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Feuerstein S., Pribyl B. — Oracle PL-SQL programming
Feuerstein S., Pribyl B. — Oracle PL-SQL programming

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Название: Oracle PL-SQL programming

Авторы: Feuerstein S., Pribyl B.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Computer science/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 5-th edition

Год издания: 2009

Количество страниц: 1299

Добавлена в каталог: 29.06.2014

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Keys (cryptographic), key management      933
Keys (cryptographic), single database key approach      933
Keys (cryptographic), single key per row approach      934
Label delimiters (<< >>)      65
labels      77
Labels, as targets for GOTO statements      98
Labels, as targets for GOTO statements, NULL after      99
Labels, loop      115
Large objects      see "LOBs"
Last function      341
LAST function, member-method syntax      342
LAST function, using (example)      347
LEAST function      224
LEAST function, linguistic sorting and      200
length function      224 1042
LENGTH function, passing string constants to      196
LENGTHB function      1046
Lexical units      66
Lexical units, error caused by whitespace in      70
LIMIT clause for BULK COLLECT      824 844
Limit function      347
Line breaks, IF statements and      83
Line numbers (compilation unit)      1003
linefeed character      197
Linux, ed editor      35
Linux, killing a process      107
Linux, opening files, specifying locations for      878
Linux, retrieving SSL-encrypted web page via HTTPS      908
Lists, collections of      382
Lists, returned by DDL trigger attribute functions      680
Literals      70—74
Literals, avoiding hardcoding of      645
literals, Boolean      73
Literals, date and timestamp      291
Literals, embedding single quotes within      72
Literals, NULLs      71
literals, numeric      73
LOBs (large objects)      170
LOBs (large objects), BFILEs      410—415
LOBs (large objects), conversion functions      425
LOBs (large objects), datatypes      400
LOBs (large objects), empty versus NULL      405
LOBs (large objects), encrypting      930
LOBs (large objects), examples, table definition for      401
LOBs (large objects), function return values containing      814
LOBs (large objects), internal and external      401
LOBs (large objects), locators      403
LOBs (large objects), native LOB operations      421
LOBs (large objects), native LOB operations, performance impact of SQL semantics      424
LOBs (large objects), native LOB operations, SQL semantics for      421
LOBs (large objects), native LOB operations, temporary LOBs yielded by SQL semantics      423
LOBs (large objects), Oracle documentation for      404
LOBs (large objects), reading from      409
LOBs (large objects), retrieving web page into a LOB      905
LOBs (large objects), SecureFiles      930
LOBs (large objects), SecureFiles versus BasicFiles      415
LOBs (large objects), temporary      417—421
LOBs (large objects), writing into      407—409
Local modules      590—595
Local modules, benefits of using      591
Local modules, benefits of using, improving readability      592
Local modules, benefits of using, reducing code volume      591
Local modules, forward declaration of      601
Local modules, scope of      594
Local modules, sprucing up your code with      594
Local variables, normalization of      181
Local variables, synchronization with database columns      180
localization      see "Globalization and localization"
LOCALTIMESTAMP function      272
Locators (LOB)      403
Locators (LOB), BFILE locator      411
Locators (LOB), creating BFILE locator      411
Locators (LOB), LOCK TABLE statements      454
Locators (LOB), temporary LOBs yielded by application of SQL semantics      423
Locking, releasing locks with COMMIT statement      494
Locking, using SELECT FOR UPDATE statement      492
Logging, building autonomous logging mechanism      459
Logging, errors, then continuing past error      149
LOGOFF triggers      683 686
LOGON triggers      683 685 965
long datatype      170 401
LONG RAW datatype      173 401
LOOP keyword      104
Loop Killer package      792
Loops      8 101—123
Loops, avoiding infinite loops      792
Loops, CONTINUE statement      13 116
Loops, cursor FOR loop      112—115
Loops, FOR loop      102
Loops, infinite loop      106
Loops, labels      115
Loops, listing of loop types with descriptions      101
Loops, numeric FOR loop      109—112
Loops, runtime optimization of fetch loops      798
Loops, simple loop      102 104—108
Loops, SQL statement as      122
Loops, structure of      103
Loops, tips on writing      119—123
Loops, tips on writing, exiting properly      120
Loops, tips on writing, getting execution information on FOR loops      121
Loops, tips on writing, understandable names for indexes      119
Loops, WHILE loop      103 108
Lovelace, Ada      xxvii
LOWER function      199 225
LP AD function      204 225
LTRIM function      206 225
MACs (message authentication codes)      940
Main transaction      454
Managing code      see "Code management"
Many-to-many (MM) relationships      1096
MAP method      1111 1112
Mcode      1027
MD5 (Message Digest)      939
Member methods      1079
Member-method syntax, collection methods      342
Membership, testing nested table collections for      389
Memory, analyzing usage      783
Memory, cached packaged data memory versus CPU      629
Memory, database instance memory and PL/SQL      1009—1027
Memory, database instance memory and PL/SQL, cursors and      1011
Memory, database instance memory and PL/SQL, PGA, UGA, and CGA      1010
Memory, database instance memory and PL/SQL, reducing memory use      1013—1024
Memory, database instance memory and PL/SQL, running out of memory      1024
Memory, serialized packages and      641
Merge operations, tuning with pipelined functions      846—848
MERGE statements      441 443
Message authentication codes (MACs)      940
Method chaining      1086
METHODS      1076 1079
Methods, collection      341—350
Methods, constructor      1079
Methods, invoking supertype methods from subtype      1084
Methods, member      1079
Microsoft      25 see
Microsoft, ODBC (Open Database Connectivity)      46
MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions)      898
MIME types      899
MOD function      112
modular code      566
Modular code, forward declarations      601
Modular code, functions      571—579
Modular code, local or nested modules      590—595
Modular code, module overloading      595—601
Modular code, parameters      579—590
Modular code, procedures      567
modularization      566
Modularization, importance of      616
Module names, qualifying identifer names with      62
Monolingual sort      1051
MONTHS_BETWEEN function      303
multibyte characters      1034 1045
Multilevel collections      see "Collections multilevel"
Multilingual data retrieval      1054—1059
Multilingual sort      1053
Multiset operations on nested tables      see "Nested tables"
MULTISET pseudo-function      384
MULTISET pseudo-function, MULTISET UNION      392
Name conflicts in variables or constants      740
Named blocks      53 56
Named exceptions      127
Named exceptions, declaring      128
Named exceptions, system exceptions      132
Named notation, associating actual and formal parameters      586
Named notation, associating actual and formal parameters, benefits of named notation      587
Naming conventions for program data      167
narrowing      1091
National character set datatypes      1036
Native compilation      1027
Native compilation, new features in Oracle Database 11g      14
Native dynamic SQL      see "NDS"
NCHAR datatype      170 191 1036
NCLOBs (NLS Character Large Objects)      170 400 1036
NCLOBs (NLS Character Large Objects), creating empty NCLOBs      406
NDS (native dynamic SQL)      514—525
NDS (native dynamic SQL), binding variables      525—529
NDS (native dynamic SQL), dynamic PL/SQL      531—535
NDS (native dynamic SQL), EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement      514—517
NDS (native dynamic SQL), OPEN FOR statement      517—523
NDS (native dynamic SQL), recommendations for      535—542
NDS (native dynamic SQL), recommendations for, errors      536
NDS (native dynamic SQL), recommendations for, minimizing danger of code injection      540—542
NDS (native dynamic SQL), recommendations for, using binding instead of concatenation      538
NDS (native dynamic SQL), recommendations for, using invoker rights for shared programs      535
NDS (native dynamic SQL), working with objects and collections      529—531
Nested blocks      57
Nested modules      see "Local modules"
Nested programs, scope and visibility of variables      64
nested tables      331
Nested tables, changing characteristics of      354
Nested tables, collection using      332
Nested tables, comparison to other table types      340
Nested tables, database-to-PL/SQL integration      358
Nested tables, declaring and initializing collection variables of type      355
Nested tables, declaring nested table collection type      353
Nested tables, INSTEAD OF triggers on      696
Nested tables, multiset operations on      387—393
Nested tables, multiset operations on, checking element membership      390
Nested tables, multiset operations on, handling duplicates      392
Nested tables, multiset operations on, high-level set operations      390
Nested tables, multiset operations on, testing equality and membership      389
Nested tables, using as column datatype      339
NEW pseudo-records      326 653
NEW pseudo-records, working with, in DML triggers      658
NEXT function      341 348
NLS (National Language Support)      1034
NLS Character Large Objects      see "NCLOBs"
NLS Large Objects      see "NCLOBs"
NLS settings for datetimes      297
NLS settings, determining by querying NLS_SESSION_PARAMETERS      192
NLS settings, NLS_CALENDAR parameter      1063
NLS settings, NLS_COMP parameter      199
NLS settings, NLS_CURRENCY parameter      1064
NLS settings, NLS_DATE_FORMAT parameter      279 289
NLS settings, NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE parameter      1062
NLS settings, NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS parameter      192 1047
NLS settings, NLS_SORT parameter      199
NLS settings, NLS_SORT parameter, monolingual values      1052
NLS settings, NLS_SORT parameter, multilingual values      1053
NLS settings, NLS_TERRITORY parameter      281
NLS settings, passing to TO_CHAR function      256
NLS settings, passing to TO_NUMBER function      250
NLS settings, session parameters, listed      1037
NLSSORT function      226 1051
NLS_INITCAP function      225
NLS_LOWER function      226
NLS_UPPER function      226
NO WAIT keyword, using with LOCK TABLE      454
NOCOPY parameter mode hint      589 867—870
NOCOPY parameter mode hint, compile-time warnings about      739 741 745
NOCOPY parameter mode hint, downside of      869
NOCOPY parameter mode hint, performance benefits of      868
NOCOPY parameter mode hint, restrictions on      868
Non-blank-padding comparison      220
Nongreedy quantifiers in regular expressions      217
Normalization of local variables      181
Normalization, interval values      297
NOT FINAL keyword      1076
NOT INSTANTIABLE keyword      1077
NOT operator      259
Notepad editor      35
NO_DATA_FOUND exception      156
NO_DATA_FOUND exception, definition in STANDARD package      989
NO_DATA_FOUND exception, raised by implicit cursor SELECT statement      473
null statements      98
NULL statements, improving readability with      99
NULL statements, using after GOTO statement label      99
NULLs      71 172
NULLs in Boolean expressions      82
NULLs, Boolean variables as, implications for IF...THEN...ELSE statements      396
NULLs, collection      1120
NULLs, comparing NULL records      325
NULLs, empty strings as      218
NULLs, equality check for nested tables      390
NULLs, NULL LOB      405
NULLs, passing as bind arguments      528
NULLs, UNKNOWN versus      91
NUMBER datatype      73 171 232
NUMBER datatype, constraining precision and scale      233
NUMBER datatype, converting strings and IEEE-754 floating-point types to      247—251
NUMBER datatype, dealing with money      242
NUMBER datatype, mixing with other floating-point types      245
NUMBER datatype, negative scale values      235
NUMBER datatype, performance, BlNARY_DOUBLE versus      243
NUMBER datatype, range of      237
NUMBER datatype, rounding of values      234
NUMBER datatype, using for floating-point numbers      241
Number format models      1209
Number format models, CAST function and      257
Number format models, using with TO_CHAR function      252
Number format models, using with TO_NUMBER function      249
Number format models, using with TO_NUMBER function, passing NLS settings      250
Number format models, V element      253
Numbers, conversions      247—259
Numbers, conversions, implicit conversions      257
Numbers, conversions, using CAST function      256
Numbers, conversions, using TO_CHAR function      251—256
Numbers, conversions, using TO_NUMBER function      247—251
Numbers, converting to intervals      293
NUMERIC datatype      247
numeric datatypes      231
Numeric datatypes, BINARY_DOUBLE      241
Numeric datatypes, BINARY_FLOAT      241
Numeric datatypes, BINARY_INTEGER      239
Numeric datatypes, NUMBER      232
Numeric datatypes, overloading with      600
Numeric datatypes, PLS_INTEGER      237
Numeric datatypes, SIMPLE_INTEGER      239
Numeric datatypes, subtypes      246
Numeric FOR loops      109—112
Numeric FOR loops, examples of      111
Numeric FOR loops, nontrivial increments      112
Numeric FOR loops, rules for      110
numeric functions      260—265
Numeric functions, quick reference      261—265
Numeric functions, rounding and truncation      260
Numeric functions, trigonometric      261
numeric literals      70 73
numeric operators      259
NUMTOYMINTERVAL function      293
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