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Ashcroft N.W., Mermin N.D. — Solid State Physics
Ashcroft N.W., Mermin N.D. — Solid State Physics

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Íàçâàíèå: Solid State Physics

Àâòîðû: Ashcroft N.W., Mermin N.D.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1976

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 826

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 13.01.2007

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
De Haas — Van Alphen effect      264—275
de Haas — van Alphen effect and density of levels      272—274
de Haas — van Alphen effect and electron spin      274—275
de Haas — van Alphen effect and field uniformity      281
de Haas — van Alphen effect and scattering      274
de Haas — van Alphen effect in alkali metals      285—287
de Haas — van Alphen effect in noble metals      289—291
de Haas — van Alphen effect in transition metals      307
de Haas — van Alphen effect, measurement of      265—266
de Haas — van Alphen effect, minimum specimen size      271n
de Haas — van Alphen effect, quantization of orbit area      271—272
de Haas — van Alphen effect, thermal broadening      774
Debye $T^{3}$ law      457 see
Debye frequency ($\omega_{D}$)      458
Debye frequency ($\omega_{D}$), compared with Fermi energy      529
Debye model of phonon spectrum      457—461 465—466 see
Debye model of phonon spectrum, density of levels      465—466
Debye model of phonon spectrum, Grueneisen parameter      493
Debye model of phonon spectrum, specific heat interpolation formula      459—461
Debye model of phonon spectrum, specific heat interpolation formula, graph      460
Debye model of phonon spectrum, specific heat interpolation formula, table      461
Debye model of phonon spectrum, vs. Einstein model      462—463
Debye temperature ($\Theta_{D}$) dependence on temperature      459—460
Debye temperature ($\Theta_{D}$) of alkali halides      459
Debye temperature ($\Theta_{D}$) of selected elements      461
Debye unit      559
Debye wave vector ($k_{D}$)      458
Debye wave vector ($k_{D}$), relation to Fermi wave vector      458n
Debye — Hueckel theory      342n
Debye — Hueckel theory of depiction layer      611
Debye — Scherrer method      102—104
Debye — Scherrer method, Ewald construction for      104
Debye — Waller factor      486 793
Defects in crystals      616—641 see "Dislocations"
Defects in crystals and charge neutrality      619
Defects in crystals and color centers      622—626
Defects in crystals and conductivity of ionic crystals      621—622
Defects in crystals and magnetization process      722
Defects in crystals as source of scattering      216 315
Defects in crystals, annealing      621
Defects in crystals, dislocations      628—638
Defects in crystals, Frenkel type      620
Defects in crystals, grain boundaries      638
Defects in crystals, magnetic impurities      687—689
Defects in crystals, mixed Frenkel and Schottky type      639
Defects in crystals, point, line, and surface      616
Defects in crystals, Schottky type      616
Defects in crystals, stacking faults      637
Defects in crystals, surface defects      637—638
Defects in crystals, thermodynamics of line and surface defects      620—621
Defects in crystals, thermodynamics of point defects (Frenkel, Schottky, or mixed)      616—620 638
Deformation twin      637
Degenerate semiconductors      573 see
Delta, Kronecker      87
Demagnetization factor      722
Density of levels (election) and electron spin      143n
Density of levels (election) and specific heat      47
Density of levels (election) in rare earth metals      308—309
Density of levels (election) in semiconductors      574 586
Density of levels (election) in semiconductors, graph for impure case      579
Density of levels (election) in semiconductors, graph for pure case      576
Density of levels (election) in transition metals      307
Density of levels (election) in two band nearly free electron model      170
Density of levels (election) in two dimensions      53
Density of levels (election), and Pauli paramagnetism      661—662 663n
Density of levels (election), Bloch electrons      143—145 149
Density of levels (election), free electron      44—45
Density of levels (election), phonon correction to      520
Density of levels (election), singularities in strong magnetic field      272—274
Density of levels (election), van hove singularities      145 150
Density of levels (k-space)      35 136
Density of levels (phonon)      464—466
Density of levels (phonon) in Debye model      465
Density of levels (phonon) in Einstein model      466
Density of normal modes      see "Density of levels (phonon)"
Density of states      see "Density of levels"
Depletion layer (space charge region)      591 see
Depolarization factor      540n
Detailed balancing      322
Diamagnetism      see also "de Haas — van Alphen effect" "Susceptibility"
Diamagnetism, atomic (Larmor)      648—652
Diamagnetism, atomic (Larmor), compared with conduction electron magnetism in metals      668
Diamagnetism, atomic (Larmor), compared with Curie law paramagnetism      668
Diamagnetism, atomic (Larmor), in doped semiconductors      666
Diamagnetism, atomic (Larmor), in ionic crystals      649
Diamagnetism, atomic (Larmor), in noble gas solids      649
Diamagnetism, Landau      664—665
Diamagnetism, perfect (Meissner effect)      727 731 739
Diamond structure      76
Diamond structure and inversions      128
Diamond structure, bond angle      82
Diamond structure, elements, table of      76
Diamond structure, packing fraction      83
Diamond structure, structure factor      106
dielectric constant      see also "Polarizability"
Dielectric constant and conductivity      776—778
Dielectric constant and index of refraction      534
Dielectric constant and optical modes      548
Dielectric constant and reflectivity      778
Dielectric constant in ionic crystals      548—550
Dielectric constant of a metal      17 515—518
Dielectric constant of covalent crystals      553
Dielectric constant of electron gas      338—344
Dielectric constant of electron gas, Drude      17
Dielectric constant of electron gas, Lindhard      343—344 352
Dielectric constant of electron gas, Thomas — Fermi      341—342
Dielectric constant of ferroelectrics      556
Dielectric constant of semiconductors      578—579
Dielectric constant, "high frequency"      546n
Dielectric constant, alkali halides, table for      553
Dielectric constant, Clausius — Mossotti relation      542
Dielectric constant, Lyddane — Sachs — Teller relation      548—549
Dielectric constant, quantum mechanical form      779
Diffraction      see "Electron diffraction" "Neutron "X-ray
Diffusion constant      602
Diffusion current      601
Diffusion lengths      604—605
Diffusion region (p-n junction)      606—610
Dipolar interaction      see "Magnetic dipolar interaction"
Dipole moment (electric)      see "Ferroelectricity" "Polarizability" "Pyroelectricity"
Dipole moment (magnetic)      see "Magnetic moment"
Direct exchange      681—682
Direct lattice      86
Direct optical transition      567
Direct term in Hartree — Fock equation      333
Directions, conventions for specifying      92—93
Dislocations      616 628—638 see
Dislocations and grain boundaries      638
Dislocations and growth of crystals      636—637
Dislocations and slip      632—633
Dislocations and stacking faults      637
Dislocations and strength of crystals      635—636
Dislocations and twinning      637
Dislocations and work hardening      636
Dislocations, Burgers vector      634—635
Dislocations, densities of      632
Dislocations, edge      632
Dislocations, elastic energy      640
Dislocations, general dislocation      633—635
Dislocations, observation of      637
Dislocations, screw      632
Disordered alloys      309—310 584n
Dispersion curve      432 see "Phonons"
Dispersion curve for linear chain with basis      434—435
Dispersion curve for monatomic linear chain with mth nearest neighbor interactions      448
Dispersion curve for monatomic linear chain with nearest-neighbor interactions      432—433
Dispersion curve for three-dimensional lattice with basis      443
Dispersion curve for three-dimensional monatomic Bravais lattice      441
Dispersion relation (Kramers — Kronig)      778
Displacement (translation) of Bravais lattice      70
Displacement electric      534—535 541
Distribution function      see also "Boltzmann equation" "Fermi "Relaxation-time
Distribution function, Bose — Einstein      454
Distribution function, equilibrium electronic      40—43
Distribution function, Fermi — Dirac      30—31 40—42
Distribution function, Maxwell — Boltzmann      30—31
Distribution function, nonequilibrium, electronic      244
Distribution function, nonequilibrium, electronic, calculation of in relation-time approximation      246—250
Distribution function, nonequilibrium, electronic, linearization of      249
Distribution function, phonon      454
Distribution function, rate of change due to collisions      317—319
Distribution function, rate of change due to collisions, in relaxation-time approximation      318—319
Divalent metals      298—299
domains      718—722
Domains and anisotropy energy      720—721
Domains and dipolar energy      718—720
Domains, Bloch wall      719—720
Donor impurities      577 see "p-n "Semiconductors"
Doping of semiconductors      590—591
Doping of semiconductors, doping profile      591
Doppler shift of scattered waves      484
Double layer      358
Dressed ions      513
Dressed ions and dielectric constant of metals      515—518
Drift current      601
Drift term      320
Drift velocity in crossed fields      233
Drude model      2—27
Drude model, basic assumptions      4—6
Drude model, shortcomings arising from classical statistics      23 25 30 58
Dulong and Petit law      426—429 see
Dulong and Petit law and Rayleigh-Jeans catastrophe      466
Dulong and Petit law, failure of      429
Dulong and Petit law, quantum corrections at high temperature      455 467—468
Dynamical matrix      439
Dynamical matrix for face-centered cubic crystal      449
Dynamical matrix, symmetries of      438
Dynamical structure factor      792
Dynamical structure factor in harmonic approximation      792—794
Edge dislocation      632 see
Effective Bohr magneton number      656—658
Effective mass and DC conductivity      251
Effective mass in Hartree — Fock approximation      337 352
Effective mass of holes      227
Effective mass of semimetals      305n
Effective mass with screened exchange      344
Effective mass, cyclotron (metals)      233—239
Effective mass, cyclotron (metals), measurement of      278—279
Effective mass, cyclotron (semiconductors)      239 568
Effective mass, phonon contribution to      520 530
Effective mass, specific heat      239
Effective mass, specific heat, table      48
Effective mass, tensor      228—229 568n 766
Effective mass, theorem      765—766
Einstein model of phonon spectrum      462—463
Einstein model of phonon spectrum vs. Debye model      462—463
Einstein model of phonon spectrum, density of levels      466
Einstein model of phonon spectrum, formula for specific heat      463
Einstein model of phonon spectrum, formula for specific heat, graph      463
Einstein relation      602
Einstein relation, derived from kinetic theory      612
Einstein relation, in nondegenerate case      612
Einstein temperature ($\Theta_{E}$)      463
Elastic scattering and Wiedemann — Franz law      322—323
Elasticity, theory of      443—447 see
Elasticity, theory of, elastic constants      444—447
Elasticity, theory of, elastic constants, and anharmonic terms      489
Elasticity, theory of, elastic constants, compliance constant      446
Elasticity, theory of, elastic constants, number of independent, for seven crystal systems      445
Elasticity, theory of, elastic constants, stiffness constant (modulus)      446
Elasticity, theory of, elastic constants, tabulated for cubic crystals      447
Elasticity, theory of, related to theory of lattice vibrations      443—447
Electric displacement      534—535 541
Electric field, local      539—542
Electrochemical potential      257n
Electrochemical potential in semiconductors      593—594
Electron affinity      380n
Electron charge, sign convention      3n
Electron density      4
Electron density and classification of solids      374—379
Electron density in covalent crystals      377
Electron density in ionic crystals      381
Electron density, table (conduction) for selected metals      5
Electron diffraction      364—366
Electron g-factor      646
Electron gas      2—6 316n see
Electron spin      see "Spin"
Electron volt (eV)      37n
Electron volt (eV), accurate conversion factors      757
Electron volt (eV), eV/molecule to calories/mole conversion      396n
Electron, free      see "Free electron approximation"
Electron, independent      see "Independent electron approximation"
Electron, nearly free      see "Nearly free electron approximation"
Electron, tight-binding      see "Tight-binding approximation"
Electron-electron interaction      330—352 see "Hartree "Independent "Screening"
Electron-electron interaction and exclusion principle      346—348
Electron-electron interaction and Fermi liquid theory      345—351
Electron-electron interaction and ground state energy of free electron gas      336
Electron-electron interaction and Hubbard model      685
Electron-electron interaction and magnetic structure      672—691
Electron-electron interaction and Pauli paramagnetism      669—670
Electron-electron interaction and periodic potential      132 192 330—331
Electron-electron interaction and superconductivity      739—740
Electron-electron interaction and tight-binding method      186
Electron-electron interaction in Drude model      4—5
Electron-electron interaction scattering      5 316 346—348
Electron-electron interaction via phonons      518—519
Electron-electron interaction, Hartree approximation      743
Electron-electron interaction, Hartree — Fock approximation      334—337
Electron-electron interaction, lifetime      347—348
Electron-ion interaction (static), and negative Fermi energies      357n see
Electron-ion interaction (static), in Drude model      4
Electron-neutron interaction (magnetic)      470
Electron-phonon interaction      519—528
Electron-phonon interaction and electron effective mass      520
Electron-phonon interaction and magnetic susceptibility      663n
Electron-phonon interaction and one electron energy      519—521
Electron-phonon interaction and resistivity      523—528
Electron-phonon interaction and superconductivity      739—740
Electron-phonon interaction, coupling constant      523
Electrostatic approximation      547n 548n 551n
Electrostatic field of array of dipoles      558
Electrostatic field of array of uniformly polarized sphere      557
Energy band      141 see "Band "Band "Density
Energy gap (normal materials)      see "Band gap"
Energy gap (superconducting materials)      727
Energy gap (superconducting materials) and acoustic attenuation      736
Energy gap (superconducting materials) and electromagnet.c energy absorption      735
Energy gap (superconducting materials) and magnetic impurities      727n
Energy gap (superconducting materials) and tunneling      735
Energy gap (superconducting materials), BCS, relation to $T_{c}$      744
Energy gap (superconducting materials), measured values      745
Energy, binding      see "Cohesive energy"
Entropy current of      253
Entropy current of, generation of      253n
Entropy current of, lack of ill persistent currents      730
Entropy current of, of free electron gas      54
Entropy current of, of ice      392
Entropy current of, of spin system      659—661
Equation of state of insulators      490—494
Equation of state of insulators and volume dependence of normal mode frequencies      490—492
Equipartition of energy      9
Estheticism      403n
Ettingshausen effect      258n
Ewald construction      101
Ewald construction for Laue method      102
Ewald construction for powder method      103
Ewald construction for rotating crystal method      102
Ewald sphere      101
Exchange energy      334—337
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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