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Voit E. — Computational Analysis of Biochemical Systems: A Practical Guide for Biochemists and Molecular Biologists |
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Speed of response 45 52 57 75 86 164 240 402
Sperling, O. 327 345 359 477 488 495
Spermatozoa 187 247 249
Splitting reactions 25 26 27 90
Spore 293 296
Srere, P.A. 323 488
Srinivas, M. 174 488
Srinivasarao, G.Y. 18 470
Stability 98 105 127 143 145 219 220 283 292 307 310 328 344 345 357 362 364 376 380 403 407—409 448 453 464
Stability global 208
Stability local 208—216
Stability marginal 208 209 212 216
Stability of branched pathways 126
Stability, steady-state analysis 123—125 208—216
Stability, strength of inputs and 117—118
Stability, two-variable S-system 212
Stadtman, E.R. 39 86 471 493
Stanbury, J.B. 12 13 17 327 328 360 488
Stanford University 18
Starch 149
Starmer, C.F. 327 488
Start time 44 66
Start, C. 365 367 368 369 370 372 373 374 398 481
state variables 22 167
Statistical distributions 139 410 411—412
Statistical mechanics 5
Stauber, A.J. 17 472
Steady state 52 56 61 71 73
Steady state at branched pathways 119 213
Steady state of S-system 113 119 280
Steady state, anaerobic fermentation pathway 280 287
Steady state, characteristics 80 98 127 139 157 158 328
Steady state, concentrations 108 113 126 158 168 192 193 195 196 204 208 219 224 233 309 317 324 335—337 108 113 126 158 168 192 193 195 196 204 208 219 224 233 309 317 324
Steady state, constraints 72 191—192 287
Steady state, data 143 146—158
Steady state, equations 72 191—192 193—198 200 204—206 211—213 219 380—383 407—409
Steady state, fluxes 103 130 146 147 160 165 184 230 247 268 287 308 310 311 337—338 341 346 356 357 362 368 370 373 447
Steady state, kinetic orders estimated from 146—158
Steady state, nominal 146 157 159 165 208 308 312
Steady state, non-zero 123—124
Steady state, persistent changes and 108
Steady state, zero 198—200
Steady-state analysis see also "Algebraic steady-state evaluation"
Steady-state analysis, coefficients equations 197—198 200 204 205 206 211 212 213 219
Steady-state analysis, computer simulations 105 375—376
Steady-state analysis, concentrations 119—127
Steady-state analysis, logarithmic gains 120—122
Steady-state analysis, parameter sensitivities 122—123
Steady-state analysis, stability 123—125
Steinbach, K. 7 489
Step size 44 45 67 68 75 387
Stephanopoulos, G. 61 171 480 490
Sterk, P. 18 489
Stiffness 129
Stitt, M. 149 151 152 479 489
Stochastic 174 404
Stocker, S 18 481
Stoehr, P.J. 18 489
Stoesser, G. 18 489
Stoichiometric matrix 16 61 251—252 256 284
Stoichiometric models 63
Stoichiometric network 60—62 284—285
Stoichiometric proportions 26 27 349
Stoichiometric, constraints 83 90 191
Stoichiometry at branch points 184
Stoichiometry of fluxes 83 184 191 288
Stoichiometry of metabolic networks 59
Stoichiometry, deviation from 83
Strang, G. 285 408 489
Streiner, D.L. 140 481
Structural change 109—110 222 324 340 355
Structural stability 409
Structure of models 40 58 146 322 326 342 396 405 407 409
Stryer, L. 15 489
Su, S. 263 489
Subscript notation 19 20 23 31 42 47 48 50 54 55 59 77 78 88 99 101 103 184 200 205 243 245 247 265 338 368 413 416 427 433
Substitution 56 66 90 91 128 156 171 175 177 195 200 202 203 207 208 224. 274 275 380 385 389 392 394 426 452
Substrates 7 11 12 15 16 22 25 27 31 32 37 38 40 41 45 52 54 61 62 74 76 82 93 94 115 148 151 155 157 159 160 161 163 167—169 171 186 188 249 263 267 269—271 273 275 278 293 314 327 328 333 335 338 346 350 351 366 373 402 405 418 419 421 425 444
Substrates, change in concentration 42—44 47 64
Substrates, degradation 46 75 90
Subsystem, fast 128—129
Subsystem, slow 128—129
Succinate (SUC) 188 298 299 305 451
Succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) 153 188 300 322 323 325 451
Sucrose 149
Sugar transport 268—269
Sugawara, H. 18 489
Summation relationship 245—249
Superactivity 340 355 357
Superpathways 16
Superposition principle 48
surface 209 222 295 422
Survival function 411 417
Suspended cells 260 283
Sussman, M. 294 315 473 493
Swiss Institute of Bioinfomatics 16 19
Swiss-Prot 18
Symbolic algebra program 167 200 395 407
Symbolic evaluation 143 193 205 227 268 380—384 386 405 407 426 439 465
Symbolic form 19 20 23 28—31 41 50 62 82 98 99 143 147 168 177 211 220 224 236 240 242 265 285 299 317 324 334 335 347 350 351 362 364 393—395 408 415
Synergism 4 11 51 334
Synthesis 12 20 21 27 32 50 56 72 78—81 86 90 111—115 123 126 135 145 154 167 168 170 183 315 316 325 327—329 333—335 340 343 344 346—348 350 351 359 362 364 368 372 385 393 458 461
System(s) characteristics, modification of 109—110
System(s) component 4 14 21 23—24 27 39 40 58 223
System(s) description 24 48 49 56 57 59 60 70 71 73 448
System(s) equations 40 48 53 72 73 76 78 79 81 93—94 105 128 132 172 251 298 301 330 350 379 380 434—437
System(s) of differential equations 43 51
System(s) of linear equations 434—437
System(s) response 4 7 48 125 139 225 292 326 341 342 362 378 380 397 406 457
System(s) variables 22 24 63 72 134 335 340 417 423 458 461 462
Table option 106 110 112 130 144
Tagaya, T. 359 474
Tager, J.M. 148 150 151 152 162 163 372 475
Tai, A. 294 296 297 494
Tangent vector 209
Tasumi, M. 18 470
Tateno, Y 18 489
Tateson, R.W. 149 473
Taylor approximation 88 406 414 417—419 420
Taylor expansion 226
Taylor polynomial 60 69 418 439
Taylor polynomial, truncated 418 440
Taylor series 418 440 466
Taylor's theorem 69 70
Taylor, Brook 418
TCA cycle 294—297 322 323
Teleology 5
Telescopic property 56—57 64 129
Temperature 17 19 22—24 27 120 128 403
Temporally dominant 403 411
Terminology 6 7 19—23 41 251—252
Tetrahydrofolate 32
Thermodynamic equilibrium 3 92 163 405 462
Thiopurinol 364
Thomas, D.A. 294 296 494
Thompson, D.W. 56 489
Thornton, J.M. 9 489
Threlfall, C.J. 297 476 489
Threonine 32
Threshold of stability 4 118 126 158 210 213 215 321 402
Threshold of toxicity 285
Throughput 216 232
Tile command 110 112 113
Tiling 109
Time scales 127—129 118 126 158 210 213 215 321 402 457
Time scales, biochemical 6 209 307 403 404
Time scales, biomolecular 6
Time scales, hierarchy of 6
Time-dependent activation 295
Time-dependent inputs 133—134
| Titration 148
Tokens 64 103 131
Tomb, J.F. 8 473
Tominaga, D. 174 489
Topological structure 59 61 144
Torres, N.V. 59 83 91 113 145 167 216 223 232 246 260 279 284 286 289 290 365 367 368 369 370 373 374 375 389 390 396 397 398 400 403 408 409 471 480 489 490 492
Torsella, J. 175 176 189 404 490
Total derivative 252 253 254 255
Total differential 155 424
Total enzyme concentration 90
Tournier, C. 171 493
Toxicity 252 253 254 255
Tractability 7 41 59 330
Traditional approach 39 81
Traditional rate laws 2 6 37 39 41 50 58 60 165 169 186 188 260 265 268 269 272 275 277 283 291 304 338 355
Traditional rate laws, aggregation of fluxes and 92
Traditional rate laws, kinetic order estimation from 158—164
Trajectories 110 111 114 116 118 209 250—251
Transaminase 20 23 32 300 308
Transcriptional unit 400
Transformations 27 28 46 84—85 138 148 196 201 221 287 338 354 355 419 451
Transient responses 92 103 105—108 113 116 128 144 172 283 307 353 355
Transient responses, parameter estimation from 184—185
Transition time 171 216—217 223 249 311 320 324 396 398 409
Transition time in glycolytic-glycogenolytic pathway 389—390
Transition time, log gain and 232—233
transitions 64
Transmethylation pathway 343
Transport process 145 159
Treatment schedule 141
TREE 189 403 404 411
Trehalose 261 262 264 267 271 272 273 294 295
Treleaven, P.C. 174 483
Trend 15 43 107 148 175 295 341 402 411 419 464
Trent, J.M. 8 9 18 471 473
Trial and error 1 172
Tricarboxylic acid cycle 129 165 171 188 223 294—297 306—310
Tricarboxylic acid cycle in Dictyostellum discoideum 293—325
Tricarboxylic acid cycle, biochemical map 297—298
Tricarboxylic acid cycle, consistency analysis 306—310 319—322
Tricarboxylic acid cycle, equation construction 298—315
Tricarboxylic acid cycle, exercises 324—325
Tricarboxylic acid cycle, modification of model 315—324
Tricarboxylic acid cycle, parameter values 298—315
Tricarboxylic acid cycle, robustness 310—315
Truism 5
Trypsin 29—30
Trypsinogen 30 31
Tryptophan 19 20 362 461
Tsugita, A. 18 470 474
Tubules 7
Tuli, M.A. 18 489
Turbidimetric method 248
Turing, A. 63 490
Turnover 11 187 247 248 249 283 309 310 315 319 343
Turnover, adenylate 343
Turnover, ATP 187 247 248 249
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 140
Uchiyama, I. 16 474
UDPG phosphorylase 295
Ulam, Stanislav 139
Unbound form of an enzyme 90
Uncertainty 7 76 128 139 157 183 336 346 368 375 395 396 409
Uncertainty principle 2—3
Uncompetitive inhibition see "Non-competitive inhibition"
Unconstrained parameters 76 128 139 157 183 336 346 368 375 395 396 409
Underdetermined system 285
Undershoot 84 112 417
Uni uni 303
University of Minnesota Biocatalysis/Biodegradation Database (UMBBD) 16
University of Washington Resource Facility for Kinetic Analysis 16
Unstable 118 124 126 208 209 210 212 213 215 216 307 320 380 409 448
Uric acid (UA) 185 327 328 330 338 340 341 345 353 354 355 356 360 361 362 363 364 462
Uric acid (UA), excretion 338 362
Uridine diphosphoglucose (UDPG) 187 188 264 271 272 273 295
Ursini, M.V. 17 480
Utter, M.E 365 370 372 373 396 487
Validation 328
Validity 39 59 144 163 171 245 246 295 307 323 355 367 408 411 413 421
Validity of S-system models 55—57
Vallino, J.J. 61 490
Van Acker, K.J. 337 364 487 490
Van den Berghe, G. 331 340 345 355 470 490
Van der Meer, R. 148 151 162 163 372 475
Van der Merwe, K.J. 246 477
Van Roermund, C.W.T. 150 151 152 153 154 163 475 492
Van Schaftingen, E. 374 476
Vanadate 248
Variables see also "Dependent variables" "Independent
Variables auxiliary 102 138 220 370
Variables control 22
Variables in anaerobic fermentation model 262—265
Variables in biochemical system models 17 24 25 38 39 46 262—265
Variables in fluxes 82
Variables indexed 20 23 42 47 48
Variables internal 22 56 109
Variables, changes in 39
Variables, open vs. closed systems 94
Variables, symbolic names 19
Varma, A. 61 490
Vectors 61 193 209 233 251—255 257 383 386—388 390 392 465 427—430
Vectors column 427—430
Vectors row 200 228 231 427 428 430
Vectors validation 328
Vectors validity 39 56 57 59 144 163 171 245 246 295 307 323 355 367 408 411 413 421
Vectors vanadate 248
Vectors visual excitation 86
Vectors, solution 201 202 204 205 227 429 435 436 438
Vectors, transpose 427
Veerkamp, J.H. 345 477
Velocities of transformation 46
Vervoorn, R.C. 150 151 152 163 475
Voit, E.O. 50 51 55 57 59 60 68 83 91 113 119 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 145 146 148 149 150 164 173 174 175 183 185 210 223 237 245 246 247 251 260 279 285 286 289 290 307 314 323 326 327 328 335 336 338 341 352 355 357 360 361 396 399 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 420 445 469 470 472 483 484 486 488 490 491 492 494 495
Von Bertalanffy, L. 3 5 492
von Neumann, J. 5 63 139 492
von Weizsacker, C.F. 9 492
Vries, A. 345 477
Wadell, T.G. 284 476
Wainwright, E. 140 484
Wallace, J. 40 492
Wallace, P.G. 415 421 422 470
Walsh, B.T. 295 494
Walsh, K. 149 492
Walters, L. 8 9 472
Wanders, R.J.A. 148 152 153 154 162 163 372 475 492
Wasserman, L. 359 495
Wasserman, W. 186 450 481
Weber, M.J. 171 486
Weight 5 64 315 365 369 370 415 464
Weight, body 139 150 337
Weighted average 84 371 397
Weinberger, V. 98 395 407 492
Welch, G.R. 171 415 421 422 470 492
Wen, X. 63 493
Weng, G. 3 171 493
Westerhoff, H.V. 148 162 163 246 372 475 478
Westman, M. 146 149 150 472
Wheeler, D.L. 18 470
White, A. 365 493
White, G.J. 294 315 493
White, J. 56 404 493
White, O. 8 473
White, R. 174 183 470
Whitmarsh, A.J. 171 493
Wholeness 5
Wiener, N. 5 493
Wilkins, M.R. 9 493
Wilkinson, K.D. 269 270 493
Williams, G.J. 18 470
Williams, K.L. 9 493
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