Functions, header 577
Functions, information about, in USER_PROCEDURES view 716
Functions, LOB conversion 425
Functions, not returning value, compile-time warning for 743
functions, numeric 260—265
Functions, overloaded, requirements for 600
functions, overloading 595
functions, parameters 580—590
Functions, passing cursor variables as arguments in function calls 507
Functions, PL/SQL, invoking within SQL statements 42
Functions, RETURN datatype 573
functions, return statement 578
Functions, streaming or transformative 512
Functions, string, quick reference 222—230
Functions, structure of 571
Functions, table functions 605—615 839 see
Functions, Unicode 1038—1045
Functions, without parameters 576
FX modifier in format masks 287
GDK (Globalization Development Kit) 1066—1072
GDK (Globalization Development Kit), implementation options 1071
GDK (Globalization Development Kit), UTL_I18N package 1066
GDK (Globalization Development Kit), UTL_LMS error-handling package 1069
GET method (HTTP) 909
global data 634
Global data, package data structures acting as 1023
Globalization and localization 1031—1072
Globalization and localization, character semantics 1045—1049
Globalization and localization, currency conversion 1064—1066
Globalization and localization, dates and time 1059—1064
Globalization and localization, development kit for PL/SQL 1066—1072
Globalization and localization, globalization strategy 1032
Globalization and localization, multilingual information retrieval 1054—1059
Globalization and localization, overview and terminology 1033
Globalization and localization, string sort order 1049—1054
Globalization and localization, Unicode primer 1034—1045
glyphs 1034
Goto statements 8 97
GOTO statements, restrictions on 98
GOTO statements, using NULL after a label 99
GRANT statements 43
GREATEST function 223
greediness in regular expression matching 216
Habits in programming, reassessing 22
Handler modules 974
Handler modules, using in FGA 980
Handlers (exception) 127
Hashing 938
Headers for named PLSQL blocks 53
Headers, function 56 577
Headers, procedure 56 569
Help, asking for 21
HEXTORAW function 190
Hierarchical profiler see "DBMS_HPROF"
Homogenous elements 329
Hot patching of PL/SQL-based applications 777
HTML pages, embedding PL/SQL using PSP 51
HTTP authentication 906
HTTP data, working with 903—913
HTTP data, working with, authentication 906
HTTP data, working with, cookies, disabling or making persistent 912
HTTP data, working with, HTTP headers 903
HTTP data, working with, retrieval of FTP via HTTP 913
HTTP data, working with, retrieving web page in pieces 903
HTTP data, working with, retrieving web page into a LOB 905
HTTP data, working with, submitting data to web page via GET or POST methods 908—911
HTTP server built into Oracle database 914
HTTPS protocol, retrieving SSL-encrypted web page via 907
HTTPURITYPE datatype 174 430 905
HTTPURITYPE datatype, HTTP authentication 906
HTTPURITYPE datatype, retrieving web pages 431
I Love PL/SQL And web site 18
I/O (Input/Output) 873—915
I/O (input/output), database pipes, queues, and alerts 914
I/O (input/output), displaying information 873—877
I/O (input/output), displaying information, enabling DBMS_OUTPUT 874
I/O (input/output), displaying information, reading buffer contents 875
I/O (input/output), displaying information, writing lines to the buffer 874
I/O (input/output), Oracle's built-in web server 914
I/O (input/output), reading and writing files 877—891
I/O (input/output), reading and writing files, closing files 882
I/O (input/output), reading and writing files, copying files 888
I/O (input/output), reading and writing files, deleting files 889
I/O (input/output), reading and writing files, determining if file is open 882
I/O (input/output), reading and writing files, opening files 880
I/O (input/output), reading and writing files, reading from files 883
I/O (input/output), reading and writing files, renaming and moving files 890
I/O (input/output), reading and writing files, retrieving file attributes 890
I/O (input/output), reading and writing files, UTL_FILE_DIR parameter 877
I/O (input/output), reading and writing files, working with Oracle directories 879
I/O (input/output), reading and writing files, writing to files 885
I/O (input/output), saving output to file using SQL*Plus 33
I/O (input/output), sending email 891—902
I/O (input/output), sending email, file attachment of arbitrary size 900
I/O (input/output), sending email, network security 893
I/O (input/output), sending email, Oracle friendly names in addresses 896
I/O (input/output), sending email, Oracle prerequisites 893
I/O (input/output), sending email, plaintext message of arbitrary length 897
I/O (input/output), sending email, short plaintext message 894
I/O (input/output), sending email, small file attachment 900
I/O (input/output), TCP sockets 914
I/O (input/output), working with web-based data 903—913
I/O (input/output), working with web-based data, cookies 912
I/O (input/output), working with web-based data, FTP data 913
I/O (input/output), working with web-based data, HTTP authentication 906
I/O (input/output), working with web-based data, retrieving SSL-encrypted web page 907
I/O (input/output), working with web-based data, retrieving web page in pieces 903
I/O (input/output), working with web-based data, retrieving web page into a LOB 905
I/O (input/output), working with web-based data, submitting data to web page 908—911
IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) 899
Identifiers 66—70
Identifiers, $$identifier syntax for inquiry directives 1000
Identifiers, avoiding incorrect use of reserved words 69
Identifiers, built-in 68
Identifiers, built-in, from STANDARD package 68
Identifiers, built-in, reserved words 68
Identifiers, case-insensitivity in names 67
Identifiers, object 1087
Identifiers, PL/Scope information about 719
Identifiers, qualified, visibility and 62
Identifiers, qualifying with module names 62
Identifiers, scope of 58
Identifiers, separating with whitespace 69
Identifiers, valid and invalid names for 67
Identifiers, visible 61
IDEPTREE view 725
IDEs (integrated development environments), listing of popular IDEs for PL/SQL 45
IDEs (integrated development environments), source code debuggers 769
IDEs (integrated development environments), Toad IDE 24
IDEs (integrated development environments), using for database navigation 23
IEEE-754 floating-point standard 241—246
IEEE-754 floating-point standard, converting types 247
IEEE-754 floating-point standard, floating-point literals 73
IEEE-754 floating-point standard, Oracle binary floating-point implementation versus 245
IF statements 8 81—90
IF statements, avoiding syntax gotchas 86
IF statements, comparing two VARCHAR2 values, issue with NULLs and empty strings 219
IF statements, IF-THEN statements 82
IF statements, IF-THEN-ELSE statements 84
IF statements, IF-THEN-ELSIF statements 85
IF statements, line breaks and 83
IF statements, listing of types 81
if statements, nested 88
IF statements, short-circuit evaluation 89
IF...THEN...ELSE statements, implications of NULL Boolean variables 396
implicit conversions 183 257
Implicit conversions avoiding to improve performance 870
Implicit conversions drawbacks of 184
Implicit conversions limitations of 184
Implicit conversions problems with 259
| Implicit cursors, choosing between explicit cursors and 471
Implicit cursors, defined 465
Implicit cursors, error handling 473
Implicit cursors, examples of use 472
Implicit cursors, SELECT statement with special characteristics 472
Implicit cursors, SQL cursor attributes 476
In mode 582
IN mode, bind arguments 526
In out mode 492 584
IN OUT mode, bind arguments 526
IN OUT mode, NOCOPY qualifier, compile-time warning about 739 741
INDEX BY clause, associative arrays, index values 360
INDEX BY clause, datatypes for collection indexes 351
INDEX BY clause, specifying index values for assignment to associative array 360
Index values 329
Index values, assigning data to associative array 360
Index values, assigning values to, in nested table or VARRAY collections 359
Index values, defined for collection, getting lowest and highest 346
Index values, greatest value in use in an associative array 342
Index values, returned by PRIOR and NEXT collection methods 348
Index values, trying to read undefined index value in collection 365
index-organized table (IOT) 173
Indexed by integers (collections) 330
Indexed by strings (collections) 330
Indexes, case-insensitive indexes using Oracle Text 425
Indexes, case-insensitivity and 201
Indexes, collection, datatypes 351
Indexes, collection, string indexes 365—370
Indexes, creating using EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 515
Indexes, creating, restricted row access in RLS 951
Indexes, determining which rows in binding array to use in dynamic INSERT 831
Indexes, indexing in multiple languages 1054
Indexes, numeric FOR loop 110
Indexes, numeric FOR loop, handling nontrivial increments 112
Indexes, Oracle Text 1054
Indexes, understandable names for loop indexes 119
INDICES OF clause (FORALL statement) 829
INDICES OF clause (FORALL statement), example 836
INDICES OF clause (FORALL statement), VALUES OF clause versus 835
Infinite loops 106
Infinite loops, avoiding 792
Infinite loops, terminating 107
Information hiding with packages 621
Information retrieval (IR), multilingual 1054—1059
Information retrieval (IR), multilingual and PL/SQL 1056
Informational compile-time warnings 737
INITCAP function 201 224
Initialization of packages 622 627—632
Initialization of packages, avoiding side effects 629
Initialization of packages, caching static session information 629
Initialization of packages, executing complex initialization logic 628
Initialization of packages, failure of 630
Initialization of packages, initialization procedure included in packages 631
Initialization of packages, initialization section 628
Initialization of packages, steps in process 627
Inner table 330
Inquiry directives 999 1000
Inquiry directives, DBMS_DB_VERSION package 1001
Inquiry directives, program-specific settings with 1006
Inquiry directives, referencing unit name and line number 1003
Inquiry directives, setting compilation environmental parameters 1002
Inquiry directives, using PLSQL_CCFLAGS parameter 1003
INSERT statements 441
INSERT statements, as loops 122
INSERT statements, populating tables with single INSERT 695
INSERT statements, record-based 448
INSERT statements, record-based, restrictions on 450
INSERT statements, using records 447
INSERT triggers 656
INSERT triggers, INSTEAD OF INSERT trigger 692
INSERTING clause in DML triggers 659 661
Instantiable types 1077
Instants 274
INSTEAD OF CREATE triggers 682
INSTEAD OF triggers 652 690—697
INSTEAD OF triggers on nested tables 696
INSTEAD OF triggers, creating 690
INSTEAD OF triggers, populating tables with single INSERT 695
INSTEAD OF triggers, using in object views 1123
InStr function 202 224 1041
INSTR function, negative string positioning 204
Instrumentation 757
Integer datatypes 171
Integer datatypes, BINARY_INTEGER 239
Integer datatypes, PLS_INTEGER 237
Integer datatypes, PLS_INTEGER, subtypes 247
Integer datatypes, PLS_INTEGER, using for intensive integer computations 871
Integer datatypes, SIMPLE_INTEGER 239
Internal LOBs 401
Internal LOBs, SQL semantics for 422
internationalization 1033
Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) 899
Internet Explorer, retrieving data from HTTPS site 907
Internet Explorer, setting Unicode encoding 1037
Internet resources for PL/SQL 18
Internet-related datatypes 174
Interpreted mode 1028
INTERVAL datatypes 172 274—278
INTERVAL datatypes, declaring INTERVAL variables 275
INTERVAL datatypes, unconstrained 307
INTERVAL datatypes, when to use 276
INTERVAL datatypes, when to use, designating periods of time 277
INTERVAL datatypes, when to use, finding difference between datetime values 276
Interval literals 295
Intervals 274
Intervals, adding and subtracting 305
Intervals, as literals 70
Intervals, computing between two datetimes 302
Intervals, conversions 293
Intervals, converting numbers to 293
Intervals, converting strings to 294
Intervals, date arithmetic with 300
Intervals, element names 293
Intervals, formatting for display 295
Intervals, multiplying and dividing 306
INTO clause, EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement 515
INTO clause, FETCH INTO statements 501
INTO clause, FETCH INTO statements, runtime rowtype matching rules 505
INTO clause, INSERT INTO statements 441
INTO clause, SELECT INTO statement 7
Invoker rights for shared programs 535
Invoker rights model 995—997
Invoker rights model, combining with definer rights 998
Invoker rights model, rules and restrictions 996
Invoker rights model, syntax 996
IR (information retrieval), multilingual 1054—1059
IR (information retrieval), multilingual and PL/SQL 1056
IS NULL operator 259
IS NULL operator, testing scalar datatypes and LOBs 406
IS OF operator 1092
ISO dates 1216
Isolation levels for transactions 453
Isolation levels for transactions, READ COMMITTED 457
Isolation levels for transactions, SERIALIZABLE 457
ISO_CURRENCY_FUNC function 1065
Java 46 see
Java, abstract classes 1077
Java, calling PL/SQL from, using JDBC 48
Java, stored procedures 986 1074
JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) 48
Keys (cryptographic) 921
Keys (cryptographic), combined master key approach 935
Keys (cryptographic), generating 932