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Prigogine I. (ed.), Rice S.A. (ed.) — Advances in Chemical Physics. Volume 109
Prigogine I. (ed.), Rice S.A. (ed.) — Advances in Chemical Physics. Volume 109

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Íàçâàíèå: Advances in Chemical Physics. Volume 109

Àâòîðû: Prigogine I. (ed.), Rice S.A. (ed.)


Volume 109 in the prestigious Advances in Chemical Physics Series, edited by Nobel Prize winner Ilya Prigogine, and renowned authority Stuart A. Rice, continues to report recent advances in every area of the discipline. Significant, up-to-date chapters by internationally recognized researchers present comprehensive analyses of subjects of interest and encourage the expression of individual points of view. This approach to presenting an overview of a subject will both stimulate new research and serve as a personalized learning text for beginners in the field.

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1999

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 582

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 22.12.2013

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Ghoniem, N.M.      439(40) 504
Ghose, D.      79(122) 111
Giannos, S.A.      499(336) 512
Gibbons, E.M.      187(333) 204
Gibbs Ensemble Monte Carlo (GEMC), simulation, microscopic behavior of supercritical water      132
Gibbs free energy, supercritical water (SCW), ion solvation dynamics, slow long-time decay rate      332—333
Gido, S.P.      477(241) 509
Gil Villegas, A.      72(98) 73(98 102) 74(102) 75(106) 76(98) 110
Gil, L.      484(276) 510
Gilbert, T.L.      13(38) 37
Gill, J.B.      266(230) 285(230) 290(285) 305(285) 307(285) 429
Gill, P.M.W.      156(202) 165(202) 200
Gill, S.C.      211(7) 422
Gimenez, M.      501(359) 512
Ginzburg — Landau equation, free energy functional, ionic conductivity limits, electrolyte solutions, dielectric friction calculation      372—374
Ginzburg — Landau equation, spatial patterns, future research with      499—502
Ginzburg — Landau equation, steady-Hopf mode interactions      484—488
Ginzburg — Landau equation, three-dimensional pattern selection and      479—480
Glansdorff, P.      436(2) 439(2) 503
Glasbeek, M.      219(64) 230(64) 246(64) 277(64) 278(64) 417(352) 420(64) 424 433
Glaser, M.      99(175) 112
Glasstone, S.      223—224(127) 363—365(127) 367(127) 378(127) 381(127) 397(127) 415(217) 426
Glassy liquids, ion solvation dynamics      301—315
Glassy liquids, ion solvation dynamics, future research issues      313—315
Glassy liquids, ion solvation dynamics, ion-dipole direct correlation function      304
Glassy liquids, ion solvation dynamics, numerical results      305—313
Glassy liquids, ion solvation dynamics, orientational relaxation      303—304
Glassy liquids, ion solvation dynamics, solvent orientational polarization relaxation, generalized rate calculation      304—305
Glassy liquids, ion solvation dynamics, solvent static correlation functions      304
Glassy liquids, ion solvation dynamics, theoretical background      303—304
Gmitro, J.I.      436(11) 503
Goetze, W.      213(26b) 227(26b) 236—237(26b) 248(26b) 335(26b) 345(26b) 360(26b) 364(26b) 367(26b) 374(26b) 404(26b) 419—420(26b) 423
Golapan, S.      116(21) 195
Goldbeter, A.      499(335) 512
Goldstein, H.      4(8) 36 138—139(182) 200
Goldstein, R.E.      498(320 329) 499(329) 511—512
Gollub, J.P.      480(264) 489(264) 510
Golubitsky, M.      476(228) 480(253) 509—510
Gomez-Gesteira, M.      468(190) 501(356) 508 512
Goodby, J.      53—54(21) 108
Goodfellow, J.M.      160(232) 201
Goodyear, G.      222(113) 235(113) 295(113) 324(113) 344—345(113) 350—351(113) 426
Gorbaty, Y.E.      119(84 86—87) 120(103) 126(103 110 113) 127(113) 154—155(113) 158(87 103) 159(86 103) 160(110) 197—198
Gordonier, G.A.      501(375) 513
Gorshkov, K.A.      496(311) 511
Gottschalk, N.      501(357) 512
Gourlay, J.      43(4) 108
Gover, T.      395(315) 397(315) 432
Gozdz, W.X.      479(246) 509
Gradient corrections, ab initio simulations of supercritical water      156—160
Graf, P.      353(291) 431
Graham, M.D.      467(183) 487(285) 506(285) 508 510
Graham, R.      471(216) 509
Grande, S.      50(13) 108
Grant, E.      412(341) 433
Grasso, D.      53(20) 108
Grate, R.F.      211—213(5) 217(5) 422
Gray — Scott model, bistable spatial patterns      498—499
Gray — Scott model, Turing — Hopf interactions, subharmonic instabilities      489—490
Gray, C.G.      241(188) 243(188) 250(188) 256(188) 393(188) 405(188) 428
Gray, G.W.      44—45(6) 52—53(6) 54(23) 108
Gray, H.B.      211(7) 422
Gray, P.      458(158) 507
Greenfield, S.R.      94(160) 112
Green’s function, ionic conductivity limits, continuum models      403—404
Grigera, J.R.      129—132(119) 172(119) 198
Grigor, J.M.      160(229) 201
Grolier, J.P.E.      171(287) 181(287) 187(287) 203
Grote — Hynes non-Markovian rate theory, solvation dynamics and      213
Gruszkiewicz, M.S.      173(296) 176(296) 203
Guazelli, E.      477(236) 509
Gubbins, K.E.      63(55) 65—66(55) 69(82) 85(55) 109—110 130(131—132) 173(132) 198 241(188) 243(188) 250(188) 256(188) 393(188) 405(188) 428
Guckenheimer, J.      438(32) 453(32) 480(32 251) 481(32) 496(32) 503 510
Guhrdia, E.      170(269—270) 175(308) 193(269 345) 202—203 205
Guillaume, Y.C.      315(267) 430
Guillot, B.      119(77 95) 128(77) 129—130(123) 132(123) 146(77) 154(77) 160(231) 161(77) 164(231 257 260) 197—198 201—202 272(238) 429
Guinchard, C.      315(267) 430
Guissani, Y.      119(77 95) 128(77) 129—130(123) 132(123) 146(77) 154(77) 160(231) 161(77) 164(231 257 260) 197—198 201—202
Gunaratne, G.H.      446(89—90) 457(90) 471(90 215) 472(89—90 215) 480(90) 505 509
Gunther, J.      477(241) 509
Gurney — Frank correction, microscopic solvation dynamics, dynamic mean spherical approximation (DMSA) model      227
Guyon, E.      477(236) 509
Gwinn, E.G.      495(304) 497(304) 511
Gwozdz, E.      75(111) 111
Gyorgyi, L.      450(133) 506
Haak, J.R.      133(167) 199
Haar, L.      116(4) 130(4) 163(4) 172(4) 194
Haase, W.      104(192) 113k
Haelterman, M.      480(267—268) 484(268) 491(267—268) 499(267) 510
Hagberg, A.      450(138) 498(138 323—324) 499(138 324) 507 511—512
Haim, D.      450(138) 498—499(138) 507
Haken, H.      348(289) 431 445(74) 471(219) 501(364) 505 509 513
Hakim, V.      466(177) 487(177) 508
Hakuta, T.      499(337) 512
Halide anions, ionic conductivity limits      415
Halliday, L.A.      217(47) 246(47) 277(47) 424
Halperin, B.I.      227(143) 372(143) 426
Hamiltonian equations, microscopic solvation dynamics      229
Hamman, D.      102(187) 113
Hangii, P.      211(9 21) 422—423
Hannah, S.      99(176) 112
Hannemann, T.      104(192) 113k
Hansen, J.P.      116(6) 183(6) 194 236(174) 243(174) 246(174) 252(174) 339(174) 347(174) 364(174) 367—368(174) 370(174) 374(174) 419—421(174) 428
Hard sphere liquid crystal model, dipolar forces      74—76
Hard sphere liquid crystal model, dynamic and material properties      63—64
Hard sphere liquid crystal model, excluded volume liquid crystal interactions      60—61
Hard sphere liquid crystal model, Gay — Berne liquid crystal model, phase behavior comparisons      66—68
Hard sphere liquid crystal model, liquid crystal phase diagrams      61—62
Harmonic potentials, supercritical water, analysis, microscopic behavior      133—134
Harned, H.S.      223—224(129) 363—365(129) 367(129) 378(129) 381(129) 397(129) 415(129) 426
Harris, C.B.      335(280) 343(280) 431
Harris, J.G.      160(217) 170(217) 173(217) 174(304) 201 203
Harrison, L.C.      445(82) 447(82) 505
Hartree — Fock parameters, ab initio simulations of supercritical water      157—160
Hartung, G.      500(352) 512
Harvey, A.H.      162(139) 201
Hasal, P.      501(355) 512
Hase, W.L.      116(7) 187—188(7) 194
Hasslacher, B.      467(186) 508
Hasted, J.B.      265—266(221) 276(221) 429
Hauptmann, S.      92(151) 112
Hauser, A.      50(13) 108
Haymet, A.D.J.      170(275) 193(275) 203 239(179) 428
Haynes, C.      219(70) 329(70) 416(70) 424
Heavy water, ionic conductivity limits, solvent isotope effect      389—390
Heavy water, solvation dynamics in, research background      265
Heavy water, solvation dynamics in, solvent isotope effect      274—275
Heidemann, A.      59(31) 72(96) 109—110
Heidemann, G.      480(265) 488(265) 510
Heine, V.      102(186) 113
Heinziger, K.      133—135(140) 199
Heitele, H.      211(22) 423
Helgeson, H.      163(252) 174(306) 202—203
Hellmann — Feynman theorem, electronic structure of liquid crystals      102—103
Helmholtz free energy, supercritical aqueous solutions      162
Helmholtz free energy, supercritical aqueous solutions, intermolecular potentials      172—173
Henkee, C.S.      238(238) 509
Henry’s constant, supercritical aqueous solutions      162—163
Henry’s constant, supercritical aqueous solutions, intermolecular potentials      164—173
Henry’s constant, supercritical aqueous solutions, solvation thermodynamics      184—187
Henzler, M.      438—439(30) 503
Hermans, J.      120(100) 131(100) 171(100) 197
Herrero, H.      466(183) 469(182) 471(182) 508
Herschkowitz-Kaufman, M.      447(96) 456(147) 480(147 270) 505 507 510
Herzfleld, K.F.      335(283) 343(283 287) 431
Hess, S.      82(134) 111
Hetzenauer, H.      266(230) 285(230) 290(285) 305(285) 307(285) 429
Heuer, A.      463(164) 495(164) 507
Hexagon perturbations, two-dimensional spatial patterns, bifurcation diagrams      461—464
Hexagon perturbations, two-dimensional spatial patterns, boundaries      467—469
Hexagon perturbations, two-dimensional spatial patterns, instabilities and phase equations in      471—472
Hexagon perturbations, two-dimensional spatial patterns, re-entrant hexagons      464—465
Hexagonal perturbations, bistable spatial patterns      496—498
Hexagonally packed cylinders (HPC), three-dimensional pattern selection      473—476
Hide, F.      80(127) 111
Higasi, K.      284—285(246) 430
High-temperature conditions, supercritical water analysis, microscopic models and      143—144
High-temperature electrolyte solutions, ion speciation      173—177
Hilali, M.F.      447(99 101) 457(99 152) 465(99) 467(101) 475(225) 496(310) 497(99 101 225) 505 507 509 511
Hill, A.      489(289) 511
Hills, B.P.      353(290) 431
Hinton, J.F.      116(8) 179(8) 194
Hirata, F.      160(234) 201 230(154) 247(154) 278(154) 302(154) 315(154) 427
Hjelmfelt, A.      499(338) 512
Ho, P.C.      173(295) 175—176(295) 203
Hochstrasser, R.M.      211(2 19) 224(2) 335(280) 343(280) 422—423 431
Hoffman, D.      477(238 241) 509
Hoffman, G.A.      116(23) 195
Hoffman, M.M.      219(67) 329(67) 424
Hoffmann, M.M.      117(52) 118(52) 127(52) 155(52) 196
Hogan, C.L.      15(24—25) 36
Hohenberg, P.C.      227(143) 372(143) 426 437—438(19) 445(19) 450(19) 451(139) 453—455(19) 457(139) 459(19) 461(19) 463(19) 466(176) 469(19) 480(254) 483(19) 484(277) 487(19 176) 503 507—508 510
Hokmabadi, M.S.      117—118(55) 120(55) 154(55) 196
Holen, M.      484(277) 510
Holgate, H.R.      116(19) 163(19) 195
Holmes, H.P.      163(251) 173(298—299) 202—203
Holmes, P.      438(32) 453(32) 480(32 252) 481(32) 496(32) 503 510
Holyst, R.      479(246) 509
Homogeneous steady states (HSS), bistable system spatial patterns, morphologic instabilities      498—499
Homogeneous steady states (HSS), bistable system spatial patterns, zero mode      495—498
Hong, G.T.      116(16—17 19—20) 163(16—17 19) 195
Honig, B.      171(285) 203
Hopf instability, research background      438
Hopf instability, steady-Hopf mode interactions      481—488
Hopf instability, Turing instability and, research background      440—441
Hopf instability, Turing — Hopf interaction, experimental protocols      447—449
Horn, R.      67(67) 109
Horng, M.L.      213(27a) 218(27a) 219(66) 222(104) 230(27a 66) 246(27a 66) 277(27a 66) 278(27a 66) 279—281(66) 285(66) 287—288(66) 290—291(66) 293(66) 294—295(104) 296—297(66) 315(27a 66) 316—318(27a) 320(27a) 322(66) 335(66) 364(27a 66) 392(66) 414(66) 423—425
Horsthemke, W.      439(36) 441(44—45) 501(365) 504 513
Horvath, D.      498(315) 511
Houchmanzadeh, B.      498—499(330) 512
Howells, W.S.      59(31) 72(96) 109—110
Hoyle, R.B.      447(115) 506
Hoyuelos, M.      495(298) 511
Hsu, C.P.      272(237) 313(237 264) 325(264) 326—328(237 264) 429—430
Hsueh, H.      79(126) 102—103(182—183) 111 113
Hu, C.-M.      254(201) 255(201) 259(201) 317(201) 428
Huang, C.Y.      116(37) 195
Hubbard — Onsager theory, ionic conductivity limits, aqueous solutions      383—384
Hubbard — Onsager theory, ionic conductivity limits, electrolyte solutions      365—371
Hubbard — Onsager theory, ionic conductivity limits, methanol      394—395
Hubbard — Onsager theory, ionic conductivity limits, microscopic derivation      401—407
Hubbard — Onsager theory, ionic conductivity limits, microscopic derivation, continuum model derivation      402
Hubbard — Onsager theory, molecular theory reduction and      400
Hubbard, J.B.      365—366(301—302) 383(301—302) 394(301) 401(301) 402(321) 431—432
Huckel, E.      363(297) 431
Huenteler, T.      487(286) 502(286) 510
Hunding, A.      444(59) 447(103) 504 506
Hunter, B.K.      127(118) 198
Huppert, D.      211(10) 407(326) 422 432
Huppert, G.L.      116(32) 195
Hussain, S.K.      265—266(221) 276(221) 429
Huth, J.      90(150) 92(150) 112
Hutter, J.      156(199) 160(199) 200
Hyde, S.T.      477(242) 479(242) 509
Hydrodynamic models, electron solvation dynamics      221
Hydrogen bonding in supercritical water      117—129
Hydrogen bonding in supercritical water, microscopic simulations      148—156
Hydrogen bonding in supercritical water, parameter definitions      118—119
Hydrogen bonding, ab initio simulations of supercritical water      158—160
Hydrogen bonding, propanol ionic solvation      288—289
Hydrogen bonding, solvation dynamics in water, ion solvation experiments      269—272
Hydrogen bonding, supercritical aqueous solutions, intermolecular potentials      168—173
Hydrogen bonding, supercritical water, ion solvation dynamics      331—333
Hydrogen-hydrogen radial distribution functions, supercritical water analysis      146—147
Hynes, J.T.      170(276) 175(309) 188(338) 193(338) 203—204 211(5 14) 212—213(5) 214(14) 215(37) 216(40) 217(5) 223(126) 224(14) 233(40) 246(14 37) 247(40) 251(14) 277(37 40) 325—326(40) 353(126) 367(308) 403(324) 407(329) 422—423 426 432
Hynne, F.      453(140) 507
Hypernetted chain (HNC) theories, microscopic solvation dynamics, Kerr approximation      228—229
Hyun, J.K.      417(350) 433
Ichijo, H.      499(337) 512
Ideal gas properties, supercritical aqueous solutions, kinetic rate constants, solvation effects on      189—192
Imashuku, Y.      117(56) 196 329—330(276) 431
Imbihl, R.      438—439(30—31) 502(381—382) 503 513
Impey, R.W.      129—132(121) 198 265(219) 272(219) 429
Imrie, C.T.      48(9) 108
Indik, R.      469(197) 508
Indrani, A.V.      373(313) 432
Infinite dilution, supercritical aqueous solutions, intermolecular potentials      164—182
Infinitely dilute solutes, microscopic behavior of supercritical water, hydrogen bonding      148—156
Infrared absorption techniques, supercritical water analysis, neutron diffraction with isotope substitution (NDIS)      126—129
Infrared spectroscopy, liquid crystal molecules, reorientational motion      93—97
Infrared spectroscopy, molecular flexibility in liquid crystals and      80
Inhomogeneous continuum models, polar solvation dynamics      218
Instantaneous normal mode (INM) method, microscopic solvation dynamics      235
Instantaneous normal mode (INM) method, nonpolar solvation dynamics      222
Instantaneous normal mode (INM) method, ultrafast polar solvation, continuum model of      326—327
Instantaneous normal mode (INM) method, ultrafast polar solvation, nonpolar solvation in dense liquids      336—343
Instantaneous normal mode (INM) method, vibrational energy relaxation (VER) and      344—345
Instantaneous normal mode (INM) method, vibrational energy relaxation (VER) and, biphasic frictional response      351—353
Interaction potentials, liquid crystal molecular models      85—86
Interfacial characteristics, Gay — Berne liquid crystal model      70—71
Interfacial characteristics, thermotropic liquid crystals      97—99
Intermolecular potentials, microscopic behavior of supercritical water      130—141
Intermolecular potentials, supercritical aqueous solutions      164—182
Intermolecular vibration (IMV), solvation dynamics in water, experimental results      269—272
Intermolecular vibration (IMV), solvation dynamics in water, polarizability effects      272—274
Intermolecular vibration (IMV), supercritical water, ion solvation dynamics      331—333
Intramolecular properties, liquid crystals      100—107
Intramolecular properties, liquid crystals, electronic structure      101—104
Intramolecular properties, liquid crystals, molecular flexibility      104—105
Intramolecular properties, liquid crystals, motivation      100
Intramolecular properties, liquid crystals, shape-dependent electronic structure      105—107
Inversion procedures, rotational dissipative kernel, collective limit of      244—245
Iogansen, A.V.      126(114) 198
Ion solvation dynamics in water      269—272
Ion solvation dynamics, microscopic polar solvation technique      250—253
Ion solvation dynamics, monohydroxy alcohols      277—301
Ion solvation dynamics, monohydroxy alcohols, memory functions calculations      282—285
Ion solvation dynamics, monohydroxy alcohols, numerical results      285—290
Ion solvation dynamics, monohydroxy alcohols, numerical results, butanol      288—290
Ion solvation dynamics, monohydroxy alcohols, numerical results, ethanol      287—288
Ion solvation dynamics, monohydroxy alcohols, numerical results, methanol      285—287
Ion solvation dynamics, monohydroxy alcohols, numerical results, propanol      288
Ion solvation dynamics, monohydroxy alcohols, static correlation functions calculations      282
Ion solvation dynamics, monohydroxy alcohols, theoretical background      281—282 303—304
Ion solvation dynamics, monohydroxy alcohols, ultrafast component and      297—301
Ion solvation dynamics, nonassociated polar solvents      315—323
Ion solvation dynamics, nonassociated polar solvents, acetone dynamics      320—322
Ion solvation dynamics, nonassociated polar solvents, acetonitrile dynamics      318—320
Ion solvation dynamics, nonassociated polar solvents, dimethyl sulfoxide dynamics      322—323
Ion solvation dynamics, nonassociated polar solvents, ion-dipole direct correlation function      317
Ion solvation dynamics, nonassociated polar solvents, static orientational correlations      317—318
Ion solvation dynamics, simulation techniques for      299—301
Ion solvation dynamics, slow, viscous fluids      301—315
Ion solvation dynamics, slow, viscous fluids, future research issues      313—315
Ion solvation dynamics, slow, viscous fluids, ion-dipole direct correlation function      304
Ion solvation dynamics, slow, viscous fluids, numerical results      305—313
Ion solvation dynamics, slow, viscous fluids, orientational relaxation      303—304
Ion solvation dynamics, slow, viscous fluids, solvent orientational polarization relaxation, generalized rate calculation      304—305
Ion solvation dynamics, slow, viscous fluids, solvent static correlation functions      304
Ion solvation dynamics, slow, viscous fluids, theoretical background      303—304
Ion solvation dynamics, Stockmayer liquid, numerical results      260—263
Ion solvation dynamics, supercritical water (SCW)      329—334
Ion solvation dynamics, supercritical water (SCW), memory kernel calculations      330
Ion solvation dynamics, supercritical water (SCW), molecular theory and      333—334
Ion solvation dynamics, supercritical water (SCW), numerical results      330—332
Ion solvation dynamics, supercritical water (SCW), slow long-time decay rate, STCF      332—333
Ion solvation dynamics, supercritical water (SCW), static correlation function calculations      330
Ion speciation, supercritical aqueous solutions, high-temperature electrolyte solutions      173—177
Ion speciation, supercritical aqueous solutions, solvent properties      177—182
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