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Voit E. — Computational Analysis of Biochemical Systems: A Practical Guide for Biochemists and Molecular Biologists |
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Haldane, J.B.S. 162 475
Half-life 361
Half-systems 60
Hande, K. 361 475
Handler, P. 365 493
Hanlon, M. 149 488
Harkness, R.A. 359 475
Harmonic oscillations 110—111 125 219
Harris, D. 8 471
Hartl, D.L. 149 473
Hasegawa, T. 407 475
Hatzimanikatis, V. 396 405 409 475 476
Hayashi, K. 400 482
Hayt, W.H. 48 476
Heath, D.E 297 476 489
Heinmets, E 327 476
Heinrich, R. 6 38 40 60 61 119 223 245 251 284 474 476
Heisenberg uncertainty principle 2—3
Heller, R. 17 486
Henderson, J.E 334 476
Henly, D.C. 415 421 422 470
Hepatocytes 415 421 422
Hernandez-Bermejo, B. 59 129 164 410 473 476
Herod, J.V. 131 494
Hers, H.G. 331 340 345 355 374 398 470 476 490
Hess, B. 38 272 275 471 476
Heterozygote 149
Heumann, K. 18 481
Hexokinase 167 187 269—271 276 280 291
Hexose-pentose shunt 296
Hide if absolute value is < ... 122
Hierarchical structure 6
Hierarchy of organization 2 4 6
Higgins, J.J. 38 471
Higher-order terms 69
Hill coefficient 163 186
Hill equation 74 137
Hill function 137 138 142
Hill parameter 273
Hill process 186
Hill rate law 142 273
Hill, A.V. 16 38 74 476
Histidine 362 461
Hitchings, G.H. 361 473
Hlavacek, W.S. 58 114 380 383 401 402 408 435 476
Ho, M.-H. 18 493
Hochachka, P.W. 160 477
Hochstrasser, D.E 9 493
Hodges, P.E. 16 477
Hofestaedt, R. 15 62 477
Hofmeyer, J.H. 246 477
Hoheisel, J.D. 8 9 475
Holistic approach 1
Holmes, Oliver Wendell 8
Holmes, P. 208 209 475
Holser, R.A. 140 411 491
Holzhuetter, H. 327 470
Homocysteine 32
Homogenate 148 369
Homogeneous form 90
Homogeneous media 171
Homogeneous structure 50 58
Homogeneous systems 246
Homoserine 32
Homoserine kinase 32
Homoserine succinylase 32
Homozygotes 149
Honeysett, J.M. 355 479
Hormonal control 86
Howell, S.B. 355 479
Hue, L. 374 398 476
Huganir, R.L. 171 472
Hughes, G. 9 493
Human and Ecological Risk Assessment journal 140
Human genome project 9 18
Humphery-Smith, I. 9 493
Hunt, L.T. 18 474
Husain, K. 359 364 470
Huxley, J.S. 56 577
Hwang, S.Y. 18 479
hybridization 18
Hybridoma cells 62
Hydrogen bomb 139
hydrolysis 25 27
Hydroxyadenine 364
Hyperbolic function 74 75 145 398
Hyperlysinemia 31
Hyperuricemia 327 328 341 353 356
Hypoxanthine (HX) 328—331 333 335 336 340 345—347 351—357 360 361 462
Hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (HGPRT) 328 329 334 341 345 348 349 353 354 356—360 361
If-then scenario 7 20
Ill-defined 14
Imaginary part 124—125 210 216 307 376
Imbalance 333 360 366 370 462
Immune response 396 400 405
Immunology 86 179
IMP dehydrogenase (IMPD) 334 348
implementation 45 53 62 63 79 101 103 123 130 134 135 136 220 307 357 387 394 456 457 462
Improper maps 32
In vitro experiment 6 24 25 39 68 144 159 160 161 171 172 283 295 296 297 307 323
In vitro-in vivo extrapolation 171
Inaccuracy 307
Inconsistency 47 46
Independent variables 51 54 56 59 68 70 78 79 90 92—94 99 104 105 107 111 115 117 127 141 144 155 157 158 164 165 167 168 177 187 190 192 195—198 200 219 222—233 235 237 238 241 244 247 249 250 252—254 258 259 262—265 267 268 276 279 280—283 285 286 288 289 291 292 298 301 303 312 314 315 317 320 322—324 335 342 346 360 367—369 377 381 382 384—386 389 390 392 396—398 408 415 421 423 443 445 447 449 452 456 462
Independent variables and steady-state evaluation 120 121 122 201—208
Independent variables in glycolysis 28—29 120 370 378—379
Independent variables in zymogen activation 29—31
Independent variables, "&&" declaration 121 240 376 393 394
Independent variables, biochemical vs. mathematical 22
Independent variables, changes in 108—109 122 378—379
Independent variables, defined 21—22
Independent variables, dependent variables distinguished 22 23
Independent variables, enumeration of 76—77
Independent variables, equation construction 48 49—50
Independent variables, inhibitory effect 52
Independent variables, mapping 27 28—29
Independent variables, notation 47 50
Independent variables, replacement with dependent variable 128
Independent variables, S-systems with 204—206
Independent variables, S-systems without 201—204
Independent variables, system effects on 22
Independent variables, value assignment 102
Index notation 19 20 23 31 42 47 48 50 54 55 59 77 78 88 99 101 103 184 200 205 243 245 247 265 338 368 413 416 427 433
Inducer 149
Inducible gene circuit 4
Induction 17 400 402
Infectious disease 220
Infinitesimally small 122 124 148 190 208 225 307 424
Influx 49 70 73 91 144 164 185 194 206 231 232 303 305 314 318 319 331 338 371 444 461
information 3 5 7 8 12 14—18 25 27 39 41 42 44 47 60 68 79 83 94 99 107 119 124 128 129 139 144 145 158 159 171 179 184 206 210 216 231 260 262 268 285 295 301 307 315 317 323 327 328 335 337 338 343—345 351 357 358 361 364 365 368 399 403 422 435
Information theory 5
Ingalls, D.A. 296 494
Inhibition and inhibitors 16 26 39—42 55 86 112 127 138 140 145 148 149 160 162 164 179 183 184 186 193 213 215 247 248 268 269 275 308 323 333 335 340 345 351 359 360 363 364 373 379 380 400 415 425
Inhibition and inhibitors competitive 24—25 76 24—25 76 154 161 274 301 302 334
Inhibition and inhibitors of AMPD 355—356
Inhibition and inhibitors of degradation 52 195 206 220 346 355
Inhibition and inhibitors, activation compared 4 220
Inhibition and inhibitors, allosteric 76
Inhibition and inhibitors, branched pathways with 81—82 126
Inhibition and inhibitors, constants 7
Inhibition and inhibitors, end product 80—81 111 122
Inhibition and inhibitors, equations 86
Inhibition and inhibitors, feedback 3 4 14 32 57 80—82 113 115 126 157 176 208 220 243 256 279 329 334 405
Inhibition and inhibitors, modulators 27
Inhibition and inhibitors, noncompetitive 152
Inhibition and inhibitors, parameter value 113 125
Inhibition and inhibitors, representation of 12—13 16 26 27 55 86 349
Inhibitory effect 27 52 54 80 112 145 176 247 334 341 355 379
Initial conditions 44 66 79—80 95 110 125 213 251 291
Initial guess 172 173 175 176 179 182 183 289
| Initial time 65 79—80 104
Initial value 44—46 64—67 95 100 102 104 105 107 111 114 116 117 119 120 123—128 132 133 138 141 173 179 183 195 199 200 207 283 306 325 330 340 350 362 363 444 449 453 458 461
Inorganic phosphate 12
Inosine monophosphate (IMP) 328—331 333—336 340 347—349 351—357 359 361 363 364 461 462
Input changes 116 353—354
Input modules 133—134 137 361
Input signals 22
Input variables 22 136 141 195 223 285
Input, genetic networks 63
Input, strength of 117—118
Input, time-dependent 133—134
Insensitive systems 140
Instability 124 215 216 409
Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University 15
Integrated Genomics, Inc. 16
Integrated model 7 39 40—41 327
Integrated system 3 4—8 39
Intermediate metabolites 15 22 76 129 327
Internal equivalence 408
Internal representation 103
Internal variables 22 56 109
Intuitive analysis 3 4 11 13 43 50—51 52 81 92 98 105 107 125 126 130 133 140 164 206 219 275 327 424 425
Inverse matrices 203—204 206 227 237 252 382 384 387 414 437—439 441
Irreducibility 5
Irregular S-system 201 206 209
Irreversible pathways 91
Irreversible reactions 25 47
Irreversible strategy 92 163 168 447
Irvine, D.H. 58 59 60 67 83 87 114 148 180 237 245 246 247 279 316 380 383 396 400 405 406 407 408 435 477 486 491
Isocitrate 165—167 308 312 314 322
Isocitrate dehydrogenase (ICDH) 165 166 167 300 314
Isoleucine 20 32
Isomorphism 5
Isopropylthiogalactoside 149
Iteration 173 284 326
Iteration of the modeling process 328 342
Iterative process 127 326
IUPAC names 19
Ivanova, N. 15 16 487
Iyengar, R. 3 171 493
Iyer, V.R. 17 18 472
Jacobs, A.E.M. 345 477
Jacq, C. 8 9 475
Jamier, R. 129 209 482
Janszen, D.B. 17 472
Jerushalmy, Z. 345 477
Jimenez, M.L. 355 470 477
Johnson, T. 174 409 471 477
Johnston, M. 8 9 475
Jollow, D. 17 477
Jordan, E. 8 9 470 472
Jury, E.I. 212 477
Kacser, H. 60 62 149 155 157 175 186 190 245 246 365 369 374 398 473 477 478 481 489
Kadanoff, L.P. 3 475
Kahn, P. 9 478
Kalman filtering 404
Kamatani, N. 359 474
Kanehisa, M. 5 8 15 16 62 474 475 478 482
Kaps, A. 18 481
Karp, P.D. 16 478
Kauffman, S.A. 62 63 478
Kelleher, J.K. 294 296 297 298 301 315
Kelley, W.N. 329 334 346 353 356 359 360 361 363 476 478 494
Kelly, P.J. 294 296 297 298 301 315 494
Kemmerly, J.E. 48 476
Kennard, O. 18 470
Kerlavage, A.R. 473
Kermack, W.O. 220 478
Kerner, E.H. 410 478
Kessler-Icekson, G. 359 495
Kholodenko, B.N. 246 478
Killick, K.A. 294 296 297 494
Kim, M. 355 359 364 470
Kimbell, J.S. 17 472
Kimmel, A.R. 294 478
Kinetic analysis 16
Kinetic orders 59 76 77 79 89 90 95 105 109 122 130 140 142—144 165—168 170 171 176—179 183—188 200 214 218 222 227 228 230 231 233 239 244—246 248 250 252—254 265 268—276 282 287 291 299 303 305 311 314 318 321 324 325 328 333—335 341 343—347 350 351 354 356 358 362 363 368 370 371 377 381 384 385 396—398 405 406 407 445—447 449—452 455 456 460—463 465—467
Kinetic orders for feedback regulation 86
Kinetic orders from steady-state data 146—158
Kinetic orders from traditional rate laws 158—164
Kinetic orders in biochemical system models 37 53—54 55
Kinetic orders in computer simulations 100—101
Kinetic orders in constraint equations 89
Kinetic orders in glycolytic-glycogenolytic pathway model 372—375 395
Kinetic orders in GMA models 255—256
Kinetic orders in purine metabolism 338—340
Kinetic orders in S-systems 53—54 55 74 78 79 82 88 100—101
Kinetic orders, activation 145
Kinetic orders, adenine excretion 149—150
Kinetic orders, aggregated 85 87 267 338 339 342 355 357
Kinetic orders, averaged 84
Kinetic orders, citrulline pathway 152—155
Kinetic orders, degradation 55 127 169 304 339 342 448
Kinetic orders, double modulation method 157—158
Kinetic orders, experimental measurement 146—149
Kinetic orders, fluxes and 82 145 148 255—256
Kinetic orders, fractal 55
Kinetic orders, Kacser — Burns method 190—191
Kinetic orders, logarithmic gains 155—158
Kinetic orders, metabolite sensitivity and 255
Kinetic orders, parameter estimation 53—54 55 146—164 190—191 241—243 255—256 338 372—375 395
Kinetic orders, pyruvate carboxylate in rat liver 151—152
Kinetic orders, pyruvate kinase in rat liver 150—151
Kinetic orders, sensitivity analyses and 241—243 255—256 395
Kinetic orders, weighted 84
King, M.E. 355 479
Kirchhoff's node equation 48
Kirkness, E.E 473
Klipp, E. 284 476
Knapp, R.G. 411 491
Knowles, R.G. 149 488
Koch, C. 3 479
Koetzle, T.E 18 470
Kohn, M.C. 64 172 187 479 481
Komarov, Y. 15 16 487
Kopelman, R. 171 479
Koshland, D.E. 38 479
Koshland, D.E., Jr. 149 492
Kovensky, A. 361 473
Kramer, M. 222 483
Krause, G.H. 367 373 374 470
Krauss, A. 171 486
Kreyszig, E. 433 479
Krinska, M. 345 477
Kruckeberg, A. 149 151 152 479
Krummenacker, M. 16 478
Kuenzi, M. 272 479
Kuhn, T.S. 4 5 479
Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) 15 62
Lac operon 62
Lac repressor 149
Lactate 151 152 247 249 415 416 421 422
Lanahan, A.A. 171 472
Language, formal 59 62
Language, genetic 62
Language, metabolic 62
Laplace, Pierre Simon 2 432
Lashkari, D.A. 18 479
Laszlo, E. 3 5 479
Lathem, W. 185 479
Laurent, G. 3 479
Lavoisier, Antoine 2
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 18
Ledley, R.S. 18 470
Lee, M.H. 411 479
Lehninger, A.L. 15 479
Leicester, H.M. 1 2 479
Lemieux, D.R. 64 187 479
Lesh — Nyhan syndrome 341
Level of organization 11
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