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Voit E. — Computational Analysis of Biochemical Systems: A Practical Guide for Biochemists and Molecular Biologists |
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Blood see also "Res-blood-cell"
Blood (cont.), glucose in 24 366
Blood (cont.), serum 40 208 357
Blood (cont.), uric acid in 327
Blood clotting 86
Blood, drug concentrations in 133 134
BMDP 172 178
Body weight 139 150 337
Boeckmann, B. 18 469
Boehringer Mannheim's Biochemical Pathways Module 16
Boehringer Metabolic Map 15
Bogle, I.D.L. 285 286 396 408 483
Bogorad, L. 149 489
Boguski, M.S. 8 9 18 470 471
Bohnensack, R. 187 247 470
Bolus experiments 103 107—108 109 125 128 130—131 133 134 142 307 308 309 320 324 377 378 457 461 462
Bono, H. 15 16 62 475 482
Bontemps, E 331 345 470
bookkeeping 3 47 94 427
Boolean algebra 62—63
Boolean network 63
Boolean rule 63
Botstein, D. 17 471
Bound form of an enzyme 21 90 171
Brain 3 159 335 336—337
Branch point(s) 12 17 27 32 119
Branch point(s) in fermentation pathway 273
Branch point(s) of purine metabolism 328
Branch point(s), aggregation of terms at 351
Branch point(s), constraints 82—86 89 111 191 267 371 374 379 393—396 446 447 456
Branch point(s), convergence 25 26 27 77 95 447
Branch point(s), didactic pathway 256
Branch point(s), divergence 25 26 27 77 95 267 323—324
Branch point(s), fluxes at 17 82 119 184 176 288 314 315 323 369 391 393
Branch point(s), malate 314 315 323—324
Branch point(s), modulated 87 89
Branch point(s), pathways with see "Branched pathways"
Branch point(s), precursor-product relationships at 176 369 371
Branch point(s), sensitivities at 393
Branched electrical circuits 48
Branched pathways 17 127 449
Branched pathways and productivity of systems 131—132 134 141
Branched pathways with activation 236
Branched pathways with feedback 111—115 125 126 202
Branched pathways with inhibition 81—82 126
Branched pathways, bolus experiments with 134
Branched pathways, degradation in 191
Branched pathways, dynamic data 176—179
Branched pathways, equation construction 77 81—86 89
Branched pathways, oscillatory patterns in 111
Branched pathways, parameter estimation 176—179
Branched pathways, representation of 12 13 448
Branched pathways, stability of 126
Branched pathways, steady state 119 213
Brice, M.D. 18 470
Bronstein, I.N. 432 470
Bronsweig, R.D. 315 475
Brosch, R. 8 471
Brouilhet, H. 364 472
Brown, A.B. 409 471
Brown, M.S. 12 13 17 327 328 360 488
Brown, P.O. 17 18 471 472 479 486
Brownstein, M.J. 8 9 471
Brox, L.W 334 476
Brunauer, L.S. 343 470
Buffer boxes 91 134—137 323 415
Buffer constant 136
Buffer/buffering 57 135—137 142 369
Bult, C.J. 8 473
Burks, C. 15 471
Burns, J.A. 60 155 157 175 186 190 245 246 478
Burns, S.A. 407 481
Bussey, H. 8 9 475
Butler, M.H. 171 293 297 298 301 323 325 469 494
Cabib, E. 273 483
Caenorhabditis elegans 8 16
Callahan, B. 139 483
Cameron, G.N. 18 489
Cameron, J.S. 337 364 490
cAMP 293
Canela, E.I. 171 184 216 232 251 315 323 327 373 389 390 471 473 488
Canonical modeling 65 260 293 296 399
Canonical modeling, biological applications 400—404
Canonical modeling, input modules 133—134
Canonical modeling, mathematical research 404—412
Canonical structure 326 343
Carbamoyl phosphate 153 154
Carbamoyl phosphate synthetase 153 154 155
Carbohydrate metabolism 167 168 296 297 365
Carbon flow 14
Carbonic acid 2
Carboxypeptidase 29—30
Cardenas, M.L. 38 60 83 245 472
Cardiovascular system 6 133
Carnap, R. 7 19 40 471
Carr, D.B. 63 493
Carrying capacity 123
Cartesian coordinates 146 147 149 154 202 270 383 388 419—420 425
Cascades with feedback 86
Cascades, equation construction 86—87
Cascades, mechanism 29 86 179
Cascades, parameter estimation 179—184
Cascante, M. 59 60 83 113 144 145 146 148 149 150 171 184 185 216 223 232 246 251 260 261 268 270 272 273 275 279 281 283 284 314 326 327 328 335 336 338 341 352 355 360 373 383 389 390 399 405 435 471 472 478 483 488
Catling, A.D. 171 486
Cause-and-effect 3—4
Cavanagh, J. 171 493
CBC Bibliography Database 18
cDNA 17—18
Cell cycle 7 63
Cell population model 7
Cellulose 293 294
Chabner, B. 361 475
Chai, A. 17 486
Chain rule 74 138 252 257 282 393 448
Chakravarti, A. 8 9 472
Chance, B. 38 471 474
Changeaux, J.P. 271 275 481
changes see also "Perturbations"
Changes in dependent variables 39 41—49 51 56 108 109 121 122—123 246 377—378
Changes in independent variables 108—109 122 378—379
Changes in input 116 353—354
Changes in modulation 39
Changes in parameters 244—245
Changes in rate constants 45
Changes in values 109—110 379—380
Changes instantaneous temporal 41 42 67
Channels 25 82 146 171 262 330 343 406
Chaos 51 57 63 410
Characteristic polynomial 211 212 213 453
Chaudhuri, K.S. 409 471 474
Checkerboard position 438
Chemical energy 14 28
Chemical groundplan 56
Chemical structure 12 13 15
Chemnodes 64
Chemotherapeutic 141
Chen, Y. 18 473
Chiew, Y.Y. 296 471
Chock, P.B. 86 471
Churcher, C. 8 471
Chymotrypsin 29—30 160
Chymotrypsinogen 29—30
Circadian variation 141 449
Circuits/circuitry autogenous 400
Circuits/circuitry branched electric 48
Circuits/circuitry classical 400
Circuits/circuitry gene regulation 4 158—159 400 401—402
Citrate 188 308 309 312 314 322 323 450
Citrate synthase 149
Citric acid 167
| Citric acid cycle 296
Citrulline 152—155
Clamped pathways 92 96
Clamping experiment 128
Clarke, S. 342 343 470 482
Classical circuits 400
Classification of functions 77 406 410
Classificatory concepts 19
Clayton, R.A. 8 473
Clearance 77 133 360
Cleland, W.W. 38 471
Cloning 17
Closed systems 93—94 95 207 294 443 444
Cobalamin 32
Coefficients (in steady-state equation) 197—198 200 204 205 206 211 212 213 219
Coenzymes 15 26 27
Cofactors 11 15 27 32 63 64 165 298 300 313 315 324 325
Cohadon, E 323 483
Cole, S.T. 8 471
Collado-Vides, J. 62 471
Collier, L.S. 171 486
Collins, F.S. 8 9 472
Combined pool 128 296
Common names 19 20
Competition 57 189 407 408
Competitive inhibition 24—25 76 154 161 274 301 302 334
Complex conjugate 280 340
complex numbers 124 209 210 213
Complex oscillations 51
Complex plane 124
Complex systems 3 4 6 9 11 38 97 118 327 403 411 426
Complexes 7 39 171 295 300 314 341
complexity 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 13 38 58 90 97 129 172 262 295 296 323 357 399 425
Computational biology 8—9
computer simulations 38—39 97—99
Computer simulations and computer-aided analyses 103—105
Computer simulations in formal language networks 62 63
Computer simulations of glucose-6-phosphate metabolism 98—99 103—105
Computer simulations of transient responses 105—107
Computer simulations, Bolus experiments 107—108
Computer simulations, branched pathway with feedback 111—115
Computer simulations, buffer boxes 134—137
Computer simulations, condensation of pools 129—131
Computer simulations, controlled comparisons 114—118
Computer simulations, defined 97
Computer simulations, dynamics of the system 105—119
Computer simulations, exact analogues of other models 137—138
Computer simulations, examples 111—119
Computer simulations, exercises 125—127 140—142
Computer simulations, input changes 353—354
Computer simulations, logarithmic gains 120—122
Computer simulations, model refinements 127—129
Computer simulations, modification of system characteristics 109—110
Computer simulations, Monte Carlo simulation 138—140
Computer simulations, parameter sensitivities 122—123
Computer simulations, persistent changes 108—109
Computer simulations, phase-plane plots 110—111
Computer simulations, productivity 131—133
Computer simulations, purine metabolism 340—341 353—355
Computer simulations, simple pathway with surprise 115—119
Computer simulations, specification of S-system equations 99—103
Computer simulations, stability 123—125
Computer simulations, steady-state analysis 105 119—127
Computer simulations, steps in 98
Computer simulations, temporary perturbations 354—355
Computer simulations, time-dependent inputs 133—134
Computer simulations, tricarboxylic acid cycle model 319—322
Computer-aided analyses 63 103—105
Condensation of pools 129—131
Connectivity relationships 61 246—249
Conolly, R.B. 17 472
Conservation law 199—200 207 246 247
Conservation of flux 79 82 391
Conservation of mass 46 257
Conservation of mass, constraints 90—91 288
Consistency 55 57 133 367 392 395
Consistency analysis 246 260 306—315 323 375—380
Consistency between models and data 40 57 138 279 340 344 353 359 369—370
Constrained parameters 87 71 191—192 241 243 245 287—288
Constrained systems 239—241 257—258
Constraint(s) 95 163 184 215 216 240 258 263 264 285 291 455 457
Constraint(s) for conserved masses 90—91 288
Constraint(s) in bimolecular reactions 88—89
Constraint(s) in glycolytic-glycogenolytic pathway model 370—372
Constraint(s), branch point 82—86 89 111 191 267 371 374 379 393—396 446 447 456
Constraint(s), derivation 87—91
Constraint(s), enzyme concentration 287—288
Constraint(s), equations 72 79—80 82—91 95 99 191—192 287 370—372 395 447
Constraint(s), precursor-product 79—80 82 83 99
Constraint(s), steady-state 72 191—192 287
Constraint(s), stoichiometric 83 90 191
Contraindication 1
Control 8 9 12 13 21 22 58 60 63 83 86 107 108 113 149 150 223 245 248 249 295 315 322 323 327 329 331 395 400 401 408 409 415
Control structure 8 12 13 327 395
Control variables 22
Controlled mathematical comparisons 58 114—118 127 379 400 405 407—408
Convergence branch point 25 26 27 77 95 447
Converging pathway 77 87 95
Cooperativity 187 248
Cordes, E.H. 323 325 480
Cornish-Bowden, A. 38 60 83 160 245 246 472
Correlation 9 19 140 296 401
Corton, J.C. 17 472
Cosine waves 110 111 125
Counterdomain 415
Counterintuitive 4 41
Courant, R. 424 472
Cox model 411
Cox, D. 8 470
Cox, M.M. 15 479
Cramer's procedure 200 436
Cramer's rule 201 202 203 204 207 208 236 238 435 436 438 468
Cramer, Gabriel 435
Criterion of optimality 285 389
Critical point 409
Cross-activation 213—215 328
Crowley, P.H. 160 472
Crummenerl, E. 1 472
Curto, R. 59 60 83 113 145 146 148 149 150 185 223 246 260 261 268 270 272 273 275 281 283 284 314 326 327 328 330 331 335 336 337 338 341 344 346 352 355 360 399 405 471 472 488
Cyanide 248
Cybernetics 5
CYCLE see also "Tricarboxylic acid cycle"
Cycle cell 7 63
Cycle citric acid 296
Cycle flux 314 320
Cycle futile 262
Cycle life 293 315
Cycle limit 114 118 119 125 126 219 409 448
Cycle phase-plane plots 118
Cycling between model design 327
Cytoplasm 297
Dacol, D. 222 483
Damped oscillation 114 116 448
DATA see also "Dynamic data"
Data, steady-state 146—158
databases 15—16 18—19 see
Davis, B.P. 16 477
Davis, R.J. 171 493
Davis, R.W. 8 9 17 18 475 479 486
DBGET/LinkDB 15—16
De Verdier, C.H. 146 149 150 472
Deal, W.C., Jr. 274 494
Dean, A.M. 149 473
Decisiveness 402
Deficiency 17 31 41 283 327 328 329 341 345 356—361 363 364 405 443 447
Degery, A. 364 472
Degn, H. 57 482
Degradation 74
Degradation functions 59
Degradation in branched pathways 191
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