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Feuerstein S., Pribyl B. — Oracle PL-SQL programming
Feuerstein S., Pribyl B. — Oracle PL-SQL programming

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Название: Oracle PL-SQL programming

Авторы: Feuerstein S., Pribyl B.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Computer science/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 5-th edition

Год издания: 2009

Количество страниц: 1299

Добавлена в каталог: 29.06.2014

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Cursors, defining structure in method 4 dynamic SQL using DBMS_SQL      550
Cursors, explicit      463 465 477—492
Cursors, explicit, attributes      487
Cursors, explicit, closing      486
Cursors, explicit, column aliases in      484
Cursors, explicit, declaring      479—482
Cursors, explicit, fetching from      483
Cursors, explicit, opening      482
Cursors, explicit, parameters      489—492
Cursors, implicit      463 465
Cursors, memory usage      1011
Cursors, minimizing parsing of dynamic cursors      553
Cursors, opening and closing, DBMS_SQL versus NDS      537
Cursors, packaged      635—639
Cursors, packaged, alternative to      639
Cursors, packaged, declaring      635
Cursors, packaged, opening and closing      638
Cursors, packaged, taking advantage of      637
Cursors, remote invocation and      730
Cursors, security enhancements for DBMS_SQL package      558
Cursors, SELECT FOR UPDATE statements      492—496
Cursors, typical query operations      466
Cursors, working with implicit cursors      472
CURSOR_SHARING initialization parameter      1017
D, designating 64—bit floating-point literals      73
Dangling REFs      1102
Data Definition Language      see "DDL"
Data dictionary views      711—721
Data dictionary views for triggers      706
Data dictionary views, analyzing identifier usage (PL/Scope)      719—721
Data dictionary views, dependency analysis with      722
Data dictionary views, overview of      711
Data dictionary views, USER_ARGUMENTS view      717
Data dictionary views, USER_OBJECTS view      712
Data dictionary views, USER_OBJECT_SIZE view      715
Data dictionary views, USER_PLSQL_OBJECT_SETTINGS view      715
Data dictionary views, USER_PROCEDURES view      716
Data dictionary views, USER_SOURCE view      713
Data dictionary views, USER_TRIGGERS and USER_TRIG_COLUMNS      716
Data dictionary, entries for object types      1127
Data dictionary, views providing information on collections      394
Data encapsulation      20
Data Encryption Standard (DES)      924
Data Encryption Standard (DES), Triple DES (DES3)      924
Data Manipulation Language      see "DML"
Data streaming      605
Database Error Messages document      40
Database event triggers      652 683—690 see
Database event triggers, creating      683
Database event triggers, LOGOFF      686
Database event triggers, LOGON      685
Database event triggers, SERVERERROR      686—690
Database event triggers, SHUTDOWN      685
Database event triggers, STARTUP      685
Database languages      4
Database pipes      107 914
Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference      429
Database queuing      914
Database sessions      983
Database triggers      see "Triggers"
Datatypes      169—175
Datatypes, anchored      177
Datatypes, anchored, benefits of      180
Datatypes, ANY      174
Datatypes, binary data      173
datatypes, boolean      172 395
Datatypes, character data      170
Datatypes, conversions between      183—190
Datatypes, conversions between, compile-time warning about      745
Datatypes, conversions between, explicit conversion      185
Datatypes, conversions between, implicit conversion      183
Datatypes, dates, timestamps, and intervals      172
Datatypes, FORCE option with CREATE TYPE statements      13
Datatypes, Internet-related      174
Datatypes, interval      274
Datatypes, LOBs (large objects)      400
Datatypes, matching in cross-language work      46
Datatypes, naming      169
Datatypes, national character set      1036
Datatypes, NOT NULL, anchoring to      181
Datatypes, numeric      171 231
Datatypes, overloading by type, not value      597
Datatypes, performance improvement using right type      870
Datatypes, predefined object types      426
Datatypes, predefined object types, ANY types      431—435
Datatypes, predefined object types, URI types      430
Datatypes, predefined object types, XMLType      426—430
Datatypes, programmer-defined subtypes      182
Datatypes, RAW      397
Datatypes, REF CURSOR      173
Datatypes, return value for functions      573
Datatypes, ROWID and UROWID      173 397—400
Datatypes, SIMPLE types in Oracle Database 11g      14
Datatypes, string      191
Datatypes, supertype invocation from subtype      16
Datatypes, user-defined      175
date datatype      172 268
DATE datatype, converting strings to      279
DATE datatype, converting to strings      281
DATE datatype, DATE values as inputs to datetime functions      308
DATE datatype, format elements used with      283
DATE datatype, when to use      271
Date format models      278 1213—1217
Date format models, DATE versus TIMESTAMP types      283
Date format models, NLS_DATE_FORMAT setting      279
Date format models, requiring exact format mask match with FX      287
Date format models, RR element, interpreting two-digit years      288
Date format models, using FM (fill mode)      288
Dates and time      267—310 1059—1064
Dates and time, arithmetic operations on      300
Dates and time, arithmetic operations on, adding and subtracting intervals      305
Dates and time, arithmetic operations on, computing intervals between datetimes      302
Dates and time, arithmetic operations on, date arithmetic with DATE datatypes      301
Dates and time, arithmetic operations on, intervals and datetimes      300
Dates and time, arithmetic operations on, mixing DATEs and TIMESTAMPs      304
Dates and time, arithmetic operations on, multiplying and dividing intervals      306
Dates and time, arithmetic operations on, unconstrained INTERVAL types      307
Dates and time, calculating elapsed time      788
Dates and time, choosing a datetime datatype      271
Dates and time, conversions      278—291
Dates and time, conversions, from datetimes to strings      281
Dates and time, conversions, from strings to datetimes      279
Dates and time, conversions, interpreting two-digit years      288
Dates and time, conversions, not requiring exact match for format mask      288
Dates and time, conversions, padding output with FM (fill mode)      291
Dates and time, conversions, requiring exact match for format mask      287
Dates and time, conversions, time zones to character strings      290
Dates and time, conversions, working with time zones      284
Dates and time, date and timestamp literals      291
Dates and time, datetime datatypes      172 268
Dates and time, declaring datetime variables      270
Dates and time, formatting in localization efforts      1060—1064
Dates and time, getting current date and time      272
Dates and time, interval conversions      293—295
Dates and time, interval datatypes      274—278
Dates and time, interval literals      295
Dates and time, literals in PL/SQL      70
Dates and time, time differences for a query      956
Dates and time, TIMESTAMP datatypes      1059
Dates and time, using CAST function with      297
Dates and time, using EXTRACT function with      299
DBA_* views      711
DBD::Oracle module      49
dbFit testing framework      752
DBI (DataBase Interface) module (Perl)      49
DBMSJJTILITY package, FORMAT_CALL_STACK function      141
DBMSJJTILITY package, FORMAT_ERROR_BACKTRACE function      141—143
DBMSJJTILITY package, FORMAT_ERROR_STACK function      140
DBMSJJTILITY package, functions to calculate elapsed time      788
DBMSJJTILITY package, RECOMPILE_SCHEMA procedure      734
DBMS_ALERT package      914
DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO package      759
DBMS_ASSERT package      1016
DBMS_ASSERT package, using to validate user inputs      542
DBMS_CRYPTO package      925
DBMS_CRYPTO package, algorithm constants      925
DBMS_CRYPTO package, DECRYPT function      930
DBMS_CRYPTO package, ENCRYPT function      926
DBMS_CRYPTO package, ENCRYPT procedure      930
DBMS_CRYPTO package, HASH function      939
DBMS_CRYPTO package, MAC function      940
DBMS_CRYPTO package, padding and chaining constants      926
DBMS_CRYPTO package, RANDOMBYTES function      932
DBMS_DB_VERSION package      1001
DBMS_DDL package      775
DBMS_DESCRIBE package, information about arguments      719
DBMS_FGA package      972
DBMS_FGA package, ADD_POLICY procedure      974
DBMS_HPROF package      16 784 785
DBMS_LOB package      173
DBMS_LOB package, CREATETEMPORARY procedure      418
DBMS_LOB package, FREETEMPORARY procedure      419
DBMS_LOB package, GET_LENGTH procedure      410
DBMS_LOB package, LOADBLOBFROMFILE package      413
DBMS_LOB package, LOADCLOBFROMFILE procedure      413
DBMS_LOB package, predefined exceptions in      132
DBMS_LOB package, READ procedure      409
DBMS_LOB package, WRITE and WRITEAPPEND procedures      407—409
DBMS_OUTPUT package, CASE expression used with      96
DBMS_OUTPUT package, enabling      874
DBMS_OUTPUT package, PUT_LINE function, overloading      598
DBMS_OUTPUT package, reading buffer contents      875
DBMS_OUTPUT package, writing lines to the buffer      874
DBMS_PIPE package      634
DBMS_PIPE package, calls, CPU load and      108
DBMS_PREPROCESSOR package      1008
DBMS_PROFILER package      783
DBMS_RESULT_CACHE package      816
DBMS_RESUMABLE package, ABORT procedure      702
DBMS_RESUMABLE package, functions and procedures for timeout values      703
DBMS_RLS package      945
DBMS_RLS package, ADD_POLICY function      949
DBMS_RLS package, ADD_POLICY function, policy_type parameter      955
DBMS_RLS package, ADD_POLICY function, sec_relevant_cols parameter      958
DBMS_RLS package, ADD_POLICY function, sec_relevant_cols_opt parameter      959
DBMS_RLS package, ADD_POLICY function, statement_type parameter      951
DBMS_RLS package, ADD_POLICY function, static_policy parameter      954
DBMS_RLS package, ADD_POLICY function, update_check parameter      952
DBMS_RLS package, DROP_POLICY function      951
DBMS_SESSION package, clearing out memory used by packaged collection      1020
DBMS_SESSION package, SET_CONTEXT function      966
DBMS_SQL package, DEFINE_COLUMN function, overloading by type      597
DBMS_SQL package, dynamic SQL      514
DBMS_SQL package, new features in Oracle Database 11g      554—562
DBMS_SQL package, new features in Oracle Database 11g, enhanced security      558—562
DBMS_SQL package, new features in Oracle Database 11g, TO_CURSOR function      556
DBMS_SQL package, new features in Oracle Database 11g, TO_REFCURSOR function      554
DBMS_SQL package, when to use      543—554
DBMS_SQL package, when to use, meeting method 4 dynamic SQL requirements      546—552
DBMS_SQL package, when to use, minimizing parsing of dynamic cursors      553
DBMS_SQL package, when to use, obtaining information about query columns      544
DBMS_SQL package, when to use, parsing very long strings      543
DBMS_STANDARD package      987
DBMS_STANDARD package, DDL event and attribute functions      676
DBMS_STANDARD package, functions for error stack information      686
DBMS_TRACE package      763—766
DBMS_TYPES package      1102
DBMS_WARNING package      738
DBTIMEZONE function      273
DBURITYPE datatype      430
DB_ROLE_CHANGE triggers      683
DDL (Data Definition Language)      515
DDL (Data Definition Language), invalid DDL operation in system triggers      699
DDL (Data Definition Language), stored procedure to execute DDL statements      516
DDL (Data Definition Language), triggers      673—683
DDL (Data Definition Language), triggers, available attributes      676
DDL (Data Definition Language), triggers, available events      676
DDL (Data Definition Language), triggers, creating      673
DDL (Data Definition Language), triggers, dropping undroppable triggers      681
DDL (Data Definition Language), triggers, INSTEAD OF CREATE      682
DDL (Data Definition Language), triggers, working with events and triggers      678—681
Deadline pressures on developers, resisting      20
Deadlock      456
DEBUG privilege (for object types)      1129
Debugging      766—774
Debugging, row-level security (RLS)      961
Debugging, tips and strategies for, analyzing instead of trying      771
Debugging, tips and strategies for, changing and testing single code area      773
Debugging, tips and strategies for, gathering data      770
Debugging, tips and strategies for, remaining logical      770
Debugging, tips and strategies for, taking breaks and asking for help      772
Debugging, tips and strategies for, using source code debugger      769
Debugging, tracing versus      757
Debugging, wrong way to debug      767
Debugging, wrong way to debug, disorganized debugging      767
Debugging, wrong way to debug, traditional debugging      768
DEC datatype      247
decimal datatype      247
Declaration section      54
Declarations      175—182
Declarations, anchored      177
Declarations, anchored, benefits of      180
Declarations, anchoring to cursors and tables      179
Declarations, anchoring to NOT NULL datatypes      181
Declarations, constants      176
Declarations, constrained and unconstrained      580
Declarations, forward      601
Declarations, NOT NULL clause      177
Declarations, termination with semicolon (;)      74
declarations, variables      175
Declarations, variables, NOT NULL clause      177
DECOMPOSE function      223 1041
Decrypting data      930
Dedicated server      1010
DEFAULT operator, setting default values for variables      176
DEFINE command (SQL*Plus)      32
Definer rights model      990—995
Definer rights model, advantages of      992
Definer rights model, combining with invoker rights      997
Definer rights model, defined      990
Definer rights model, disadvantages of      992
Definer rights model, dynamic SQL and      994
Delete procedure      341 343
DELETE statements      441 443
DELETE statements, as loops      122
DELETE statements, continuing past errors      149
DELETE statements, WHERE CURRENT OF clause      495
DELETE triggers, INSTEAD OF DELETE      695
DELETING clause in DML triggers      661
DELETING function      659
Deliberate exceptions      154
Deliberate exceptions, guidelines for handling      156
Denormalization, virtual      1122
Dense collections      330
Dependencies      721—730
Dependencies, analyzing using data dictionary views      722
Dependencies, fine-grained (Oracle Database 11g)      16 726
Dependencies, invalidation of dependents through recompilation      735
Dependencies, Oracle's basic dependency principle      721
Dependencies, remote      727
Dependencies, USER_DEPENDENCIES view      711
DEPTREE view      725
DEPTREE_FILL procedure      725
DES (Data Encryption Standard)      924
DES3 (Triple DES)      924
DESCRIBE command (SQLTlus)      42
Design, planning before coding      20
DETERMINISTIC clause      572
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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