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Feuerstein S., Pribyl B. — Oracle PL-SQL programming
Feuerstein S., Pribyl B. — Oracle PL-SQL programming

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Название: Oracle PL-SQL programming

Авторы: Feuerstein S., Pribyl B.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Computer science/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 5-th edition

Год издания: 2009

Количество страниц: 1299

Добавлена в каталог: 29.06.2014

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Transactions, autonomous, rules and restrictions for      456
Transactions, autonomous, visibility of      457
Transactions, autonomous, when to use      458
Transactions, COMMIT statement      451
transactions, defined      450
Transactions, exiting SQL*Plus before completion of      34
Transactions, integrity of      5
Transactions, LOCK TABLE statement      454
Transactions, participation of DML triggers      654
Transactions, PL/SQL statements for transaction management      450
Transactions, ROLLBACK statement      452
Transactions, SAVEPOINT statement      452
Transactions, SET TRANSACTION statement      453
Transformative functions      512
Transient types      1105
TRANSLATE function      228
Transparent Data Encryption (TDE)      417 942
Transparent Tablespace Encryption (TTE)      944
TREAT function      1091
Triggers      651—708
Triggers, AFTER SUSPEND      697—704
Triggers, checking validity of      708
Triggers, compound      670—673
Triggers, creating disabled triggers      706
Triggers, database event      683—690
Triggers, DDL      673—683
triggers, defined      567
Triggers, disabling, enabling, and dropping      705
Triggers, DML      652
Triggers, DML, creating      655—660
Triggers, DML, example      660—665
Triggers, DML, multiple triggers of same type      665
Triggers, DML, mutating table errors      668
Triggers, DML, order of firing      666
Triggers, enhancements in Oracle Database 11g      15
Triggers, events with trigger code attached      651
Triggers, INSTEAD OF      690—697
Triggers, pseudo-records      326
Triggers, USER_TRIGGERS and USER_TRIG_COLUMNS views      712
Triggers, USER_TRIGGERS and USER_TRIG_COLUMNS views, analyzing and modifying triggers      716
Triggers, uses of      651
Triggers, viewing      706
Trigonometric functions      261
Trim function      206 229
TRIM procedure      341 349
trimming strings      206
Triple DES (DES3)      924
TRUE values      172
TRUNC function      260
TRUNC function with MONTHS_BETWEEN function      304
TRUNC function, using with dates and times      285
Type evolution      1093
Type hierarchies, object types      1076
Type hierarchies, REFs and      1101
TYPE statements, declaring programmer-defined records      315
TYPE...RECORD statements      314
UGA (User Global Area)      1010
Unbounded collections      330
Unconstrained declarations      580
Unconstrained subtypes      182
UNDER privilege (for objct types)      1129
unexpected exceptions      154
Unexpected exceptions, exception handling for      155
Unexpected exceptions, guidelines for handling      156
Unfortunate exceptions      154
Unfortunate exceptions, exception handling for      155
Unfortunate exceptions, guidelines for handling      156
unhandled exceptions      127 145
Unhandled exceptions, propagation of      145
Unhandled exceptions, propagation of, examples      147
Unhandled exceptions, propagation of, losing exception information      146
Unicode      1034—1045
Unicode, character encoding      1036
Unicode, defined      1034
Unicode, globalization support (NLS) parameters      1037
Unicode, national character set datatypes      1036
Unicode, PL/SQL functions for      1038—1045
Unicode, support in your environment      1037
Unicode, Unicode Standard web site      1036
Unicode, UTF-8 character set      192
UNISTR function      230 1045
Units (compilation)      1003
Unix, ed editor      35
Unix, killing a process      107
Unix, opening files, specifying locations for      878
Unix, retrieving SSL-encrypted web page via HTTPS      908
UNKNOWN values, NULL versus      91
Unnamed (anonymous) exceptions      127
Unreachable code, compile-time warning about      744
UPDATE statements      441 442
UPDATE statements, record-based      449
UPDATE statements, record-based, restrictions on      450
UPDATE statements, using in dynamic SQL      524
UPDATE statements, using records      447
UPDATE statements, using RETURNING clause      445
UPDATE statements, WHERE CURRENT OF clause      495
UPDATE triggers, INSTEAD OF UPDATE      694
UPDATING clause in DML triggers      661
UPDATING function      659
Upper function      199 230
URI types      430
URIs (universal resource identifiers)      174
URITYPE datatype      174
UROWID datatype      173 397
US7ASCII character set      64
USER function      801
User Global Area (UGA)      1010
User-defined datatypes      169 175
User-defined datatypes, collection      350
User-defined functions, calling from within SQL, read consistency and      604
User-defined functions, calling from within SQL, restrictions on      603
USER_* views      711
USER_ARGUMENTS view      711
USER_DEPENDENCIES view      711 723
USER_DUMP_DEST initialization parameter      961
USER_ERRORS view      40 711
USER_IDENTIFIERS view      711 719
USER_OBJECTS view      711
USER_OBJECTS view, information about stored objects      712
USER_OBJECTS view, showing stored programs in      42
USER_OBJECT_SIZE view      712 715
USER_PLSQL_OBJECT_SETTINGS view      712 715 1002 1007
USER_PROCEDURES view      712 716
USER_SOURCE view      712 713
USER_TAB_PRIVS_MADE view      43
USER_TRIGGERS view      712 716
USER_TRIG_COLUMNS view      712 716
USING clause, association of placeholders with bind arguments      527
USING clause, EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement      515
USING clause, OPEN FOR statements      522
USSR_ARGUMENTS view      717
UTC (Coordinated Universal Time)      268 270
UTC (Coordinated Universal Time), time zone information      290
UTL_ENCODE package      900
UTL_FILE package      877—891
UTL_FILE package, closing files with FCLOSE and FCLOSE_ALL procedures      882
UTL_FILE package, copying files with FCOPY procedure      888
UTL_FILE package, DELETE_FAILED exception      163
UTL_FILE package, deleting files with FREMOVE procedure      889
UTL_FILE package, error codes for exceptions      163
UTL_FILE package, INVALID_OPERATION exception      163
UTL_FILE package, IS_OPEN function      882
UTL_FILE package, opening files with FOPEN function      880
UTL_FILE package, opening files with FOPEN function, specifying locations      878
UTL_FILE package, reading from files with GET_LINE procedure      883 890
UTL_FILE package, renaming and moving files with FRENAME procedure      890
UTL_FILE package, retrieving file attributes with FGETATTR procedure      890
UTL_FILE package, UTL_FILE_DIR parameter      877
UTL_FILE package, UTL_FILE_DIR parameter, setting up directories      878
UTL_FILE package, working with Oracle directories      879
UTL_FILE package, writing formatted text to file with PUTF procedure      887
UTL_FILE package, writing to files, procedures for      885
UTL_HTTP package      903—913
UTL_HTTP package, authentication using HTTP username and password      906
UTL_HTTP package, cookies, disabling or making persistent      912
UTL_HTTP package, end_of_body exception      904
UTL_HTTP package, fetching a LOB      905
UTL_HTTP package, proxy servers      913
UTL_HTTP package, READ_LINE procedure      904
UTL_HTTP package, READ_TEXT procedure      904
UTL_HTTP package, retrieving SSL-encrypted web page via HTTPS      907
UTL_I18N package, listing of programs in      1066
UTL_I18N package, STRING_TO_RAW function      927 929
UTL_LMS package      1069
UTL_MAIL package, SEND procedure      892
UTL_MAIL package, SEND procedure, friendly names in addresses      896
UTL_MAIL package, SEND_ATTACH_RAW procedure      900
UTL_MAIL package, SEND_ATTACH_VARCHAR2 procedure      899
UTL_MAIL package, setting up and using      893
UTL_RAW package, CAST_TO_VARCHAR2 function      412
UTL_RECOMP package      734
UTL_REF package      1099
UTL_SMTP package      893
UTL_SMTP package, sending plaintext method of arbitrary length      897
UTL_URL.ESCAPE function      909
utPLSQL testing framework      752
utPLSQL testing framework, testing with      753—755
V number format element      253
V$TEMPORARY_LOBS view      421
V$TIMEZONE_NAMES view      286
Validation of user input, using DBMS_ASSERT package      542
Validity of triggers, checking      708
Value function      1089
VALUES OF clause (FORALL statement)      829 836
VALUES OF clause (FORALL statement), example      837
VALUE_ERROR exception      177 180
VARCHAR2 datatype      170 192
VARCHAR2 datatype, assigning zero-length string to      71
VARCHAR2 datatype, casting RAW type to      412
VARCHAR2 datatype, converting binary value of type ROWID to      190
VARCHAR2 datatype, converting hexadecimal string to type RAW      190
VARCHAR2 datatype, converting to RAW, using UTL_I18N.STRING_TO_RAW function      927
VARCHAR2 datatype, converting type RAW to hexadecimal string of      190
VARCHAR2 datatype, empty strings and      219
VARCHAR2 datatype, mixing with CHAR values      219—222
VARCHAR2 datatype, sending file as email attachment      899
VARCHAR2 datatype, using CLOBs interchangeably with      421
Variable attribute notation      1089
Variables      167
Variables, binding      525—529
variables, declaring      175
Variables, declaring datetime variables      270
Variables, declaring INTERVAL variables      275
Variables, declaring, default values, NOT NULL clause      177
Variables, name conflicts in      740
variables, naming      167
Variables, qualifying references to      59
Variables, remote invocation and      730
variables, scope      58
Variables, SQL*Plus, declared and bind variables      32
VARRAYs      331
VARRAYs, accessing data in      364
VARRAYs, bounded collections      330
VARRAYs, changing characteristics of      354
VARRAYs, collection using      333
VARRAYs, comparison to other collection types      340
VARRAYs, database-to-PL/SQL integration      358
VARRAYs, declaring and initializing collection variables of type      355
VARRAYs, declaring VARRAY collection type      353
VARRAYs, using as column datatype      339
Versions of installed database      1001
Versions, Oracle database and PL/SQL      xxxiv 11
Virtual columns      484
Virtual denornalization      1122
Virtual Private Database (VPD)      946 963
Virtual Private Database (VPD), function result caching and      816—819
Visibility of variables      61—64
Visibility of variables, identifier names qualified with module names      62
Visibility of variables, qualified identifiers      62
Visibility of variables, visible identifiers      61
Wallets      907
Wallets, TDE master key storage      943
Warnings about performance      793
Warnings, compile-time      735—746
WE8MSWIN1252 character set      189
Weak type      499
web site for this book      xxxvii
Web site for this book, DML trigger scripts      654
Web site for this book, packages available on      648
Web sites for PL/SQL      18
WHEN clauses in DML triggers      654 656
WHEN clauses in DML triggers, applying (example)      663
WHEN clauses in triggers, getting information about      716
WHEN clauses, CASE expressions and      97
WHEN clauses, evaluation in searched CASE statements      93
WHEN clauses, exceptions named in      139
WHEN clauses, simple CASE statements and      92
WHEN OTHERS clause      139 150
WHERE clause, DELETE statement      443
WHERE clause, UPDATE statement      442
WHERE CURRENT OF clause      495
while loops      103 108
WHILE loops, exiting properly      120
Whitespace, dealing with spaces in number to character string conversions      255
Whitespace, keywords and      69
Whitespace, not allowed in identifiers      66
Wildcards, % (percent sign), used in LIKE condition      65
Wildcards, _ (underscore) in LIKE condition      65
Windows systems, carriage return and new line characters      197
Windows systems, killing a process      107
Windows systems, Notepad editor      35
Windows systems, opening files, specifying locations for      878
Windows systems, retrieving SSL-encrypted web page via HTTPS      907
WORK keyword      451
Wrap utility      44
WRAPPED keyword      777
Wrapping code      774
Wrapping code, guidelines for wrapped code      776
Wrapping code, restrictions and limitations      774
Wrapping code, using DBMS_DDL package      775
Wrapping code, using wrap executable      775
WRITE and WRITEAPPEND procedures (DBMS_LOB)      407—409
XDBURITYPE datatype      430
XML DB Developer's Guide for Oracle Database 11g Release 2      429
XML Type      174 426—429
XML Type, CreateXML method      427
XML Type, documentation      429
XML Type, existsNode method      428
XML Type, indexing columns      429
XML Type, using INSERT statements to create XML documents      427
XQuery language      427
zero-length strings      71
[ ] (square brackets) in syntax descriptions      xxxiv
^ (caret), ^= (not equal) operator      65 259
_ (underscore) in identifiers      66
_ (underscore), single-character wildcard in LIKE condition      65
_EDITOR variable (SQL*Plus)      35
{ } curly braces in syntax descriptions      xxxiv
| (vertical bar) in code examples      xxxiv
| (vertical bar), as string literal delimiter      73
| (vertical bar), || (concatenation) operator      65 198
~ (tilde), ~= (not equal) operator      65 259
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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