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Feuerstein S., Pribyl B. — Oracle PL-SQL programming
Feuerstein S., Pribyl B. — Oracle PL-SQL programming

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Название: Oracle PL-SQL programming

Авторы: Feuerstein S., Pribyl B.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Computer science/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 5-th edition

Год издания: 2009

Количество страниц: 1299

Добавлена в каталог: 29.06.2014

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
PL/SQL, resources for developers      17
PL/SQL, security      919—980
PL/SQL, semicolon (;), terminating statements and declarations      74
PL/SQL, SQL in, data retrieval      463—512
PL/SQL, SQL in, DML and transaction management      439—461
PL/SQL, SQL in, dynamic SQL and PL/SQL      513—562
PL/SQL, versions      xxxiv 11
PLSQL_CCFLAGS compile parameter      1000
PLSQL_CCFLAGS parameter      1003
PLS_INTEGER datatype      171 237
PLS_INTEGER datatype, subtypes      247
PLS_INTEGER datatype, using for intensive integer computations      871
PLUTO testing framework      752
Pointers      463 see "Cursors"
Pointers, LOB locators      403
Pointers, object references (REFs)      1095
Pointers, similarity of ROWIDs to      398
Policies (FGA)      974
Policies (RLS)      947
Policies (RLS), context-sensitive policy      956
Policies (RLS), creating      949
Policies (RLS), dropping      951
Policies (RLS), dynamic      953
Policies (RLS), shared context-sensitive policy      957
Policies (RLS), shared static policy      955
Policies (RLS), upgrade strategy for policy types      957
Policies (RLS), viewing policies defined on a table      951
Policy function      947
Policy function, errors in      961
Policy function, RLS example      949
Policy function, rules for      950
Polymorphism      596
Portability, application      5
Positional notation, associating actual and formal parameters      585
POST method (HTTP)      909
Postprocessed code      1008
PRAGMA keyword      76
Pragmas, types of pragmas in PL/SQL      76
Precision, datetime variables      270
Precision, NUMBER datatype      233
predicates      947
Predicates, contexts as predicates in RLS      967
Predicates, RLS example      949
Predicates, used with BINARY_FLOAT AND BINARY_DOUBLE types      242
Primary keys, emulating with string indexes in collections      369
Primary keys, using ROWIDs instead of      397
PRINT command (SQL*Plus)      33
PRIOR and NEXT functions      341 348
Private code      622
Private code, Booch diagram showing private package elements      623
Private key      923
Privilege escalation and SQL injection      995
Privileges for schema-level collections      393
Privileges, CREATE ANY DIRECTORY      879
Privileges, granting and removing for stored programs      43
Privileges, listing with DDL trigger attribute functions      680
Privileges, object types      1128
Privileges, rejection of DBMS_SQL operations when effective user changes      560
Privileges, restriction on user schemas to prevent code injection      540
PRNG (Pseudo-Random Number Generator)      932
Pro*C precompiler      47
Procedures      567—571
Procedures, body of      570
Procedures, declared in package specification      625
procedures, defined      566
Procedures, defining in local modules      590
Procedures, END label      570
Procedures, forward declaration      601
Procedures, header      56 569
Procedures, overloading      595
Procedures, parameters      579—590
Procedures, passing cursor variables as arguments in procedure calls      507
Procedures, RETURN statement      571
Procedures, standalone, referencing REF CURSOR type      508
Procedures, USER_PROCEDURES view      716
Profilers      783—788
Profilers, DBMS_HPROF package      16 785
Profilers, DBMS_PROFILER package      784
Program data      167—190
Program data, conversions between datatypes      183—190
Program data, datatypes in PL/SQL      169—175
Program data, declaring      175—182
Program data, defined      167
Program data, naming      167
Program data, programmer-defined subtypes      182
Program Global Area      see "PGA"
Programmer-defined exceptions      126
Programmer-defined exceptions, losing information about      146
Programmer-defined records      314 315—318
Programmer-defined records, declaring record TYPEs      316
Programmer-defined records, declaring records      316
Programmer-defined records, examples of declarations      317
Programmer-defined tracing      757
Programming habits, reassessing      22
Programming languages, calling PL/SQL from other languages      46—52
Programming languages, database      4
Programming languages, static and dynamic typing      170
Programs, compiler limits on size of      986
Programs, nested      64
Programs, stored in database, size of      715
Propagation of exceptions      127
Propagation of exceptions, unhandled exceptions      145
Propagation of exceptions, unhandled exceptions, examples of propagation      147
Propagation of exceptions, unhandled exceptions, losing exception information      146
Proxy servers      913
Pseudo-columns, OBJECT_VALUE      1111
Pseudo-columns, ROWID      398
Pseudo-records      326
Pseudo-records, changing names in DML triggers      658
Pseudo-records, PARENT      697
Pseudo-records, using to fine-tune trigger execution      664
PSP (PL/SQL Server Pages)      51
Public code      622
Public code, Booch diagram showing public package elements      623
Public code, global public package data      634
Public key      923
Public Key Cryptography Standard #5      see "PKCS#5"
PVM (PL/SQL Virtual Machine)      983
Qualifying references      59
Qualifying references, labels as aid in      77
Quest Code Tester for Oracle      752
Quest Code Tester for Oracle, testing with      755
Quest CodeGen utility      19
Quest Error Manager (QEM) framework      19
Quest Error Manager (QEM) framework, tracing with      761
queuing      914
Raising exceptions      127 135—138
Raising exceptions, RAISE statement      136
Raising exceptions, RAISE_EXCEPTION_ERROR procedure      137
Random numbers      932
range operator (..)      65
Ranges, numeric FOR loops      110
RAW datatype      173 397
RAW datatype, AQ message IDs      178
RAW datatype, casting to VARCHAR2      412
RAW datatype, converting hexadecimal string from type CHAR or VARCHAR2 to      190
RAW datatype, converting VARCHAR2 value to      927
RAW datatype, UTL_MAIL.SEND_ATTACH_RAW      900
RAWTOHEX function      190
READ COMMITTED isolation level      457
Read consistency and user-defined functions      604
READ procedure (DBMS_LOB)      409
REAL datatype      247
Real numbers      73
Recompiling code, invalid program units      731—735
Record anchoring      177
Records      311—326
Records equal generator      325
Records in cursor RETURN clause      480
Records, benefits of using      312
Records, collections as components of      335
Records, collections of      371—373
Records, comparing      325
Records, declaring      314
Records, defining your own type      312
Records, fetching into      521
Records, field-level operations      322—324
Records, field-level operations, nested records      323
Records, field-level operations, package-based records      324
Records, programmer-defined      315—318
Records, record-level operations      318—322
Records, record-level operations, fetching directly into a record      320
Records, record-level operations, initializations      319
Records, record-level operations, setting all fields to NULL with direct assignment      321
Records, trigger pseudo-records      326
Records, using with DML statements      447
Records, using with DML statements, record-based inserts      448
Records, using with DML statements, record-based updates      449
Records, using with DML statements, restrictions on inserts and updates      450
Records, using with DML statements, RETURNING clause      449
Recursion      601
Redefinition capability      see "Edition-based redefinition"
REF CURSOR datatype      173
REF CURSOR types, compatible rowtype and select list      500
REF CURSOR types, converting to SQL cursor number using DBMS_SQL.TO_CURSOR      556
REF CURSOR types, DBMS_SQL.TO_REFCURSOR function      554
REF CURSOR types, declaring      498
REF CURSOR types, FETCH INTO statements, compatible rowtype      501
REF CURSOR types, identifying for cursor variable used as argument      507
REF CURSOR types, rowtype matching at compile time      504
REF CURSOR types, rowtype matching at runtime      505
REF CURSOR types, strong and weak      499
References, qualifying with scope      59
REFERENCING clause, changing names of pseudo-records in DML triggers      658
REFs (object references)      1095—1102
REFs (object references), better support in C      1100
REFs (object references), dangling REFs      1102
REFs (object references), storing, physical versus virtual REFs      1126
REFs (object references), to nonunique OIDs      1127
REFs (object references), type hierarchies and      1101
REFs (object references), using      1096
REFs (object references), UTL_REF package      1099
REFs (object references), virtual REFs      1120 1122
REGEXP_COUNT function      214 1206
REGEXP_INSTR function      1206
REGEXP_INSTR function, locating a pattern      209
REGEXP_LIKE function      208 1207
REGEXP_REPLACE function      214 1207
REGEXP_SUBSTR function      211 1207
Regular expressions      207—218 1203—1208
Regular expressions, counting matches      214
Regular expressions, detecting a pattern      208
Regular expressions, extracting text matching a pattern      211
Regular expressions, functions and parameters      1206
Regular expressions, greediness in matching and nongreedy quantifiers      216
Regular expressions, locating a pattern      209
regular expressions, metacharacters      1203—1206
Regular expressions, replacing text      214
Regular expressions, resources for information      218
RELIES_ON clause (function result cache)      808 809
RELIES_ON clause (function result cache), using (example)      812
Remote dependencies      727
Remote invocation, limitations of Oracle's model      730
REMOTE_DEPENDENCIES_MODE initialization parameter      728
REPEAT UNTIL loop, emulating      106
Replace function      203 226
Reserved words      68
Reserved words, avoiding incorrect use of      69
Reserved words, information on      990
Resources for PL/SQL developers      17
Resources for PL/SQL developers, books from O'Reilly      17
Resources for PL/SQL developers, online resources      18
result sets      465
RESULT_CACHE clause      573 808
RESULT_CACHE clause, RELIES_ON subclause      809 812
RESULT_CACHE clause, using with deterministic function (example)      810
RESULT_CACHE clause, when not to use      814
RESULT_CACHE clause, when to use      814
RESULT_CACHE_MAX_SIZE initialization parameter      816
Resumable statements      699
Resumable statements, DBMS_RESUMABLE package      702
RETURN clauses, cursor, datatype structures      480
RETURN clauses, cursor, declaring cursor with RETURN clause      479
RETURN clauses, function      567
RETURN clauses, function, return datatype      573
RETURN clauses, packaged cursors      635
RETURN SELF AS RESULT clause      1081
RETURN statements, functions      578
RETURN statements, functions, as last executable statement      579
RETURN statements, functions, multiple RETURNS      578
RETURN statements, functions, returning any valid expression      578
RETURN statements, use with procedures      571
RETURNING clause, DML statements, using records with      449
RETURNING clause, using in FORALL statement with BULK COLLECT      826
RETURNING clause, using in FORALL statements      831
RETURNING clause, using with DML statements      445
REVERSE keyword      111
REVOKE statements      43
RLS      see "Row-level security"
Rollback segment, assigning current transaction to      453
ROLLBACK statements      452
Rollbacks with FORALL statements      833
Rollbacks, considerations in programs performing DML      447
ROUND function      260
rounding functions      260
Row-based merge processing      846
Row-level security (RLS)      920 945—964
Row-level security (RLS), column-sensitive RLS      957—961
Row-level security (RLS), contexts as predicates in      967
Row-level security (RLS), debugging      961
Row-level security (RLS), debugging, direct path operations      962
Row-level security (RLS), debugging, interpreting errors      961
Row-level security (RLS), debugging, viewing SQL statements      963
Row-level security (RLS), dynamic policies      953
Row-level security (RLS), main components      947
Row-level security (RLS), reasons to learn about      947
Row-level security (RLS), simple example      949—952
Row-level triggers      653
ROWID datatype      173 397—400
ROWID datatype, changes in      397
ROWID datatype, converting CHAR or VARCHAR2 values to      187
ROWID datatype, getting ROWIDs      398
ROWID datatype, using ROWIDs      399
ROWIDTOCHAR function      190
ROWTYPE_MISMATCH exception      502
RPAD function      204 226
RR date format element      288
RTRIM function      206 227
SAVE EXCEPTIONS clause (FORALL statement)      829 833
SAVEPOINT statements      452
Savepoints, erasure by COMMIT      451
Savepoints, indicating for ROLLBACK statement      452
Scalar anchoring      177
Scalar datatypes      351
Scalar datatypes, IS NULL test      406
Scalars      167
Scale, NUMBER datatype      233
Schema-level recompilation      733
Scope      58
Scope of compound triggers      671
Scope, cursor object to which cursor variable is assigned      506
Scope, cursor parameters      491
Scope, exceptions      127 134
Scope, local modules      594
Scope, qualified references with scope name      59
Scripts, running from SQL*Plus      30
Search strings, formatting for multilingual IR      1057
Searched CASE statements      93
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