharmonic terms, cubic terms and conservation laws      490 509
Anharmonic terms, cubic terms and conservation laws, instability of      489 508
Anharmonic terms, cubic terms and conservation laws, transitions resulting from      497—499
Anharmonic terms, quartic vs. cubic terms      489—490 498
Anion      380
Anisotropy energy      720—721
annealing      621
Annihilation operator (phonon)      781
Anomalous skin effect      277—278
Anti-Stokes component      481
Antibonding states      678n
Antiferromagnetism      672 694—696
Antiferromagnetism in Hubbard model      685
Antiferromagnetism of free electrons      684
Antiferromagnetism, energy of ground state      704 722
Antiferromagnetism, Heisenberg model      704
Antiferromagnetism, linear chain (Bethe solution)      704
Antiferromagnetism, mean field theory      718n 723—724
Antiferromagnetism, susceptibility      699 702 718n
Antiferromagnetism, table      697
Antimorph of color center      625
APW      see "Augmented plane-wave method"
Atomic form factor      107—108
Atomic Hamiltonian      176 180n
Atomic levels broadened into bands      182—183
Atomic orbitals, linear combination of (LCAO)      179
Atomic wave functions and interatomic distance in sodium      177
Atomic wave functions of neon, compared with sodium      375
Augmented plane-wave method (APW)      200—202
Augmented plane-wave method (APW), compared with Green's function (KKR) method      205
Avogadro's number ($N_{A}$)      4 49
Band gap      142
Band gap at Bragg planes      161—162 172
Band gap in insulators      562
Band gap in one dimension      148
Band gap in semiconductors      562
Band gap in semiconductors, measurement of      566 568
Band gap in semiconductors, table of      566
Band gap in semiconductors, temperature dependence of      566—567
Band index      134n 140
Band index for nearly free electrons      153
Band overlap      146 223
Band repulsion      155
Band structure      141 see "Density "Fermi
Band structure and distinction between insulators and metals      223
Band structure and ferromagnetism      684n
Band structure in one dimension      146—149
Band structure of alkali halides      382
Band structure of selected metals      284—311
Band structure of selected semiconductors      568—570
Band structure, methods for calculating      192—211 see "Tight-binding
Band structure, methods for calculating, augmented plane wave (APW) method      200—202
Band structure, methods for calculating, cellular method      195—200
Band structure, methods for calculating, Green's function (KKR) method      202—206
Band structure, methods for calculating, orthogonalized plane-wave (OPW) method      206—208
Band structure, methods for calculating, pseudopotential method      208—210
Band width in one dimension      148—149
Band width in tight-binding method      182—183
Band width, d compared with s      307
Band width, free electron, in Hartree — Fock approximation      335
Bands, "bending" of      594
Bands, filled      221—224 250
Bands, partially filled      223
Bands, vs. atomic levels      182—183
Bardeen, Cooper, Schrieffer theory      739—747 see "Superconductivity"
Bardeen, Cooper, Schrieffer theory and Cooper pairs      740—743
Bardeen, Cooper, Schrieffer theory and Meissner effect      746—747
Bardeen, Cooper, Schrieffer theory and persistent currents      750—751
Bardeen, Cooper, Schrieffer theory, critical field      745
Bardeen, Cooper, Schrieffer theory, critical temperature      744
Bardeen, Cooper, Schrieffer theory, effective interaction      743
Bardeen, Cooper, Schrieffer theory, energy gap      744
Bardeen, Cooper, Schrieffer theory, excited states      742—543
Bardeen, Cooper, Schrieffer theory, ground state      741
Bardeen, Cooper, Schrieffer theory, specific heat (electronic) at low temperature      746
Bardeen, Cooper, Schrieffer theory, specific heat discontinuity      745
Bare ions      513
Base-centered orthorhombic Bravais lattice      117
Basis      75
BCC      see "Body-centered cubic Bravais lattice"
BCs      see "Bardeen Cooper Schrieffer
Biased junction      598
Binding energy      see "Cohesive energy"
Birefringence      776
Blackbody radiation      466—467
Bloch $T^{3/2}$ law      708
Bloch $T^{5}$ law      526
Bloch electrons      see also "Band gap" "Band "Density "Effective "Fermi "Nearly "Semiclassical "Tight-binding
Bloch electrons at surfaces      367—369 369—371
Bloch electrons in one dimension      146—149 159—161
Bloch electrons in static electric, field      224
Bloch electrons, density of levels      143—145
Bloch electrons, dynamics of      214—241
Bloch electrons, effective mass (dynamic)      227—229
Bloch electrons, effective mass theorem      765—766
Bloch electrons, holes      225—229
Bloch electrons, no collisions with static lattice      215 418
Bloch electrons, orbits in a magnetic field      229—233
Bloch electrons, orbits in a magnetic field, period      232—233
Bloch electrons, orbits in a magnetic field, quantization      271—272
Bloch electrons, s- and p-like      159
Bloch electrons, velocity      141 765
Bloch electrons, vs. free electrons      214
Bloch electrons, wave vector      136 139
Bloch wail      719—721
Bloch's theorem      133
Bloch's theorem and surface levels      367—369
Bloch's theorem, first proof      134
Bloch's theorem, second proof      137
Body-centered cubic Bravais lattice      67—68
Body-centered cubic Bravais lattice as simple cubic with structure factor      105
Body-centered cubic Bravais lattice, conventional cell      75
Body-centered cubic Bravais lattice, coordination number      71
Body-centered cubic Bravais lattice, elements with      70
Body-centered cubic Bravais lattice, first Brillouin zone      89
Body-centered cubic Bravais lattice, higher Brillouin zones      164
Body-centered cubic Bravais lattice, lattice sums of inverse powers      400
Body-centered cubic Bravais lattice, packing fraction      83
Body-centered cubic Bravais lattice, primitive vectors      68
Body-centered cubic Bravais lattice, reciprocal of      88
Body-centered cubic Bravais lattice, relation to centered tetragonal Bravais lattice      117
Body-centered cubic Bravais lattice, Wigner — Seitz cell      74
Body-centered orthorhombic Bravais lattice      118
Bohm — Staver relation      514
Bohr magneton      646
Bohr magneton, effective number      656—658
Bohr radius ($a_{0}$)      4
Bohr radius ($a_{0}$) of impurity level in semiconductor      579
Bohr radius ($a_{0}$), accurate numerical value      757
Bohr — van Leeuwen theorem      269 646
Boltzmann distribution      see "Maxwell — Boltzmann distribution"
Boltzmann equation      319—328 see
Boltzmann equation and conservation laws      327
Boltzmann equation, derivation of relaxation-time approximation for isotropic elastic impurity scattering      324—326
Boltzmann equation, solution to in relaxation-time approximation      320
Boltzmann equation, variational principle      327—328
Boltzmann's constant ($k_{B}$)      23
Boltzmann's constant ($k_{B}$), accurate numerical value      757
Bond polarizability      552
Bonding      378—379 389
Bonding states      678n
Born — Mayer potential      407
Born — Oppenheimer method      see "Adiabatic approximation"
Born — von Karman boundary condition      see "Boundary conditions"
Bose gas, ideal      454
Bose — Einstein condensation      37n
Bose — Einstein distribution      454n
Bound charge vs. free charge      534n 777
boundary conditions      32
Boundary conditions at surfaces      368
Boundary conditions for free electron gas      32
Boundary conditions, Born — von Karman (periodic) for Bloch electrons      135
Boundary conditions, Born — von Karman (periodic) for free electrons      33
Boundary conditions, Born — von Karman (periodic) for linear chain      431
Boundary conditions, Born — von Karman (periodic) for spin waves      705n
Boundary conditions, Born — von Karman (periodic) for tight-binding method      178n
Bragg condition      97
Bragg formulation of X-ray diffraction      96—97
Bragg formulation of X-ray diffraction, equivalence to formulation of von Laue      99—100
Bragg peaks      96
Bragg peaks and Debye — Waller factor      795
Bragg peaks and magnetic reflections      696—697
Bragg peaks as zero-phonon scattering      473
Bragg planes      99
Bragg planes and nearly free electrons      156—159
Bragg reflection      100
Bragg reflection, order of      97
Bravais lattice      64—75 see "Reciprocal
Bravais lattice and finite crystals      66
Bravais lattice of average positions in dynamic system      422
Bravais lattice, definitions of      64—65 70n
Bravais lattice, inversion symmetry of      128
Bravais lattice, nontranslational symmetries of      112—129
Bravais lattice, number of      120
Bravais lattice, origin of name      115
Bravais lattice, symmetry group of      112 114 116
Bravais lattice, symmetry operations      113 120—123
Bravais lattice, symmetry operations, allowed rotation angles      121 129
Bravais lattice, types enumerated      115—119
Bravais lattice, types enumerated, base-centered orthorhombic      117
Bravais lattice, types enumerated, body-centered cubic      67—68
Bravais lattice, types enumerated, body-centered orthorhombic      118
Bravais lattice, types enumerated, centered monoclinic      118
Bravais lattice, types enumerated, centered tetragonal      115
Bravais lattice, types enumerated, face-centered cubic      68—69
Bravais lattice, types enumerated, face-centered orthorhombic      118
Bravais lattice, types enumerated, rhombohedral (trigonal)      119
Bravais lattice, types enumerated, simple cubic      65
Bravais lattice, types enumerated, simple hexagonal      77 119
Bravais lattice, types enumerated, simple monoclinic      118
Bravais lattice, types enumerated, simple orthorhombic      117
Bravais lattice, types enumerated, simple tetragonal      115
Bravais lattice, types enumerated, triclinic      118
Bravais lattice, use of term      70
Breakdown and Wannier functions      188
Breakdown in inhomogeneous semiconductors      592
Breakdown, conditions for absence in semiclassical model      219—220 773—775
Breakdown, electric      220
Breakthrough, magnetic      220
Breakthrough, magnetic, and spin-orbit coupling      220
Breakthrough, magnetic, and Wannier functions      188
Breakthrough, magnetic, conditions for absence in semiclassical model      219—220 773—775
Breakthrough, magnetic, in hexagonal divalent metals      299
Brillouin function      655
Brillouin scattering      419 481—486
Brillouin scattering, classical picture of      482—486
Brillouin scattering, Stokes and anti-Stokes components      481
Brillouin zone, first      89
Brillouin zone, first, and reduced zone scheme      142—143
Brillouin zone, first, for face-centered and body-centered cubic lattices      89
Brillouin zones, higher      162—166 171—173
Brillouin zones, higher, as primitive cells      163
Brillouin zones, higher, for face-centered and body-centered cubic lattices      164
Brillouin zones, higher, for square lattice      163 171
bulk modulus      39
Bulk modulus free electron      39—40
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