Deterministic functions 615
Deterministic functions, caching 805
Deterministic functions, caching using function result cache 810
Development in PL/SQL, advice for 19
Development in PL/SQL, advice for, asking for help 21
Development in PL/SQL, advice for, planning and design before coding 20
Development in PL/SQL, advice for, taking creative approach 22
DIANA (Distributed Intermediate Annotated Notation for Ada) 981
Direct path operations 962
Directories, current directory for SQL*Plus 31
Directories, setting up using UTL_FILE 878
Directories, working with Oracle directories 879
DISABLE keyword 706
DISCONNECT command (SQLTlus) 34
DML (data manipulation language) 439—450
DML (Data Manipulation Language), cursor attributes for DML operations 444
DML (Data Manipulation Language), DELETE statement 443
DML (Data Manipulation Language), DML statements in SQL 441
DML (Data Manipulation Language), encapsulation on object views 1124
DML (Data Manipulation Language), exception handling and 446
DML (Data Manipulation Language), high speed statement execution using FORALL 828—838
DML (Data Manipulation Language), INSERT statement 441
DML (Data Manipulation Language), MERGE statement 443
DML (Data Manipulation Language), order of firing 666
DML (Data Manipulation Language), records and 447
DML (Data Manipulation Language), RETURNING clause, retrieving information from DML statements 445
DML (Data Manipulation Language), triggers 652
DML (Data Manipulation Language), triggers, compound 670—673
DML (Data Manipulation Language), triggers, concepts and associated terminology 653
DML (Data Manipulation Language), triggers, creating 655—660
DML (Data Manipulation Language), triggers, example 660—665
DML (Data Manipulation Language), triggers, multiple triggers of same type 665
DML (Data Manipulation Language), triggers, mutating table errors 668
DML (Data Manipulation Language), triggers, participation in transactions 654
DML (Data Manipulation Language), triggers, scripts 654
DML (Data Manipulation Language), UPDATE statement 442
DML privileges for object types 1130
downcasting 1091
DROP statements, dropping stored programs 44
DROP TRIGGER command 673 681 705
DROP TYPE statements 1095
Duplicates, handling in nested tables 392
Duplicates, SecureFiles deduplication option 416
Dynamic PL/SQL 513 531—535
Dynamic PL/SQL, replacing repetitive code with dynamic block 534
Dynamic sampling 855
dynamic SQL 465 513 514 see
Dynamic SQL, defined 464
Dynamic SQL, definer rights and 994
Dynamic SQL, enhancements in Oracle Database 11g 14
Dynamic SQL, invoker rights for 996
Dynamic SQL, methods 523
Dynamic SQL, new features in Oracle Database 11g 554—562
Dynamic SQL, when to use DBMS_SQL 543—554
Dynamically typed programming languages 170
Echoing content of scripts in SQL*Plus 39
Ed editor (Unix/Linux) 35
EDIT command (SQL*Plus) 34
Edition-based redefinition 12 710 777—780
Editors for source code 24
Editors, default external editors assumed by Oracle 35
Editors, SQL*Plus line editor 35
Element and index value (collections) 329
ELSE clauses, IF-THEN-ELSE statements 84
ELSE clauses, using to prevent errors in simple CASE statements 92
ELSIF keyword 87
ELSIF keyword, common syntax errors with 86
email, sending 891—902
Email, sending, attaching file of arbitrary size 900
Email, sending, configuring network security 893
Email, sending, including friendly names in addresses 896
Email, sending, message with short attachment 898
Email, sending, Oracle prerequisites for 893
Email, sending, plaintext message of arbitrary length 897
Email, sending, short plaintext message 894
Email, sending, small file as attachment 900
Embedded languages 23
Empty LOBs 405
empty strings 218
Encapsulation 460
Encapsulation of DML on object views 1124
Encapsulation, data encapsulation in packages 642—645
Encapsulation, single-row queries behind function interface 471
Enclosed blocks 57
Encryption 921—945
encryption, algorithms 923
Encryption, DBMS_CRYPTO package 925
Encryption, decrypting data 930
Encryption, encrypting data 926—929
Encryption, encrypting LOBs 930
Encryption, key generation 932
Encryption, key length 922
Encryption, key management 933—938
Encryption, padding and chaining 925
Encryption, SecureFiles 417
Encryption, SSL-encrypted web page 907
Encryption, TDE (Transparent Data Encryption) 942
Encryption, TTE (Transparent Tablespace Encryption) 944
Encryption, wrapping versus 774
END IF keywords, avoiding syntax errors in IF statements 86
END IF keywords, line breaks and 83
End If statements 82
END label for functions 575
END label for packages 625
END label for procedures 570
END LOOP statement 102
Equality, comparing records for 325
Equality, comparison of collection types for 340
Equality, object type comparisons for 1083 1111
Equality, object type comparisons for, MAP method and 1112
Equality, object type comparisons for, ORDER method 1113
Equality, testing nested tables for 389
Error codes, application specific, organizing use of 157
Error codes, associating exception names with 129—132
Error codes, set aside for users versus in built-in packages 137
Error directives 999
Error messages, retrieving and formatting with UTL_LMS 1069
Error messages, returning for error codes 140
Errors, anticipating and handling in NDS 536
Errors, date conversions 281
Errors, handling in SQLTlus 36
Errors, handling with implicit cursors 473
Errors, interpreting RLS errors 961
Errors, logging errors occurring during transaction processing 459
Errors, mutating table errors 668
Errors, ORA_SPACE_ERROR_INFO function 701
Errors, raising and handling 9
Errors, SERVERERROR database event trigger 686—690
Errors, showing error messages in SQL*Pus 40
Errors, treatment as exceptions in PL/SQL 125
Event-driven model for error processing 126
Evolution, object types 1093
EXCEPTION datatype 152 159
Exception handling 125—164
Exception handling, building effective error management architecture 152
Exception handling, building effective error management architecture, deciding on strategy 153
Exception handling, building effective error management architecture, standard templates for common error handling 162
Exception handling, building effective error management architecture, standardizing for different types of exceptions 154
Exception handling, building effective error management architecture, use of application-specific error codes 157
Exception handling, building effective error management architecture, using standardized programs 158
Exception handling, building effective error management architecture, writing your own exception objects 159
Exception handling, built-in error functions 139—144
Exception handling, combining multiple exceptions in single handler 144
Exception handling, concepts and terminology 125
Exception handling, continuing past exceptions 148
Exception handling, defining exception handlers 138
Exception handling, defining exceptions 128—135
Exception handling, DML and 446
| Exception handling, handling exceptions 138—152
Exception handling, making most of PL/SQL error management 164
Exception handling, propagation of unhandled exceptions 145
Exception handling, propagation of unhandled exceptions, losing exception information 146
Exception handling, raising exceptions 135—138
Exception handling, unhandled exceptions 145
Exception handling, writing WHEN OTHERS handling code 150
EXCEPTION keyword 138
Exception section 54
Exception section, exception handlers in 138
Exceptions 10 125
Exceptions, continuing past in FORALL statements 833
Exceptions, OTHERS handler not executing RAISE 746
Exceptions, remote invocation and 730
Exceptions, system and programmer-defined 126
EXCEPTION_INIT pragma 76 127 130—132
EXCEPTION_INIT pragma, associating exception names with error codes 130
EXCEPTION_INIT pragma, recommended uses of 131
EXECUTE command (SQL*Plus) 29 41
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statements 514—517
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statements, length of strings executed 543
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statements, using in dynamic SQL 523
EXECUTE privileges for object types 1129
EXECUTE privileges in SQL*Plus 43
EXECUTE privileges, RLS policies and 951
Execution authority models 990—998
Execution authority models, combining 997
Execution authority models, definer rights 990—995
Execution authority models, invoker rights 995—997
Execution authority, improvements in 5
Execution section 54
exists function 341 345
EXISTSNODE function 428
EXIT command (SQLTlus) 34
EXIT statements, label as target for 78
EXIT statements, loop label after 116
EXIT statements, terminating simple loops 105
EXIT statements, using properly with loops 120
EXIT WHEN statements 105
Explicit cursors, attributes 487
Explicit cursors, choosing between implicit cursors and 471
Explicit cursors, closing 486
Explicit cursors, column aliases in 484
Explicit cursors, declaring 479—482
Explicit cursors, defined 465
Explicit cursors, fetching from 483
Explicit cursors, opening 482
Explicit cursors, parameters 489—492
Exponentiation operator (**) 65 259
EXTEND procedure 341 345
Extent settings 704
External LOBs 401
External procedures 986 1026 see
EXTRACT function, conversions of intervals to character strings 295
EXTRACT function, listing of datetime component names used with 299
EXTRACT function, using with date and time values 299
F, denoting binary (32-bit) floating-point literals 73
false values 172
FETCH statements, cursor variables used in, rowtype matching rules 505
FETCH statements, fetching from cursor variables 498 501
FETCH statements, fetching from explicit cursors 483
FETCH statements, fetching into variables or records 520
FETCH statements, initializing collections implicitly via 357
FETCH statements, using BULK COLLECT with LIMIT clause 824
Feuerstein, Steven, PL/SQL portal 18
FF format element 283
Fine-grained access control (FGAC) 946
Fine-grained auditing (FGA) 920 972—980
Fine-grained auditing (FGA), checking the audit trail 977
Fine-grained auditing (FGA), number of columns to access 976
Fine-grained auditing (FGA), reasons to learn FGA 973
Fine-grained auditing (FGA), simple example 974
Fine-grained auditing (FGA), using bind variables 978
Fine-grained auditing (FGA), using handler modules 980
Firefox browser, setting Unicode character encoding 1037
FIRST and LAST functions 341 346
float datatype 247
Floating-point datatypes 171 232 241—246
Floating-point datatypes, BINARY_FLOAT and BINARY_DOUBLE 241—245
Floating-point datatypes, floating-point arithmetic with 871
Floating-point datatypes, mixing in comparisons 242
Floating-point datatypes, mixing, Oracle order of precedence on implicit conversions 245
Floating-point datatypes, SIMPLE_FLOAT and SIMPLE_DOUBLE 246
floating-point literals 73
Floor function 260
FM (fill mode) element 282 288
FM (fill mode) element, padding output in datetime conversions 291
FOLLOWS clause 667 672
for loops 102
FOR loops, cursor FOR loop 112—115
FOR loops, exiting properly 120
FOR loops, numeric FOR loop 109—112
FOR loops, numeric FOR loop, examples of 111
FOR loops, numeric FOR loop, nontrivial increments 112
FOR loops, numeric FOR loop, rules for 110
FOR loops, obtaining information about execution 121
FORALL statements 820 828—838
FORALL statements, cursor attributes for 831
FORALL statements, examples of 830
FORALL statements, INDICES OF clause 829 836
FORALL statements, nonsequential arrays with 835
FORALL statements, returning information into a collection using BULK COLLECT syntax 446
FORALL statements, ROLLBACK behavior with 833
FORALL statements, rules for use 829
FORALL statements, SAVE EXCEPTIONS clause 833
FORALL statements, syntax 828
FORALL statements, using BULK COLLECT and RETURNING clause 826
FORALL statements, VALUES OF clause 829 837
FORCE keyword 354
FORCE option, CREATE TYPE statements 13
Formal parameters 581
Formal parameters, association with actual parameters 585—589
FORMAT_STRlNG function 1058
forward declarations 601
Fractional seconds, FF format element 283
Fractional values in date arithmetic 302
FREMOVE utility 163
FROM clauses, table functions in 386 541 605—615
FROM clauses, table functions in, calling function 605
FTP server, retrieving data from 913
Function result cache (Oracle Database 11g) 13 807—819
Function result cache (Oracle Database 11g), example caching a collection 813
Function result cache (Oracle Database 11g), example querying data from table 811
Function result cache (Oracle Database 11g), example using deterministic function 810
Function result cache (Oracle Database 11g), how to use 808
Function result cache (Oracle Database 11g), managing 815
Function result cache (Oracle Database 11g), RELIES_ON clause 809
Function result cache (Oracle Database 11g), Virtual Private Database (VPD) and 816—819
Function result cache (Oracle Database 11g), when not to use 814
Function result cache (Oracle Database 11g), when to use 814
Functions 571—579
Functions, body of 577
Functions, built-in error functions 139—144
functions, calling 575
Functions, calling from within SQL 602
Functions, collection as datatype of return value 337
Functions, conversion functions, built-in 185—190
Functions, converting strings to dates and timestamps 279
Functions, creating in SQL*Plus 38
Functions, date/time 308
Functions, datetime, built-in 309
Functions, DDL trigger event and attribute 676
Functions, declared in package specification 625
functions, defined 567
Functions, determining DML action within a trigger 659
Functions, deterministic 615
Functions, END label 575
Functions, error stack generated when exception is raised 686
Functions, forward declaration 601
Functions, getting current date and time 272