NVARCHAR2 datatype 170 191 1036
NVL2 function 197
object identifiers (OIDs) 1087 1119
Object identifiers (OIDs), primary-key-based 1088
Object identifiers (OIDs), REFs to nonunique OIDs 1127
Object identifiers (OIDs), system-generated 1088
Object identifiers (OIDs), uniqueness 1126
Object tables 1110
Object tables, object views versus 1125
Object tables, views 1128
object types 567 1076—1114
Object types, ANY types 431—435 1102—1106
Object types, comparing objects 1110
Object types, comparing objects, additional recommendations 1114
Object types, comparing objects, attribute-level comparison 1112
Object types, comparing objects, MAP method 1112
Object types, comparing objects, ORDER method 1113
Object types, creating base type 1076
Object types, creating self-sufficient type 1106—1110
Object types, evolution and creation 1093
Object types, invoking sypertype methods from subtype 1084
Object types, maintaining object types and object views 1127
Object types, methods 1079
Object types, object views 1115—1127
Object types, packages and 650
Object types, predefined 426
Object types, privileges 1128
Object types, REFs (object references) 1095—1102
Object types, storing, retrieving, and using persistent objects 1085
Object types, URI types 430
Object types, XMLType 426—430
Object views 1115—1127
Object views with collection attribute 1118
Object views with inverse relationship 1122
Object views, example relational system 1117
Object views, INSTEAD OF triggers 1123
Object views, maintaining 1127
Object views, object subview 1121
Object views, object tables versus 1125
Object-Oriented Programming 1073—1132
Object-oriented programming, concluding thoughts on 1130
Object-oriented programming, Oracle's object features 1074
Object-oriented programming, Oracle's object features, best situations for use 1131
objects, collections of 373
Objects, stored, displaying information about 712
Objects, viewing all objects you have defined 778
Objects, working with using NDS 529—531
OBJECT_VALUE pseudo-column 1111
OCI (Oracle Call Interface) 47
OCI (Oracle Call Interface), creation of temporary LOBs 418
OCI (Oracle Call Interface), support for REFs 1100
ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) 46
OIDs see "Object identifiers"
OLD pseudo-records 326 654
OLD pseudo-records, working with, in DML triggers 658
One-dimensional or single-dimensional 329
ONLY keyword 1092
Open Directory Project 19
OPEN FOR statements 517—523
OPEN FOR statements, fetching into variables or records 520
OPEN FOR statements, method 4 dynamic SQL 524
OPEN FOR statements, USING clause 522
OPEN statements, opening cursor variables 500
OPEN statements, opening explicit cursors 482
OPEN_CURSORS initialization parameter 1012
Operating systems, starting up SQL*Plus 26
Operating systems, terminating intentionally infinite loop 107
Operating systems, time values from 273
Operational directives 659
Optimizing compiler 794—799
Optimizing compiler, how optimizer works 795
Optimizing compiler, runtime optimization of fetch loops 798
OR operator, combining multiple exceptions in single handler 144
OR operator, short-circuit evaluation in IF statements 89
Oracle Advanced Queuing (AQ) 178 634
Oracle Application Express (Oracle APEX) 915
Oracle Call Interface see "OCI"
Oracle Database 11g 11 12—16
Oracle Database 11g Release 2, configuring network security 893
Oracle Database 11g Release 2, DBMS_DB_VERSION constants 1001
Oracle Database 11g Release 2, edition-based redefinition 12 710 777—780
Oracle Database 11g Release 2, FORCE option with CREATE TYPE 13
Oracle Database 11g, automatic subprogram inlining 15
Oracle Database 11g, compile-time warning, OTHERS handler not ending in RAISE 746
Oracle Database 11g, compound triggers 15 652 670—673
Oracle Database 11g, CONTINUE statement 13
Oracle Database 11g, creating disabled triggers 706
Oracle Database 11g, dynamic SQL enhancements 14 554—562
Oracle Database 11g, fine-grained dependency tracking 16 726
Oracle Database 11g, firing order of DML triggers, using FOLLOWS clause 667
Oracle Database 11g, function result cache 13 807—819
Oracle Database 11g, hierarchical profiler, DBMS_HPROF 16 784 785
Oracle Database 11g, native compilation 14 1028
Oracle Database 11g, PL/Scope 15 719—721
Oracle Database 11g, REGEXP_COUNT function 214
Oracle Database 11g, regular expressions, specifying which subexpression to return 213
Oracle Database 11g, SecureFiles 15
Oracle Database 11g, sequences in expressions 14
Oracle Database 11g, SIMPLE datatypes 14
Oracle Database 11g, SQL*Plus 25
Oracle Database 11g, supertype invocation from subtype 16 1084
Oracle Database 11g, Transparent Tablespace Encryption (TTE) 944
Oracle Database 11g, upgrade strategy for policy types 957
Oracle databases, native compilation and database release 1028
Oracle databases, version information in DBMS_DB_VERSION 1001
Oracle databases, versions xxxiv
Oracle databases, versions, and corresponding PL/SQL versions 11
Oracle Globalization Support Guide 280
Oracle Net 27
Oracle Technology Network web site 19 51
Oracle Text 425 1054
Oracle Text, indexes 1055
Oracle Wallet Manager utility 907
ORA_GRANTEE function 680
ORA_IS_ALTER_COLUMN function 679
ORA_SQL_TXT function 682
ORDER BY clause, international character sets and 1049
ORDER BY clause, using with CLUSTER BY in table functions 614
ORDER method 1111 1113
Out mode 492 583
OUT mode, bind arguments 526
Out-of-space errors 698
Outer table 330
Overloading, module 595—601
Overloading, module, benefits of 596
Overloading, module, benefits of, supporting many data combinations 598
Overloading, module, overloading with numeric types 600
Overloading, module, restrictions on 599
Package body see "Body of a package"
Package specification see "Specification"
Packaged constants, synchronizing code with 1006
Packages 617—650
Packages, advantages of using 617
Packages, available on book web site 648
Packages, body of 626
Packages, caching based on 800—805
Packages, caching based on, caching table contents 803
Packages, caching based on, just-in-time caching of table data 804
Packages, compound triggers and 670
Packages, concepts related to 621
Packages, creating with REF CURSOR type declaration 507
Packages, declaring explicit cursors in 480
Packages, default PL/SQL packages 987
packages, defined 567
Packages, demonstrating power of 618
Packages, dependencies, analyzing 722
Packages, improving memory use and performance by using 1018
| Packages, initializing 627—632
Packages, object types and 650
Packages, preservation of state of constants, cursors, and variables 1023
Packages, public and private elements, diagram of 623
Packages, records based on 324
Packages, rules for calling elements 632
Packages, specification 624
Packages, when to use 642
Packages, when to use, avoiding hardcoding of literals 645
Packages, when to use, caching static session data 649
Packages, when to use, encapsulating data access 642—645
Packages, when to use, grouping logically related functionality 648
Packages, when to use, improving usability of built-in features 647
Packages, working with package data 633—641
Packages, working with package data, cursors 635—639
Packages, working with package data, global public data 634
Packages, working with package data, global within Oracle session 634
Packages, working with package data, serializable packages 639—641
Padding (encryption) 925
Padding (encryption), DBMS_CRYPTO padding constants 926
Padding (encryption), PKCS#5 927
padding strings 204
Padding strings, string comparisons and 220
Parallel execution of table function 613
Parallel pipelined functions 844
Parallel pipelined functions, asynchronous data unloading with 848—851
Parallel pipelined functions, enabling execution 845
Parallel pipelined functions, performance implications of partitioning and streaming clauses 852
Parameters 579—590
Parameters, actual and formal 581
Parameters, actual and formal, association in PL/SQL 585—589
Parameters, considerations for 580
Parameters, cursor 489—492
Parameters, cursor variable arguments, setting mode 508
Parameters, default values 589
parameters, defining 580
Parameters, modes of 582
Parameters, modes of, IN mode 582
Parameters, modes of, IN OUT mode 584
Parameters, modes of, OUT mode 583
Parameters, NOCOPY parameter mode qualifier 589 739 741
Parameters, overloaded modules 599
Parameters, passing by reference and by value 867
Parent block 57
PARENT pseudo-records 697
PARTITION...BY clause 614
Partitioning with skewed data 853
Partitioning, parallel pipelined functions, performance and 852
Pattern matching see "Regular expressions"
Peer code review process 21
performance optimization 781—872
Performance optimization, analyzing memory usage 783
Performance optimization, avoiding infinite loops 792
Performance optimization, big picture on performance 871
Performance optimization, bulk processing for multirow SQL 820—838
Performance optimization, bulk processing for multirow SQL, DML using FORALL 828—838
Performance optimization, bulk processing for multirow SQL, querying with BULK COLLECT 821—828
Performance optimization, calculating elapsed time 788
Performance optimization, choosing fastest program 790
Performance optimization, data caching techniques 799—820
Performance optimization, data caching techniques, deterministic function caching 805
Performance optimization, data caching techniques, function result cache 807—819
Performance optimization, data caching techniques, package-based caching 800—805
Performance optimization, identifying bottlenecks in PL/SQL code 783
Performance optimization, identifying bottlenecks in PL/SQL code, using DBMS_HPROF 785
Performance optimization, identifying bottlenecks in PL/SQL code, using DBMS_PROFILER 784
Performance optimization, optimizing compiler 794—799
Performance optimization, specialized techniques 866—871
Performance optimization, specialized techniques, NOCOPY parameter mode hint 867—870
Performance optimization, specialized techniques, using right datatype 870
Performance optimization, using pipelined table functions 838—866
Performance optimization, warnings about performance 793
Performance, comple-time warnings about 737
Performance, impact of using SQL semantics 424
Performance, improving with ROWIDs 400
Performance, information returned by FGA 973
Performance, string-indexed collections 369
periods 274
Periods, designating periods of time 277
Perl, calling PL/SQL from 49
Perl, resources for information 50
Persistent LOBs 417
PGA (Program Global Area) 167 362 1010
PGA (Program Global Area), data caching in 799
PHP, calling PL/SQL from 50
PHP, resources for information 51
PIPELINED clause 572
Pipelined table functions 605 838—866
Pipelined table functions, cost-based optimizer and 853—859
Pipelined table functions, creating 611
Pipelined table functions, parallel, asynchronous data unloading with 848—851
Pipelined table functions, parallel, partitioning and streaming clauses, performance and 852
Pipelined table functions, replacing row-based inserts with loads from 839—846
Pipelined table functions, replacing row-based inserts with loads from, loading from pipelined function 842
Pipelined table functions, replacing row-based inserts with loads from, parallel pipelined functions 844
Pipelined table functions, replacing row-based inserts with loads from, pipelined function implementation 840
Pipelined table functions, replacing row-based inserts with loads from, tuning with array fetches 843
Pipelined table functions, summary of performance tuning use 866
Pipelined table functions, tuning complex data loads with 859—865
Pipelined table functions, tuning merge operations with 846—848
PKCS#5 (Public Key Cryptography Standard#5) 925 927
PL/Net.org 19
PL/Scope 15 719—721
PL/SQL xxvii
PL/SQL Developer IDE 45
PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference 987
PL/SQL Virtual Machine (PVM) 983
PL/SQL, advice for developers 19
PL/SQL, application construction, code management 709—780
PL/SQL, application construction, modular programming 590—616
PL/SQL, application construction, optimizing performance 781—872
PL/SQL, application construction, packages 617—650
PL/SQL, application construction, PL/SQL, I/O 873—915
PL/SQL, application construction, procedures, functions, and parameters 565—590
PL/SQL, application construction, triggers 651—708
PL/SQL, architecture 981—1030
PL/SQL, block structure 53—64
PL/SQL, calling from C language 47
PL/SQL, calling from Java 48
PL/SQL, calling from other languages 46
PL/SQL, calling from Perl 49
PL/SQL, calling from PHP 50
PL/SQL, character set 64
PL/SQL, comments 75
PL/SQL, control and conditional logic 8
PL/SQL, creating and running code 23—52
PL/SQL, defining characteristics 3
PL/SQL, ease of learning 7
PL/SQL, errors, raising and handling 9
PL/SQL, globalization and localization 1031—1072
PL/SQL, identifiers 66—70
PL/SQL, integration with SQL 7
PL/SQL, literals 70—74
PL/SQL, object-oriented aspects 1073—1132
PL/SQL, online resources 18
PL/SQL, origins and brief history of 4
PL/SQL, other languages or environments to use it from 52
PL/SQL, procedural language capabilities xxvii
PL/SQL, program data, collections 327—394
PL/SQL, program data, dates and timestamps 267—310
PL/SQL, program data, miscellaneous datatypes 395—435
PL/SQL, program data, numbers 231
PL/SQL, program data, records 311—326
PL/SQL, program data, strings 191—230
PL/SQL, program data, working with 167—190
PL/SQL, program structure, conditional and sequential control 81—100
PL/SQL, program structure, exception handlers 125—164
PL/SQL, program structure, iterative processing with loops 101—123